Lord Highlander

Chapter 398: Natasha in the Snowstorm

"You want a weapon with light magic?"

Celia Cooper in the book looked at Suldak with a half-smile.

Suldak put down what he was doing, sat in front of the desk, and asked Celia Cooper in the book:

"Do you know where I can buy them?"

"Of course!" Celia Cooper raised her head and said, "It's not a secret, as long as you are familiar enough with the magic shop, you will know where to buy magic items of the magic circle of light."

Suldak asked, "Where?"

Celia Cooper rolled her eyes and said to Suldak, "It's at the magic lighting store."

Suldak opened his eyes wide and said, "Those magic lamps are not for..."

She was interrupted by Celia Cooper before she finished speaking. She waved her hand vigorously to Suldak and said, "I know you want to say that those magic lamps are magic wicks made of moonstone, but Not absolutely, there are still a lot of magic lamps made of light magic pattern circles, but the cost is relatively high, and magic spar fragments are not something that ordinary families can afford casually."

"Some lamps will also be engraved with light spells, such as 'twilight' or 'moonlight'. Since those magic circles can be engraved on the wick, it will not be too difficult to engrave on sword weapons, at least It's easier than enchanting your weapon." Celia Cooper explained to Suldak.

What Celia Cooper said made Suldak's eyes light up, and he asked quickly, "You mean I can go to the magic lighting store to re-customize a shining saber?"

Celia Cooper nodded and said, "You can also add some magical metals to the Craftsman's Sword, and engrave the magic circle of light on the Craftsman's Sword."

"That's a good idea!" Suldak touched the craftsman's sword on his waist, nodded vigorously and said.

While Suldak was facing the desk, chatting with Celia Cooper in the magic notebook, the door of his dormitory room was knocked. Suldak walked over and pushed the door open. He thought it would be the next door The two girls were neighbors, but the one standing at the door was a young boy with red pimples on his face. His pair of pale blue eyes looked at Suldak curiously, before Suldak could speak. , said first:

"Knight Suldak, someone is looking for you at the gate of the academy. They say they came from your hometown!"

Suldak's face was surprised at first, and then pleasantly surprised. He held the apprentice knight's hand a little excitedly, shook it vigorously twice, and said excitedly: "Ah, they finally arrived! Okay, that ...Thank you, I have been waiting for news from them, with such heavy snow, I was worried that they would be stranded on the road!"

After finishing speaking, Suldak didn't put on the salamander leather armor on the hanger, put the magic note into the magic pocket amid Celia Cooper's protest, and then pushed open the dormitory door and rushed downstairs .


Darcy Christie was sitting alone on a bench across the street from the Knight Academy. The snowflakes fell on her body, almost turning her into a snowman.

Darcy Christie was extremely entangled in her heart. Every time Hathaway found something that looked good, she would approach it belatedly, and thought it was very good. In the past few years, they have not escaped such a fate. The two first competed for a rabbit named Peter. Although this rabbit did not affect the friendship between the two, it made them develop the habit of competing in everything. Then Cole Norton appeared in Hathaway's sight and entangled her in every possible way. From being dismissive at the beginning, he competed with Hathaway for Cole Norton, so that the girlfriends completely turned their faces.

Later, Hathaway met Suldak again. Originally, she thought that even if she and Suldak had an intersection, they would be sworn enemies. She didn't want to repeat the same mistakes. But before she knew it, she sadly found that she was actually stuck in the quagmire. Every time she closed her eyes, the appearance of Suldak would always appear before her eyes, which made her a little irritable.

She sat on the bench and saw the lights on the dormitory of the Knight Academy through the courtyard wall. She knew that one of the windows must be Surdak's room. She hesitated, and her pride made her want to leave , but a strong impulse emerged in her heart, encouraging her to walk towards the gate of the Knight Academy step by step.

Standing in the snowstorm, she finally made up her mind and made a decision. He wanted to tell Suldak what was in his heart, no matter how the other party reacted, as long as he said it.

As soon as he walked to the wall next to the gate of the Knight Academy, he saw a woman in thick linen standing quietly waiting in front of a flatbed cart.

Her face was frozen like a red apple by the wind and snow. Although only a pair of bright eyes and a straight nose were exposed, Darcy Christie found that those timid eyes were clear. Her feet were frozen, and she could only He stomped his feet on the spot, and there was a young coachman on the driver's seat, who seemed to be chatting with the woman, but the woman was not in the mood to chat, and kept looking at the Knight Academy.

Just when Darcy Christie was hesitating, she suddenly saw a familiar figure running out of the academy—Suldak.

He came out of the academy wearing only red salamander trousers and long leather boots on his lower body and a thin linen shirt on his upper body in the snowstorm, and ran straight towards the woman standing in the snowstorm, even Without any pause, he directly stretched out his hands to hug the woman, and turned around in the snow on the side of the street.

The woman resisted and struggled to get down from his arms, and the young coachman came over. The two exchanged a few words, and they seemed to be very familiar with each other.

Suldak found two cloaks directly from the magic pocket, threw one to the young coachman, and put the other on the woman. With the woman's help, he put on the salamander leather armor. People got into the van and left the Knight Academy happily...

Darcy Christie leaned against the courtyard wall weakly, and waved to a magic caravan waiting at the side. The magic caravan came up, and the coachman jumped down and opened the door graciously. Miss Darcy said blankly. Boarding the magic caravan, he only said to the coachman with a cold face: "Go back..."


