Lord Highlander

Chapter 559

The full-cover black iron armor worn by the aboriginal warrior Andrew has been turned into a pile of scrap iron in this battle. He himself was also wrapped in bandages due to his heavy injuries, lying on a stretcher like a mummy, but it seems that his The condition is not bad.

This is not the first time he has suffered such a serious injury. As early as in the battle to defend the city of Vozmara on the Maca plane, when Andrew was rescued by Suldak, he was lying on a stretcher like this. It took Dak nearly twenty rolls of hemostatic bandages to cover all the wounds on his body.

Andrew's injury this time was much heavier than that time, but because he himself has become a mid-level fighter, his body is much stronger than before, but even so, if such a serious injury did not have Sulda Without Ke's timely treatment, it is very likely that he will bleed out and fall on this battlefield.

Suldak's assistant in treating the wounded was replaced by a half-elf archer named Samira. The half-elf archer couldn't help mocking the native warrior: "He's just a reckless man..."

Andrew was lying on the stretcher with a pale face, and smiled weakly at Samira.

In this battle, the support squadron suffered the most casualties.

The wooden coffins of the two guard battalion knights who died in battle have been made temporarily, and they are parked outside the stone house. The two knights are lying inside wearing the armor in front of them. Captain Sauron is going to transport them back to Hailansa City for intercourse. to their loved ones.

The other seven seriously injured knights were also lying on stretchers. Suldak had stabilized their injuries in time, and now they just waited to return as soon as possible.

Samira sat aside, silently bandaging the wounded.

Suldak was wrapped in many bandages, so his movements were a little stiff when he cast the Holy Light spell. Because of his injuries, many of the wound treatments were handed over to Samira. This half-elf archer was very agile. And because she was a woman, in order not to lose face in front of her, the injured knights of the guard battalion resolutely refused to scream no matter how painful they were.

The temporary treatment room seemed a little quiet, without humming or moaning in pain. The sudden silence made Suldak a little unaccustomed to it.

Suldak was concentrating on treating the injured guard battalion knight. Suddenly, there was a burst of cheers outside the treatment room. Suldak only paused for a moment, then lowered his head and continued to concentrate on treating the wounded. It didn't take long The next guard battalion knight wounded brought new news from the outside: the guard battalion knight of the fifth squadron captured the supreme commander of the rebel army, Cavendish.

Suldak was slightly taken aback. After all, the Cavendish commander on the battlefield was holding a spear that was extremely powerful. Almost killed him, this is almost the most powerful knight he has ever encountered on the battlefield.

During the battle, Cavendish also said a lot of things that made him feel a little inexplicable. He seemed to regard himself as an old friend.

Suldak immediately put these aside and continued to concentrate on treating the injured knight in front of him.

This time, the remnants of the rebel army lurking in the barren land were eradicated in one fell swoop, which can be regarded as indirectly eliminating the potential threat of Wall Village. Suldak only hoped that the knights of the guard battalion would capture the escaped rebel army as much as possible. .

Not long after, a guard battalion knight came in from the outside and said to Suldak:

"Baron Suldak, that Cavendish has always wanted to see you again."

"Okay, I understand, after I finish treating the wounds of the last few knights." Suldak stood beside the camp bed and agreed without raising his head.

The guard battalion knight didn't say anything more, turned around and left the temporary treatment room.

After treating the wound of the last knight, Suldak walked out of the temporary treatment room. He was a little tired from the highly concentrated treatment work. He washed his hands in the pool next to him, and pinched the area between his eyebrows twice. Down.

There was a burst of tea fragrance coming from the side, and he turned his head to see Karl standing beside him with two cups of hot tea.

Suldak took a sip of a cup of tea casually, and the bitter taste immediately made him sober up. Karl pointed to the stone pier beside him, and the two sat down on the stone pier outside the temporary treatment room.

The night sky is full of stars, at the foot of Death Ridge.

To the north is a continuous black mountain. This is the place called Death Ridge. It is rumored that the undead once built a gate of bones here, and the army of undead entered the hinterland of the Grimm Empire through the gate of bones. Bradbury The Duke destroyed the gate of bones by himself, but the death energy overflowing from the core of the gate of bones also turned this mountain into a dead place where not a single blade of grass could grow.

After drinking this cup of hot tea, Suldak felt a warm current flowing in his body, and the fatigue all over his body was slowly disappearing.

"Sorry, I didn't expect that there would be casualties. If I knew it, I wouldn't be so rash!" Suldak said to Karl.

