Lord Highlander

Chapter 300 299. Who Helped Karl

The morning sun shot into Hailansa City along the city gate. The guards at the top of the city were changing their defenses. The guards who had stood hard all night yawned and lazily walked down with spears on their shoulders. They walked up the city wall facing the rising sun. The guards will guard the city all day with breakfast and water bottles. Hailansa City has not suffered any form of attack for decades, so the defense of the city seems somewhat lazy.

Suldak rode a horse and waited in front of the city gate, beside him was Karl Casement who came to see him off.

The city gate seemed a little deserted so early in the morning, and there were no people out of the city. A few guards were leaning against the wall and talking in low voices.

With the sound of a series of sliding chains of the suspension bridge, the large winch at the gate of the city creaked and began to rotate, and the suspension bridge fell slowly. Ten guards pushed the gate of Hailansa City open, and Suldak and Karl walked out first. to the city.

Karl did not go very far out of the city, and he rode with an attendant to a halt under a fir tree.

The field of view here is wide, and there are no people around, so Suldak asked Karl: "You mean someone in Hailansa City secretly colluded with the bandit group?"

Karl nodded with a wry smile on his face, and said to Suldak: "Perhaps, those bandits... They can't appear for no reason, and then disappear without warning at a certain moment. We have worked so hard to find The clues will always stop abruptly at critical moments, and it feels like there are a pair of eyes staring at me behind me, no matter how secretive I am, I still have the feeling of being watched."

Suldak grinned, he couldn't help but look up at the sky above his head, the sky was blue.

"I have been working hard to find the hiding place of these bandits on the outskirts of Hailansa, but every time some progress is made, those clues will be destroyed. This is enough to prove that someone in the city colluded with the bandits and provided them with various This kind of convenience." He looked a little annoyed, and said excitedly.

Suldak tried his best to calm his emotions and said, "But you don't have any evidence yet, do you?"

"I'll find these guys sooner or later." Karl said confidently, clenched his hand into a fist and hammered Suldak's shoulder, and then said with some joy: "But it's too much for you to come to Hailansa City." Well, I want you to help me."

Suldak had a troubled look on his face. He didn't have any good feelings for a place like the Knights of the Guards Battalion to raise uncles. Thinking of his half-year college life, he had to travel outside the school in his spare time. Suldak felt that this must be the case. Very boring, he said with some embarrassment: "But I want to take classes at the Knight Academy! How can I help you?"

In Karl's view, Suldak was able to defeat more than 20 robbers by himself, and his combat power could be said to be beyond the charts.

That's why Karl had expectations for Suldak. He said: "You will help me when I encounter difficult things, right?"

Suldak nodded without hesitation.

Think about how I just came to Hailansa City, when I was at a loss for this strange city, it was Karl who ran out enthusiastically to give me a lot of help, and when I wanted to find the magic trading market, it was Karl who helped me After a while, he walked into the underground trading market, as if he was in Hailansa City, and only Karl was his friend.

"Well, the help I can give you...is limited to what I can do." Suldak could only agree to this first, he didn't dare to talk too much, and he would not be ashamed when the time came .

"It sounds like you're showing off your abilities." Seeing that Suldak agreed, Karl joked to him.

Seeing Suldak riding upright on horseback, but knowing nothing about his strength, Karl said to Suldak: "By the way, didn't you say you wanted to know your strength level last time? Do you want to go to the Knights for an evaluation?"

Suldak looked up at the sun climbing into the sky, and said, "Next time, if it's too late, I'm afraid we won't be able to make dinner in time!"

As he spoke, he rode his horse onto the forest road.

"It's up to you, see you in half a month." Karl waved to Suldak and said.

"See you in half a month!"

The people of the Green Empire have a very detailed division of ranks for fighters, warrior apprentices, junior fighters, intermediate fighters, advanced fighters... Each major rank is divided into nine minor ranks.

Generally speaking, strong civilians usually only have the strength of 8th and 9th-level warrior apprentices. Only after their strength, agility, and physical measurements reach the standard, can they register with the Warrior Union as a real warrior, such as warriors, rangers, fighters, and archers. , Sword Dancer and many more.

