Lord Highlander

Chapter 519. 518. Contract Call

The barren land is adjacent to the southernmost tip of the Pagros Mountains, located in the northwest of Hailansa City. It is the most barren land in the entire Bena Province. Going west across the barren land is the largest desert area in the Bena Province. There are only a few bandit groups hiding in the deep desert all year round in order to avoid the pursuit of the imperial cavalry.

Every spring, the residents of the barren land will be harassed by the desert bandits. The people living here know how to deal with those bandits, and the people here are brave.

The bandit group would not dare to attack a certain village. Only during the dry season in late spring and early summer, when the adult laborers went out to make a living, would they sneak across the desert and go here to rob the last bit of food in the village.

However, the enemy facing Wall Village this time is not a bandit group in the desert. They are a group of well-trained knights with sophisticated weapons.

As soon as a group of villagers rushed up, they suffered a big loss from these knights. The central square of Wall Village was suddenly in chaos. People were injured and people died.

The villagers who were stabbed to death by the knight with a spear fell on the village square in the rain, blood and mud mixed together.

There were also some injured villagers who were rescued by other villagers.

The knight commander in the cargo cavalry has been chasing closely behind Samira.

He saw with his own eyes sixteen companions fell under the alloy bow of the sharpshooter, especially when she merged with a female magician, her fighting power increased a lot, chasing all the way to the square in the village , The chaotic scene in front of him also made the knight commander frowned slightly.

There were only fifty knights in the attack on Wall Village this time, and nearly one-third of the knights were lost in a blink of an eye.

Thinking of this, the captain of the knight raised the sword of the knight in his hand high, and behind him appeared a phantom of a big knight holding a spear, and then this phantom turned into a force and injected it into the body of the horse below him, the horse The speed of sprinting forward suddenly increased, and the knight commander left an afterimage on the village square.


The long sword in the knight commander's hand pointed at Samira, making Samira feel as if a sword light fell on his back.

At this time, two more knights rushed into the carpenter's workshop with the previous one.

After Samira saw the knight rushing into the carpentry workshop, she suddenly fell off the horse for some unknown reason, and was smashed to the head by a villager who jumped out from the side.

Then two knights broke through the door, and the villager fled into the workshop in a hurry, and the door of the workshop collapsed in an instant.

Samira shot two arrows towards the two knights, and as the magic-weave clothing on her arm lit up, the arrows turned into a flash of white light, pierced through the rain and instantly pierced into the backs of the two knights, piercing through their chests. .

Before turning back in time, Samira only felt that she was locked on by someone from a distance, and a knight riding on a horse turned into an afterimage and rushed towards her.

A phantom of green vines appeared behind Samira, and just as the alloy bow was pulled halfway, the knight rushed in front of her, and the long sword raised high in his hand slashed towards her neck.

Samira couldn't avoid it, a strong wind from the horse blew away the hood on her head, revealing that beautiful and pure elf face************ The horse chased after Samira Aphrodite, the succubus behind her, saw the commander of the knight transforming into an afterimage in the rain, rushing towards Samira.

Under the 'charge' of the opposite knight, neither 'charm' nor 'fear' could save Samira.

Aphrodite stimulated the last bit of potential of the blue-scale warhorse, and rushed straight towards the knight commander.

At the moment when she was about to bump into the knight commander, the succubus Aphrodite jumped from her horse to the reed stack next to the carpenter's workshop, and her body slammed into the haystack in embarrassment. Aphrodite then jumped off the haystack, Dodge a knight's fatal shot,

The knight commander who was about to slash Samira with a sword, was knocked away by the bloody blue-scaled horse that rushed over suddenly, and the knight commander fell out involuntarily. He adjusted his posture in the air and turned his body over. , leaning his elbow on the earth wall behind him, and the earth wall collapsed in the rain, but he took advantage of the force of the shock to bounce high like a cannonball, held the long sword in both hands and raised it above his head, facing Sa Mira slashed again.

The two horses collided firmly, making a muffled sound of flesh and blood bursting. The neck of the blue-scaled horse that Aphrodite was riding was broken, and the horse that the knight commander was riding crashed into the muddy water, making a miserable sound. neighing.