Carl put one hand on his shoulder and said in relief: "This is not your responsibility. Since they joined the guard camp, they will have such mental preparations. Captain Sauron just came to me and said that he was looking for the Pagolos Pass A security squadron outside the city has been set up in the barren land outside the city, and you are going to be the squadron leader."

"Me?" Suldak asked in surprise.

Karl nodded and said with certainty: "Yes, since you have been canonized as the third baron of the Empire by His Majesty Charles, you are fully qualified to serve as the squadron leader of the High Lansa Guard Battalion, and you have made outstanding achievements recently. The Hailansa City Council has a very good impression of you, and this expansion was also proposed by the Hailansa City Council."

"Of course, I am very honored to accept this appointment." Suldak did not shirk, and expressed his willingness to accept it firmly.

Seeing that Suldak readily agreed, Karl also whispered happily: "Hey! Dak, you are probably the squadron leader who has been promoted the fastest in the Hailansa Guard Battalion in recent years, although the official appointment has not yet been signed. , but I must congratulate you in advance."


When Suldak walked to a fence, the knight guarding the guard battalion nodded to him and helped him open the temporary wooden door.

Cavendish was chained to a wooden cross. His hands and feet were wearing chains, and the magic pattern structure on his body was also stripped off. He was naked from the upper body and only wore a pair of linen shorts on the lower body. His body was covered with bloody scars. Many The wound has scabbed over. The most eye-catching wound is the three-edged incision that runs through the left abdomen, which is still oozing blood.

With his head down and his body hanging in the air, he looked like a bandit who was tortured on a cross outside the mountain pass.

In fact, the Knights of the Guard Battalion also planned this way. They wanted to nail all the rebel captives to the wooden cross outside the Pagros Pass.

Seeing Suldak walking in from the outside, Cavendish barely raised his head, opened his bloodshot eyes, and murmured in a low voice:

"Jambach, Jambach..."

Suldak took two steps closer, stood in front of Cavendish and asked him, "Are you calling me?"

"Don't you remember me? I'm Cavendish Alden. We graduated from the same warrior academy. I happened to be a year older than you at the time. We had a bit of trouble at the Galloping War Academy. You At that time, I chose to join an adventure group called the Windchasers, and I was serving in the Military Intelligence Department of Sloit City." Cavendish stared into Suldak's eyes.

Suldak was unmoved at all. According to Cavendish's words, he quickly checked the memory fragments in his mind, but he didn't have the slightest clue for a while.

The knight of the guard battalion standing outside the door poked his head and scolded Cavendish: "Hey, boy, this is our Captain Suldak. He is from Hailansa. You must have misunderstood him, or did you mean it on purpose?" Get close to our captain, and want him to be with our Captain Sauron, but your reason is too far-fetched, for rebels like you, even the Hailansa City Council has no right to pardon you..."

"I don't know the Janbach you're talking about!" Suldak said to Cavendish calmly.

Cavendish didn't believe it at all, he was even a little excited, but his body was wearing chains, and he would be in pain if he struggled a little, he roared in a hoarse voice: "You are not Qian Bach, you just look like him? How could there be two people who are so similar in the world?"

"How can I prove that I'm not the one you're looking for?" Suldak asked Cavendish.

Cavendish closed his eyes, thought about it seriously, and said firmly: "I remember that you have a very conspicuous birthmark on your back. When you were training, you jokingly told me: 'I'm afraid it will be difficult in the future. Draw the magweave construct on the back.'”

"I can show you my back so you can see clearly." Suldak paused and continued, "But in exchange, you have to tell me a secret. What exactly is the land for..."

Cavendish said without hesitation: "I can tell you now, I believe this matter has long been an open secret in Bena Province, yes, we are here to find the red dragon treasure, We have lost all external economic support at present, and we need a huge fortune just to maintain our daily expenses. When Dark Moon Gate came to the door with this news, it also made a promise to us. Once the treasure is found, They are willing to spend huge sums of money to build a temporary portal and send us to the plane of La Perla."

"Now it's your turn, Jembach, do you dare to let me see your back?"

Cavendish stared at Suldak, and the knights of the guard battalion outside the fence also looked curiously...

The light in the fence was a little weak, and Suldak took off the armor without hesitation, exposed his upper body, and turned his body, with his back facing Cavendish.

"Ah, why do you have so many scars on your body?" Cavendish whispered hoarsely.

Suldak put on the armor again, turned to Cavendish and said, "Now I can be sure...you have misunderstood the person! Also...you should call me Baron Suldak."

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