Lord Highlander

427 Chapter 426. How Many Times Can I Miss?

When Suldak and Karl arrived at the guard camp, they found that the originally empty yard was already crowded with knights from the guard camp waiting to set off.

Many knights crowded in front of the service window of the logistics department, striving to replace their worn-out armaments during the last period of time.

From a distance, the two of them saw the busy figure of Miss Wengerdolin standing in front of the service window. Facing the knights of the guard battalion who were about to rush to the plane to perform urgent tasks, the logistics department of the guard battalion also made great concessions. All of a sudden, the material warehouse was full of people.

Suldak received 7 days of marching rations along with Karl at the window, but he currently has three magic pockets, carrying sleeping bags, tents, ropes and many life-related magic scrolls. Magic scrolls include water gathering scrolls, gathering fire I bought some wheat cakes and canned luncheon meat in the grocery store, so I was quite well prepared for this trip.

This time, the Hailansa Guard Battalion has drawn nearly 500 guard battalion knights from various brigades. Among them, the first brigade led by Captain Sauron is the most elite knight brigade of the guard battalion. There are 100 knights, and the remaining 300 knights are shared equally among the other four brigades.

Because of his injuries, Captain Sauron was unable to participate in this plane mission, so he stayed in Hailansa City to handle the daily affairs of the guard camp. The supreme commander of the dispatched army. As one of the few constructed knights in the guard battalion that is close to rank two, the captains of the third, fourth, and fifth brigades will also set off with the group.

The guard battalion has a total of 25 squadron leaders, 19 of whom are elementary construction knights, and the remaining six squadron leaders were selected as civilians, without family support behind them, unable to afford the high cost of magic pattern construction, so they could only become An ordinary knight.

Squadron Captain Karl took out all his savings a week ago to buy a set of primary strength magic pattern structure and became a structure knight.

Of course, if it wasn't for the Casement family who had assumed most of the magic spar, Karl would have been deeply in debt by now.

Karl could only express his envy in a slightly sour tone for Suldak's set of "Earth Shield" magic pattern structure in exchange for a mission. After all, if Suldak hadn't successfully killed Losing the black mage Marion, Karl and Captain Sauron may not be able to return to Hailansa City safely.

The five captains of the guard battalion stood on the steps of the door at the same time. This was the first time Suldak had seen such a scene.

Every captain has a faint halo all over his body. In addition to the power brought by the magic pattern structure, their own strength has almost reached the peak of a rank-one knight, and Captain Sauron has the most momentum.

There was a mass of knights standing in the yard, and nineteen constructed knights stood in the most eye-catching places, and the scene was very spectacular.

After the five captains appeared at the same time, the knights on the field gradually became quiet.

Captain Sauron looked around, looked sharply at the group of knights in front of him, and said in a calm voice: "This time, the magic airship has a limited carrying capacity, and there is no way to bring the horses there. There will be a unified arrangement at the Duke Newman's side in the city of Benar." .”

His voice wasn't too loud, but everyone in the yard could basically hear it, and the yard immediately became silent.

Captain Sauron glanced at the four captains around him again, and then said: "This mission is urgent, there must be a big mess in the Maca plane, I have nothing to warn you, I can only say that when something happens Be careful, I hope you all return safely, and don't do anything that is not a knighthood, and discredit our city of Hailansa. War is like this, danger and opportunity coexist, who thinks they don't want to carry out this position You can talk about the task now, or you can talk to me privately later, the price! After taking off the knight uniform of the guard battalion, I can sign and release people anytime and anywhere."

The knights in the yard fell silent, apparently someone had made a choice between 'going or staying'.

Captain Sauron took a step forward, pulled out the long sword around his waist with his uninjured hand, and said to the knights: "But since you all want to follow the guard battalion dispatch team to the Maca plane, then you must Abide by the rules and regulations of the guard battalion, and obey the command of Viscount Emmett, if anyone dares to disobey the order before the battle, he must be dealt with by military law."

He stood on the steps with a serious face, and the prestige he had accumulated usually made the knights of the guard battalion in the yard silent for a while.

Then he invited Viscount Emmett who was beside him to the front.

Viscount Emmett, as the captain of the second brigade of the guard battalion, rarely shows up in the guard camp. The second brigade is responsible for a very limited security area, and Viscount Emmett usually has a lot of outings, and he likes to hold events in his own manor. At the ball, Karl took Suldak to a ball hosted by Viscount Emmett. I remember that Suldak met Miss Brenda at the ball.

