Lord Highlander

Chapter 562

After the closure of the White Elephant Trading Company, the residents of Hailansa City suddenly found that the prices of magic items that were very friendly to the people in the past have risen. Although the magnitude is not large, the practices of these magic shops are a bit disgusting.

Another purpose of Suldak's coming to Hailansa City this time is to find a business company that can purchase sulfur mines for a long time and continue to cooperate.

In the past, he sent all the sulfur ore to the White Elephant Trading Company, and they have been working together happily, but now he has to find another trading company to maintain the sulfur ore business.

Due to the full-scale outbreak of the Grimm Empire Plane War, all kinds of resources and mines are in a state of shortage. Several planes that cultivate magic herbs are all caught in the flames of war. The price of magic herbs in the market has reached unprecedented heights. The plane of Angela was attacked by the Nacoma, and the price of mithril ore has been rising recently, and other magic materials have also increased to a certain extent. The price of sulfur ore has recently increased from the original three silver coins per pound to five. Silver coins/lb.

Suldak decided to go to the military supply department of the city hall to check the official purchase price first. The receptionist at the military supply department was very polite, but unfortunately the official public purchase price for sulfur mines was only three silver coins per pound, although this was lower than half a year ago. However, this is a full two silver less than the purchase price on the market, so Suldak does not intend to send the sulfur ore to the Military Quartermaster.

Hailansa is not a big mountain city, and several other trading houses are open on both sides of the central street. Suerdak rode to the central street. There are many small vendors selling gold and silver acorns on the street. When the residents of Lansa City were enjoying their lives, the streets were very lively, with magical caravans flocking to and fro on the streets, and some colorful lights were hung on the trees on both sides of the street. Obviously, this was for the Harvest Festival two weeks later.

At the intersection of the cross street, there is a firm called Shancheng Trading. The entrance is very busy with people coming and going. Looking into the hall along the entrance, there are also many customers inside. The shop is filled with various linen, cotton, wool and leather. Probably before the coming-of-age ceremony, many families need to prepare a decent dress for the child who is about to grow up.

When Suldak came to the door of the store, the clerk greeted him warmly and asked Suldak respectfully:

"My lord, what can I do for you?"

Surdak jumped off his horse, handed the reins to the clerk, looked inside, and asked him again, "Are you the store manager?"

The clerk shook his head quickly, and Suldak said, "Take me to your manager..."

"My lord baron, what do you need?" A well-dressed middle-aged manager greeted him and said to Suldak at the door.

He didn't wear a badge on his chest, so he shouldn't be a nobleman. Suldak nodded slightly and asked him, "Does your firm buy sulfur mines?"

"We mainly deal in all kinds of cloth and wool, and we also dabble in high-grade leather. We also buy acorns this season, but we don't deal in magic ore products." The manager of the firm explained to Surdak with a smile on his face.

Suldak nodded, pulled his horse and left the mountain city trading firm.

There were several other trading houses on this street, and Suldak was going to go for a walk, and he went to two more trading houses in succession, but neither of these two trading houses did business in magic ore.

The trading firm in front of me called Tricolor Iris is already the fourth trading firm that Suldak has found. Suerdak stood in front of the door and hesitated for a while before walking into this seemingly popular trading firm. This time the store manager heard that Suerdak wanted to sell sulfur ore, and immediately showed great interest.

The store manager invited Suerdak into a reception room, and invited an appraiser to carefully appraise the few pieces of sulfur ore brought by Suerdak. The appraiser nodded slightly when he saw the appraiser. The manager breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately told Surdak that the Tricolor Iris Trading Company was willing to purchase these sulfur mines at a price of 4 silver and 50 copper coins per pound.

Suerdak felt that the price offered by the trading firm was not bad, so he was going to discuss the transaction method with the store manager.

"Manager Cobham, can you come out for a moment, please deal with something urgent here."

With a very soft voice, a maid stood at the door and said to the manager of the firm.

The manager of the firm was a little displeased at first, but when he turned around and saw the maid, he immediately stood up and said, "Um, I'll be here soon!"

The manager of the firm said to Suldak apologetically, "Sorry! Baron Suldak, excuse me."

Suldak waited in the reception room for a long time before the manager of the firm came in again, but seeing that his forehead was almost twisted together, Suldak had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, after the manager of the firm sat down, his face looked a little embarrassed.

