Lord Highlander

Chapter 1499: 1486. ​​Hailansa City

In order to be able to fight this defensive battle well, Suldak made active pre-war preparations.

In the eyes of Patriarch Logan, Suldak spent a lot of money and manpower to build this city wall, which is the best defense against the ghost warriors.

But for Suldak, this wall is only the most basic defense.

In addition, he also prepared a large amount of kerosene and explosive barrels.

This city wall also draws lessons from the construction experience of the northern city wall of Duodan Town on the Bailin plane. An oil injection tank is built with cement under the city wall. In the future, as long as there are ghost warrior corpses piled up under the city wall, a large amount of kerosene may also be injected directly. , forming a wall of fire under the city wall.

It's just that this defense plan can't be implemented for the time being, because the height of the city wall is not enough. Once a fire wall is lit under the city wall, the guards above the city wall will inevitably become roast geese.

As the ghost fighters continued to gather, the atmosphere in the camp became more and more solemn.

The Constructed Knights have been rehearsing infantry and city defense in the past few days. This time, they are going to put away those knight spears and pick up Paglio's spear again to fight on the city wall.

In addition to most of the indigenous warriors still building the blocks behind the city wall, some people waited under the city wall wearing armor and holding weapons in order to be able to deal with sudden battles, watching the construction knights training blankly. .

There are still a large number of indigenous warriors collecting stones in the mountain roads every day. Because they are building houses, the thickness of the walls is strictly limited. They have also begun to pick and choose stones. They always look for those shales that look flat. The part that exceeds the size should be knocked off with a chisel.

This group of natives are not lazy, maybe it is a kind of self-protection in the face of crisis, in short, they are diligently collecting stones every day to build the market.

The construction of these houses will not use luxury materials such as volcanic ash cement. They will mix dry moss in the mud, and then spread it layer by layer in the crevices of the stone.

Due to the lack of wood, many houses are only built with four walls, and the roof needs some brackets made of wood to be capped.

Although there are few woodlands on the Moyunling highlands, it is not without them. It is just that there are some coniferous forests at the foot of the snow peak at the northern foot.

The woodland is not far from the city wall, but now there are evil spirits everywhere outside the city wall, and the native warriors can't go out to cut wood for the time being.

It was the temporary headquarters in Suldak. In fact, it was a few pieces of wood found by the indigenous warriors from the mountain road outside the North Mountain Pass, and it was carried for several kilometers before being transported here.

Although the native warriors looked out of place with the knights who made up the knight order, the two sides rarely had contact with each other.

In fact, in private, the cavalry regiment and the native fighters still had some exchanges.

The indigenous soldiers were very envious of the welfare benefits of the soldiers of the West Route Army Cavalry Regiment, not only the military rations they usually eat every day, but also weapons and equipment and other benefits, such as merit exchange lists, death benefits, and so on.

The meat cleavers and skinning knives of the soldiers of the cavalry regiment are separate. Some soldiers also carry special table knives, and even some constructed knights have long and short daggers to assist in combat.

The native warriors are like a group of bumpkins who ran out from the countryside. They are very curious about everything about the Constructed Knights, and they always look around with their heads poking around, with cautious eyes. Naive and obscene.

They didn't even understand why this group of constructed knights usually had to ride horses, hold heavy knight spears, and charge towards a straw man.

Since one of them accepted a well-intentioned gift from a Constructed Knight, which was an exquisite meat cleaver with serrations on the back of the knife that could cut bones, that native warrior became the cavalry regiment to communicate with the native army. the bond.

These natives would occasionally eat some dried berries brought from the tribe, and they also gave the dried berries to the constructed knight.

The two sides became acquainted little by little, and then there were some gifts and exchanges between the two sides.

What do natives have? It is nothing more than Warcraft materials and unpolished gems. They like to string colored gems, magic crystals and bone teeth together to make necklaces, and occasionally put a piece of magic material on a leather jacket or quiver.

Constructed knights can point to anything they are interested in, and if the natives are willing to exchange, they will definitely take it out.

As for those natives who are unwilling to exchange, there is no need to force them. As long as they express their unwillingness to exchange, they will definitely not agree.

