Lord Highlander

Chapter 521

The rain finally stopped.

The air smelled fresh after the rain, but also mixed with a faint smell of blood.

The battle in the central square of Wall Village finally subsided, and the last knight fell in front of Suldak.

Suldak kicked away the knight in front who was still resisting until he died, and pulled out the blood red crescent from the knight's chest. The knight lost his eyesight and pupils, and fell on his back into the muddy water. He looked to the north , exhaled his last breath before dying, as if the whole person was liberated.

The Knight Commander was the first to be killed by Suldak after the death of Magician Girdon.

With the cooperation of the villagers, fifty rebel knights left forty-seven corpses in Wall Village.

The war horses brought by the knights were scattered all over the village, but there were more than a dozen of them that could not survive at all. The only way to deal with it was to drain the blood from the war horses, peel them and leave them to eat. For the villagers of Wall Village, these horse meats are also a rare meal.

Suldak dragged his exhausted body, and saw Rita and Natasha in the woodworking workshop on the edge of the square in the village. The two of them were helping Selena to take care of hundreds of children in the children's home. He looks busier than himself.

The number of dead and injured villagers in Wall Village has not yet been fully determined. The rain covered many things. The dead villagers were lying on the door panels, covered with a white linen cloth, and parked in the open space on the other side of the valley. The family members gathered around, the women covered their faces and wept, and the old people stood silently.

Many people in the village were injured, and some of the craftsmen who came to help at the reservoir construction site were killed by the rebel knights, and many more were injured.

Suldak first treated some seriously injured villagers, and his holy light technique gave those injured villagers hope to survive.

Three rebels escaped from Wall Village on horseback, but they did not flee to the Pagros Pass. It is estimated that they would not survive for long in the barren and barren land. This barren land is too barren, and it is difficult for people outside Survive here.

The half-elf archers braved the rain and chased after those knights, and there would probably be an endless battle. These knights completely angered Samira.

Suldak wiped the Blood Red Crescent on the corpse of a rebel knight, put it back into the scabbard, took out the holy light torch and gathered it in his hand, the holy breath condensed into one under the blessing of the holy light torch. Group of white fireworks, this group of fireworks is full of healing power, making it easier for him to cast the 'Holy Light Stone'.

Only now did the villagers of Wall Village clearly understand why Suldak, who was slowly growing up in their eyes, was canonized as a knight.

Standing on the square, he has become so different.

Suldak had never shown his strength in front of the villagers before, but now, the villagers knew that Suldak was a constructed knight. When they saw him wearing that gorgeous and exquisite armor, many people saw him What was shown was envious eyes, but now that this group of people looked at him again, it was more of a kind of reverence.

He squats next to a villager leaning against a wall.

There was a penetrating wound on the villager's abdomen, which was pierced by the knight's spear. He bled a lot, and the intestines inside could be seen through the wound. The wound had already been soaked white by the rain. He saw Suldak bring the holy light torch close to his abdomen, and the sacred aura emanating from the holy light torch made him feel a bit of warmth. He slowly shook his head at Suldak, indicating that he was no longer able.

"It's not the end, please don't give up!" Suldak handled the wound very skillfully, and then sewed up his stomach with a needle and thread, before saying to him.

The villager looked at Suldak weakly, and a hope of living was born in his already desperate heart.

"I am a paladin. I have treated countless soldiers who were more seriously injured than you on the battlefield. They all survived in the end. Whether they can persevere now depends on this place instead of me!" Su said. Erdak pointed to his heart.

Aphrodite has been following Suldak, she can't be too far away from him, otherwise the contract call will be invalid, and Suldak will be sent back to the original summoning place.

The succubus Aphrodite also showed some powerful strength in the battle just now.

Many villagers dare not approach her.

When Surdak was treating the villagers, a young man ran up to him out of breath and shouted to him:

"Suldak, hurry up and see Uncle Brett, uncle is about to die."

It was only then that Suldak noticed that the old village chief hadn't appeared at the scene. It turned out that he was seriously injured.