It is very simple to become a fighter, as long as any one of the physical fitness and combat skills meets the standard.

However, it is definitely not an easy task for any fighter to cross a large rank and become a first-rank intermediate fighter, because the basic condition for crossing the threshold for the first job transfer is that this requires a combat class Participants can comprehend their own 'potential'. Of course, the "potential" of each first-time combatant is different. Some people may be a wall, a mountain, a sword, or the phantom of a guardian swordsman, just like Suldak's Shi' is a demon god with two faces and four arms...

Warriors who pass the threshold of the second job change need to refine themselves to a certain extent, and usually sense the existence of certain elements around the body, comprehend and guide these 'qi', so as to protect the body inwardly and release the killing power outwardly. The enemy, this is considered a second-rank advanced fighter.


On an arrow tower a few hundred meters to the left of Hailansa City.

Jasper was wearing a set of silver armor. He leaned on the wall with both hands and looked at Carl in the shade outside the city with a livid face. Behind him stood a group of guard knights. These knights stood cautiously behind the blond young man. The eyes of the few people standing in front also fell below the city wall. There is no doubt that these are Jasper's cronies, and they did not dare to breathe in front of Jasper.

Jasper punched hard on the bluestone strip of the city wall, turned around and yelled at the group of subordinates behind him, "Those subordinates of Karl? It's not like you don't know the level of combat power of the knights in the guard camp. How could it be possible?" !"

In the investigation and capture of the bandit group outside the city, as Carl Casement's opponent, Jasper lost somewhat inexplicably.

What annoys him the most is that he doesn't even know where he lost.

There was a raging fire in his heart, and he wanted to vent to the guard knights behind him, but the words of his father's warning in the study last night made him forcefully suppress the anger in his heart, and he stood like this in front of the high tower. Beside the wall stack.

It wasn't until the strange knight in his vision left on horseback, Carl still stayed under the oak tree to watch him go away, and stood for a while before returning to High Lansa City, Jasper was newly alert, according to the laziness and casualness of that guy Carl Personality, when did you actually send off your friend so solemnly, and the other party's identity is not prominent, just a knight...

Jasper stretched out his hand to hug the entourage around him, pointed to Suldak who was about to disappear into the forest road, and asked:

"Did you see it? Who is the knight next to Karl?"

The entourage only saw a simple silhouette of Suldak, and then disappeared into the forest road. There are at least a few hundred of this kind of knights riding ancient horses in Hailansa City, and it is impossible for him to go every day. Knowing one of them, he shook his head at Jasper with a bitter face, expressing that he didn't know.

Jasper raised his eyebrows, looked at his entourage suspiciously, and shouted, "Why, there are knights in Hailansa city, and there are others you don't know?"

Seeing Jasper's stern voice, the personal attendant didn't dare to answer casually, and could only stand obediently in front of Jasper.

Seeing Jasper furious on the top of the wall, a group of knights behind him suddenly separated to the two sides. A guard battalion knight passed through the crowd, walked over quickly, and said to Jasper, "I'm going to buy Jonah a drink tonight." One cup, he has the best relationship with Karl, maybe we can get some news from him."

When Jasper saw the young knight, the displeasure on his face eased. He walked up to the young knight and said with a somewhat embarrassing expression: "Although the position of the captain of the support team is not a big deal, we must Find out where the loss is. If we don't even understand this point, we will always be so passive. Everyone in the nobles of Hailansa City knows that someone must have helped Carl Casement to let him He made a comeback at the last moment, and I want to find out who...I must find out who helped Carl."

The young knight didn't speak either, but looked down the wall through the wall.

At this time Karl had also returned to the city, and there was only a single carriage on the avenue outside the city.

The young knight withdrew his gaze. He turned around and looked at Jasper seriously. He only felt that his irritable personality was really in the same line.

The young knight looked at Jasper and asked, "Could it be Mrs. Christie helping secretly? After all, the Consul is her elder brother. It shouldn't be too difficult for her to mobilize a few constructed knights to help Karl destroy those robbers." Bar."

Hearing Mrs. Christie's name, Jasper's gloomy face became even more ugly.

