Lord Highlander

Chapter 511 510. Investigation Team

It was already three days after Suldak heard the news that the Cavalry Squad of the Bena Provincial Intelligence Agency was attacked in Oak Ridge.

The escort officer of the Intelligence Agency was ambushed by unknown figures on the way back to High Lansa City. Not only did the two rebels both die, but even the escorted knight team failed to get out of Oak Ridge alive. Finding the place where the battle took place, it turned out to be in a mountain depression less than fifteen kilometers away from Hailansa City.

At such a short distance, this knight team failed to pass to Hailansa City. It is estimated that the opponent killed the entire escort knight team by means of thunder. After the investigation by the Magic Union Law Enforcement Team, a large number of electrical magic traces remained at the scene of the incident. The preliminary judgment should be that an archmage who is good at electric magic made the move himself.

At the same time, the security team in the barren land outside the Paglos Pass also received an investigation order from the Hailansa Guard Battalion, ordering Suldak to cooperate with the investigation team from Bena Province to collect evidence on the spot.

A week later, the investigative team from Bena Province came to Wall Village.

It was an investigation team consisting of fifteen nobles and knights. The leading investigator, Viscount Frank, was from the city of Bena. He was a senior investigator of the Bena Provincial Intelligence Agency with two assistants. Two magicians from the Law Enforcement Corps of the Bena Provincial Magic Federation and a knight squad from the Hailansa City Guard Battalion. The captain of this knight team happened to be Karl Casement.

As the squadron leader of the support squadron, Karl is familiar with most of the areas outside Hailansa City, so Captain Sauron asked him to be responsible for receiving the investigation team and act as a team guide.

Karl rode his horse at the front. When he crossed the Paglos Pass, he stopped for a while and looked up at the wooden crosses on the top of the mountain. At some point, there were several corpses hanging on the wooden crosses on the top of the mountain. Although Suldak had already learned about it from the written report passed by the security team to the guard battalion, when he actually stood at the mountain pass and looked at the corpses of the robbers, he had another feeling.

The last time Karl came to High Lansa City was during the Harvest Festival. At that time, Wall Village had already started to build a reservoir upstream of the village. This time he came to Wall Village again, only to find that the reservoir in his memory was only roughly Now that the primary reservoir has been completely completed, even the secondary reservoir has a very clear outline. This kind of visual impact is still quite large for Karl.

On the other side of the tidal flat in the river bay outside the village, a group of kobolds are digging an artificial canal in full swing. A low flood control dam less than two meters high has been built around this canal, enclosing hundreds of mu of tidal flat in the river bay. A villager ignited a large piece of reed grass on the tidal flat. Releasing wasteland is the first step in reclamation of this tidal flat. Soon, the old village chief Brett will divide the land here himself.

Suldak led all members of the security team to wait under the dead tree at the entrance of the village. Currently, the official members of the security team are only captain Suldak, members Andrew, Samira and Andrew.

When Karl jumped off his horse, the guard knights who came with him greeted Suldak one after another.

"This is Knight Suldak, the sheriff of the barren land outside Pagolos Pass..."

Carl's tongue is very smooth, and he can say this string of names in one breath, he introduced to Viscount Frank.

This Viscount Frank is a middle-aged nobleman, wearing tight sheepskin soft armor and leather breeches, riding a handsome blue-scaled horse with a straight figure, holding the rein of the horse with one hand, and jumping nimbly from the horse's back After coming down, he handed over the reins of the horse to the assistant who caught up behind him.

Carl introduced to Suldak: "This is Viscount Frank, a senior investigator of the Bena Provincial Intelligence Agency, and this is a magician from the Law Enforcement Team of the Magic Union of Bena Province... This time, Viscount Frank came to the security team on a special trip. In order to investigate the attack on Oak Ridge ten days ago, Captain Sauron told me that everyone must do their best to cooperate with Viscount Frank's investigation."

When Karl made the introduction, the senior investigator, Viscount Frank, kept looking around with a straight face, and finally his eyes fell on the ogre, and his eyes were a little surprised. Then he said to Karl and Suldak: "Then let's start now!"

