Lord Highlander

Chapter 1492: 1479. The Battle of Beishan Pass

Andrew hurried to summon the Constructed Knights. The Constructed Knights had just set up the cauldron, and the water in it hadn't boiled yet.

Almost all the constructed knights were holding a piece of toasted wheat cake, and gathered around the big iron pot, waiting to drink the broth.

The group of constructed knights should not have eaten enough in the past few days, and some knights have already eaten more than half of the wheat cakes.

This group of constructed knights was the first group of people who followed Suldak to fight everywhere. They had rich combat experience and knew how to adjust and maintain their own state before the battle.

In fact, Suldak really wanted to tell Andrew that there is no need to rush to make preparations. The time for the cavalry regiment to attack the ghost camp is destined to be at night. Great results.

Seeing Selena sitting in the tent, she looked like she was meditating, with an indescribable coldness on her face when her eyes were closed.

You can even see a layer of fine hidden lines emerging on her smooth skin. Those lines are black and blue, spreading all over the surface of the skin. A porcelain doll about to shatter.

Suldak was a little worried about Selena's physical condition. After all, it was the Goddess of the Night's divine thoughts that came frequently, which might cause irreversible damage to her body.

He sat down by the door of the tent, and looked at Selina worriedly. The woman under the black robe slowly opened her eyes at this moment.

The hidden lines on her body slowly dissipated unconsciously.

Her charming face did not leave any traces of age, and there was a hint of golden light in her dark brown pupils.

She has very sexy lips with a slight upward curve at the corners, which seems to be a nod to the first sight of Suldak when she opens her eyes.

She didn't say any greetings, but looked at Surdak with gentle eyes, but her eyes were extremely calm.

"You are becoming more and more like a devout believer. I am even worried that one day you will abandon me and go to the temple to serve the Evernight Goddess, and never come back..." Suldak said to Selina.

He hooked his fingers on Selena's chin, looking at this beautiful face that became more and more refined.

There was finally a ripple in Selena's pupils, and then she smiled and asked softly, "Really?"

Suldak held her arm, and lifted up the sleeves of the black robe. On Selena's forearm like a white lotus root, there were still black spots that did not fade away.

"With such frequent visits, I'm worried that your body will be homogenized by the Goddess of the Evernight..."

Suldak expressed his worries.

To put it bluntly, Selena's body is like a vase. Originally, the bottle only contained Selena's soul, but every time Selena prayed to the Goddess of Darkness to obtain the power of darkness, the Goddess of the Night would descend on her On Selina's body.

At this time, Selena can cast the powerful dark magic of the fog of war at night—it can even be said to be a divine magic.

However, every time Divine Sense leans over Selena, her body will be filled with dark power, and these dark forces will change Selena's physique little by little, making her like the night more and hate the day.

Suldak felt that Selena had been reluctant to go out to bask in the sun for a long time, and usually stayed in a dimly lit room or tent.

Even if he had to go out, he would wrap himself in a black robe, and even cover his face with a black veil.

Selena blinked her eyes. Her pupils are not pure black, which means that she doesn't have the Goddess of Evernight's spiritual attachment...

Although what Suldak said was a kind of blasphemy against the goddess of the night, he actually didn't have much respect for this deity who had no status in the kingdom of gods.

The 'shi' behind him now is an archangel in the high-level heaven angel council in the Silver City.

Selena smiled slightly, bent over and walked out of the tent, sat down on Suldak's shoulder, turned her head and asked him:

"When did you have this illusion? Although she often attaches her divine sense to me, I am like a coordinate point for her in this world, but one of millions of believers. And what came was just a little bit of divine sense, she felt my prayer, and would give me a little bit of dark power."

"Actually, this is also a way for her to understand our world."

"Originally, Signa's body was more suitable. After she was born, I discovered that her body has a rare dark physique, which is very suitable for absorbing the power of darkness around her."

"It's just that the goddess has chosen me for the last few visits, and my body has long been modified to have a very high affinity for darkness. It's nothing, this is the path that every priest in the temple will take."

"As for what you said, whether I will abandon you and hide in the temple alone to serve the goddess, it may be a long time later..."

"Maybe you don't need my company any more in the future. You live in Ruyt City, and I will probably be in the Bailin plane, and we rarely see each other once a year. Wouldn't it be better for me to serve the goddess in the temple?"

As she said that, Selina's eyes fell on her arm, and circles of magic lines appeared on her arm.

Those magic lines are very simple black lines, but Suldak can feel the power of rules.

Selena's arms and neck are covered with this kind of black line, but it looks denser than usual.

"Are you scared?" Selena asked with a smile.

Suldak shook his head and said: "Every second-rank powerhouse has magic lines on his body. You are the envoy of the goddess of the night, and you have some magic circles painted on your body. What's so strange about that?"

After he finished speaking, he also showed the life magic pattern on his throat, which was a piece of dragon's throat bone that he implanted into his body.

Selena looked at the soldiers in the camp who had already started eating. At this time, no one came to disturb the two of them. Although the camp was full of people, the 20 meters around the tent seemed to be isolated. Same as separate area.

The two sat and chatted at the entrance of the tent without worrying that anyone would hear them.

Selena sat there and smiled, and said to Surdak:

"Speaking of it, she is worried that the competitor opposite will take away more believers, so she still pays a lot of attention to me."

Suldak thought about who 'that competitor' was, and he was stunned for a long time before he thought of it, so he said:

"You mean the Goddess of Dawn? Why do I feel that this goddess has no sense of existence, or that only Nika can feel her power..."

Selena glanced at Nika who was leading a group of medical team maids in line to receive the broth in the distance, narrowed her eyes, concealed the look in her pupils and said:

"She subtly changed the people around her like spring breeze turning into rain."