The alloy bow in Samira's hand was finally fully charged, and an ivy-like arrow shot out from her hand, turning into a net of vines and covering the knight commander in the air.

The knight commander cut open the vine net shot by Samira with a sword, but he didn't expect that there was a sharp arrow behind the vine net. Straighten out your strong chest and face the arrow.

The arrow turned into a stream of light and shot at the knight commander's chest, and a piece of golden armor appeared on the hard leather armor on the knight commander's chest. Under the flow of magic power, the fatal arrow bounced away.

The knight commander landed in front of Samira, raised his long sword and slashed at the head.

Samira gritted her teeth, raised the alloy bow in her hand, and blocked the sword cut by the knight commander.

The magic pattern on her right arm glowed again, and the alloy bow in her hand was cut with a huge gap by the knight's long sword, which was completely scrapped.

The knight commander didn't expect Samira to block the slashed sword, and looked at Samira who was squatting on the ground in astonishment.

At this time, a group of knights surrounded Aphrodite on the stack of reeds, and more than a dozen knights held knight spears in their hands, pressing towards Aphrodite step by step.

A phantom of a magic contract appeared above the succubus Aphrodite's head. She was standing on a high stack of reeds, and the mithril mask covering her face fell from nowhere. The long horns were exposed in the rain. With a sneer on her face, she said coldly to the knights who came up from all around:

"Do you think you can win this way?"

After that, she recited a series of lengthy spells. The group of knights had suffered from Aphrodite, and they were a little afraid of her black magic, so they couldn't help taking a step back.

"Stop her quickly, it's the contract summoning circle!" A shout came from the rain in the distance.

Before the group of knights could react, a phantom came out from the void behind Aphrodite...



Gulitum raised the big bone-crushing stick in his hand, and smashed the head of the Salamander in front of him with one stick.

Only then did he let go of the tail of the salamander that was tightly grasped in his hand, and hurriedly extinguished the flames burning on his body.

The lava fire had already scalded the ogre's arm with a large blister. The ogre Gulitum didn't care about the burns on his body, and strode from the bank of the lava river to the battlefield. Andrew, an indigenous warrior, is swimming with three salamanders.

Suldak was holding the dwarven chain shield, and every time the salamander attacked him, a silver light would burst from the shield.

'Shield of Blessing'

The two salamanders also realized that the battle situation was not good and they couldn't hurt Suldak, so they wanted to escape back to the river of lava, but they were blocked by Suldak, unable to return to the river of lava.

Andrew's side was a little bit embarrassed, the full-cover armor was stained with hot lava, and the cloak on his body was burnt to only half of it.

But the salamander on the opposite side was even more embarrassed than him. With the ogre joining the battlefield here, he cooperated with Andrew to deal with the wounded salamander.

Gulitham yelled naively: "Andrew, didn't the captain say to keep the leather as intact as possible, why did you chop up a good piece of salamander skin?"

Andrew dodged the salamander's bite, and shouted at the ogre: "Shut your mouth, isn't it just to make you eat more meat, stop one more for you, he is going to escape back to the lava In the river, of course I have to stop it!"

"Good brother, well done!" The ogre gave Andrew a thumbs up and smiled.

While speaking, the salamander in front of Andrew was caught off guard and hit the ogre's stick on the back. Before it could sweep its giant tail over, the ogre hit the top of its head with an axe.

The 'butcher' in Andrew's hand was deeply wedged into the salamander's skull, so that the salamander died suddenly on the spot before it could spew out a mouthful of lava fire.

Charlie and two other young villagers stood watching the battle from afar. They were also responsible for taking care of the horses of Suldak and Andrew. They were all dumbfounded when they saw the unreasonable and brutal fighting methods of the ogre.

Under sheer strength, not even the salamanders could stop the ogre's full blow.

This made them really want to see how the ogre fought on the battlefield. This big man was usually lazy in the village and almost ate up all the fat chickens in Wall Village. He was often despised by the young people in the village.

Now seeing him smashing a salamander to death with a stick, the previous dislike immediately turned into worship.