An assistant brought two chairs for Viscount Frank and placed them under the dead tree at the entrance of the village. Viscount Frank asked Suldak to sit down opposite him, staring at him like a falcon and said: "Knight Suldak, please Tell me about the whole process when you captured the two rebels, in as much detail as possible."


Suldak sat down at the entrance of the village.

A group of half-grown children from Woer village squatted in a row far away, looking curiously at this side, but no one dared to run over.

"About more than half a month ago, our security team received a notice from Hailansa City, ordering us to pay close attention to two rebels who fled from Hailansa City. According to intelligence, the two rebels It is possible to go through the Badlands and go all the way north along the Pagros Mountains, leaving the Bena province," Suldak said.

Viscount Frank seriously asked:

"Your security team currently only has four people?"

Suldak turned his head and glanced to the side. Andrew, Samira and Gulitham were all standing aside, and said: "Yes, our security team is full of five people, but due to the time it takes to form It's very short, there are only four people at the moment."

Viscount Frank nodded and asked again:

"How did you find these two rebels? Didn't you send someone to guard the Pagros Pass?"

Suldak said truthfully: "It was not us who discovered the two rebels, but a group of villagers from Uta Village who lived here. The two rebels revealed their whereabouts when they entered the village to steal food, and then ran away. Report to me here... the specific process is like this."

He narrated the arrest process in one breath, and drank two sips of water in the middle. Viscount Frank sat there and listened quietly, without interrupting any questions.

After Suldak finished speaking, Viscount Frank asked Suldak:

"You mean the two of them were locked up in a wooden cage at the entrance of the village for a day and a night?"

"Yes." Suldak said.

"Did the two rebels say anything?" Viscount Frank asked again.


Viscount Frank was silent for a while before asking Surdak again:

"Can I see that cage?"


After Suldak finished speaking, he led the investigation team up the river along the small road in Wall Village.

The wooden cage where the rebels were held was carried by the ogre Gulitum to the outside of the security team's premises, and a layer of varnish had been applied to it.

At this time, the fence of the new premises of the security team has been erected, and several bricklayers are setting up plywood on the fence. According to Suldak's description, after weaving the iron net on the roof, the volcanic ash cement will be used immediately. The grouting was done and it looks dilapidated everywhere.

Karl poked Suldak, pointed to the building, and asked him in a low voice, "Is this the building your security team is building?"

Suldak nodded and said 'yes'.

Carl stepped forward, touched the already wet wall, and asked curiously: "What kind of stone is this, why is it a whole piece?"

Surdak pointed to the volcanic ash piled up outside, and replied: "This is not any stone, but made of mud made of volcanic ash!"

Karl saw that Viscount Frank standing next to the wooden cage looked a little impatient, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Viscount Frank's two assistants checked around the wooden cage. After more than half a month, the wooden cage was painted with varnish again, and all traces had been eliminated, and no useful clues could be found at all.


Viscount Frank called Andrew to him again, and asked him:

"Your name is Andrew?"

"Yes" Andrew nodded, answering very concisely.

Viscount Frank asked: "Did you inform the villages in the Badlands to take strict precautions against the two rebels?"

"Yes, this is my duty." Andrew said.

Viscount Frank touched the oak cage and asked Andrew, "Are you the last guard guarding the two rebels? You were also the first to see the escorting knights?"

Andrew replied honestly: "I was in charge of guarding the two rebels during the day the next day. They were very honest at that time. The sun was very sunny and warm that day. They lay in the cage and slept almost until night because they woke up a little late. , leading to the wrong dinner in the kobold slave camp... A little later, those escorting knights came to Wall Village along the dirt road at the mountain pass, and I waved to them voluntarily."

Viscount Frank stared at Andrew with sharper eyes.

However, this native warrior who crawled out of the dead on the battlefield, in particular, had awakened the 'soul of the berserk warrior', so he didn't feel much mental oppression from Viscount Frank.


Viscount Frank asked the half-elf archer again: "Samila..."

The half-elf archer standing next to Andrew said on the spot: "I was out on patrol at the time, and I don't know any details..."


