Lord Highlander

Chapter 153. 152. The Cold Female Swordsman

Surrounding the bonfire was a group of Swordsman Academy students. There were about 20 boys and girls mixed together. They were all dressed in light armor. Each of them wore an academy badge and a noble badge on their chest, and a sword around their waist. Western rapier, the female swordsmen look heroic, while the young male swordsmen are heroic and extraordinary, they all seem to be a group of young noble children.

The young swordsman stood in the crowd, his tall and straight body looked extraordinary, and his face looked more handsome than Baron Sidney.

He walked out of the crowd first, and walked quickly in front of Beatrice and Hathaway. He acted as if he cared about Beatrice, but his eyes were on Hathaway from the beginning to the end. Wei lingered on her body, and his fiery eyes made He Boqiang feel that Baron Sidney, who died in the front line, was already surrounded by a green prairie.

Hathaway didn't seem to expect to see this young noble swordsman in such a distressed image, she let out a scream and hid behind Beatrice.

Although Beatrice is injured, she has to stand up at this time to ease the embarrassment for her best friend.

"Norton, why are you all here?" Beatrice sat on the flatbed, her face pale.

Only then did the young swordsman notice that Beatrice's leg was covered with a thick layer of bandages, and there seemed to be a sword wound on her chest, which was clearly left by a military stab, but seeing Beatrice Beatrice is doing well so far, so she says:

"Hearing the news that the evil ghost army has occupied the forest camp, several of us organized a temporary emergency rescue team and rushed here to meet you."

While talking, other swordsman academy students beside the bonfire also gathered around. Two female swordsmen ran out of the crowd, who seemed to know Beatrice very well. Go to the magic caravan to get two thin blankets, and asked with concern:

"Miss Christie just said that you failed to catch up with them in time and fell behind, Beatrice, what's wrong with you?"

He Boqiang really didn't notice that Christie and her friends were also in the crowd.

But at this time, Christie's face was also full of embarrassment. She probably didn't expect Beatrice and Hathaway to catch up so soon. Knight Trollope looked even worse.

Christie's friends were also watching her secretly. It seemed that the female swordsmen decided to advance and retreat together.

"Our magic caravan was intercepted by the evil spirits on the other side of the wilderness hills. Fortunately, Hathaway, Knight Trollope, Knight Suldak and John were there, and everyone worked together to escape from the evil spirits. Come out." Sitting in the carriage, Beatrice explained to the two female companions.

But then her gaze fell on Darcy Christie in the crowd, and she greeted her with a smirk, and drew everyone's attention to this tall female swordsman:

"Miss Darcy, glad to be alive to see you!"

Everyone present could hear that Beatrice had a bad tone, and seemed to have a lot of resentment towards Darcy Christie.

Norton, the young noble swordsman standing aside, finally moved his eyes away from Hathaway, looked at Christie with some doubts, and then at Beatrice.

Dacie Christie squeezed out of the crowd, straightened her proud figure, although her face was a little unnatural, but she didn't appear to be afraid, and said confidently:

"Beatrice, it's great that you came back safely. I thought you would die there!"

The smell of gunpowder between the words exploded in the crowd, and the surrounding Swordsman Academy students seemed to be familiar with it, as if they were like this.

Beatrice sneered back and said:

"Miss Darcy, what you said is really vicious. You don't seem to have told Senior Norton how you and your sister group hid in the magic caravan to avoid the battle, and then abandoned us in the wilderness at the last moment Here, take your sister group and leave alone, now that you can stand here intact, you need to thank those students who stood up in times of crisis."

Hearing what Beatrice said, the students of the surrounding Swordsman Academy looked at Christie meaningfully, and some even began to whisper to each other.

And Christie's blue eyes were also full of anger, and she almost rushed to grab Beatrice's collar on the flatbed, but was held tightly by the female companion next to her.

At this time, if Christie really rushed forward to punch Beatrice, the academy probably wouldn't be able to explain it clearly anyway.

When Christie was angry, she was like a lioness, and she yelled at Beatrice:

"Beatrice, are you talking like I'm a coward before war? Do you know that..."

Seeing her best friend being verbally attacked, Hathaway didn't care about the tattered leather armor she was wearing at this time, and stepped forward to protect Beatrice.

This is a middle-aged female swordsman wearing a magic pattern structure walking into the crowd. She came out of the magic caravan and just arrived here. Judging by her age and clothing, she should be a female instructor in the academy .

He Boqiang could feel that there was an invisible layer of air around her body, but this layer of air was completely invisible. There was a faint coercion on her body, which also made people feel that this woman was very dangerous.

The female swordsman walked into the crowd with a serious face, and the surrounding students silenced, and the noisy scene suddenly fell silent.

The female swordsman said with a stern face: "Okay, don't quarrel endlessly as soon as we meet, since you all returned safely from this lost war, we should be even more grateful that we are still able to breathe fresh air freely. Beatrice and Hathaway seem to be very tired, you need to take a bath and take a good rest."

Then, he told the female students around him:

"Jenny! Go help Beatrice and Hathaway prepare some bath water, and then go to the storage box to get a bottle of healing potion and a bottle of spiritual potion. They need more effective treatment."

The female swordsman quickly nodded in agreement, then turned and ran towards the magic caravan.

The female swordsman raised her face, and when she looked at Knight Trollope and He Boqiang, her gaze was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, and she heard the female swordsman say:

"Knight Trollope, Knight Suldak, I sincerely thank you for bringing Beatrice and Hathaway back safely this time. After we understand the specific situation, we will use the Benner Advanced Swordsman Academy Submit an official written report to the Duke of Newman in the name, and now I know that the two of you also need medical treatment and rest, but I don’t know what arrangements you two have for the following itinerary?”

It seems that this female swordsman already knew that some female students died on the way, so her tone of voice was angry and cold.

There was a trace of helplessness on Knight Trollope's face, and he could only force himself to say to her:

"Sabrina Great Swordsman, I regret not being able to bring all your students back from the forest camp. Now that Beatrice and Hathaway are safe, I will immediately return to the Construction Knights to report on my duties, Su The Erdak Knights will also rush back to Handanal County with me."

The Trollope knight said that he would leave first, and he was going to take himself with him. Hearing this, Suldak felt a little warm in his heart.

"Good luck! Knight Trollope."

The female swordsman Sabrina just said something politely, then ignored the two of them, and began to carefully examine Beatrice's injuries. When she saw the penetrating wound on Beatrice's chest, Somewhat surprised, he turned his head and asked Hathaway: "What treatment did you use for her?"

"I made her drink a bottle of healing potion..." Hathaway replied quickly and cautiously. She found that the instructor Ms. Sabrina didn't like He Boqiang very much, so she didn't mention He Boqiang's treatment methods.

The female swordsman Sabrina remained silent for a while with a straight face. After the examination, she took a deep look at the round-faced girl Beatrice and said, "Perhaps your physique is rather special...but anyway, Your worst period is over, and you will get well soon, Beatrice."

"Thank you, Instructor Sabrina!"

Beatrice behaved like a kitten in front of Swordswoman Sabrina.

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