He quickly stood up, asked the young man that the old village head was at home, and rode on a war horse towards the old village head's house. Before leaving, he did not forget to tell the injured villagers to go to the old village head. Waiting outside the Chang's house.

Aphrodite chased up from behind and stretched out her hand to Suldak, obviously meaning to share a ride with him.

Suldak hesitated, then stretched out his hand and pulled her onto the horse.

The succubus sat reclined on the horseback, hugged Suldak's waist tightly with both hands, and whispered into his ear: "We can't be too far away, otherwise the summoning power of the equal symbiosis magic contract will be invalidated, and the You are sent back to the original summoning place."

The black robe on Aphrodite was still a little wet. Although Suldak was wearing a full set of 'Earth Shield' magic pattern structure, the two were so close that he could still clearly feel the flames of the succubus. .Spicy carcass.

"How can you summon me?" Suldak finally found a chance to ask about it.

Aphrodite smiled coquettishly. Although her skin was a little dark, she couldn't hide her charming face. She said, "This is the power of the magic contract of equality and symbiosis. If you are a magician, you can call me at any time."

Suldak was a bit confused about magic contracts. When he bought this magic contract scroll in a magic grocery store, the store owner didn’t tell him that this magic contract scroll also had this function. No matter what, I seem to have made money.

"Does this magic contract still have the power to summon?"

Suldak felt that he should ask Aphrodite, who was better at magic, so he said.

Aphrodite hugged Suldak from behind, closed her eyes, and was feeling the unprecedented throbbing in her heart. Hearing Suldak's question, she said casually:

"Of course, but this contract pays a little extra attention to the interpretation of 'equality'."

Suldak looked at the chaotic Wall village and thought: Fortunately, Aphrodite summoned herself back, otherwise the situation in the village would not know what would have become.

Thinking of this, he was secretly grateful for it, and said to Aphrodite:

"Well, fortunately, you summoned me back. No matter what, I am very grateful for it."

Aphrodite felt very keenly from Suldak's words that he didn't pay too much attention to this matter, nor was he unhappy, so he secretly patted the choppy chest and asked tentatively: "Then If in the future... if I encounter danger, can I also summon you like this?"

Suldak rode on the horse, and asked back in astonishment, "Do I still have the right to refuse this matter?"

Aphrodite whispered with some guilt: "Of course, if you object in your heart, the summoning may be invalidated. After all, this is a magic contract of equal symbiosis."

Suldak thought about it in his heart, thinking that after all, he had signed a magic contract with Aphrodite, and it seemed that both parties could summon each other. The reason why he couldn't summon Aphrodite was because he was not a magician.

After having this preconceived idea, Suldak said readily, "Well, as long as I don't have too important things at hand, I'm still willing to help."

Aphrodite's heart warmed slightly, and when she heard Suldak say this, she felt that the wings on her back became a little itchy, so she secretly pressed her face on the armor on Suldak's back, and said in a low voice: "I knew you wouldn't say no."

"I have a very strong feeling that I seem to have been deceived by your sweet words." Suldak couldn't see Aphrodite's face, but could feel her joy, so he said casually

Aphrodite smiled knowingly, covered her mouth with her little hand, and whispered to Suldak: "We are equal to each other, there is no deception..."

Sulda grabbed the reins, jumped off the horse, looked up at Aphrodite, stared at her deep eyes suspiciously, and said, "But your smile doesn't need to be so obvious!"

Aphrodite hurriedly slid down from the horse, blinked at Suldak without saying a word, and motioned him to go in and save people...


Mayor Brett was lying on the bed at home. Apart from his old wife, Aunt Brett, there was Charlie's wife guarding the door.

Suldak strode in from the door when he heard the old village chief's weak cough.

When Aunt Brett saw Suldak, she rushed up to meet him, and said to him sadly, "He has been waiting for you to come back..."

Suldak walked to the side of the bed and saw Uncle Brett, whose face was pale due to excessive blood loss. When he saw Suldak, his originally dull eyes brightened a lot, as if he had reinjected some kind of Strength, struggling to sit up in bed.