However, he then shook his head resolutely, and said: "The matter of searching the thieves group outside the city can be regarded as one of the assessments of the two of us, not to mention that the consul does not agree with the relationship between Karl and Christie at all, and he does not agree with it." Possibly favoring Carl."


The same words sounded in a castle: "Whoever it is, I just want to know who helped Karl."

Baron Grenfell was sitting at the end of the long table in the castle hall. This long table was at least thirty meters long, and it was a thick wooden table made of a whole fir tree cut from the middle.

There are fifty chairs on each side. At this time, the chairs are full of rough-looking robbers. They are munching on the meat on the table. Chewing food and drinking heavily make the hall a bit noisy. Their weapons are on the ground. Beside the chair, they were dressed in various costumes, and they didn't even listen to what Baron Grenfell was saying.

The dark red knight standing beside Baron Grenfell said calmly:

"Yes, Lord Grenfell."

Sitting next to Baron Grenfell were a few bandit leaders. Their eating looks were not that ugly, but the faces of these bandit leaders were not very good.

Hearing that Baron Grenfell, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke, they turned their gazes over.

Baron Grenfell sighed softly and said: "I know Karl to some extent. At the beginning I thought he was lazy, so I chose him and Jasper to join the foreign aid group of the guard camp at the same time, but now he unexpectedly It has become the biggest obstacle preventing us from mastering the suburbs of Hailansa City, which is really a headache."

He tapped his forehead with his hand in some distress, his eyes gradually turned cold.

"Your Excellency the Baron, why don't I get rid of Karl?" A thief leader sitting on the left hand side of Baron Grenfell said loudly.

Grenfell raised his head abruptly, staring fiercely at the leader of the thieves, leaned over, grabbed the collar of the leader of the thieves, and said to him sullenly: "Is it Taylor's stupid move?" Does it make you feel that killing a nobleman at will is actually nothing? Or do you think the Casement family is completely lonely? Will you be indifferent to the death of a family member for no reason?"

"If Baron Hoyle hadn't died, the knights from the guard battalion would have gone out of the city to kill you? If the knights from the guard camp hadn't been running around, and used you to break up and infiltrate into the Pagolos Mountains?" Baron Grenfell He punched the bandit leader in the face, sending him flying from his seat.

The heavy body of the bandit leader fell to the ground together with the heavy wooden chair, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and several teeth spit out from his mouth.

The bandit leader had a grim face, struggling to stand up and pounce on Baron Grenfell, but the dark red knight behind Baron Grenfell stepped on his chest first, and stomped him firmly on the cold ground of the hall On, until his face was swollen and red, the dark red knight did not take his foot away.

The other robbers were so frightened that they immediately stopped eating, and looked at the scene in front of them in surprise and panic, but no one dared to move at this time.

The hall suddenly became silent, Baron Grenfell stood up directly, hammered his fists heavily on the wooden table, and roared loudly: "Look at the mess now, I can guarantee that as long as you start from my manor now Go out, and within half a day, your whereabouts report will be submitted to the guard battalion in Hailansa City, and waiting in front of you will be the most elite knights of the Hailansa guard camp."

As he spoke, he walked up to the bandit leader lying on the ground, pushed away the dark red knight beside him, bent down and stretched out his hand to pull the bandit leader up from the ground.

Regardless of the frightened expression on the bandit leader's face, he just ordered the dark red knight: "Let them hide in the basement of the manor for a month first, and you go and stare at Karl to see who is going to help him. I will find a way to get close to Miss Hoyle, she is probably the only one who knows where the woman is hiding now."

"Of order, Your Excellency the Baron!" The dark red knight replied calmly to Baron Grenfell.

After Baron Grenfell said this, he strode out of the hall with his hands behind his back.

Seeing that these robbers did not move at all, the dark red knight waved to both sides expressionlessly, and the outside of the hall window immediately became a blurry figure. Staring at the robber in the hall, with a weird smile on his face, he turned and walked out of the hall.

It wasn't until the figure of the dark red knight completely left the hall that the robbers felt the pressure on them disappear inexplicably...

The company has been a bit busy recently, so I’m afraid it won’t be possible to update during the day, and the 2-in-1 will be changed to night, so the plot seems to be more coherent

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