Lord Highlander

Chapter 215: 214. Concern

The villagers had already dispersed on their own, and the yard became silent in an instant.

The village chief stood in the yard with an excited face, and wanted to say something encouraging to Suldak, but seeing this scene, he didn't understand what happened for a while. Shouldn't he be happy that the child returned safely from the army? of it?

"Sheila, what's wrong with the children..."

In terms of seniority, the old village chief was much taller than Suerdak's mother, and he was used to calling him by this title.

The gray-haired old woman forced a smile to the old village chief and said, "Please come and sit inside!"

Although the stone house looks a little old, it is full of life.

The atmosphere in the room was somewhat dull. Old Sheila, Natasha, and Rita stared at Suldak vigilantly, not only with doubts, but also with strong hatred.

Little Peter, who was only four years old, seemed very happy. He insisted on sitting in Surdak's arms despite the objections of his mother and aunt.

The old village chief sat on the only chair in the room smoking a pipe, glanced at Suerdak, and after smoking the last puff, he knocked the wooden pipe twice, put it in the pocket containing the shredded tobacco, and smashed it. After a bit of talking, he probably also saw that there seemed to be a barrier between the people in the room.

But the old village head didn't think about anything else. After all, Suerdak was only 17 years old when he left home. He was conscripted into the army shortly after he got married. Dak's impression was not very deep, he only felt that his body outline looked somewhat similar to that of the boy before, and it was normal for his appearance to change a little.

After all, Suldak returned to the village accompanied by the tax officer Bird himself.

Moreover, after being away from home for so long, Suerdak recognized his younger sister and childhood playmates at a glance. The family members were cold-faced and unwilling to speak to Suerdak. In the eyes of the old village chief, it might be Suer After Dak joined the army, he seldom wrote letters to his family, which made his family members complain.

The old village head thinks that there are some things, as long as you just talk about it, then it is not a problem.

Sitting in the house, he thought: Maybe the Xila family was bullied by the aggressive women in the village, and they had been afraid to speak up before, but now that their son came back from the army, some accounts must be settled. He was also worried that after Suldak became a knight, it would be bad if the young and energetic were killed.

The old village chief decided to coordinate, and asked:

"In the end what happened?"

Old Sheila and Natasha's eyes flickered, and after looking at each other, they hesitated to speak.

Seeing the reaction of Suldak's old mother and wife, the old village head became more sure of his guess, and must have encountered some grievances, so he said to old Sheila:

"Now that Suldak has returned, there is nothing to say. Your son has become a noble knight. Any complaints in your heart should be diluted by this matter."

The old village chief felt that most of the women in the village had never seen the world, and maybe they didn't know what a knight meant, so he said to them:

"When I heard the news sent by the tax official's entourage today, I was also taken aback by it. How much credit does it take to be selected as a knight by the noble lord? We have never seen a knight in Wall Village for so many years. Knight, knight! Bird tax officer told me that the whole village will no longer have to pay taxes. Even if we pay tax, it will be handed over to Dak. Now he is terrible, even I want to call knight grown ups."

Speaking of this, the old village chief couldn't help but smile on his face. Taxes are the largest expenditure in Wall Village every year. The land here is barren, and the food produced is not enough for the family. How can there be any excess to pay taxes? If you have to pay taxes to Suldak in the future, you may be able to accommodate and pay less.

The old village head touched the pipe in the cigarette pouch, but finally held back and said: "If you have any embarrassment, close the door and tell Suldak, even if the lawsuit comes to Hailansa City, you will not be afraid of death." People control."

Hearing what the old village chief said, Sheila and Natasha's eyes became more worried.

"Just today, the people in the village competed with the people from Guta Village for the boundary of the ranch, and they injured three people. In the afternoon, I suddenly heard that there was a knight in our village, and Guta Village actually took the initiative to send three people. The bag of tree rice is the compensation they gave us, and the fight for the border of the ranch has always been borne by ourselves. When was there compensation? In the final analysis, it was because of a knight in our Wall Village." The old village head said When I think about it, I can't stop smiling.

Every year, Wall Village and Guta Village earn a lot of blood for the pastures in the valley, and most of the time, Guta Village, which has a superior number of people, takes some advantage.

This year, the situation suddenly turned around because someone in Wall Village became a knight and returned safely from the front line...

The old village chief said triumphantly: "The border of the pasture in our village, Guta Village took the initiative to retreat ten meters. Look, when did those guys in Guta Village confess? As long as there is Suerdak, We don’t have to be afraid of those guys in Guta Village anymore.”

Speaking of this, the old village chief was also full of emotion. Looking back on how he had been working hard for Wall Village for so many years, and now that a young man better than himself was finally taking over this responsibility, he looked at Su with a gratified face. Erdak said:

"As the village head, I have served for so many years, and I should have a rest long ago."

The old village chief coughed twice, stood up, bent his waist and walked out, saying as he walked:

"I'm going to see how the room arranged for Mr. Bird Tax Officer is going. In recent years, he has been taken care of by Mr. Bird Tax Officer. Naturally, we can't neglect Mr. Bird Tax Officer."

Walking to the door, the old village head turned around again, and said to the old Sheila who was going to follow, in earnest:

"Old Sheila, the good days are still to come. Don't worry about anything. If you can let it go in your heart, let it go. Otherwise, you are taking revenge now. When little Peter grows up, his children will be better than little Peter. Do you also want to settle the previous grievances?"

The old village head looked at little Peter who was nestled in Suldak's arms with cloudy eyes, bared his yellow teeth and said:

"Even if you don't think about others, you should think about Peter!"

The last sentence expressed the last bit of courage of old Sheila.

Originally, she wanted to chase her out and quietly told the old village head that her child might be dropped and that the person sitting at home was a stranger, but now she couldn't say these words, and she looked at Peter with a worried expression. , the child's innocent eyes were filled with a happy smile, and the stranger was pulling out a handful of candy from his arms.

Old Sheila could only agree dumbly:


Watching the old village chief slowly disappear into the night, old Sheila closed the door, turned around and walked in front of Suldak, and took little Peter from Suldak's arms.

Little Peter didn't want his grandmother to hug him, but he couldn't break free no matter how hard he struggled. Old Sheila handed Little Peter to Natasha and ordered:

"You two, take Peter to bed first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do!"

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