Lord Highlander

Chapter 403. 402. The Dusty Torch of Holy Light

Walking into this alley of the second-hand market, Suerdak felt stared at by a few pairs of eyes in the dark. Without a doubt, it's the thieves here who have that greedy gaze, and flea markets cannot do without them, as their stolen goods are some of the best sellers on the flea market.

Surdak looked around and found that apart from the street stall owners at the entrance, there were only a few homeless people lying on the sunny side of the street. The wooden boards under them had been rubbed black, and the texture was full of oil stains.

There are some street stalls on both sides of the alley, and the things on them are dazzling, such as iron pots, candlesticks, old clothes, leather bags, boots, etc. In addition, there are some things that Suldak can't recognize at all, of course not completely. They are old goods, some earthenware pots piled up together look very new, but many stall owners look disheveled, they try to place their stalls on the north side of the alley, so that they can enjoy the warmth by sitting against the wall sunshine.

Most of the people who come and go in this narrow alley are yellow-faced and thin poor, some wearing linen autumn clothes and a piece of torn hemp on their body to barely resist the cold wind.

Some people still have some second-hand goods under their ribs, and it looks like they want to sell these things in order to exchange for some living supplies.

"Master Knight, do you want a pipe?" A dirty big boy approached Surdak, holding a broken hat in his hand, and inside it were several roughly carved oak pipes. The carved patterns and jade cigarette holder, the knife marks on the pipe have not been completely polished, it looks rough.

Suldak shook his head slightly.

The older child looks disappointed and prepares to look for the next buyer. He was covered with chilblains on both backs holding the broken hat, and he was wearing a dress that didn't fit well. The trousers were obviously cut short, and the ankles of his feet were exposed.

Natasha reached out and took out an oak pipe from the broken hat, and asked the older child softly, "How much is this pipe?"

The older child took a peek at the bakery at the entrance of the alley, bit his lip and lowered his head, whispering, "Five copper coins."

Natasha carefully found the one that looked the most decent in the hat, then took out a handful of copper coins from her close-fitting purse, counted five of them, put them in the palm of the older child, and said with a slight smile: " go!"

The older child got the copper coins and ran to the small-looking bakery. After a while, he came out of the bakery with a cloth bag. The cloth bag looked bulging and radiated heat. , the older child happily walked out of the flea market, his footsteps seem so ostentatious.

Standing in front of a stall selling wooden picture frames, Suldak whispered to Natasha, "How can five copper coins buy so much bread?"

Natasha carefully put the remaining few copper coins back into the purse, squinted her eyes and said happily: "Maybe he is only five copper coins short, maybe there are chestnut rice cakes in the pocket, who knows..."

She held Surdak's arm, and she didn't even look back at the older child, the smile in her eyes was even bigger.

The two walked along the long and narrow alley. Obviously, in this alley, Natasha seemed much more relaxed. After passing a thrift shop that looked like a grocery store, they saw a few hanging on the eaves outside the shop. A colorful ball, she reached out and squeezed the ball, stopped and smiled at Surdak: "I remember when I was a child, I really wanted to have a ball like this. I want to buy a ball for Little Peter, okay?"

"Okay!" Suldak pointed to the vermilion-dyed ball and said to Natasha, "This one is pretty good."

Natasha readily took the ball out of the net bag. The two stood at the door of the shop for so long, but no shopkeeper came out. The two walked into the thrift shop. The light in the shop was a bit dim, and Sulda Ke saw the shopkeeper sitting in front of the counter dozing off on the high stool, and he didn't wake him up immediately. He took a casual look in the thrift store and found that the goods inside were much better than those on the outside.

There are still some old armors and shields hanging in the store. Although they have been refurbished, they are obviously coated with a layer of animal fat and have been treated with meticulous anti-rust treatment. From the row of shields on the wall, Suldak can see Seeing a shield that looked like a tile, there was a relief of hills printed on the surface of the shield. Surdak reached out and touched it. The relief pattern seemed to be stamped directly when the shield was forged.

He coughed lightly, and the shopkeeper who was dozing off on the high stool trembled, woke up from his sleep, opened his eyes and saw two customers standing in the shop, and then stretched out his hand and rubbed his face vigorously twice. Bundle.

Surdak turned around, pointed to the thick shield on the wall, and asked the shopkeeper, "What is this?"

The shopkeeper picked up the water glass on the counter and took a sip of water, then said to Suldak unhurriedly: "Dwarf Tower Shield, I went to the Dwarf Kingdom with a caravan, and the few weapons I brought back are only left Get down this shield!"

The shopkeeper saw Surdak's very interested expression, and said indifferently: "Knight, it is very heavy, even a heavy shield warrior would have a hard time picking it up, obviously he is not suitable for you , you must not only have enough strength, but you must also have a good horse!"

