Lord Highlander

Chapter 448

Suldak slept in the tent all night, and when it was just dawn in the morning, the sound of the magic horn whistling through the sky woke him up from his dream.

As soon as he got out of the tent, he saw two magicians returning from the city of Wojmara riding a magic scorpion. The somewhat exaggerated magic scorpion slowly fell from the air, and the huge air flow almost covered Suldak behind him. overturned tent.

Samira, the half-elf archer, was standing under the tree. Behind her was a row of golden pheasants hanging from the branches of a tree trunk. There were about a dozen of them. It was just hunted some time ago, and the pheasant was still dripping blood. A group of Hailansa city guard battalion knights were queuing up, and they had already prepared a silver coin in their hands, and they were talking and laughing from Samira. After buying the pheasant, I ran back to the tent and started preparing breakfast. The scene was very lively.

Several knights of the guard camp who were the most experienced hunters in Hailansa City came back from the depths of the woods empty-handed, squatted under the big tree next to the camp, and watched the lively scene in the camp with depressed faces. Knowing what's wrong with their hunting methods, why they didn't bring back a single prey, everyone gathered in front of the camp and couldn't help but look at each other. The two knights who had previously patted their chests and promised to bring back a delicious breakfast saw the eyes of several knights in the same group. Full of anticipation, at the moment is also a look of embarrassment.

Someone quickly stood up and explained with a smile: "Probably restricted by the power of the laws of the plane..."

The other knights also said: "I heard that the natives of the Maca plane believe in the god of Paglio, maybe the goddess in charge of hunting can't control this place."

Suldak walked past the group of people...

He had just checked the condition of the wounded knights who were placed together. The knights' injuries were relatively stable, and no one had their wounds worsen. The most deadly part of fighting these hell dogs is that the bite wounds often Bleeding will continue, and if the wound is not treated in time, it will continue to deteriorate and become infected on a large scale. Last night, he treated the wounds of these wounded knights. What he mainly did was to treat the saliva that was stained with corrosive toxins on the wounds.

No matter where they went, someone stood up and greeted Suldak. These knights also looked at Suldak enviously, with ugly but flattering smiles on their faces. No one would be willing to go on the battlefield. Offend a knight skilled in healing.

Seeing Suldak crawling out of the tent, Andrew quickly picked up the giant ax in his hand and quickly followed behind Suldak.


Two members of the magician reconnaissance team brought back a battle plan from the headquarters overnight. Although they knew the general content of the battle plan, because they left in a hurry, they didn't even take a look at the plan. They handed over this battle plan to the three commanders, Viscount Emmett, Earl Collins, and Viscount Owen, and a stone in their hearts always fell to the ground.

The two magicians saw the excited expressions on the faces of Viscount Emmet and Viscount Owen, and then they took off the water bag hanging from their belts and took a few mouthfuls of water. In order to avoid going to the toilet during the flight, they strictly controlled the number of times they drank water all night.

The War Command attaches great importance to the situation in Meijin Town. Marquis Luther believes that these demon sons need to be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise once they grow up, each hellhound group will have a thinking and A sinister, vicious and cunning brain will be extremely detrimental to the Maca plane in the future.

This time, Marquis Luther personally led the two Constructed Swordsman regiments to participate in the Battle of Meijin Town. When the two magicians left Wojmara, the Constructed Swordsmen’s troops had already assembled. The Cavalry Regiment and the Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment once again opened a passage on the battlefield outside the city, and the Constructed Swordsman Regiment will set off immediately.

In such a grim situation, the two magicians probably never expected that the camp where the knights of the guard camp were stationed would be as messy as a vegetable market in the morning. Rolling and rolling, they walked out of the commander's tent. Seeing this scene, they didn't know what to say.

