Lord Highlander

Chapter 538

In the silent night, Aphrodite opened her eyes.

Her dark purple eyes are like the two brightest stars in the Milky Way, and the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, forming a strange arc, but it is definitely not a smile.

The almost perfect face has a kind of coquettish beauty at night. She casually tossed her loose long hair behind her head, sat up from the wicker chair on the second floor, and walked to the terrace silently. , the succubus Aphrodite did not have any shadow, her body was like a drop of thick ink spreading in the water basin, instantly blending into the surrounding darkness, and when it condensed again, the succubus Aphrodite had already appeared on the balcony Edge railing.

Aphrodite's body turned into a cloud of faint smoke again and disappeared on the terrace.

After nightfall, Aphrodite didn't sleep at all.

For the succubus, lying lazily on the rattan chair every day will bring about the most energetic state of mind.

At night, she was also in this state of dozing, as long as there was a little movement, she could be woken up. Ludwig sneaked close to the security station. As soon as he stepped on the outer lawn of the security station, Afro Di noticed.

It's just that she didn't pay much attention to it at first, and thought it was the dirt dogs running around in Wall Village.

But then Aphrodite discovered that the intruder remained silent for a long time afterwards, which was somewhat unusual, so Aphrodite opened her eyes and walked out of the room on the second floor of the police station.

For the succubus Aphrodite, many black magics that have no effect during the day can be cast at night, such as the 'fading technique'...

She squatted quietly on the branch of a tree, looking down at the stalker squatting under the low bush wall. The stalker seemed to be unaware of this, and he was curiously looking at the dark policeman with his ass pouted. I waited and watched inside the police station for a long time, and found that the security station was quiet and nothing unusual, so the snoopers below began to become more courageous.

He gently pushed aside the low wall of the lantern fruit bushes.

Aphrodite frowned slightly. These lantern fruit trees were transplanted by her and Samira from the forest outside the village. She spent a lot of effort on each tree. The low wall of shrubs, the green branches snapping and snapping.

Ludwig quietly climbed over the low wall of bushes.

The succubus Aphrodite glared at the man who dared to destroy the low bush wall. With a slight movement of her body, she jumped from the tree to behind Ludwig, but Ludwig was unaware of it.

Ludwig walked lightly across the low shrub wall, like a civet cat, and quickly hid in the shadow of the flower pond.

He shrank his body, thinking about whether to climb up to the balcony on the second floor and sneak into the security station from the second floor on the top of the building.

Ludwig kicked his feet hard on the ground, stretched his hands upwards as much as possible, and just reached the rain-proof eaves on the second floor of the security station. After his body wandered silently in the air twice, he used his inertia to prepare to climb up to the second floor terrace.

Just after his body swayed, he grabbed it up with both hands, and by inertia, his elbows supported the floor outside the railing of the balcony on the second floor, and the upper part of his chest was exposed on the balcony.

Ludwig was about to lift his feet to step onto the terrace, when he saw in front of the dark night, the tip of a gleaming arrow almost sticking to the tip of his nose, an archer wearing a hood crouched on the terrace, Looking at him through the railing, the archer was holding a blue longbow with a feathered arrow on the longbow, and the sharp point of the arrow was almost attached to his nose.

In an instant, Ludwig was so frightened that the hairs all over his body seemed to explode. Without thinking about it, he pushed the balcony hard with both hands, and his body fell towards the yard of the security station. Just as he fell over , I suddenly saw a figure in the same posture, with his elbows resting on the terrace beside him, and he didn't even notice it.

When Ludwig turned over, the succubus Aphrodite turned her head and glanced at him.

Ludwig only felt that there was a beautiful woman in front of him. The woman glanced at him, and Ludwig felt in a trance, suddenly lost control of his body, and fell into the yard in embarrassment. Hitting his back against the raised stone platform of the flower pond in the yard, half of his body was numb immediately.

His whereabouts were tracked down, how could he dare to continue to stay in the security station, he got up from the ground enduring the severe pain, gritted his teeth and rushed out of the courtyard of the security station.

The succubus Aphrodite's body turned into a wisp of blue smoke, and when it condensed into shape, it happened to be the same movement as Ludwig, running side by side towards the courtyard...

