Lord Highlander

Chapter 431

A beam of light penetrated directly from the roof of the warehouse and covered Andrew's body. The familiar power made Suldak happy. Sure enough, the head of the hellhound can be used as a sacrifice. In Andrew's body, Andrew's state immediately stabilized.

Suldak then took out the torch of holy light, and a hot flame of holy light immediately condensed on the top of the torch, making the dark warehouse suddenly bright.

He brought this incandescent flame close to Andrew's body wounds, and saw that those wounds were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Because I don't know how many healing sessions and how many battles we will face next, Suldak didn't wantonly waste the power of the holy light in his body. Seeing that Andrew's injuries had stabilized, he began to treat the various wounds on his body. There were many wounds, but the most cumbersome one was to cut off the carrion on Andrew's wounds with the blood red crescent. More than ten rolls of bandages were used to cover those wounds. Seeing that his breath had calmed down, Suldak breathed a sigh of relief. .

Walking to the warehouse door, Suldak pushed the heavy wooden door open from the inside, and found that besides Andrew's companion guarding the warehouse door, there was also a guard battalion knight guarding here. Seeing Suldak push the door open, The eyes of the two people lit up.

Suldak moved his body to the wooden door and said to Andrew's companion, "You can find someone to carry him home!"

The companion immediately walked into the warehouse and saw that Andrew was wrapped up like a mummy, but his breathing was quite stable, and his face was not so pale. The soldier immediately called a young man from the reserve group from outside. These soldiers were young men temporarily recruited from the city of Wojmara, and they were sent to guard the city wall without any training.

Facts have proved that the young soldiers in the reserve group will have weak legs when they see hell dogs, and they are more like bunches of scarecrows on the city wall. With them on the city wall, apart from occupying a limited space, they can only become hell evil dogs. Dog rations, so these young people have been arranged to participate in auxiliary battles under the city walls.

Only when some hell dogs crossed the city wall and rushed into the city, would it be the turn of these young people to rush up to fight the hell dogs. If they were positioned accurately, these young people could only be regarded as a group of auxiliary soldiers.

Andrew's companion called a young man with the same skin color as him from under the city wall. They should be natives of a certain tribe on the Maca plane. Duke Newman has occupied the Maca plane for many years, and many indigenous tribes should have been assimilated , They gradually walked into the city from the jungle, and then gradually adapted to the life here, and became a part of Wozmara City.

Andrew's companion and the young soldier carried Andrew out of the warehouse one after the other.

Before leaving, Suldak hesitated, but reached out and patted the shoulder of the companion, and said to him: "If you need help, you can come here to find me at any time, our squadron is temporarily stationed here, I will make some simple first aid."

The soldier stopped in his tracks and looked at Suldak in surprise: "Master Knight, are you willing to save our Nanai soldier?"

"There is only one prerequisite, and it must be the brave and fearless defender of Wojmara City!" Suldak hesitated for a second at the warehouse door, and said to the soldier with a smile.

The soldier immediately straightened his chest, hammered it heavily on his chest, and said proudly: "Of course, we are all brave Wojmara warriors, and everyone is willing to defend the city of Wojmara. We are more loyal to this city."

"Then what are you waiting for, before those hellhounds rush up, go and tell everyone..." Suldak spread his hands and said to the soldiers.

"There hasn't been a priest in Wojmara City for a long time." The soldier thought for a while and then he said to the young soldiers behind him, "Help me send Captain Andrew back to the camp. I must hurry up and notify the other wounded. Someone could die in a second."

"Ahem, I'm a knight, and I only know some simple first aid techniques!" Suldak immediately corrected like the soldier.

"Yes, my lord knight," he said.

The soldier put down the stretcher and hurriedly walked towards the side of the road outside the city wall. The knight didn't need him to go too far. There were many wounded lying on the side of the road. He just needed to tell them the news...


Suldak pushed the warehouse door open. In addition to the smell of kerosene, there was also a faint musty smell in the warehouse.

The climate in Wojmara City is warm and humid, and there are still some mildew spots growing on the walls of the warehouse below the city, but for Suldak, there is no place more suitable to be converted into an emergency room than this place. The battle on the top of the city started, and he could rush to the city as soon as possible with the Craftsman's Sword.

