Lord Highlander

Chapter 400 399. After the Heavy Snow

With heavy snow and early sunshine, the temperature in Hailansa City dropped sharply.

The employees of the firm moved the baskets of sulfur ore back into the warehouse.

Manager Joey of the White Elephant Trading Company kept rubbing his hands that were about to freeze, and tightened the cloak on his body. With such a heavy snowfall, the match workshop in Hailansa City will be busy for another period of time. The sulfur mine The price during this time may still be skyrocketing. He looked at Suldak with a smile, and handed a money bag to Suldak.

Charlie didn't expect a carload of sulfur mines to be exchanged for a bag of heavy gold coins, and he wondered what he would buy for the share if he divided the money.

The two drove the carriage away from the White Elephant Trading Firm. Suerdak threw the money bag into Charlie's arms, and Charlie quickly caught the money bag. He held the bag of coins and thought for a long time, but he didn't make up his mind to hide it. Where is safe enough.

"Duck, can I put this pocket money with you?" Charlie was a little at a loss, and threw the pocketbook back and said, "I'm afraid I'll lose the pocketbook."

Suldak took the money bag and said, "Then I will keep it for you for a while. Before you leave Hailansa City, the money bag can be left with me."

The streets are full of snow, and many civilians are clearing the snow.

However, only a not-so-wide road was cleared out on the street, which could barely accommodate a carriage.

If two carriages are going towards each other, one of them is destined to stop temporarily to evade. After walking for a long time before returning to the hotel next to the square garden, Suldak patted his forehead and said to Charlie: "I don't think it's better You stay here for a few more days, and return to Wall Village after the Tianshan Road becomes passable."

Charlie looked embarrassed, and said with some reluctance: "I didn't expect such heavy snow, so I can only do this for the time being. Duck, I don't want to live here anymore. The Datong shop only needs 30 copper coins a night. It costs two silver coins for one night here, it's too expensive here!"

Suldak asked with a look of surprise: "I live in Datong shop, what about your carriage?"

"I can take care of the horse and the wagon. I have nothing to do. I can definitely take care of the wagon!" Charlie said to Suldak.

Suldak frowned. Although he had never slept in a Chase shop, he knew that the environment would not be too good. Suldak hesitated before saying to Charlie: "This hotel, although It’s a bit expensive, but the environment is good, and there’s free breakfast. Let’s stay here temporarily. I’ve already paid for the hotel. By the way, if you feel a little sorry, maybe I can find you a temporary place work, which can offset part of your expenses."

Charlie heard that Suldak could help him find a temporary job, his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Work? Well, although I don't know any crafts, I still have endless energy. Find a job in the city as well!"

Charlie's face became a little lighter when he heard that he could work.

Suldak looked at the time and guessed that Karl would sit in the tavern and have a drink at this time, so he asked Charlie to park the carriage in the backyard of the hotel, and then took Charlie to the tavern that Karl often went to. , the light in the tavern was a bit dim, and the hall was filled with the bitter taste of ale. Sure enough, Karl was sitting in front of the bar, chatting with the tavern proprietress without saying a word.

Seeing Suldak, the proprietress of the tavern nodded to him, then turned around to entertain other drinkers.

Even though it was freezing outside, the liquor girls in the tavern were still wearing thin short skirts, holding a tray full of liquor, shuttling back and forth among the crowd, and seeing Charlie flushed, he was too reserved to touch the liquor girls. Take a second glance.

Karl looked back and saw Suldak coming with a young man, holding a glass of wine and asking him with a smile: "Why are you here? I still want to send someone to deliver a letter to you, please take the time to go to the guard camp."

Suldak sat down on the high stool in front of Karl, put his hands on Charlie's shoulders, and introduced to Karl: "This is Charlie, my friend, from Wall Village."

Suldak introduced to Charlie again: "This is Baron Karl, my friend in Hailansa City, I guess he can help us."

Karl just nodded slightly to Charlie, and then asked Surdak curiously: "Tell me, what do you need me to do?"

Suldak said: "I need you to help Charlie find a temporary job." He then told Charlie to drive the carriage to Hailansa City and was trapped here in the heavy snow. After Carl listened, Looking at Charlie, he asked, "Do you have a wagon with goods?"

"Yes! Lord Baron Karl." Charlie said stiffly.

There was a nobleman on the opposite side. He had almost no chance to talk to noblemen. Now when he spoke, his voice trembled a little. Charlie didn't know how Suldak did it, but the conversation with Baron Karl was so easy and casual. .

Carl waved his hand indifferently, and said, "That's easy! Now that the city's snow removal team has recruited a large number of snow removal personnel, it doesn't matter if a single person pays that little wage. Each person only has one silver coin per day, but you There is a carriage that can pull the snow, and the daily work is relatively easy, that is, to transport the snow outside the city, in addition to the wages of one silver coin, there are about three silver coins for the carriage and horse subsidy every day."

"Baron Karl, I am willing to do this temporary job!" Charlie excitedly agreed immediately, not expecting to get four silver coins a day.

Carl put down his glass, tapped his head hard again, and said to Charlie as if he remembered something, "I'm afraid it won't be too long. Once the snow in the city is cleared, you may face unemployment again."

Charlie wasn't too worried about this, he said happily, "It's okay, the road to Wall Village will probably be open by then!"