For a long time, the guard battalions in major cities have been known for their well-equipped, lax military discipline and lack of combat effectiveness. The main duty of the guard battalion knights is to maintain the city's law and order, so they do not need to receive rigorous military training, and these knights can Joining the guard camp, most of them are noble families with a certain background, so the knights of the guard camp have a rather ironic name "Master Knight" in the city.

Only last night, the three guard battalion knights completed the investigation task arranged by the headquarters brilliantly in just one day, making the two magicians forget that this investigation team was a group of guard battalion knights.

Looking at it now, those discoveries last night... Maybe it was because they were lucky that they discovered the secrets in the temple by chance, the two magicians thought in their hearts.

There was a faint smell of stewed meat in the air. The two mages had been busy all night, sleepy and hungry, and now they smelled this fragrant meat porridge, and their stomachs were already growling.

The Earl of Collins stepped forward at this time and invited the two magicians to have breakfast at the Prius guard camp before leaving.

The two magicians didn't refuse either. Naturally, there was no broth in the breakfast at the Plus Guard Camp, but the scones paired with wheat porridge and pickles were also pretty good. After breakfast, the two magicians bid farewell to Earl Collins on the grounds of inspecting the hellhounds in the surrounding area.

Before leaving, the two magicians repeatedly told the three guard battalion commanders: "Our people have seen three hellhounds more than once in the nearby area, so the three commanders, please tell the scout teams about this situation. When there are three Hellhounds, the most important thing is to save our lives first, and then send us magic flares in a safe area. This kind of Hellhound can control different elemental powers. Don’t think that they are huge because they are good at They are better at blowing magic bullets in melee, biting and melee combat."

"And the two of us also got first-hand information from other investigation teams. They found traces of succubi in the jungle." Another magician added later. The succubi of the family are very afraid, otherwise they would not specifically mention it.

Before riding on the magic scorpion handle, the magician investigator once again saluted the three commanders of the guard battalion, and then said: "I will leave the disappearance of the magician Guy to everyone!"

Earl Collins immediately said: "Don't worry, we will continue to send additional scouting teams around the small town of Meijin. As long as he haunts this area, there will definitely be clues..."

Nowadays, there are very few magicians who can put a low profile. Earl Collins feels that this Maca plane war is just a rare opportunity for the lords and magicians to run in. At least until now, the battle groups Haven't had any trouble with the Magician Detective Team yet.

The magician soared into the sky on a magic scorpion, and after drawing two circles on the top of the mountain, he flew farther and farther, and turned into two black spots in the sky and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


It was difficult for Suldak to understand the cooking method of adding marching rations to stew and cooking them together to form a thick batter.

Although this breakfast is not bad, the appearance is really bad.

He swallowed the last mouthful of batter and spat out another toothpick-shaped bone. He was about to discuss the marinating process of roast chicken with Andrew when he heard a voice not far away: "Knight Suldak, please!" Come with me to the military tent, Master Emmett is looking for you!"

Suldak quickly put the dinner plate aside, and followed the Viscount Emmett to the big tent of the barracks with the guards.

Lifting the curtain of the tent and walking into the large tent of the barracks, Suldak saw several squadron leaders wearing magic patterns standing around a square table, and Karl was naturally among them. Only Viscount Emmett was sitting on the chair. One hand kept stroking the stubble on his chin, and his eyes kept staring at the table.

A map of the surrounding area of ​​Meijin Town was spread on the square table. Captain Emmet scratched his head in pain, and saw Suldak walking in, followed by the native warrior Andrew and the half-elf archer Samira, and hurriedly confronted them. Beckoning, Suldak walked to Karl's side and looked at the map on the table.

Viscount Emmet drew a few red arrows and blue circles on the map with red and blue pencils, then raised his head and asked Suldak, "Can you understand the map?"

Suldak nodded slightly.

Viscount Emmet nodded and said, "I heard that you are in the 57th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment, and your combat squad often serves as scouts?"

"Yes, Captain Emmett!" Suldak replied loudly.

