Lord Highlander

Chapter 546

Hailansa Village

A candle was lit in the parlor of the security station, and the candle light illuminated the whole room, and the dancing candle light reflected on Suldak's face.

Aphrodite yawned, leaning against the bench by the wall in a black tube skirt with cut-off sleeves.

She squinted her beautiful eyes and looked at Suldak, her curvy figure looming under the tube skirt. She asked Suldak curiously, "Why are you calling me at this time?"

Suldak walked to the table, poured himself a glass of water and drank it in one gulp, and said, "I'm stuck in the showroom of Bradbury Manor..."

The half-elf archer also came out of the bedroom when she heard movement from the living room. She was wearing a linen nightgown, and when she saw Suldak, she asked in surprise, "Did you encounter any trouble?"

Suldak shrugged his shoulders, and said to the long-haired half-elf archer, "I just don't want to be discovered, and I have nowhere to hide, so I hid here."

The native warrior Andrew asked Suldak, "Then how long are you going to wait here?"


Andrew's question made Suldak realize that there is one of the biggest disadvantages of "summoning". He doesn't know how long he should hide before he can avoid those people in the showroom. Ke couldn't judge the time of return, so it was easy to be caught if he ran back rashly.

Aphrodite seemed to see Suldak's concerns, and said to him: "Don't worry, if you go back there and find that something is wrong, I can call you back again, maybe you can still drink before you go back there." Get a Lesser Invisibility Potion, and they might not see you!"

The native warrior asked Aphrodi: "By the way, Afu, how long can you last in this state?"

The succubus glanced at Suldak and said with a teasing expression on his face, "At least it can last a whole night."

Suldak planned to wait for a while before returning to Bradbury Manor, so he decided to take advantage of this free time to go home and have a look, after all, he was away from home for nearly ten days.

A few dogs in Woer Village heard the sound of walking, and came out of the kennel one by one, and when they saw Surdak, they went back into the kennel with their tails between their legs.

Wall Village is very quiet at night, and several old people are sitting under the chestnut tree in front of their house to enjoy the cool air.

During the period when Suldak left, three small townhouses were built in Wall Village one after another. The village head Bright arranged for the villagers to move in in batches, and he didn’t dare to question the old village chief’s arrangement. The main body of the small building has also been built, and it is only waiting for the tripod to be hung on the roof, and then the gray tiles will be laid to complete the preliminary work.

He glanced at the small building where Selena lived, thought for a while and walked towards the house.

The big villa in the new home is too big for the old Sheila, Rita, Natasha and little Peter. The gorgeous furniture smells of lacquer and wax, and the soft carpet also exudes a faint smell. Everything in the house is brand new, and there are many things that I never dared to think about before, but now I suddenly have everything, like a dream.

Rita used to see the high courtyards where the nobles lived in Hailansa City, envious and looking forward to living in such a spacious and bright big house one day.

Now that she has finally moved into a spacious house, Rita realizes that... to feel the warmth of home, the home really doesn’t need to be that big. Now, whether it’s old Sheila or Natasha, everyone has their own home. Little Peter also has a room. Although the house is filled with furniture, it still feels empty inside the house.

With Suldak's current conditions, it is completely possible to hire a cook and a groom, but old Sheila feels that no matter whether it is a cook or a groom, with so many women in the family, they can cut the grass and cook by themselves, and there is no need to hire people at all.

Everyone is used to sitting together for a while after dinner, even if there is nothing to talk about, they will stay in the living room with a fireplace on the second floor for a while.

Old Sheila was drowsy in the rocking chair by the fire.

Little Peter is sitting on the carpet with building blocks. The children in the village are playing house-building games recently. These building blocks are the scraps left over from making the roof tripod in the carpenter workshop. Every child has accumulated a lot in their hands. Of course, little Peter The set of building blocks in Peter's hands is the best. Not only is it flat and smooth, but the surface is even coated with a layer of varnish.

Together, Rita and Natasha studied how to cut a piece of linen.