They have very little value for items. Even if they know that the gems on their bodies are of higher value, as long as they see something they like, no matter how high or low the value is, they will exchange it without hesitation.

They also have their own happiness. After dinner, these natives like to chat around the campfire, and occasionally some people stand up to challenge a certain companion.

When the two sides compete, there are almost no rules except not to use weapons.

Amidst the cheers of the surrounding native warriors, some stood and some fell.

The most mysterious of the indigenous alliance army are those big witches. They usually rest in tents made of animal skins, and they are rarely seen walking around. The patriarchs of the tribes respect these big witches, and almost no one Dare to disturb them.

Just like the nests of giant ghost-striped soldier ants are forbidden areas, so are the residences of these great witches.

Suldak originally planned to communicate with these great witches, but unfortunately these great witches didn't want to see him at all.

In the end, Suldak could only give up this idea.


It is said that war will drive the economic development of the rear area. This is simply a wise saying.

Now that the economy of Hailansa City is developing rapidly, a large number of orders for military supplies have been placed, and the trading houses in Hailansa City will always go to various places to purchase large quantities, and eventually these materials will be transported to Hailansa City in a centralized manner, which makes The labor costs of migrant workers in Hailansa City have risen again and again.

In fact, Suldak also considered setting up the procurement of materials in Ruyt City.

However, there were several major problems facing Suldak at that time. The first point was that the volcanic ash cement factory in Wall Village could not be moved to Ruyt City. In addition, the preparation of black powder was also carried out in Wall Village. Once it is transported on a large scale, it is bound to attract the attention of all parties.

Moreover, Ruyt City has just undergone post-war economic recovery, and the Ganbu plane has developed into a tourist plane in recent years. As a transit point, Ruyt City is not suitable for large-scale material distribution.

At that time, Daci Christie had just died of illness, and Suldak served as the deputy governor of Hailansa City.

After the political turmoil in Hailansa City, whether it is aristocratic lords, businessmen or other people, they all need to see signs of economic or other recovery in Hailansa City.

So Suldak gave Hailansa the opportunity this time, and sure enough, the city glowed with new brilliance in half a year.

The number of people in the street market has obviously increased, and the people have some spare money in their pockets, and the whole city is full of vigor and vitality.

Every day, the convoy arrives at this mountain city with only 300,000 people. The workshops in the whole city can receive a large number of orders, and recruitment announcements are everywhere...

Walking in the familiar streets and alleys, Suldak looked at the closely packed buildings. The extremely dense buildings are the characteristics of Hailansa City. Many family balconies and terraces are almost connected together. Claim ownership by building walls over these connections.

These terraces are communal spaces that everyone can use, and occasionally you can see men and women of several families gathering together.

Maybe it's just a simple meal, and you don't even need to drink. Everyone chats while eating, discussing the trivial things in life, which makes the slow-paced life here very harmonious.

Aphrodite was by his side...

She seldom wears a mithril mask here, and even if they see her coquettish and beautiful face, few people will recognize her as a succubus, because she doesn't have demon wings.

The cuffs, collar, and skirt corners of the black robe have golden thread lace. This skirt is cut out of magicweave spider silk cloth, dyed black, and embroidered with exquisite gold thread patterns in the tailor shop. .

The long hair on the top of the head was coiled up high, and there was a noble aura on the face that strangers should not get close to.

Even if she didn't wear a noble badge on her chest, no one thought she would be a commoner.

"This time, there are quite a lot of evil spirits in the army opposite you. Have you thought about any specific countermeasures?"

Aphrodite stood beside Suldak and helped him straighten his neckline.

Maybe it's because he's used to the magicweave structure, but when he wears this kind of ordinary noble dress, Suldak is always used to touching the belt with his hands.

He stopped and said to Aphrodite:

"The number of evil ghosts this time is indeed a bit large, but there are also a lot of defenders on our side, and the group of native fighters who came this time are not weak. Now the two supply lines of the evil ghost army have been completely controlled by us. Cut off, as long as we can block this wave of charges, I estimate that the situation on Moyun Ridge will be completely opened up."