Together with the guard battalion knight, he cleared out all the kerosene barrels in the room, carried a few wooden boxes from outside the warehouse, put together two wooden beds in the room, and spread the marching blanket on them.

The light in the warehouse was a bit dim, and the knights of the guard battalion took two horse lanterns and hung them on the wall, and pasted a 'Water Gathering' metal rune plate on the wall.

The four corners of the metal rune board were nailed with thumbtacks, and Suldak asked the knight to bring a clay pot for storing water from the outside and place it under the metal rune board for the 'water gathering' technique. on a gem base. The magic power flows slowly in the engraved lines on the rune board like a stream of water, naturally forming circles of magic runes, and then these runes converge into a minimalist but complete magic circle, trickling water Condensed from the mid-air in front of the metal rune plate, it fell into the clay pot leaning against the wall like a drizzle of rain.

Soon this warehouse was transformed into an emergency room by Suldak. Although the guard battalion knight guarding the warehouse door was a little puzzled, he didn't ask much. His best friend, and the sheriff of the barren land of Mount Pagros, he would not have any doubts about Suldak.

The support squadron of the guard battalion is responsible for the defense of this section of the city wall. As the chief defense officer of the city wall section, Karl must carefully arrange tasks for the members of his squad, especially the hellhounds below the city. Everything needs to be more careful. Karl's experience in this regard is still very It's lacking, but he does everything by himself, so there won't be too many mistakes.

The bed crossbowmen on the archery tower will last until night before archers will come to carry out defense rotations with them. However, due to the recent shortage of arrows and other materials, the daily quota of giant crossbow arrows is also very limited, so the archery tower has been constantly Deliberately maintain the frequency of arrow shooting, and strive to shoot and kill the hellhound to the greatest extent.

Finding that Suldak hadn't returned to the city wall, he asked his followers and found out that he was rebuilding a warehouse under the city wall, so Karl brought someone over to see what was going on.

Karl walked down the city, just in time to see four guards carrying a stretcher and hurried into a warehouse. On the stretcher lay a guard soldier with a broken leg. The vicious dog bit it off. Although it was bandaged, the blood had already stained the thick bandage, and the person fell into a severe coma.

The warehouse door was pushed open from the inside. After the wounded were sent in, the four guards withdrew from the inside and waited silently at the door. The four of them did not speak or communicate, but squatted at the foot of the city wall with their elbows on their knees. , covering their faces with their hands, as if they could get enough rest in this position.

Not long after, the warehouse door was pushed open again, and Suldak leaned out half of his body from inside, and shouted to the four guards: "He's injured too badly, he's too a hellhound! "

The four guards didn't know why, but out of concern for their companions, they ran out in a hurry, and soon brought a calf-sized hell dog, but the hell dog's head had already been beheaded, and now it can only be temporarily Sew it back again.

The warehouse door opened again, and the four guards carried the Hellhound inside, and then came out and waited patiently at the door.

After a long time, there was obviously a strong power of holy light overflowing from the door in the warehouse, and then the door was pushed open again. Suldak leaned against the door and said to the four guards waiting outside: "Take your companions away. Be careful not to get water on the wound during this time to avoid infection."

The four guards carried the companion out, and the wound was re-bandaged. This time, the blood from the wound on the broken leg was stopped, and the soldier lying on the stretcher regained some blood on his face.

Suldak glanced at another guard warrior waiting outside whose shoulder was bitten into a bloody mess, saw a hellhound corpse prepared beside him, waved to him, and said, "Your injury doesn't need this ,come in!"

The guard soldier was able to walk by himself. He walked into the treatment room with his shoulders in his arms, and smiled flatteringly at Suldak. It may be that the action involved the wound, and he grinned in pain.

Suldak let him sit on the wooden box, first washed the bloody wound with water, then scraped off the carrion on the wound with the blood red crescent, then used the linen thread to suture the wound, and used the holy light torch to make some Simple treatment, just waiting for the guard soldier's shoulder wound to recover to the hemostatic state at a speed visible to the naked eye, Suldak bandaged his wound, the whole process went very smoothly, and soon the guard soldier left the treatment room .

