Lord Highlander

Chapter 552

The melodious sound of the piano surrounds the dance floor.

The surrounding lampposts exuded soft light, and the marble floor under their feet was polished very smooth. Hathaway's crystal dancing shoes made a crisp sound when they stepped on them, and the two danced to the faint rhythm.

Suldak doesn't know how to dance this kind of ballroom dance. He can only concentrate on following Hathaway's footsteps. Hathaway's dress.

He didn't even taste carefully what it was like to hug Hathaway's slender waist, but he felt a faint rose perfume kept getting into his nose.

With a white and smooth forehead, he looked down at her face from top to bottom. In addition to a pair of magnificent jewel-like green eyes, Hathaway has a straight nose, and the proportions of her face are just right, especially after she is well-dressed. It makes people feel a little amazing.

Hathaway raised her head slightly, looking at Suldak with a half-smile.

She has already occupied Suldak and danced three consecutive dances, which made the sisters of the Luther family on the dance floor want to goug her with their eyes, but they just thought about it, Hathaway is the most favored of.

When dancing the first dance, Hathaway knew that this guy couldn't dance at all, but it didn't matter, she could take him and give him enough hints, and then the two of them slowly rotated on the dance floor. When playing the tune, Suldak was obviously much better and could already follow her dance steps.

Beatrice was waiting beside the dance floor, eager to try. She was worried about Hathaway in the backyard just now, but she didn't expect Suldak to appear at the ball directly, and at this moment she was considered the guest of Marquis Luther.

There were a lot of nobles attending the ball tonight. Some young nobles focused their attention on Hathaway. They really wanted to drive away the noble who had danced three dances with Hathaway in one go. The beloved daughter of the Marquis Luther He seldom participated in this kind of post-dinner dance. There were only a few songs in a dance, and this guy grabbed three of them in one go. The rest depended on Hathaway's mood, and the chance of being rejected would inevitably be greatly increased.

When the song stopped, Hathaway took Suldak's hand and walked towards Beatrice on the edge of the dance floor.

Among the chaotic crowd, a gorgeously dressed woman stood up and stopped Hathaway. The woman had a beautiful face, and she looked a few years older than Hathaway. Standing in front of Hathaway, she said unceremoniously:

"Hathaway, you can't keep occupying him. You should rest for a while. At least you should give Baron Suldak a chance to get to know the other sisters."

Hathaway looked at Seventh Madam Mabel coldly.

She is a very ambitious woman who once threatened the status of her mother, Mrs. Marianne, in the family. However, since the last time she secretly prevented the Marquis Luther from participating in the Battle of the Kempato River, the Marquis Luther was furious, so that Every time Marquis Luther thought of that battle, his face would be frighteningly gloomy.

Hathaway ignored her, she was a person who loved to hold grudges, and she would not forgive the woman in front of her just because that incident had passed so long.

She directly pulled Suldak to the front of Beatrice, stuffed Beatrice's hand into Suldak's palm, and said:

"Beatrice, I'm tired, come and replace me!"

Beatrice pursed her lips, lifted her skirt and curtseyed to Suldak, her fair breasts dazzled a little.

Suldak also leaned over to salute, and smiled slightly at Beatrice. The two of them remained silent in a tacit understanding. Suldak felt that this was also very good, and at least they would not be too nervous if they circled the dance floor with familiar people. You won't be embarrassed by having nothing to talk about.

Beatrice was dragged off the dance floor by Sulda, and soon disappeared into the chaotic dance floor.

Mrs. Mabel caught up from behind and accused Hathaway angrily:

"Shouldn't it be Baron Suldak's right to dance with whom? Hathaway, you can't do this, you are too domineering."

Hathaway stood by the dance floor, took a glass of fruit wine from a waiter, and took a sip from her mouth.

She said to Mrs Mabel, "It's my business, Mabel, and you have no right to blame me."

Mabel's eyes widened, and she was a little out of breath at Hathaway's counterattack. She clenched her hands tightly and said angrily, "You're talking to me like that!"

Hathaway ignored her and sat directly on the empty chair next to her.