Ludwig was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he didn't dare to make any counterattack. With a little force on his feet, his body suddenly turned back and rushed in another direction. Before he could take a few steps, he saw black people around him. The shadow suddenly appeared, and the succubus Aphrodite stood side by side with him again.


There was a cold hum in the night sky, and an arrow hit Ludwig's thigh. Ludwig lost the use of one leg, staggered and fell on the lawn, and then the second arrow directly It shot through his calf, and two consecutive arrows pierced his arm.

"Hey, Samira, it's so hard to have such a big toy delivered to your door, you are so boring!"

The figure of the succubus suddenly appeared beside Ludwig. She squatted aside and watched Ludwig take out a sharp dagger from his lap, but she didn't stop her at all.

It's just that when Ludwig wanted to stab the dagger at the black figure beside him, he found that the dagger got into the opponent's hand somehow.

Ludwig finally saw Aphrodite's appearance, that almost perfect face in the dark, so beautiful that it made people feel suffocated.

The succubus Aphrodite smiled slightly at Ludwig, and Ludwig felt in a trance and lost his intuition in an instant.


On the terrace outside the window, a bird was chirping non-stop.

A gentle breeze blew into the room through the gauze curtain, and Suldak felt empty on the bed beside him.

Opening her eyes in a daze, she found Selena sitting by the window and putting on her skirt. She turned her head and saw Surdak who had just woken up, propping up his body with one hand, twisting his waist and bending over, his chest protruding without any concealment mountains, and pressed soft lips to his brow.

A strand of soft hair fell on Suldak's face, making his face itchy.

She tied her hair behind her ears and said to Surdak:

"You are sleeping for a while, I will make breakfast."

The morning sun came in from the window, and Suldak sat up from the bed, stretched out his hand to put the armor on, and asked Selina:

"Why do you wake up so early?"

Selena brushed up her messy hair, and replied casually:

"Recently, there are always some children from other villages waiting outside in the children's home. I can't go too late!"

Suldak walked behind her, helped her fasten the buttons on the back of her dress, and said with a wry smile:

"Well, I found that it was a wrong decision to let you manage the children's home..."

Selena looked back at him with a smile and walked out of the bedroom.


The morning sun slowly crept into the attic, onto the desk by the wall, and shone on the magic notes on the desk.

Signa stretched sleepily, and said to Celia Cooper in the magic note with a tired face, "Is it morning so soon?"

Celia Cooper rolled her eyes angrily: Isn't it obvious that the sun has climbed so high?

Under the sunlight on the page, the cage and Celia Cooper's figure began to fade, and Celia Cooper quickly hid in a corner of the page.

Signa put the magic note upright to avoid direct sunlight, and said to Celia Cooper in the page: "Then learn this for now, you go back and have a good rest, next time we will discuss these magics!"

After speaking, Signa closed the magic note.

Then, like a brisk deer, wearing only a thin nightgown, she stepped on the oak floor with bare feet, first tiptoed to the bedside, and got into the bed with a 'bait', one head Her long chestnut hair was spread out on the pillow, and she closed her eyes at the same time.

Serena pushed open the wooden door of the attic...

Seeing that Signa was sleeping soundly on the bed, he couldn't bear to wake her up so early, so he gently closed the wooden door and turned to go downstairs.

Signa's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and a sweet smile appeared on her immature face.

Then he yawned tiredly and fell asleep sweetly.


An hour later, Selena prepared breakfast and called Signa, who had just fallen asleep, downstairs...

Suldak sat at the head of the dining table. Multigrain scones and vegetable porridge were placed on the table. This was the most common breakfast in Wall Village. Selena, like other housewives, put the fried eggs in the pan Put it on Suldak's plate, and put another one on Signa's plate.

She put on her apron, put the frying pan on a rack by the fireplace, and sat across from Suldak.

It was rare for the three of them to have breakfast together, and Selena cherished this opportunity very much. She wanted Signa to experience the atmosphere that a normal family should have.

Signa huddled in her chair like a baby quail, her curly chestnut hair messy.

"Signa, can you understand that magic notebook?"