Suldak opened the door and walked in. Everyone in the room was stunned for a moment. Old Sheila opened her eyes and asked Suldak, "Why are you back? Didn't you say you were going to Bena City?"

"I'm going to come back for a short while, and I have to leave later." Suldak walked into the room and responded.

Natasha quickly stood up, went to help Suldak untie the breastplate, and skillfully hung it on the wooden frame beside the wall.

"Have you had dinner yet?" Seeing Suldak's dusty look, old Sheila asked again.

Suldak scratched his head, smiled and said, "Not yet, what else is there to eat at home, I just feel a little hungry."

"There's still some porridge left, do you want to fry another steak?" Natasha asked.

Every time the ogre Gullitum eats lamb, he will leave a leg of lamb or a few steaks here, so steaks can also be eaten at home.

"Don't be so troublesome, eat whatever you want." Suldak shook his head and said to Natasha.

"The steaks are all marinated, just fry them, it won't be too much trouble!" Natasha hurriedly walked towards the kitchen, saying as she walked.

After dinner, Suerdak sat for a while before putting on his armor and preparing to leave.

Little Peter was already fast asleep on the bed. He walked to the bedside and stuffed a silver dagger under the pillow, kissed him on the forehead, and then hurried out of the house.


A group of young nobles stood in the empty showroom. Under the guidance of the 'twilight lighting technique', they walked around the empty wooden shelves and booths.

Several noble ladies were guarded in the middle of the team, wandering around the deserted manor at night. This novel experience made them feel extra exciting, even more interesting than the experience held in the academy.

Soon the group of young people discovered the relief on the wall, and everyone stood in front of the false door, looking at the relief mural curiously.

A group of young people were discussing why there was such a door in the showroom of the Bradbury family, and they were looking for a way to open the door, and then a secret passage appeared.

Just when everyone was making infinite associations about this, Jimmy suddenly felt the mana fluctuating on the stone wall.

As a magician, he is extremely sensitive to this kind of mana fluctuation, especially in such a state of high mental tension. The trace of mana flowing through the relief on the wall suddenly made Jimmy very alert.

He carefully observed whether there was a magic circle hidden in the relief of the stone door, and walked two steps closer involuntarily.

As the light ball of the 'twilight lighting technique' approached the relief of the stone gate, Jimmy found something different on the stone gate. There was actually a magic crystal inlaid on the gemstone base in the center of the stone gate. A magic crystal was hidden in the shadow under the light, so no one could find that there was a magic crystal hidden in the shadow.

"Look, what is this?" Jimmy stared at the magic crystal and called out to his companions.

Under the light ball, his forehead was covered with a layer of dense sweat.

The young nobles gathered together at once, and they followed Jimmy's finger, and finally found a magic crystal in the shadow of Shimen.

The sword and shield warrior named Luke stood at the front with a shield, staring at the magic crystal, and the light ball floating in the air fell down little by little, so that the magic crystal was clearly exposed in front of everyone. Someone said:

"I heard that the rebels snatched a piece of magic crystal from Bradbury Manor. Do you think it is this piece?"

Others said one after another: "How is this possible!"

Jimmy didn't feel the mana fluctuations anymore, and reached out to touch the magic crystal that was perfectly embedded in it, looking for the wedge of the magic crystal.

When this kind of embedded magic crystal is installed, disassembly will be considered. Generally, there will be a wedge, and the magic crystal can be pried out with a sharp dagger.

Jimmy quickly found the wedge, and he reached for the dagger at his waist.

"I heard that the lost magic crystal is in the shape of a key." Judith, a long-legged beauty, stood in the crowd and said to her best friend Cora.

"It must be a fake," said Cora, with her pointed chin and big eyes.

However, as Jimmy used a dagger to pry out the magic crystal in the relief groove of the stone gate, another noble lady, Agatha, held her breath and said with a trembling voice:

"Maybe it's true, you see..."

As Jimmy's dagger was pried, the exposed magic crystal was clearly in the shape of a handful.

