Lord Highlander

Chapter 298 297. Letter of Recommendation

Although it was a pity that he didn't see the orcs and lizardmen in the tavern's auction, Suldak did not return to the tavern with the huge wine glass hanging at the door.

When returning to the hotel, there was only one candle lit at the front desk, and the hotel owner was lying on the front desk dozing off. The hall was very quiet, perhaps it was the sound of Suldak's footsteps that woke up the half-asleep hotel owner.

Seeing Suldak walking in from the outside, he quickly stood up straight and cheered up to greet Suldak.

When Suldak went upstairs, he found that his stomach was still growling. Thinking about going out for half the night, he didn't eat anything except a glass of ale, so he asked the hotel owner if there was any food left in the kitchen. What, the hotel owner recommended honey grilled steak and chicken rolls to Surdak, but they were a little cold.

At this time, Suldak didn't care about these things, so he directly asked the hotel owner for a share.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk"

There was a knock on the door, and Suerdak came out of the washroom in his shirt. When he opened the door, he saw the proprietress in sexy pajamas standing outside the door with a plate, looking at her provocative eyes. Looking at it, Suldak thought about the hotel owner in the lobby downstairs, looked away and took the plate, casually took out two silver coins from his pocket and stuffed them into the proprietress' palm.

Quickly spit out a "thank you".


The oak door was closed by Suldak casually. Since he decided to use this hotel with good conditions as a place to stay in Hailansa City in the future, he didn't want to make the relationship between these people too complicated, and even though the boss was old She is quite charming, and her skin is usually well maintained, but she is not the kind of beautiful girl with a youthful atmosphere, and she is not very attractive to Suldak.

Suldak carried the dinner plate to the round table on the balcony. Sitting on the balcony, he could still see the street lights on the garden square.

Although it was very late, there were still people coming out of the quiet place in the garden in pairs.

The next morning, Suldak had breakfast in the hotel, avoiding the hostess's heart-wrenching and resentful gaze, pretending he couldn't see it, greeted the hotel owner in the lobby, and left the hotel.

When Suldak came to the underground market, the giant guards at the door did not stop him. According to the leader of the caravan, the sulfur could have been sold to the material logistics department of Hailansa City. Unified purchase price, but Suldak did not go there, but ran to the underground trading market habitually, this time he can be said to be familiar with the way to set up a stall in the hall, a piece of hard cowhide full of large Large and small pale yellow sulfur mines.

These sulfur mines are all stored in his magic pocket. It has to be said that this kind of space storage magic item is quite convenient to use, but it is a little expensive, but it is definitely worth the money. This time All the sulfur ore brought is contained in the magic fanny pack.

I thought that these sulfur mines would not be as popular as those monster ingredients, but just after displaying the sulfur mines for a while, many magicians came to inquire about them, and they expressed great interest in these sulfur mines. Erdak raised the price by 10% according to the price quoted by the caravan leader, so that it could be used to pay taxes in the underground trading market, and there was still a little surplus.

The people who came to inquire about the price were all magicians in robes.

Normally, magicians are rarely seen in the streets and alleys. I didn’t expect them to gather here. As long as these magicians ask the price, they will buy more or less. It is in this free trading atmosphere As a result, Suldak quickly sold out the sulfur mines.

This time Suldak brought a whole three wooden boxes of sulfur mines, which almost filled his magic pockets. After putting them out and weighing them, they weighed about 800 pounds, and in exchange for nearly twenty-six gold coins, but then Su Erdak bought five more 'Water Gathering' magic scrolls and three 'Fire Gathering' magic scrolls in the underground trading hall. Only these eight scrolls cost nearly 5 gold coins, and the rest of the money has to be paid The old village chief hoped to use the money to pay bricklayers and laborers after selling some of the sulfur mines for those boots and other funds. Now, the money in hand may not be able to last for a month.

If I had known this earlier, I would have brought more sulfur ore, Suldak thought to himself.

Leaving the underground trading market, Suldak went directly to Casement Mansion to look for Karl, but unfortunately Karl was not at home. The old housekeeper told Suldak that Master Karl happened to be out. If there is anything to ask him, it would be best tomorrow Next, maybe you can leave him a note and set a time to meet.

It was only then that Suldak remembered that when visiting a noble family, it is often necessary to write a letter in advance, which is a social etiquette for the nobles, but Suldak forgot about this matter and hurriedly asked the old housekeeper to help him. , wrote a letter to Karl on the spot.

The letter said that he would return to Wall Village tomorrow morning, hoping to have a drink together before returning to the village.

After leaving this letter, Suldak found the knight order in the corner of Hailansa City with his vague memory. The old knight in half armor was still lying alone in the small building with a pipe in his mouth. Sleeping on the office chair, he saw Suldak push the door and walked in, and asked him without any surprise: "Have you decided where to go?"

Suldak nodded politely and said, "Think about it, it's at Hailansa Knight Academy."

The old knight laughed and said: "At this time, it can only be Hailansa Knight Academy. It has been almost a month since the start of school. Other knight academy will not look at the old man's face. Through your application for admission, if you want to go to other universities The academy is going to be at least next spring..."

While talking, the old knight did not stop, and took out a piece of parchment with printed characters from the file cabinet. He just asked Suldak to write his name on the parchment, and then stamped a letter on the parchment. The red oil seal, and checked the identity information on the badge of Suldak's reserve knight, and then waved Suldak to leave.

"Within half a month, I must report to the Knight Academy, otherwise this letter of recommendation will also be invalidated. I will apply for the admission application form next time, and I will not be so easy to talk to!"

Before Suldak left, the old knight warned him.

Suldak quickly saluted the old knight, and then said that he would definitely report to the Knight Academy, and then left the knight order.

Taking advantage of the afternoon, Suldak went to the leather shop to take fifty pairs of thick-soled leather boots that had been reformed overnight, and went to the blacksmith's shop to buy ten black iron ore picks. He was busy until the afternoon. Just returned to the hotel.

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