Lord Highlander

Chapter 181 180.

This is a dark restaurant. There is only one window without glass, but a piece of worn parchment. When the wind blows, the parchment always makes a rattling sound. There was a faint smoky smell, like something was burnt, but soon a fat cook came over with her fat buttocks, holding a large round wooden plate in her hand, which exuded a sweet smell. smell.

With a bang, the wooden plate was placed on the table, and the room was filled with the aroma of baked apples.

The door of the restaurant is open, so that the restaurant can be cooler, but there are not many people in the restaurant at this time, occasionally a homeless man walks by in front of the restaurant, as long as he stops at the door of the restaurant, the fat cook in the restaurant will curse He walked out quickly and stuffed the black bread in his hand into the homeless man's arms.

"Sorry for keeping you two out of work."

Suldak didn't have any sincerity in his words. When he spoke, he was holding the file in his hand, and he was filing the magic core on the table very seriously.

He seemed to be very focused and cautious, for fear that he would damage the magic crystal inside if he filed a little more inside. If it continues to be polished, it will take him at least three months to grind a bag of magic cores.

The two girls, Kaka and Zora, are still a little overwhelmed. They have experienced a lot of things in the past half a day.

The fat cook shouted loudly, "Kaka, come and slice some apple pie, so that your guests can also taste the authentic Epsom flavor."

Seeing that Kaka, who was a little lost, finally came back to her senses, the fat cook put the rag in her hand on the table and wiped it casually, and then sat down.

When her fat butt touched the chair, the chair seemed to let out a painful whine.


The fat cook didn't care about it at all, and she said next to Kaka, "If you want me to say, Kaka, you and Zora should have come to me earlier to help me. It's not so easy to work outside."

Kaka was cutting an apple pie, and when she heard what the fat cook said, she immediately complained: "But Aunt Olenka, are you sure that your restaurant can support the three of us, if you don't donate bread for free For the bums, I thought maybe business could be better."

"No matter what, you two won't be hungry." The fat cook stared and said in a loud voice.

Although Kaka didn't say a word, she still seemed reluctant. She didn't dislike the dilapidated restaurant, but she was worried about burdening Aunt Olenka.

Zora, who was sitting next to Kaka, kept her head lowered, always showing a little shyness, but when she talked about working in a restaurant, she raised her head and said firmly, "Aunt Olenka, I can't stay Come down!"

The fat cook felt a bit puzzled. She spread her hands and pressed her elbows on the table, and asked Zora, "Why? Zora, what are you thinking in your little head?"

Zora said in a low voice, "I want to save some money. Mashenka should go to the Warrior Academy..."

Hearing what Zora said, the fat cook and Kaka both looked weird, and the fat cook didn't continue.

But Kaka said to Zora: "Your idea is good, but it's a little unrealistic. I'm afraid you don't know that the worst warrior academy in Epsom City also needs five gold coins for tuition a year, and you have to study continuously." Four years, so what if Mashenka can get the soldier certificate? Why don’t you join an infantry regiment and train on the battlefield for three days? Why don't you get through the relationship and let Mashenka spend three years in the logistics force!"

Mashenka, who was sitting next to Suldak, also said with great ambition: "Sister, I can handle my affairs by myself!"

But can he? Suldak knew that it was obviously impossible. His daily income as a guide was very unstable, and it was impossible for him to earn enough hardware in just over a year.

Suldak put down the magic core in his hand, raised his head and asked Mashenka, "Are you going to study at the Warrior Academy?"

"Yes, I want to be a swordsman," Mashenka replied.

From what Surdak knew, it seemed like every Benar wanted to be a swordsman.

Aunt Olenka winked at Kaka, and said to Kaka: "By the way, we still have beer here, Kaka, go and serve it for me."

As soon as the fat cook and Kaka left, the atmosphere became a little awkward.

Suldak felt that he should help Mashenka, so he coughed twice and said, "Ahem, Mashenka, there are some things I think I can help with. If it's just about tuition fees, I can help you. But when you are studying in the academy, you don't go there to hang out with people. I don't advocate hanging around in the academy. Instead of doing that, it's better to save the money to start a small business. You need to have a big goal and countless small goals, and then work hard to achieve each goal.”