Seeing that Hathaway ignored her at all, Mrs. Mabel really had no way to coerce Hathaway, and she couldn't even tell Marquis Luther about it, so as not to make him feel that she was always telling stories in front of him, Mabel Madam can only leave angrily.

She was almost stunned by Hathaway's anger.

Encouraged by his friends, a handsome young nobleman plucked up the courage to walk up to Hathaway. He bent down and invited Hathaway: "Miss Hathaway, can I invite you to dance?"

Hathaway looked at the young man who appeared out of nowhere in front of her with a surprised face, and directly refused: "Not interested!"


The young man stood there in embarrassment, not knowing how to continue the topic, but he didn't want to just turn around and walk away.


Lady Marian sat with Lord Luther, and Lady Annabelle sat next to them.

No matter where Hathaway went, she was always the focus of young people's eyes on the field, but not many people dared to step up to make trouble. Mrs. Marianne complained to Marquis Luther in a low voice: "Look, it's you Hathaway is spoiled."

Marquis Luther smiled generously, shook his head indifferently and said, "Those guys have nothing to do all day long, except for strolling around, they spend their days doing nothing, not to mention Hathaway, even I can't understand them!"

Madam Marianne said with some concern: "But Hathaway always needs a few friends, I don't want her to be isolated in the noble circle..."

"You only need one or two close friends." Marquis Luther waved his hand again and said.

People kept walking up to Luther to say hello, and the conversation between them continued intermittently.

After seeing Hathaway walking out of the dance floor holding Suldak's hand very naturally, Mrs. Annabelle raised her eyebrows, looked at the still ignorant Marquis Luther, and asked, "Ferdinand, Is he the young nobleman that you made an appointment with in advance and is going to be known to Hathaway?"

Marquis Luther nodded.

He also didn't expect that Hathaway, who had always looked down upon young nobles, would not reject Suldak. This was a good start.

"What's wrong?" Luther asked after looking at Mrs. Annabella.

Mrs. Annabella wouldn't say that, she just raised her teacup to her mouth and said something vaguely: "If you made it clear in advance, maybe there won't be such a big twists and turns."

Marquis Luther didn't understand what Madam Annabella meant, although Marquis Luther was in a good mood tonight.

After he danced an opening dance with Mrs. Marianne and another dance with his sister, Mrs. Annabelle, he sat on the sofa and chatted with Mrs. Annabelle and Mrs. Marianne, who used to be They are close friends in the boudoir, and the relationship has become closer in recent years.

When a person reaches middle age, there are naturally middle-aged people's troubles. The magic potions in the market are not easy to buy.


Seventh Madam Mabel sat down, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved. She felt that Hathaway was deliberately targeting her. When the ladies next to her talked about Hathaway, they said:

"At the beginning, she made a marriage contract with the Baron Sidney of Hailansa City. Later, the young nobleman died in battle on the Warsaw plane. Now this young man is still from Hailanza City. It seems that Ferdinand is very fond of Hailanza's young Nobles really see it differently!"

Hearing that Mrs. Mabel actually mentioned Baron Sidney at the ball, that was almost the last thing Marquis Luther wanted to mention, and the expressions of the ladies immediately changed upon hearing that.

Mrs. Sisi kindly reminded: "Mabel, be careful that these words are heard by Marianne."

Mrs. Mabel saw that everyone was so frightened that they almost stopped the current topic because she said something out of line, she leaned on the sofa sullenly, and said with some reluctance: "Well, I won't be so stupid as to talk to her. I said before, but when it comes to our husband doting on Hathaway too much, when did he and our daughter have such a good time, Hathaway made such a big fuss, and in the end it was just grounded."

At this time, Mrs. Sisi said with some emotion: "Yes, in Ferdinand's eyes, he only has one daughter, Hathaway!"

Mrs. Mabel saw that these ladies were shrunk like quails and refused to show their feelings, so she suggested: "Sitting here is making a lot of noise, or else let's go back and play cards."

"Actually, I want to sit down for a while..."

After a short silence, someone refused.


