Lord Highlander

Chapter 544

Bradbury Abandoned Manor is located in the old aristocratic district, which is full of various old aristocratic mansions.

These mansions occupy a very large area. In the city of Beina where every inch of land is expensive, these ancient aristocratic mansions are huge wealth in themselves. The quaint walls outside some mansions have become old and dilapidated under the baptism of time. Some buildings have been repaired several times, and now they have a sense of the vicissitudes of history, appear solemn and solemn, and have a little bit of decadent and lonely Gothic style.

Walking on this street, you can often see some guard battalion knights riding through the quiet long street. The walls on both sides of the street are covered with dense creepers and ivy.

When Suldak passed by the knights, they would carefully examine the insignia on Suldak's chest.

It seems that this place is far more heavily guarded than Suldak imagined. It is hard to imagine how the rebel army managed to attack Bradbury at night under the inspection of so many guard battalion knights. estate.

It's a pity that the woman from the Thieves' Union didn't give enough information last night, and Suldak didn't know the relevant details.

There is a wide square at the gate of Bradbury Manor. This is the place where carriages are parked for grand balls. Some weeds and thorny vines have grown between the flat stone slabs. The large iron gate at the gate of the manor is rusty. There are many traces, and this nearly three-meter-high marble humanoid statue is erected in front of the door.

The low black stele at the foot of the statue is inscribed: 1708-1857, the Green Empire, Duke Hector Bradbury, the great lord of Mount Pagros in the province of Pena, he walked up the mountains with a sword in his hand The spirit and glory left by him will become the most precious wealth here. Joseph Angel Boulder wrote in the fall of 1857.

Suldak didn't know which emperor Joseph was the first emperor of the Grimm Empire, but he seemed to be able to leave his name on this monument, so that the descendants of the Bradbury family still did not dare to mention it when they were at their worst. It is said that it is because of the stele under the statue.

In order to commemorate the great hero's outstanding contribution to the city of Bena, no one wants to live in this manor. On Bradbury's birthday, some people will place a bouquet of flowers in front of the bronze statue at the gate of the manor. .

The Duke of Hector Bradbury fought and traveled all over his life. Although he has the status of a duke, he has never been in charge of the province of Bena.

Standing in front of this statue, Suldak felt a lot of emotion in his heart when he saw this man who dared to marry a giant sea beast as his wife.

There was a big hole in the iron gate of the manor. They had lost their function as a door, and they were tied together with iron wires, which became part of the outer wall of the manor. The big hole that was opened could almost allow Suldak to walk in on horseback. The iron bar was cut off by a sharp weapon. Suldak felt that his blood red crescent should not be so sharp, and it kept cutting the iron bar as thick as a child's arm on the big iron gate.

There was no guard at the gate of the dilapidated manor. Surdak walked around the manor, left the horse outside the manor, and walked into this decaying manor alone. There were traces left by the battle everywhere. and some messy footprints.

A group of guard battalion knights came from a distance, and once again set their sights on Suldak.

Knowing that he had attracted the attention of the knights of the guard battalion, Suldak had no intention of sneaking into the manor for a turn, but rode out from the other side of the long street in the aristocratic district.

After the rebel army attacked Bradbury Manor, the guard battalion strengthened the patrolling of the old aristocratic district. As long as any suspicious situation was found, the knights of the guard battalion would watch from afar, for fear that the rebel army would suddenly appear in the city again. ...

Surdak spent three silver coins in the grocery store to buy parchment and envelopes, and went to a restaurant next to the hotel for lunch before returning to the Maple Leaf Hotel.


Returning to the hotel, Sulda opened the curtains.

During the day, the back street of the hotel is quieter than at night, there are not many pedestrians, and there are not many magic caravans on the side of the road.

As expected, Mrs. Dorothy's carriage had disappeared in place. In the small townhouse opposite, a young man in a white shirt was sitting on a wicker chair on the terrace, quietly reading a book. The young man Wearing leather armor and breeches, his body is very well-proportioned, and there is a glass of wine on the coffee table, looking very leisurely.

Suldak looked away.

He turned and sat down at his desk, took up his pen and wrote a letter to Beatrice first.

He corresponded with Hathaway, and the reply was always sent to Beatrice, and Beatrice was more free.

Then he wrote a visiting letter to Marquis Luther, stating that he had already arrived in Bena City, indicating that he would stay in Bena City this week and could visit at any time.

After writing the two letters, Suldak put them in an envelope, sealed the envelope with red mud, and pulled the rope by the wall to call for the waiter.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

Suldak went to the door and opened it. A hotel waiter stood at the door and asked Suldak respectfully, "My lord, what do you need?"

Suldak asked the waiter to wait at the door, then turned around and took out two letters from the table and handed them to the waiter, and gave him a silver coin as a tip, asking him to send the two letters according to the address.

The waiter took the silver coins and letter paper with a look of joy on his face, and he usually received a tip for sending letters.

Seeing the waiter put the two letters in his arms, bowed to Suldak, and quickly walked out of the hotel, he began to prepare for the sacrificial ceremony.

He planned to go to Bradbury Manor in the old aristocratic area again at night, but this time he had to be prepared to go to the manor.

Wait until everything is ready for the sacrificial ceremony.

Suldak took out a magic-sealing box from his magic pouch. This magic-sealing box contained four salamander skulls. As sacrifices, the salamander heads were obviously taller than the hellhounds. Take it up a notch.

Since the last time he discovered that there were three more optional blessing effects in the sacrificial ceremony, Suldak hadn't tried these three blessing effects, mainly because these blessing effects required more sacrifices.

Before going to Bradbury Manor this time, Suldak was going to try the magic effect of 'insight' among the three blessings.

Seeing the double-faced and four-armed demon statue emerging from the center of the altar, Suldak stood on the altar, held up a salamander head with both hands and sacrificed it to the face of the god, and conveyed to the demon god the desire to have insight Ability, but unfortunately the Demon God Statue didn't respond at all.

He gritted his teeth, and took out a well-preserved salamander head from the magic sealing box as a sacrifice. As the salamander head turned into a breath and disappeared, the ability of insight still failed to come to him.

Suldak was cruel, and took out the third head as a sacrifice. A beam of light descended from the ceiling, covering Suldak's whole body...

That's all for today, I'll make up the difference tomorrow

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