Mashenka didn't expect that Suldak would offer to help her, so she quickly refused: "Master Knight, thank you for your kindness, I..."

Suldak waved his hand slightly, interrupted him, and said, "Don't rush to refuse, of course my funding cannot be free."

Zora lowered her head, as if thinking of something, she felt that she might be the price that Knight Suldak said, if Knight Suldak proposed, would she agree or refuse? Thinking of this, and thinking of all the things behind, the girl Zora's face turned red up to her ears...

Suldak stared at Mashenka and said, "I need to work for me for one year after you graduate, and then see your performance to decide whether you can stay."

Zora raised her head in surprise, and looked at Suldak. She didn't expect him to propose such a condition.

Mashenka asked Suldak with a look of surprise: "Master Knight, you mean that you plan to hire me after I graduate?"

Suldak thought about the way ahead, and he didn't have a clue yet, but at this time he could only bite the bullet and continue: "That's almost what it means, but you still need to find opportunities to serve in the military after graduation. Sometimes we The laws of the Grimm Empire must be respected."

"Of course there is no problem." Mashenka was overjoyed by Suldak's promise, stood up from the chair, straightened her body, saluted a substandard military salute, and said loudly: "Thank you, Sir Knight .”

"My name is Knight Suldak." The knight 'Suldak' emphasized his name very seriously, which has almost become his habit.

Mashenka immediately said, "Thank you, Lord Suldak Knight!"

Suldak ate a piece of apple pie without adding any honey, so the pie was a bit sour, he put down the knife calmly, and said, "Grow up as soon as possible, so as to protect your loved ones and loved ones around you." your people."

Mashenka seemed a little excited, and said to Suldak: "Understood, Master Knight Suldak! I will try my best to do it."

At this time, Suldak grabbed the two magic cores that were placed on the table. The magic cores were covered with crumbs and ashes when they were polished. They looked like two dirty stones. Suldak Picking up the water glass next to him, he said, "Okay, these two magic cores are about to be polished, and there should be a little left over for your tuition for the Warrior Academy."

After finishing speaking, he poured the water in the cup on top of the two magic cores, and an incredible scene happened. Following the sound of the magic cores, the gray powder was washed down by the clear water, and the amber crystals inside were revealed with a halo like flowing water. , that dazzling light made the siblings on the table almost hold their breath, they stared wide-eyed at the two spar in front of them, Mashenka reached out and picked up a magic spar, holding the magic spar The hand couldn't help shaking.

Suldak's voice came to the ears of the siblings: "Don't be surprised, this world is full of incredible things, maybe one day, you will become the same person as me."

The big boy Mashenka looked at Suldak full of admiration, and couldn't help shouting: "Knight Suldak..."

Suldak straightened the leather armor on his body, dusted off the fine powder from the file, stood up and said to Mashenka: "Okay, thank you for your hospitality, I like Aunt Olenka's apples very much. Pie, its sourness is appetizing..."

Suldak walked out of the restaurant while talking.

When Mashenka chased him outside the restaurant, Suldak had disappeared into the bustling crowd of people and was nowhere to be seen.

(I saw the comment that eating breakfast is one chapter, choosing stones is another chapter, water, water, non-stop water, in fact, I think I am writing about life in a fantasy world, ordinary life, adventurous life, sometimes Full of happiness, sometimes full of hardships, nobles, merchants, commoners, poor, vagabonds, slaves, different classes have different lifestyles, they all have troubles, hardships and happiness, this is a more The three-dimensional fantasy world is what I want to bring to you. In addition, this time period should be in the year 2587 of the imperial calendar. The Prince of Wales defeated the evil spirit army in the Warsaw plane with the crazy potion that Qige gave her, and created In the famous battle of the Kampato River, in the autumn of the same year, the Prince of Wales and Mo Xiang were evaluated by the nobles and lords in the imperial capital as the most potential generals of the empire. In addition, thanks to 1290599667300487168 for the reward.)

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