I didn't expect that Andrew's companion was smart enough to know that he couldn't tell everyone the news. In that case, once all the wounded soldiers swarmed up, Suldak would probably be completely surrounded. After all, Suldak had only one Therefore, he only told the two friends who were seriously injured. The treatment of the two wounded here is over, and it is estimated that more wounded soldiers will come after a while.


Suldak wiped the water stains on his hands with a handkerchief, and smiled at Karl who was standing at the door.

Carl probed into the treatment room, and the treatment room was filled with a strong smell of blood. There was a magic rune board of the water gathering technique stuck in the corner of the wall, and the rich water elements gathered together and turned into drizzle and fell into the clay pot. Here, these blood-stained bandages were scattered on the ground, and on a wooden table was the corpse of a headless hellhound. After washing his hands, Suldak took a skinning knife and began to mix the hellhound with gray pages. Peel off the rotten skin of the rock.

Karl and several team leaders walked into the treatment room and saw that the warehouse was well-arranged, so they asked him, "Are you really going to treat these city guards here all the time?"

Suldak stopped the skinning knife in his hand, straightened his waist and said to Karl: "Of course I will try to treat them as much as possible. Don't you think we have to stay here forever?"

He looked at the city wall outside, and said to Karl and the team leaders: "As a knight of the Hailansa City Guard Battalion, city defense is not what we are best at. When we came to Vozmara City, We not only need to help them block the hellhounds, but also help them rebuild the city defense system as soon as possible. Every guard here is a precious resource. Only the defense department of Wojmara City can regain its combat effectiveness. Maybe we don't have to stick to this plane The war is finally won, and we can return to Hailansa smoothly."

When the other squad leaders heard what Suldak said, they were also stunned.

Just now, when the guard battalion knights took over the city defense from the city wall guards, they had a bad face. Now that I think about it, not only is it completely unnecessary, but they should take the initiative to help these guards. Only these city guards have recovered their original combat effectiveness. Only the knights can complete this reinforcement task.

Karl knew that Suldak always had some unique ideas, and knew that Suldak himself was born as a shield warrior of the heavy armored infantry regiment. It was reasonable that he would not despise the guard warriors in his heart, so he said: "Okay, Need me to help you with something?"

Suldak smiled, pointed to the blood-stained bandages on the ground, and said unceremoniously: "It's better to get more tourniquet bandages. It would be even better if there were antidotes."

Carl frowned and said, "The antidote is hard to get, but the hemostatic bandage is fine, you can leave it to me!"

The knife in Suldak's hand was very sharp, and he cut the tendons on the hind legs of the Hellhound along the fascia with a single stroke. He seemed to have just thought of it, patted his head with his hands and said to Karl: "By the way, it would be best if you can help me collect the headless hellhound corpses. If the body is too damaged, don't want it. Just put it outside."

The head of this kind of hell dog is the proof of the statistics of military exploits. After each soldier kills the hell dog, he will naturally take the head of the hell dog away, but the corpse of the hell dog is useless. There will be some shale mixed with it, and the tattered ones can't make leather armor at all, and the flesh of the Hellhound has also been demonized, which not only contains demonic energy, but also has a constant corrosion effect, and ordinary people eat it in their stomachs It is inevitable that the intestines will be pierced and rotten.

Karl asked Surdak curiously, "What are you looking for?"

Suldak, "Magic pattern spirit bones or something, it's a waste to leave the hellhound corpses there, maybe you can gain something by cutting them open!"

If the magic-weave spirit bones were so easy to find, the price would not be so expensive.

Karl waved his hand and said to Suldak, "Okay, whatever you want!"

He didn't think that Suldak would be so lucky to find the magic bones from so many hellhound corpses, but at this moment there were already injured guards waiting outside the treatment room, so Karl didn't agree with him. After chatting more, Suldak led a group of team leaders out of the treatment room, and ordered the knight guarding outside the treatment room to take some time to do some chores in the treatment room. The hellhounds outside the city showed signs of attacking the city again.

What Karl didn't know was that just as he walked out of the treatment room, Suldak used a skinning knife to peel a 'black magicweave spirit bone' from the hind leg of the hellhound.

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