In the hotel opposite the garden square in Hailansa City, the proprietress of the hotel watched Suerdak walk in with a young woman in his arms in the wind and snow. The three young coachmen walked in talking and laughing. Suldak thought for a while and said to the proprietress of the hotel: "We have a carriage outside that needs to be parked in the hotel yard. The horse needs to be fed with fodder. I have a cleaner single room, and it is best to provide tomorrow's breakfast."

The hotel owner took off his coat from the wall and walked out against the wind and snow outside the door. He wanted to drive the carriage at the door into the hotel yard.

The proprietress of the hotel showed a friendly smile and said to Surdak, "There is still one big bed room left, and hot water will be provided free of charge before midnight."

"No need, a single room is fine." Surdak repeated.

The proprietress immediately took a bunch of keys from the wall and threw them to Suldak, who stuffed them into Charlie's hand casually, and said to Charlie, "If you need anything, just ask the proprietress."

Charlie looked at the exquisite decoration in the hotel a little uneasy, and said to Suldak: "Suldak, I can just go to the hotel next to the car dealership and sleep in a Chase bunk."

"You have to listen to me when you come to Hailansa City. The environment here is not bad, and the house price is not as expensive as you think." Surdak put his arm around the shoulders of the young coachman and said to him, "You put your luggage first. Put it down, and then go outside to find something to eat, if you want to eat something, it is best to eat some barbecue in such a cold day, I remember there is a good barbecue restaurant nearby."

Charlie looked at the hotel a little cautiously, and walked up to the room on the second floor with his luggage alone.

Suldak held Natasha's soft and slender waist, and pulled her to the sofa beside the hall. He didn't expect that Natasha would come to Hailansa City with Charlie this time, Apart from joy, they were also sweating for their trip. If something happened on the road, they might be trapped in the wind and snow, and the snow outside would get heavier.

Even if the road was unimpeded, Charlie drove the carriage in the icy and snowy environment for nearly two days before arriving at Hailansa City.

Natasha's face was blushing. She didn't know whether it was because the hotel lobby was too warm or her heart was beating too hard. She squinted her eyes and let Suldak hold her half in his arms.

The lady proprietress served two cups of honey tea, and then suggested to Suldak: "Knight Suldak, if you want to eat barbecue, I recommend the 'Squat Bear' barbecue shop on the corner, where the T-bone meat is medium-rare. Always good! Don’t forget to ask the waiter for tomato bisque and toasted oatmeal at the end, as both are free and they won’t serve it until you remind them.”

Suldak knew about the 'Quokka' barbecue restaurant. He remembered that he chose that barbecue restaurant for his induction dinner in the guard camp. It was a very distinctive barbecue restaurant. One thing is to order food directly in front of the kitchen after entering the door. The chef will cut off a piece of fresh meat, marinate and cook it face to face. Recommended by chefs.

Generally speaking, any restaurants recommended by the proprietress will be very good, and she doesn't expect to make money from them, so she is willing to provide such free information to the tenants. But Suldak really didn't know that the tomato puree and toasted wheat cakes here were actually free.

"Okay, I'm going to try it." Suldak said without any hesitation.

The bustling Hailansa City is also very unfamiliar to Charlie. Every time he comes to Hailansa City, he only goes to the free market in the city. In the past, in order to save a little money, he usually would not live in the city. In the hotel inside, the streets of the city in the heavy snow, and the shops along the way are brightly lit. Charlie looked at the exquisite windows on both sides of the street, looking a little dizzy.

The 'Quokka' barbecue shop on the corner of the street is indeed very popular. The entrance of such a big snow shop is actually full of carriages, but at least there is no need to queue up for now. Suldak walked to the door of the shop and asked the waiter at the door There is still no place, the waiter very politely pushed the door open, a strong smell of barbecue and heat waves blowing towards the face.

Walking into the store, Charlie and Natasha were immediately stunned by the spacious kitchen inside the restaurant. There were rows of fragrant barbecue grills. Charlie didn't even know how to order food. Everything was Sulda Ke was communicating with the chef who was in charge of ordering food. Seeing the extremely fresh and tender meat sizzling on the barbecue grill, Charlie realized that he seemed to have not eaten except for a piece of chestnut rice cake in the morning. , now so hungry that I could eat a whole leg of lamb.

This is the first time for Charlie to eat in such a luxurious restaurant. Suldak also ordered two glasses of ale and a glass of pomegranate juice. Charlie carefully learned from Suldak how to use a knife correctly. Three T-bone steaks are content to eat free tomato puree and toasted wheat cake.

When it was time to pay the bill, the waiter left for a long time before walking back quickly, and whispered in Suldak's ear: This barbecue is free of charge.

Seeing the young aristocratic owner of the barbecue restaurant standing at the door of the restaurant and nodding to him, Suldak realized that the young aristocratic owner was actually a member who participated in the winter hunting a week ago, and Suldak even had a lot of respect for him. He was deeply impressed, the scimitar in his hand was very flexible during the battle, he was lucky enough in that incident, and returned to Hailansa City alive.

After expressing his gratitude to the young noble boss, Suldak left the barbecue shop and sent Charlie, who was a little drunk, back to the hotel. Then Suldak hired a magic caravan on the side of the street and returned with Natasha. into the dormitory of the Knight Academy.

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