The round-faced Beatrice was obviously much bolder than Hathaway. She almost pressed her face into Suldak's arms, so that both of them stood with their feet crossed. Suldak hugged Suldak's shoulders tightly under her armpits, and put Suldak's hands on her plump waist and hips.

She didn't hide her feelings at all, and asked in a low voice:

"How long can you stay here?"

Suldak felt that he had better leave quickly.

Go to this kind of dance a few more times, and maybe completely forget that remote mountain village.

The melodious music, the gentle and watery woman, and the sweet fruit wine can quickly corrupt a strong-willed warrior.

So he said to Beatrice: "If there is nothing else, I will take the nearest magical airship to Hailansa. There are a lot of miscellaneous things over there, and the remnants of the rebel army are still wandering around there. I can't rest assured when I go back, it will be the Harvest Festival in a while."

"Back to Highlandsa, don't forget to write to us!"

Soon the dance was coming to an end, Marquis Luther called Suldak to him again, and said directly to him:

"When you go back this time, you have to prepare well. At least the garrison of the territory must start to be established. Now that wars are breaking out in the Green Empire, it is time for us to build meritorious deeds. How comfortable do you think the life of the nobles is? In terms of position, what kind of responsibilities you have to shoulder and what kind of support you need, you can write to me and tell me that Bena City is much richer than Hailansa City.”

"Yes, Lord Marquis."

Suldak replied seriously.


When Suldak left Bena City, Hathaway and Beatrice went to the airport pier to see him off.

At this moment, a large number of demon hunters gathered in the city of Benar again. The crystal key of the Bradbury family was stolen for the second time, which made it impossible to hide the secret of the Red Dragon Treasure. Many demon hunters, adventure groups, and servants The Corps began to collect a large number of clues in the city of Bena.

In the past few days, the thieves union in Bena City has made a lot of money, and just a few inside information has been sold hundreds of times.

Instead, in the depths of the barren land outside the Pagros Pass, there are not only some adventure groups, but also some lone wolf-like demon hunters.

Their arrival made Wall Village on the outside of the mountain pass suddenly lively, and Wall Village also became a small supply station, but it also made the barren land more unstable. Those adventure groups and mercenaries The group is not a good person.

However, in this barren land, the greatest wealth of the people is the golden wheat fields in the fields. Neither the adventure group nor the demon hunters have any interest in these villagers who have almost nothing.

What Suldak was most worried about were the rebel knights who lived in no fixed place. Andrew had seen them at the junction of the barren land and the great desert, but the desert was too windy and sandy at that time, and the rebels risked their lives Into the sandstorm, lost Andrew's tracking, and then the group of rebels could not be found no matter what.

According to Andrew, a few more salamanders were found in the Sulfur Mine of the Lava River on Pustus Mountain, and the ogre Gullitum rushed to deal with them.

The Badlands Militia has been around for nearly three months.

During this period, apart from going to Wall Village to receive three bags of food, there was no action.

Seeing that the autumn harvest was approaching, Suldak also began to prepare for the militia battalion training plan.

Boarding the magic airship, I happened to see a magic airship just docked on the high tower platform opposite. A group of young people dressed as adventurers jumped off the side of the airship one after another, causing a group of people on the terminal platform to exclaim.

Suldak waved to Hathaway and Beatrice under the tower, reluctantly left them from the airport pier, then turned and walked back to the cabin of the magic airship.

Not long after, the floating device on the magic airship slowly opened.

The crew gathered the ropes tied to the pier.

The airship trembled for a while, and then all the ropes slowly tightened.

The magic airship lifted off slowly, and soon entered the channel in the wind layer. The sails swelled, and the magic airship drove at full speed in the air. After seven days of smooth flight, it finally arrived at Hailansa City.

This time and again, although everything went smoothly on the journey, it was the end of September when they arrived in Hailansa City.

The Harvest Festival and the coming-of-age ceremony are being prepared in the city of Hailansa. Darcy Christie's wedding has long been over. It seems that I really haven't received the invitation. Standing on the high tower of the airport, looking at the sea The highest castle in Lansa City, Suldak inevitably felt a little uncomfortable.

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