"Magician investigation team..." Viscount Emmet told Suldak how the magician disappeared in this pine forest, and then pointed to a few blue areas on the map and said to Suldak: "These The place is where the magician named Guy has a chance to appear, I want your team to do some more detailed investigations on these areas..."

I didn't wait for the horn to attack the small town of Umezu...

Suldak took the half-elf archer, the Nanai native warrior, and two other knights from the support squadron to form a search team, and walked into the jungle against the morning sun.


From Suldak's point of view, a magician has been missing in the jungle for two days, so there is basically no need for search and rescue.

There are hell dogs all over this jungle. It is estimated that at this time, the magician has entered the stomach of a certain hell dog.

However, since the task assigned by the superior of the guard battalion was to continue the search, he immediately decided to lead the temporary search team into this jungle without any hesitation. The half-elf archer Samira said that she was very familiar with this forest. I stayed for a while with an adventure group in the jungle around the small town of Umezu.

The scout teams of the guard battalion spread all over the surrounding forest area, and drove out the hell dogs in this forest area invisibly. Now there is not even a single hell dog in this forest area.

The search party came out of the camp and kept going far.

Suddenly, the half-elf archer who was at the front of the team rushed out like a cheetah. She was able to adjust her posture and maintain her balance while she was in mid-air. Flying out with a gust of wind, it turned into a dense bush beside it, and a very low roar came from the bush.

A hellhound with an arrow in its body jumped out from the bushes, and before it could reach Suldak, it was chopped off with an axe by Andrew, a native Nanai warrior.

Since awakening the soul of the berserker, the combat power of the native warrior Andrew has been increasing by leaps and bounds every day. Half a month ago, Andrew dealt with a hellhound on the city wall. In order to kill the hell dogs rushing to the top of the city, but now, Andrew is sure that he can stop three hell dogs by himself.

This jungle is about five kilometers away from the temporary camp of the guard camp, but it has not yet reached the area drawn by Viscount Emmett on the map.

The half-elf archer put her ears on a tree trunk, closed her eyes, and listened quietly to the movement in the jungle.

When she opened her eyes, she pointed to a valley with dense vegetation and said, "Captain, there are people fighting over there..."

"Let's go and have a look!" Suldak said.

Samira asked Suldak in a low voice: "Have you brought anything to eat? There is a big guy with a bad temper who lives in this valley. He usually likes to ask for some beef from intruders. No one around here wants to mess with it." He, the consequences of annoying him are usually very serious, no one can beat him if there are fewer people, once more people come, he will run away into the depths of the jungle."

Unexpectedly, there were still people living in this valley that seemed to be overgrown with wild grass. Surdak turned his head and glanced at the indigenous warrior behind him, and asked him, "Is it your Nanai indigenous strong?"

Andrew shook his head again and again, and said, "It's not from our Nanai tribe. No one knows where he came from. He has lived in this valley for several years!"

The five of them walked through the valley while chatting. The valley was not conspicuous, and the surrounding area was covered with dense vegetation, which almost completely covered the entrance of the valley. From the outside, it looked like a dense forest area that few people set foot on. Andrew held the The big ax cut through the thorns and thorns all the way in front before entering the valley.

Following the sound of fighting, the five members of the team finally saw the fighting situation inside through a lush bush.

A huge body appeared in the jungle. He was holding a big wooden stick, like smashing a gopher, smashing the dozens of hell dogs attacking him in the woods, but those hell dogs seemed to eat enough. Every time he turns around, he will get behind him as quickly as possible, and take the opportunity to bite his thigh. His thick thigh is already dripping with blood, and the surrounding area is also the same. There were also more than a dozen corpses of hell dogs lying there.

Suldak stared wide-eyed, looked at the forest battlefield in front of him, and said to Andrew and Da Mila: "The man you just mentioned is this ogre?"

Sorry, I owed a chapter yesterday, and I will try to make it up tomorrow.

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