Suldak pressed Uncle Brett's hand, and then said to him: "Don't think about anything now, wait until you wake up, and now you need to close your eyes and have a good sleep..."

Aphrodite came up from behind, staring at Uncle Brett with eyes as magnificent as amethysts, and said:

"Sleep, the night is coming, Duriel's body covers the sun..."

She seemed to be singing, and within three words, Uncle Brett fell asleep in the sound of her voice.

Suldak glanced at Aphrodite, and Aphrodite seemed to know what he was going to say, so he said, "Don't worry, even if the time is up, I have a way to summon you back."

Seeing Suldak hesitate to speak, Aphrodite had a smug smile on her lips.

Uncle Brett's body was seriously injured. The knight's spear penetrated through his shoulder blade, and after injuring the right lung lobe, it protruded from the left abdomen. This is tantamount to announcing a death sentence for ordinary villagers, and the linen sheets on the bed are stained with blood.

Suldak sat down by the bed, first carefully inspected the wound on Uncle Bright's body, then took out the needle, thread and hemostatic bandage, and with the help of Aphrodite, the succubus, healed the wound on Uncle Bright's body. Suture, and then heal with Holy Light.

'Holy Light' is a very magical magic, no matter how many injuries there are, there will be some wounds to heal.

During this period, Suldak invited Aunt Brett and Mrs. Charlie out of the room again. He did not carry Aphrodite on his back, and directly arranged a sacrificial ceremony in the room, and then looked at Aphrodite with extremely curious eyes. Then, a statue of the demon god was summoned in front of the simple altar. He took out a hellhound head in a lime jar from his magic pocket and offered it to the demon god. Immediately, two beams of light fell on Village Chief Bright and Suldak's body.

'God Bless the Body'

'The Eye of Truth'

For Village Chief Bright, with his own physique and potential, it is already impossible to recover from such a serious injury, even if Suldak has the Holy Light Art, but he is blessed with the "Blessed Body" ''s blessing effect, let him temporarily have strong resilience and vitality, so under the treatment of the holy light, there is still a great chance to survive.

Seeing that Uncle Brett's complexion returned to rosy, and although his lungs were injured, his breathing became smoother, so Suldak was relieved.

He carefully inspected the hidden dangers in the old village head's body with the eyes of truth.

Under the vision of the Eye of Reality, everything has two fuzzy lines of reality and illusion, just like the pair of succubus wings still exist in the illusory shadow of Aphrodite.

At this time, he didn't notice that Aphrodite was slightly absent-minded looking at the demon's face on the statue of the demon god...


Walking out of Village Chief Bright's house, many villagers waited outside the village chief Bright's house.

Even old Sheila and little Peter stood in the crowd, anxiously waiting for news from Village Chief Brett.

Suldak jumped onto a millstone and said loudly to the villagers in front of him, "Uncle Brett's injury is not serious!"

The villagers breathed a sigh of relief when they heard what Suldak said. Some even put their hands together in front of their chests, as if they were praying to the goddess.

Suldak raised his hand again, signaling the noisy crowd to be quiet, and he said loudly to all the villagers present:

"In addition, I would like to announce the decision of the village to everyone. All the people who died in the battle of Inwall Village will be compensated by Wall Village. Of course, some of these people fought bravely in this battle. They They will receive even greater rewards. Their parents will be taken care of by Wall Village when they get old, and their children will be sent to Hailansa Junior War College when they reach the right age. All the injured will... ..."

These words immediately caused an uproar among the villagers. Everyone did not expect that Suerdak would make such a decision.

Everyone's previous battles were for survival, but after Suldak said these words, the future battles may be for Wall Village...

"Next, I will treat all the injured villagers. Please abide by the principle that serious injuries are better than minor injuries." Suldak finally said.

Suldak was busy until it was dark. During this period, Aphrodite summoned four times in a row. Suldak even brought back some salamander fresh meat from the lava river in the pustule mountain.

When Suldak returned to Bump Mountain, the danger lurking in the river of lava was completely eliminated, and the ogre and Andrew waited quietly on the bank of the river of lava...

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