At this time, everyone's attention was on the magic crystal, but as Jimmy suddenly felt the resistance of the dagger lighten, the front end of the magic crystal came out of the groove, and Jimmy caught it subconsciously. , the other part of the magic crystal is still embedded in the groove.

Jimmy just felt his heart tremble with the magic crystal.

"Ah, it's cracked!" exclaimed a group of young nobles behind them.

Jimmy took a deep breath, pried out the remaining piece of magic crystal from the groove in one go, put the two pieces of magic crystal in the palm of his hand, and sure enough they fit together into a whole.

At this time, everyone stopped talking, and everyone stared at the magic crystal in Jimmy's hand.

Sword and Shield Warrior Luke is one of the organizers of the 'Warriors and Roses' adventure group. At this time, he quickly stood up and said: "To be honest, this is definitely a major discovery. We can find some professional knowledge to identify it and see Is it the rumored crystal key, no matter what, we didn't come in vain this time."

Jimmy held the magic crystal and said to everyone: "Maybe a jeweler can repair it. It just so happens that I know a friend who is a very famous jeweler. I can ask him for help."

However, other young nobles seem to have a different opinion, and someone immediately said:

"We must not tell this secret. If this is really the crystal key, then there must be the biggest secret hidden in it. We can find clues together, and maybe we can find the treasure of the dragon..."

Hearing someone say this, everyone's breathing became a little heavier. It seems that there is not only one person who thinks this way.


At first, the person hiding in the display cabinet thought it was a trick played by these young nobles, but when he heard about it later, he felt more and more wrong.

He has been visiting this showroom a lot recently, and has never found anything.

The relief of the stone gate has also been carefully inspected more than ten times, and even the details of each carving are remembered in his heart. He has never seen the magic crystal embedded in the relief of the stone gate, and these young nobles So true!

"No, they're telling the truth."

The man's heart moved slightly, and he wanted to push open the wooden door of the closet and rush out to grab the crystal key.

He held a magic scroll in his hand, and quickly drew the magic symbols with the other hand, chanting the spell in a low voice, and a fireball that burst and tumbling and burning appeared in front of him, followed by him in a low voice: "go……"

A fireball exploded from the closet, and the tumbling flames wrapped around the broken wooden door and rushed towards a group of noble young men.

The incident happened suddenly, and almost everyone focused on the magic crystal, and no one noticed the surrounding situation at all.

The fire bomb exploded in the crowd, and the flames immediately enveloped everyone.

A figure wearing a magic robe rushed out of the closet, and he rushed to Jimmy at the moment the fireball exploded.

Jimmy was hit by the huge force of the blasted fireball against the stone wall, his whole body was in pain, and he was dizzy. He felt a figure rushing over, opened his fingers, and grabbed the piece. The magic crystal that shattered in two quickly rushed out of the showroom.

"Someone snatched the magic crystal..." Jimmy shouted at the top of his lungs.

Several young nobles who were not too affected by the fireball heard the sound and immediately chased after the figure.

Jimmy also gritted his teeth and got up from the ground despite the pain all over his body. He saw the long-legged beauty Judith protecting the two girlfriends beside him. But they were not injured. The faces of the three noble ladies were all blackened by the fire bombs.

The two female archers reacted quickly, successfully avoiding the impact of the fire bomb the moment the fire bomb exploded.

At this time, he had already got up from the ground, and followed the two rangers towards the outside of the showroom.

Jimmy gritted his teeth, and instead of chasing after him immediately, he walked towards the sword and shield warrior Luke, who was more seriously injured. Just now, the sword and shield warrior Luke reacted the fastest, and he, he took out a After unfolding the magic scroll in his hand, there was another short incantation, and a white light full of water vapor fell on Luke.

This is a 'hydrotherapy' magic scroll, and the magic glow fell on Luke's body, immediately stabilizing Luke's injury.

"Leave us alone, go after the robber who snatched the crystal key..." Luke said eagerly to Jimmy, propping up his body with one hand.

Jimmy nodded quickly, got up and followed everyone to chase the figure.


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