"You may not have noticed that the maids in the medical team now know a little bit of light magic..."

Suldak usually doesn't pay attention to the maids Malakom gave him, touched his nose and said:

"Really? I really haven't found out about this."

Selena stopped talking about this, but rested her head on Suldak's shoulder, looking calmly at the busy camp.

"I've been thinking about what can break the fog of war." Suldak whispered to Selina.

Selena put her head close to Suldak's ear and said softly:

"Just as it is impossible to cast it during the day, pure light cannot dispel these fogs, but holy light can."

Apparently she didn't want those words to be heard by anyone but Surdak.

After telling this secret, the gate in Selena's heart seemed to be pushed open by someone's hand, and her mood fluctuated a little.

"Speaking of which, the goddess has not been able to spread the dark teachings widely in the Grimm Empire, precisely because of the existence of priests and priests in the Temple of Liberty."

"The believers of the Evernight Goddesses are pagans in their eyes."

"This kind of thinking not only exists in the hearts of every priest in the Temple of Liberty, but also has been deeply rooted in the hearts of every empire. Everyone will call all people who believe in the Statue of Liberty as heretics."

"If you go back ten years and someone like me appears on the street, you might be crucified and burned to death. Even if you are a noble lord... you can't protect me."

"If it wasn't for you, I might..."

Suldak pressed Selena's lips with his fingers, and Selena pushed his fingers away and said softly:

"I also want to thank you for your company."

After saying this, Selena's eyes seemed to become clearer, and then the two remained silent.


After the knights had dinner, they began to make some pre-battle preparations.

Suldak, Andrew, Wolf Knight Tiger, Gullitemu, Selina and some other mid-level officers gathered at the tent, and laid out a hand-drawn map of the Moyunling Highland on the tabletop, which showed the northern part of the highland. Some traces of alteration can still be seen in the area.

At this time, the map will inevitably have some deviations when it is hand-painted. Only continuous revisions can make the map more accurate, and each revision will make the map more valuable.

In the past, the area of ​​Moyunling Highland was completely blank for the Bena Army in Handanar County.

Few people know what kind of scenery there is on this mountain. The Bena Legion's preliminary investigation work was very rough. This is one of the reasons why Duke Newman lost two successive battles against Moyun Ridge.

The map in Suldak's hands is the final result of two months of hard work by more than a dozen magicians.

Even so, when Suerdak passed the northern foothills of Moyunling, he modified some markings on the map, and even marked a waterway with a wind zone.

Just at the North Mountain Pass, Suerdak drew a big red cross on the map with a red pen.

He then drew the structure of the evil ghost camp on the ground. In fact, there is nothing special to note in this area, because the camp does not have any walls at all, only a few extremely simple watchtowers.

The cavalry regiment should rush directly into the camp from the south slope, and there is nothing special to pay attention to.

Now Suldak is only determining the order of attack. The giant soldier ants will rush to the front, followed by the Constructed Knights, and the Ant Cavalry is at the end of the team. The battle is fierce there, so they will rush there.


After simply formulating the battle plan, the sky began to darken.

The night in the Moyunling Highlands came later than in the forest farm camp, but as the night fell, the cavalry regiment also left this remote valley in a mighty way.

The straight-line distance from here to Beishankou is not too far, but the location is relatively secluded, and the mountain road is relatively winding.

However, the complex terrain is just like flat ground to the Ghost Pattern Soldiers.

Seven thousand giant ghost-patterned soldier ants walked in the front, and they were everywhere on the hillsides and valleys. This is the strongest part of the current cavalry army.

In fact, Suldak never thought that one day he would rely on these ghost pattern soldiers to win the war.

Seeing the warning signal coming from the front, Suldak hurried over with Gulitum, groups of ghost-striped soldiers were hiding on the backside of this hillside, only Andrew and the magician Basil were hiding together Behind the boulder.

There was only a faint light in the night, but strong people like Suldak and Andrew could see very far.

Suldak thought that the cavalry regiment had been discovered by the ghost army, but when he walked over, he found that there was a ghost hunting group on the mountain road ahead. cavalry regiment.

Andrew turned his head and looked at Suldak with an inquiring look, and it was clearly written in his eyes, 'Do you want to fight? '

Suldak shook his head lightly, then motioned for several people on the hillside to retreat.

The cavalry regiment waited quietly on this hillside for more than half an hour, and waited until the evil spirit hunting group had gone far before they came out from the back of the hillside and walked quickly through the mountain road.

After turning over another mountain ridge, the dark North Pass finally appeared in the vision of several people.

The stars in the night sky are covered by a dark cloud, and the wind here is very strong at night. Because there are endless snow-capped mountains not far away, the wind here is very cool, and it feels biting on the body.

You must know that there is no winter in the Warsaw plane, and the temperature is the same all year round.

The vegetation here is just some pasture and moss. Stepping on the grass blanket on the ground to the north, just one kilometer away from the evil ghost camp at the North Mountain Pass, the evil ghost warriors on the post finally found some problems in this area.

The black mist rolling on the hillside began to roll rapidly towards the camp, and the ghost warrior in charge of the night watch immediately reported to his superiors.

Soon, a large number of ghost fighters poured out of the camp.

However, they did not rush forward rashly, but quickly gathered in the open space south of the camp.

A ghost general came out of the camp. He waved his hands behind him, and immediately a group of ghost soldiers followed him. A group of people ran towards the surging fog, looking like they wanted to Check out what's going on here.

In the fog of war, giant ghost-patterned soldiers and ants walked forward in a neat line.

Selena stood on the back of a giant soldier ant, exuding majestic power of darkness all over her body, and countless black mist surrounded her body like a whirlpool.

Happy New Year's Eve, Xiaozhu is here to wish everyone a happy new year!

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