This Viscount Emmett has a very casual personality and speaks very gently. Even though he is wearing a leather armor made of magic pattern, standing on the steps is more like a bard who loves art and poetry.

He stood upright, and his figure was far less burly than that of Captain Sauron, and he had a good grasp of the rhythm between his sentences, so I heard him say: "Everyone, don't worry too much about the complicated situation of the Maca plane. All seven cities have received dispatch orders from Bena City, which also means that seventeen dispatched troops almost the same as ours are about to rush to the Maca plane, and the total number of troops to reinforce the Maca plane this time will not be small There are more than 20,000 knights, so the situation on the Maca plane will change rapidly the moment we enter the portal."

"Except for those who are originally members of noble families, there will not be more than 20 people who have obtained the title of knight as a commoner. Our trip to the Maca plane should be said to be the best for you to obtain the title of knight. Opportunity, so I will lead you to create as many merits as possible under the premise of ensuring safety, I hope you can trust me."

"Let us fight side by side for the glory of the empire!"

Hearing Viscount Emmett's yell, the originally quiet yard exploded with a 'boom'. Apparently, the pie drawn by Viscount Emmett was a bit big. Raising the knight's long sword in his hand, he shouted loudly: "For the glory of the empire..."

The other three captains stood aside to express their support for Viscount Emmett, and the pre-war mobilization ceremony of the guard battalion ended in a passionate atmosphere.

There were more than 20 magic caravans parked on the long street outside the guard camp. The magic caravans lined up to the square of the city hall. The knights lined up to board the carriages one after another. The carriage slowly drove into the gate of the guard camp.


When Suldak and Karl rushed to the airport terminal of Hailansa City, the sun had already slanted to the west, and the thick clouds piled up on the sky, which seemed to be rimmed with a layer of gold under the sunlight.

The airport terminal where High Lansa City is located is located at the highest point in the northwest corner of the city. Two watchtowers nearly 100 meters high are built here, and the airport terminal is on the top of the tower.

A magical airship arrived late, and it came out from behind the clouds trimmed with gold, and slowly approached the airport pier of Hailansa. Karl and Suldak were waiting on the pier platform, and all the knights of the guard battalion were there Waiting to board the ship, the side of the magic airship was also crowded with people, and the group of people looked at the mountain city below them curiously.

I am afraid that the wedding dinner of Bird Tax Officer has already started at Christie Castle. I was unable to attend the dinner of Bird Tax Officer. I can only regretfully say a word in my heart: I am sorry.

Suldak felt someone patting him from behind, and turned around to find that it was Lance, a young magician, and asked with a smile, "Lance, why are you here?"

The young magician pointed to the mage camp not far away, where more than a dozen young magicians were gathering there. They were wearing magic robes together, and they were extremely eye-catching in the crowd. Lance said to Suldak and Karl: "The call-up order has not only reached the desks of your guard camp, the magic union in Hailansa City has also received a call-up order from the Bena Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and we will also take the airship to go Bena City."

Seeing the fellow magicians over there waving vigorously to Lance, a group of magicians had already walked towards the stern, Lance quickly greeted Suldak and Karl and said, "Don't wait here, you two, come with me!" Get on the boat, maybe you can stand in a more comfortable cabin!"

Karl hurriedly dragged Suldak to follow the footsteps of the magician Lance. While the other knights of the guard battalion were still waiting for other passengers to disembark at the airport pier, Suldak was already among the crowd of mages, passing through the magician-only passage. Boarded the magic airship.

The deck of the airship was full of passengers waiting to disembark, and many of them walked off the ship one after another, carrying big and small bags to salute.

Suldak boarded the airship, boarded the top floor of the ship building behind the magic airship, stood on the observation deck on the roof, and had a panoramic view of the entire magic airship. Seven floating devices, the floating devices are closed at the moment, the entire airship can float in the air, thanks to the buoyancy provided by the huge shuttle-shaped floating air bag above the head, the crew is throwing the cable to the airport dock, the work on the dock The personnel tied the cables to the iron piles on the pier.

Among the crowded crowd on the deck, Suldak seemed to have seen two familiar figures flash by, and when he tried to find those two figures from the crowd again, those two figures had already disappeared. trace.