After finishing speaking, the shopkeeper walked up to Suldak, only then did Suldak realize that the shopkeeper was a head taller than him, and his body could hold him. The shopkeeper glanced at his chest and said directly: "The guard The battalion’s standard weapons are of excellent quality, there is absolutely no need for you to buy additional shields, if you just want to look around, you can ask me which armor you want to know.”

Suldak saw a knight's helmet with a mask hanging on the wall, but on the top of the helmet stood a bunch of white feathers like hound's tail, and a scale-like pattern was engraved on the forehead, obviously it was a helmet. A very delicate knight's helmet, the silver plating can still be seen without fading.

"This is the helmet worn by the battle priests in the temple. Now that they left the city of Hailansa, these things are left behind..." the shopkeeper said casually.

Suldak could imagine that a thief in the city must have sent this helmet here, but he didn't expect that this was the place where thieves sold their stolen goods. His eyes fell on the counter tablecloth, which was actually made of silk. It was just a little fluffy, looking at the cross stripes embroidered with silver thread, Suldak finally remembered that this pattern was seen on the outer wall of the temple that had been closed for a long time in the city.

"Is this a flag?" Surdak asked.

The owner walked back to the counter, lowered his eyes and stared at the tablecloth on the counter, and said with a sneer, "It's just a tablecloth that no one wants now, and everything in the temple is almost worthless now!"

Suldak found that the candlesticks and silver cups on the counter looked like they could only be found in temples. The shopkeeper coughed lightly and continued: "Maybe the Statue of Liberty has gone to other planes to relieve the suffering of other worlds." Or, she is not taking care of us now, we have to rely on ourselves!"

"Now there is only one guardian priest left in the temple in the city. I remember that in the heyday, there were seven priests and more than 20 priests in the temple. Every army in Hailansa City has priests Follow, every wounded soldier will be treated in time on the battlefield, instead of the current situation where the wounded can only lie on a stretcher waiting to die, such an army, who would dare to rush to the front when fighting..."

Suldak had never seen priests on the battlefield, and he didn't know what kind of situation it was.

"Ouch!" Natasha screamed from the side, as if she had knocked on something, a torch stuck on the wall fell down and hit the ground.

Suldak hurried over and asked Natasha, "Are you injured?"

Natasha patted her full chest, like a frightened deer, and whispered to Suldak: "No, I accidentally touched this torch. I didn't expect it to be so heavy."

She struggled to pick up the torch that had fallen on the ground, and saw that the supporting seat where the torch handle was inserted had been cracked. Knowing that she had caused trouble, she glanced at Suldak in a panic.

Suldak patted Natasha's soft shoulders, gave her a look of 'everything belongs to me', and then said to the shopkeeper who came over: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for the torch and stand you put here. If it is broken, I will pay you as much as I need!"

The shopkeeper looked at the crack on the support, and said indifferently: "It's okay, this torch is indeed too heavy, and it really doesn't fit here. I should put it back in the warehouse."

"Is this torch made of pure copper?" Seeing that Natasha was struggling to pick up the torch, she quickly reached out to take it, but the torch was so heavy in her hand that she almost dropped it, so she asked in surprise.

The shopkeeper laughed. He was about to pull out the damaged support from the wall, and said, "The surface is probably coated with a layer of magic red copper. Everything in the temple is like this. It's flashy. At first, I thought it was copper." The finished product looks very heavy, and I thought it would be worth a few dollars, but I didn’t expect it to be thrown here for several years and no one cares about it. It seems that I should find a chance to throw it into the furnace of the blacksmith’s shop and melt it into copper ingots. It should be worth more. How much money!"

There was an inexplicable suction force from the torch, which was similar to the feeling of holding a shining saber. Suldak watched the pattern on the surface of the torch light up with holy light after being infused with sacred breath. The dust covering the torch completely covered the Unable to stop, Suldak quickly withdrew his sacred aura, extinguishing the light from the torch pattern.

Surdak said to the shopkeeper, "How much do you sell this torch for?"

Seeing that Suldak really wanted to buy the torch, the shopkeeper immediately acted like a businessman, and said to Suldak: "Maybe after the torch is smelted, I guess I can still collect some magic red copper, so there are no three A... oh... five gold coins, I'm sure I won't sell them."

Natasha didn't expect that a torch would be so expensive, she almost shed tears in fright.

"This gold coin is my compensation to you. I bought the torch!" Suerdak readily took out five gold coins from his purse and placed them on the counter.

Pulling Natasha strides out of the thrift store.


Natasha hesitated whether to put the unpaid ball back into the net pocket.

The shopkeeper stood at the door and shouted to Natasha with a happy face: "This ball will be given to you for free..."

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