Signa blinked, a pair of big innocent eyes showing a blank expression.

Suldak scratched his head, gestured indiscriminately and said, "It's the magic runes on it that are not imperial characters... I don't know what to say."

Signa shook her head, then nodded again.

Suldak didn't know what she meant, so he glanced at Selina.

Selena didn't understand either, and looked at the two of them suspiciously.

"Signa likes magic books so much, next time Lance comes back, I can ask him to guide you!" Suldak felt that he didn't seem to care enough about Signa, at least for little Peter. He was much more attentive than Signa, so he wanted to find an opportunity to make up for it.

Signa looked at Selena timidly.

It was only then that Suldak realized that their mother and daughter had special identities, so he could only pat his forehead and say, "Sorry, I almost forgot, so when I have a chance to go to Hailansa City again, I will find a way to bring a magic book to you." you……"

Signa then lowered her head again and began to deal with the fried eggs on the plate.

Selena sat across the dining table with a radiant face, watching such a warm scene on the dining table, her vision seemed to become blurred all of a sudden.


Ludwig felt that his head was becoming a little dizzy, and he had a splitting headache. He groaned and turned over...

He woke up suddenly, sat up from the cold concrete floor, and found that he was locked in a stone prison, with iron chains on his hands and feet. The stone prison was very quiet, and he didn't see anyone guarding him. .

He tried to pull the chains on his hands, which looked very strong.

He wanted to stand up from the cold concrete floor, but found that the chain was not long enough, and he could only half-squat by the wall at most. He tugged at the chain and found that one end of the chain was buried in the concrete wall, and he pulled twice , except for the sound of 'cracking', the chains on the wall did not move at all.

It looks stronger than expected.

Trying to recall how I fell into the prison, but my memory seemed to be blank last night. I just remembered that I followed the adventure group to Wall Village, and I was going to inquire about some useful information in Wall Village. What happened later, Can't remember anyway.

He touched the dagger hidden on his body and found that the dagger was gone too.

Ludwig sat on the concrete floor a little slumped, thinking about how to get out.

Suddenly, a huge head poked out from outside the prison, and with a whoosh, the ogre Gullitum retracted his head again. He stared at Andrew with some regret and asked, "Is it true that you can't eat it?"

The native warrior Andrew said firmly: "No!"

Gulitum asked again unwillingly: "Aren't we going to kill him? It's a lot of work to bury him. Shouldn't some cruel punishments be used for the heinous and heinous? For example, let him watch his thighs look like a Is it cruel to be eaten like a crisp radish?"

The ogre deliberately showed a horrible expression, and the rotten teeth are now in a better situation, at least the surface looks clean.

"You think he's a heinous man?" Andrew turned to Gullitum and asked.

The ogre was stunned for a moment, he thought about it seriously, and then said bluntly: "It doesn't seem that bad, but after all, he is with those rebels, so he should be executed. I just came to see him executed. For this Well, I didn't herd the sheep this morning."

"This matter will not be decided until the captain arrives." Andrew said unhurriedly.

The ogre looked at the sun outside, and said anxiously: "Why don't I drive the flock to Beigou first, and if you execute him, you have to tell me, I want to watch the sentence... As the security team member, I have the right!"

Andrew snorted and muttered:

"Hey, don't talk to me about rights, I still have the right to eat sheep!"

The ogre has very good ears, and when he heard Andrew talking about eating sheep, he immediately retorted, "No, you didn't!"

Andrew hummed and said, "Gulitham..."

In recent days, he has been eating vegetables all the time, which puts the indigenous warrior Andrew in a bad mood.

The ogre Gullitum clenched his fists tightly, stared into his copper-bell-sized eyes and said in a low voice, "Would you like to have a fight? Whoever wins has the final say!"

He is ready to stand firm in defense of his flock.

Samira appeared at the door and said casually, "If you want to fight, you'd better stay away from the police station. He's still useful to us for the time being, so he can't be executed casually like this."

When the ogre Gulitum heard that there was no chance to eat meat for the time being, he immediately said, "Well, I just remembered that I still have something to do at Beigou Grassland, so I'm leaving!"

After speaking, he left the security station without looking back.

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