He hesitated for a moment before saying to Suerdak: "Baron Suerdak, I am very sorry, I have to take back the purchase price of sulfur ore I just gave you. Currently, the purchase price of sulfur ore in our business is 3 silver 20 per pound." copper……"

Suerdak didn't know why the purchase price of the sulfur mine changed. It seemed that it was obviously because the manager of the firm got the news after he went out and changed his mind after he came back. However, such a purchase price is not as good as the official price of 3 silver coins per pound given by the Military Supply Department of the City Hall, which is at least a little more stable.

"In that case, I'm afraid I'll have to think about it!" Suldak said after thinking about it.

He felt that the sulfur ore would not continue to decline. The purchase price of sulfur ore in Hailansa City was not ideal. It can only be said that the business and military supplies are controlling the price.

"Then please..."

The manager of the firm stood up hastily, as if Suldak had a plague on him, preventing him from approaching.

When leaving, Suerdak glanced at the sign of the tricolor iris again, and led Gu Bolai to leave.

The failure to reach a transaction intention for sulfur ore made Suldak a little frustrated. After all, this was the only relatively stable source of income for him after he owned the territory. If they cannot be sold, the backlog in their hands is just a pile of useless yellow stones.

I made an appointment to have a drink with Karl in the evening. Although I was not in the mood, I couldn't miss the appointment.

Suldak led the horse to the hotel in the garden square, and the hotel owner Cohen helped Suldak lead the horse into the stable. Suldak only rested in the hotel for a while, and then went to the tavern for an appointment.

The tavern was still the same, and there were basically no drinkers at this time.

Suldak walked a few steps inside, the light in the tavern was a little dim, only a few magic wall lamps were lit on the wall near the bar, filling a quiet atmosphere.

Karl Casement and Mrs. Marianne Christie were sitting side by side on the high stools in front of the bar, chatting with the charming tavern proprietress.

The three of them held golden cider in their hands, and they didn't know what to say. The proprietress of the tavern and Mrs. Marianna had faint smiles on their faces.

"Baron Suldak, long time no see." Madam Mariana said to Suldak with an intriguing smile on her face.

Suldak quickly stood up straight, raised his hands to his chest and saluted as a knight: "Hello, Mrs. Mariana."

The tavern proprietress poured a glass of golden cider for Suldak.

"There has never been a commoner knight in Hailansa City who can be canonized as a nobleman by His Majesty the Emperor. Baron Suldak, congratulations on becoming a nobleman!" Madam Marianna raised her glass and said to Suldak.

Suldak quickly raised his glass and said to Mrs. Mariana: "This is my honor!"

Karl pressed Suldak on the seat in front of the bar. He knew that Suldak was going to find the purchaser of the sulfur mine in the morning, so he asked him, "How did the discussion go today?"

Suldak sighed and said, "It's not very good, it's even a bit bad. If we can't find a suitable buyer, we may have to send those sulfur mines to the military quarter."

Unexpectedly, Karl was not surprised when he heard it, and complained with Suldak: "Those trading houses have always been like this. They are deliberately lowering prices. They were able to restrain themselves before, but now the White Elephant Firm is closed. I'm afraid they will repeat the same mistakes and join forces to control the market in Hailansa City."

At this time, someone from outside the tavern opened the door and walked in.

"What are you talking about?"

The voice of the visitor was a little thick.

Suldak thought it sounded familiar, but when he turned his head, he realized that it was Tax Collector Bird and Miss Hoyle. Suldak hadn't seen them since they got married.

Bird Tax Officer married the young and beautiful Miss Hoyle. Bird Tax Officer seemed to have a second spring, and he looked younger for several years. His belly seemed to be much smaller and he became stronger. Some of them speak loudly.

"Hi! Bird, Nora, how did you get here?" Carl said familiarly to Bird tax collector.

"We're not too late..." Tax Officer Bird replied, walking to Suldak's side, and sat down on the high chair, which made a 'squeak' moan.

Miss Hoyle sat beside Mrs. Mariana, and the maid behind her helped her untie her shawl. She looked very good.

Miss Hoyle... Oh, now I want to call her Mrs. Nora Hoyle. Since she is the sole heir of the Hoyle family, Miss Hoyle did not change her surname with Bird Tax Officer, and their second A child will also become the legal heir of the Hoyle family.

This aristocratic lady who has lived a good life since she was a child has experienced the most difficult and dark days in the past year, but she also found the love of her life and became the new powerful person in Hailansa City.

Then even Miss Brenda, whom I hadn't seen for a long time, came to this small tavern party.

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