Hathaway and Beatrice were standing on the deck, their noses turning red from the bitter north wind from Hailansa City. Hathaway pulled the cashmere scarf over her face, and slowly walked off the boat with the flow of people. When she saw that there were only two tall towers in the slightly shabby airport terminal, Beatrice showed disappointment in her eyes.

The city at the foot is built on the hillside, and the buildings on both sides of the long street are very dense. Many buildings on the street are almost connected together. It can be clearly seen that the city is divided into several areas. Hathaway deeply Taking a breath of the cold air, I slowly closed my eyes, feeling the smell of this strange city.

"Finally arrived at Hailansa City."

She said softly to Beatrice, a faint smile flashed in her light green eyes, and she fantasized about meeting Suldak in her mind, with the slightly surprised expression on his face.

Carrying a long skirt and stepping on the deck with guardrails, Hathaway walked to the airport pier. Hathaway unexpectedly found a neat row of knights standing on the pier. These knights seemed to be waiting for passengers to disembark. Many of them were wearing uniforms of the guard battalion.

Although Hathaway's eyes swept over the faces of these knights, she looked at it more carefully than ever before. With the swordsman's keen intuition, she did not see the familiar figure in the crowd, and exhaled slightly. a mouthful.

At this time, Beatrice was standing by the railing of the airport pier, leaning her body outside. The cold wind blew away her beautiful long hair, but she didn't care and let her long hair flutter in the wind , staring intently at the long street in the city below, and said with a puzzled look on his face: "I saw this mountain city in a biography of a ranger, and that book said... an evening wind blows through the oak forest. , stepping on the fallen leaves as thick as a blanket on the forest mountain path, and going up the stone steps...how come I didn't see that kind of poetic scenery?"

"Please, that should be in the fall!"

Hathaway covered her forehead and whispered to Beatrice.

Beatrice said a little unconvinced: "Then at least you can see the 'forest path up the stone steps'!"

"Hey! Beatrice." Hathaway looked seriously at some beauties who were in the middle school.

Beatrice didn't know what she had done wrong, but she changed the subject and said, "Okay, okay! Is it settled where we're staying tonight?"

Hathaway said to her friends: "Of course, I have already booked a hotel."

Beatrice's eyes lit up, and she praised: "Hey! Then enjoy this unforgettable winter trip! I heard that there is a very good restaurant in Hailansa..."


Hathaway suddenly felt a little reluctant to speak.


Darcy Christie learned that the guard battalion had received an urgent mission and would leave Hailansa City in the magic airship that night. It was already before the dinner party began.

Then she paid attention to the guests at the banquet. Sure enough, many knights in the guard camp did not attend the dinner. Standing beside Hoyle, she was a little out of her mind. As a sister who almost talked about everything on weekdays, Hoyle soon discovered that Darcy's strange, seeing Darcy Christie lost her usual decisiveness, Miss Hoyle pulled her to a corner of the corridor, without saying a word, she just looked at her with questioning eyes.

Darcy Christie looked at Miss Hoyle with some embarrassment, and Miss Hoyle immediately said to her: "Go quickly if you want to do something, don't wait until it's too late, and then it's too late to regret and cry..."

Darcy Christie smiled apologetically at Miss Hoyle, gave Miss Hoyle a big hug, and said, "Have a good time tonight, happy newlyweds!"

"Okay, let's do something quickly!" Miss Hoyle patted Darcy Christie's face and said.

In this way, Darcie Christie's wedding dinner at Hoyle just showed up briefly, and then disappeared as if the world had evaporated.

Only a few people noticed that the wedding's chief best man and chief bridesmaid disappeared at the same time, but no one mentioned it in a cheerful atmosphere.

A magic caravan quickly left Christie Castle in the afterglow of the setting sun.


In the cold wind, Darcy Chris stood on the long street outside the airport pier, watching the magic airship slowly leave Hailansa City, as if being hit by a heavy fist in the heart, she really wanted to face the street lights in front of her at this moment Cut a few swords to vent some irritable emotions in my heart.

People were coming and going on the street, she suppressed her temper and boarded the magic caravan, and was about to rush back to Christie Castle immediately, but saw Hathaway and Beatrice coming out of the airport pier, the two stood there curiously. Outside the gate of the airport pier, there was no depression at all because of Suldak's departure, nor did he return to Bena City with Suldak...

A thought flashed through Dacie Christie's mind, maybe they never met at the airport pier, they didn't know that Suldak had just left in this airship.

Suddenly, Darcy Christie felt less uncomfortable...

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