Carl saw that Charlie looked very smart, so he put down his glass very simply, stood up and said, "Then let's go to Jasper now, and now he has been transferred to the city's logistics department. It seems to be in charge of managing the Qingxue stall in the city."

Suldak didn't expect that Karl's nemesis Jasper was in charge of the mess, but Karl didn't seem to care at all.

"By the way, you said you want me to go back to the guard camp. What's the matter?" Suldak asked after Karl.

Carl said as he walked, "The Ice Lake incident is over, and the guard battalion has caught up with the soup this time. The city hall has approved the expansion of the guard battalion's support squadron, and the establishment of two more support teams. The captain recommended you, and it is possible that Captain Sauron will let you serve as the sheriff outside the pass of Mount Pagolos, and the level is still the same as that of the small captain in the guard battalion."

The three walked out of the tavern, and Suldak asked Karl, "Do you know that I will return to Wall Village after I get my graduation certificate from the Knight Academy?"

Carl walked out of the tavern, tugged at his collar in the cold wind, then jumped into a roadside carriage and said, "You are so obvious, no matter how dull I am, I should have guessed it."

Speaking of which, Carl and Jasper were both born and bred in the noble family of Highlandsa. They were born and raised in the noble family of Highlandsa. Their family conditions were similar, and their abilities were also similar. There are not many opportunities for advancement.

Hailansa City is not a battlefield, the death rate of the guard battalion is not high, and the high-level people are well protected. If you want to get promoted, you have to rely on the boss above your head to be promoted or retreated. Finally, with such a promotion opportunity, Carl and Jasper were of course unwilling to give up, so Captain Sauron gave them a test question, and whoever did well would be the squadron leader of the supporting squadron.

Karl relied on a piece of merit brought out by Suldak to succeed in the position, which also meant that Jasper had no chance in the support squadron, and the big shots in the family came forward to operate him and transferred him from the guard camp. Now he is an employee of the logistics department of the city hall, and with family resources, it is estimated that he will make it out in a short time.

Carl brought Suldak to the door. Although Jasper was a little surprised, he was very enthusiastic. Although he and Carl were competitors at the beginning, but now times have changed, and many friends in Hailansa are far better than many enemies. Moisturize.

"That's no problem. We have to clear the snow overnight. Your name is Charlie? You can start work anytime!" Jasper said with a smile while sitting behind his desk.

He wouldn't personally go to the scene to supervise, call the assistants around him, and ask him to arrange Charlie.

Carl thanked Jasper and left the city hall with Suldak.

At this time, a castle made of remnant snow has been piled up on the square in front of the city hall, and there is still a steady stream of transportation from the street to this side. This heavy snow has seriously affected the traffic in Hailansa City. The guard camp is a distance from the city hall. Only a few hundred meters away.

The two came to the guard camp on foot, and a group of knights from the guard camp came to meet them. When they saw Karl and Suldak, they all waved and greeted them. Suldak still can't recognize the names of these guard battalion knights for the time being, but it seems that they have quickly accepted Suldak's extraordinary new colleague.

Walking into the courtyard of the guard camp, I saw several female colleagues of Ms. Gwendolyn holding the fence at the gate, watching the subordinates sweep the snow in the courtyard, and instructing them to build a big snowman in the courtyard, ladies While chattering indiscriminately, chatting and laughing, seeing Karl and Suldak walking in from the outside, Gwendolyn turned around and left immediately.

"Hey, Miss Gwendolyn, wait a minute!" Suldak shouted first.

"I can't hear, I can't hear what you are saying! Don't look for me!" Miss Gwendolyn walked quickly to the basement armory.

Suldak hurriedly stepped forward to stop it. Gwendoline watched Suldak take out the dwarven chain shield from his backpack with a smile. The two scratches on it looked so shocking, and she frowned and complained: "I knew it was nothing to worry about every time I saw you. Why didn't I see that you were a big trouble at the beginning!"

Although Miss Gwendolyn said so, she readily agreed to help with repairs.

Suldak and Karl came to Captain Saul's office immediately. Captain Saul saw Karl and Suldak knocking on the door and walked in. He casually asked them to sit down and let them sit down. The assistant brought two cups of lemon tea and asked Suldak with a smile, "Did Karl tell you about the expansion?"

"Yes, captain!" Suldak replied.

Captain Saul nodded and said: "Well, I won't repeat it. The support squadron wants to add two more security officers in the mountainous area south of the Red Pine Forest and the barren land outside the Pagros Mountain Pass. It is equivalent to the small leader of the support team, because it belongs to the remote area of ​​Hailansa City, the manpower can be recruited locally, and the guard battalion provides basic weapons and equipment, staffing and salary, and can recruit six players."

After speaking, Captain Sol pushed a letter of appointment in front of Suldak, and the name of the person to fill in the letter of appointment is still blank for the time being.

Captain Sauron went on to say: "Karl recommended to me that you go to the desolate land outside Pagros Mountain and serve as the sheriff there. If you are willing, I will sign the letter of appointment now and go to the Minister of Personnel. Ms. Lovera is registered, the appointment can take effect immediately, and the appointment can be delayed until next spring."

Suldak immediately sat up straight and said to Captain Sauron, "I am willing to serve as the security officer outside the mountain pass, Captain."

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