The two came to the front of a shop with the words 'Olipod Trading Firm' written on the plaque, and there was a pattern of a magic dagger on the signboard.

Aphrodite stepped in, and the waiter standing at the door quickly opened the door for Aphrodite, and greeted Aphrodite cordially: "Ms. Aphrodite, good afternoon!"

Hearing the voice of the waiter at the door, the manager of the lobby walked out quickly, with a faint smile on his face, and said to Aphrodite: "Ms. Aphrodite, you just came..."

Aphrodite stopped and asked the lobby manager, "Has the shipment I ordered arrived?"

The lobby manager immediately replied: "The goods just arrived in Hailansa City yesterday afternoon, and they are already stored in the warehouse behind the business."

"Take me to have a look." Aphrodite said bluntly.

The lobby manager immediately led Aphrodite and Suldak through the lobby on the first floor of the business, and walked towards the backyard. After passing through a corridor covered with grape vines, they came to the door of a row of warehouses behind. The manager immediately came out and led the lobby manager into the second warehouse. There were more than a dozen large wooden boxes on the outermost shelves of the warehouse, and many straw ropes were wrapped around the wooden boxes.

The lobby manager asked the warehouse manager to open a wooden box with a crowbar. First, a straw curtain was opened above the wooden box, and inside was a magic dagger wrapped in oiled paper.

If this kind of magic dagger is sold in a magic store, it will cost at least a few dozen gold coins.

But the price is much cheaper if you buy it in bulk at a trading firm.

Especially the high-end industries such as inscriptions and enchanting in the magic guild are very introverted, especially in the imperial capital. It is said that the magic guild has repeatedly tried to price the inscription industry, but this matter has huge resistance and has not been able to implement it.

The chaotic situation in the magic industry allowed Aphrodite to find a purchase channel. Today, the two of them came to buy magic daggers.

The lobby manager's eyes showed unconcealable excitement, and his hands trembled a little. He randomly picked up an oiled paper package from the box, and lifted the oiled paper wrapped on the magic dagger. On the scabbard, the gold gauntlet looks very classy for the dagger.

He said that the dagger was pulled out of the scabbard, and the edge of the dagger was black with a matte finish...

There are some faint magic lines on the blade, and Suldak can clearly feel the magic fluctuations on the magic dagger.

"These are all high-end products forged by Master Thomas himself, and the magic lines on them are also enchanted by the senior enchanters of the Magician's Union." The manager of the lobby introduced Aphrodite to Aphrodite, looking at it from time to time. It will fall on Suldak, saying: "As for the material of these magic daggers are all dwarven steels mixed with magic black iron, not only has superior magic conductivity, but the blade itself is strong enough to cut through any tough magic leather .”

Suldak has purchased nearly ten thousand magic daggers in the past two years, and the quality of the magic daggers can be identified at a glance.

He randomly opened a few oiled paper packages, then selected two other boxes to reopen, and selected several oiled paper packages to open together.

Although the styles of the magic daggers inside are somewhat different, it can be seen that the quality is very high.

Suldak nodded to Aphrodite.

Aphrodite said to the lobby manager: "Give me the list of items you have prepared, and I will take the goods away immediately after the final payment is settled..."

"I am very willing to serve you, honorable lady Aphrodite."

The lobby manager bent down to Aphrodite and said in a humble way.

Suldak didn't need anyone's help, and directly said that these wooden boxes were packed into the prepared magic pockets.

Aphrodite followed the lobby manager to the front desk of the trading firm to settle the final payment. This time Aphrodite took out a bag of unidentified black magic crystals. The lobby manager saw the bag of black magic crystals. Magic Crystal, the eyes are a little straight.

Although it can be seen at a glance that these are all unidentified black magic crystals, he still invited the appraisers from the trading firm to identify these black magic crystals one by one, and finally returned them to Aphrodite Five point discount.

It is said that these unidentified black magic crystals are very popular in the upper noble circle of Hailansa...

Until Suldak and Aphrodite went far away, the lobby manager was still standing at the door of the business house to see them off, and turned around and walked back to the business house with a happy face until they could see nothing.

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