Suldak is wearing the 'Earth Shield' magic pattern structure, holding a dwarf chain shield, and has the blessings of God's blessings of 'Blessed Body' and 'Shield of Blessing', so he can easily face two salamanders. In response, he saw that Andrew and Gulitum had freed their hands, so he pulled out the craftsman's sword at his waist and launched an attack on one of the salamanders.

This battle lasted for half a day before all four salamanders in the river of lava were killed.

After killing these salamanders, Suldak didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately started the sacrificial ceremony to allow himself to have the eye of truth, took out the skinning knife from his arms, and began to peel the four precious salamander hides, except one of which was Apart from the few cuts made by Andrew's butcher's axe, the other three salamander skins remained relatively intact.

In addition, Suldak also saw a life pattern with a red flame pattern on the forehead of the largest salamander. Suldak quickly put down his work and took the lead in killing the salamander The life magic pattern on the head was peeled off, and carefully put into the magic sealing box.

Before he stood up to peel the last salamander's skin, he felt a force of contract generate above his head, and he seemed to feel Aphrodite's call.

Afterwards, Suldak found a hexagram formation under his feet, and an endless void appeared in the center of the formation, and his body also turned into a phantom in the formation, and a powerful and irresistible pulling force sent him away. Entering the void was like passing through a portal. When he walked out of the void, he saw a rainy world in front of him.

As far as he could see, the rainwater and blood were mixed together, and the surrounding scenery was extremely familiar. Then he found himself standing on the haystack beside the village square, under his feet were a group of knights, holding knight spears, who were about to charge up. .

The knights didn't have any badges on their chests. He saw Samira, who was kneeling in the rain not far away, was forced into a panic by a knight holding a long sword.


Aphrodite turned around and shouted.

No matter how slow Suldak's reaction was, he understood that Aphrodite had used the power of the "Magic Contract of Equal Symbiosis".

It's just... how can she summon herself?

Isn't it usually the case that human mages summon demons to fight?

Before he had time to think about it, Suldak jumped down from the reed pile, and the dwarf chain shield in his hand pushed away the two stabbing knight spears, and a ball of silver light burst out. The craftsman in the other hand The sword dented the helmet of the knight in front of him, and the blood burst under the helmet, and the knight fell off the horse in response.

The 'power halo' lit up under his feet, and Suerdak took a few steps to run up, raised his shield and smashed it on the head of a war horse.

The horse neighed and fell down, and the knight on the horse fell a long way along with the horse.

Aphrodite followed from behind and chanted a spell to a knight rushing up. The knight was raising the knight spear at Suldak, but paused the moment the spear pierced out. Suldak turned around and threw out the dwarven chain shield in his hand, knocking the knight off his horse.

Wearing a set of 'Earth Shield' magic pattern structure, Suldak rushed into the battlefield like a god of war, immediately causing chaos in the village square.

Seeing that Samira was cornered by the knight, the alloy bow in her hand was already broken in two.


He yelled at the half-elf archer, and threw the craftsman's sword in his hand from a distance of more than thirty yards.

The knight commander only felt a strong wind whizzing towards him, so he had to give up the stabbing sword and raised his shield to meet him.

An epee pierced fiercely on the shield in the knight commander's hand, cutting a hole in his arm, and then in his sight, a knight with magical brilliance rushed towards him, He held a blood-red crescent in his hand, and before the knight commander could react, the blood-red crescent had already been chopped off.

The knight commander hurriedly raised his sword to parry.

There was a crisp sound from the long sword in his hand, and a gap the size of a soybean burst open at the edge of the blade.

A huge force came from the long sword, and the knight commander was forced to take a step back. Suldak raised his sword and slashed again. The knight commander took another step back. This time, not only a cut was broken on his long sword, but the entire blade Cracks appeared in all of them, and one foot stepped back deeply into the muddy water.

He saw the knight badge and the guard battalion badge on Suldak's chest...

The silver imperial badge made him vaguely remember that he was also an imperial knight, but now all the glory no longer exists.

The knights in the square are coming this way...

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