Viscount Frank stood in front of the ogre, and Gullitum stared at him with wide eyes. He was stared at by a powerful ogre, and those who were not strong enough dared not look at it at all.

In particular, this ogre was wearing simplified armor and carrying a large bone-crushing mallet behind him, making him look very ferocious no matter how you looked at it.

Viscount Frank touched his chin implicitly. He looked at the ogre and asked him:

"Gulitum? You and the Suldak knight entered the Gobi, can you describe the battle situation at that time?"

Gullitum regained his energy immediately. He still vividly remembered the battle scene at that time, especially the process of throwing a stone cake with his hand and knocking a rebel off his horse. He described it vividly. Viscount Frank did not Thinking of it, the ogre who looks the most stupid and clumsy is actually the one who can speak the most. He sits there and talks like stars flying around, and his memory is so good that he can clearly describe every detail. In some places, some subjective emotional and psychological descriptions of the ogre Gullitum were added.

So much so that at the end, Viscount Frank had to interrupt Gullitum, who was talking about the whole process, with the next question.

This ogre, who likes to reason with people, also loves to tell stories.

Viscount Frank asked him again: "Are you in charge of guarding the rebels at night?"

"Oh, that's right. To be precise, it should be the second half of the night. It was Luke who guarded the two of them in the first half of the night. He..."

Viscount Frank decided not to give the ogre a chance to continue, and then asked, "Is Luke also a member of your security team?"

The ogre Gulitum shook his head and said, "No, it's a young man from the village."

Afterwards, Viscount Frank questioned some people in the village.


"Village Chief Brett..."

After a round of investigation and questioning, it was already dark.

The village head, Brett, is already in the village, and has prepared dinner and rest rooms for the investigation team.

Wall Village belongs to a poor and remote area. Although construction is underway in the village, the temporary residence used to entertain the investigation team is the home of the old village head Brett. The conditions are a bit difficult, but it is the best house in the village. The biggest official in Lansa City is Bird Tax Officer, who also lives in the old village chief's house.

This time there were a lot of entourage members, so the Knights of the Guard Battalion set up two tents in the open space outside the old village head's house, responsible for guarding the safety of Viscount Frank.

Viscount Frank took two assistants to live in the old village chief's house, and the old village chief and Luke warmly entertained them throughout the process.

No one expected that Suldak, as the only knight in Wall Village, lived in a two-room earthen house. Standing in the courtyard of the old village chief, he had a panoramic view of the whole village. Looking at Suldak The roof of Ke's house was covered with thick red thatch, and everyone's eyes were full of surprise. They didn't expect that a dignified knight officially conferred by the Grimm Empire would be so shabby.

The two magicians who followed the whole time did not speak. At this time, they also showed some curious eyes when they looked at Suldak.

Viscount Frank stood in the courtyard of the old village chief's house and said to Suldak, "I want to go to the Gobi site where the two rebels were arrested. Suldak, can you still find it?"

Suldak said: "Yes, Lord Viscount!"

He may not be able to find that place, but the villagers of Wuta Village will definitely find it. No one is more familiar with this barren land than the residents here.

Viscount Frank nodded, and said to Suldak: "Okay, we will set off tomorrow morning...everyone go to bed early tonight!"

It wasn't until Suldak and Karl left the old village chief's house, and the old village chief Brett began to arrange a room for Viscount Frank, that Viscount Frank asked Luke, who looked very honest and honest: "What is the situation at Knight Suldak's house?" Are you poor?"

Luke subconsciously nodded and shook his head...

Then he quickly explained: "Their family was very poor before, but after Dake retired from the army, the situation in the family turned around in an instant. He learned a superb skinning technique and often skinned black devils on the battlefield. , and saved a lot of money. After returning to the village, he also built a reservoir in the village with his own money."

Hearing that Luke introduced the situation of Suldak to the investigation team, the old village chief turned around and hit Luke on the top of Luke's head with a pipe, and angrily said:

"You kid, what nonsense are you talking about? Where did you pay out of your own pocket? The village also provided some money. Most of the money he spent building the reservoir came from the output of his knights leading the open-pit sulfur mine."

Luke felt aggrieved and touched the big bag on his head, not daring to say another word...

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