Lord Highlander

Chapter 581

The magicians of the law enforcement team saw that Captain Gerald turned around to block the great magician who was chasing after him, and refused to run away.

They landed on a huge bare rock one after another. Looking back to observe the dense forest sea on the mountain slope behind them, they only saw thunderbolts flickering in the forest, and there was no sign of Captain Gerald at all. A group of dark moons At this time, the magicians of the Gate also chased up from behind. They were riding on the magic handle, and different magic masks were shining on their bodies.

The magician of Lance stood at the front of the giant rock with a magic cannon on his shoulders. With red eyes, he aimed at the magicians who were chasing up on the magic scorpion.

Seeing the runes on the magic cannon light up one by one, Cyril Dent, who was riding in the front on the handle of the magic cannon, hurriedly shouted: "Damn it, magic cannon! Get out of the way..."

As a group of magicians and goddesses scattered like flowers, the magic cannon on Lance's shoulder emitted a white light.


The beam of energy rushed past the arm of a monk magician, and the arm and the sleeve of the magic robe melted instantly...

A red six-pointed star magic circle flashed on the huge rock on the top of the mountain, and a fireball flew out from the top of the mountain, detonating again and again in mid-air, forcing back the magicians of the Dark Moon Gate who were chasing up from behind, and those magicians scattered in all directions. Look for landing points everywhere on the top of the mountain. You can't cast high-level magic while riding on the magic handle.

At this moment, a figure rushed out of the dense forest riding a magic scorpion, and all the magicians looked there.

To the disappointment of a small group of magicians from the law enforcement team, the voice flying out of the dense forest was not Captain Gerald.

At the same time, the mages of the Dark Moon Gate immediately cheered up and cheered.

Lance was standing on the boulder with a magic cannon. Seeing that Mr. Gerald failed to fly out of the dense forest, he felt as if someone had hit his heart with a sledgehammer. He quickly took out the magic scorpion Come on, prepare to rush into the dense forest to check the situation over there.

At this time, a magician from the Priory appeared on the top of a superstar tree not far away, and he threw out three shadow arrows the moment he almost fell.

A shadow arrow flew straight towards Lance. Lance was caught off guard and was about to step onto the handle of the magic scorpion. When he found the shadow arrow, it was too late to avoid it. He hurriedly activated the magic with a look of horror. However, the magic scorpion has been unable to fly for a long time.

The Shadow Arrow flew towards him, and Lance felt a chill in his heart.

He seemed to see a god of death holding a sickle floating behind the shadow arrow...

A shield appeared in front of Lance's body, and the Shadow Arrow hit the shield. A layer of silver holy light suddenly appeared on the shield, and the Shadow Arrow disappeared immediately.

Suldak squatted firmly in front of Lance with the Holy Light torch in one hand and the Shield of Moses' Blessing in the other.

The half-elf archer in salamander leather armor followed him, and unceremoniously shot an arrow at the opposite monk magician.

After the magician released six shadow arrows, a small magic shield was condensed on his arm. When the feather arrow flew past, he raised the small shield as if feeling something, and immediately the feather arrow was nailed to his magic shield. On the ground, the magic shield was slightly dim, but before he had time to rejoice, there was a sudden sharp pain in his arm, and the second feather arrow shot through his arm soundlessly, and the magic shield disappeared instantly.

The magician of the Priory quickly hid in the dense branches and leaves of the tree canopy. He angrily took out a magic scroll. Before he could unroll the scroll, a feathered arrow pierced his head and nailed him to the ground. On the tree trunk, he didn't understand until his death how he was shot by the archer on the other side.

Between the branches less than five meters away from the magician, the branches suddenly moved. The hunter Carol habitually poked his head out to check this way. He was lying between the branches with branches all over his body , I don't know how long I squatted on this tree.


Lance has always been curious about the security team of Suldak, especially Samira and Andrew.

When Magician Golden led a kind of rebel cavalry to attack Wall Village, it is said that the half-elf archers in the security team shot and killed more than 20 rebel cavalry in one go, and Suldak even killed Ge Elden magician, this matter caused a heated discussion in the law enforcement group at that time. Many magicians in the group thought that Suldak must have concealed something, otherwise, how could it be possible for a small security team in the guard camp? Defeat a Darkmoon Gate mage and a squad of Rebel cavalry.

Now he and his companions saw the most real scene. Samira drew out an arrow, and after shooting it, it instantly turned into two arrows.

Moreover, Samira's shoulders actually had mana fluctuations.

After Samira shot an arrow, she immediately moved her position, quickly pulled the bowstring, and shot an arrow towards another magician.

Samira completed the whole set of movements while constantly moving, and the feathered arrows she shot were extremely accurate.

The magicians of the small team of the law enforcement team felt their backs were cold, thinking that if they encountered such an archer in the mountains and woods, it seemed that they would have no other choice but to fly as far as they rode on the magic handle. A better way, otherwise Samira will definitely be taken around in the dense forest.

Electric arcs, wind blades, and shadow arrows flew towards the boulder continuously, and the number of magicians from the Dark Moon Gate chasing them gradually increased, and the magicians of the law enforcement team were almost defeated.

In particular, the great magician MacLeish manipulated lightning to fall on the boulder from time to time, and in the flash, the magicians of the law enforcement team were injured one after another.

Gullitum carried Captain Gerald to the top of the mountain with a groan, threw Captain Gerald to Lance, bent down to pick up a big stone, and walked towards the group of people riding magic horns to mess around. The flying mages threw it at them, but unfortunately the ogre had never practiced throwing stones before, so it did not pose any threat to those mages.

"Hurry up and take Captain Gerald away, or it will be too late." Suldak said to Lance beside him.

When Lance saw the unconscious Captain Gerald, he lost the mood to continue fighting.

"Then what do you do?" Lance asked Surdak with a worried expression.

Suldak saw that the magicians who were wearing masks in front of them had been beaten into a panic by the opponent's magic, so he said to Lance:

"Let's escape separately, don't worry about us, I have my way..."

At this time, Magician Flanagan led several magicians from the Priory Order to come from the cave in the valley.

Below the hillside, two Pompeii witches held their staffs and led a group of Pompeii sea warriors up the huge waves. Where the huge waves passed, they forcibly plowed out a river in this forest.

Lance tied Captain Gerald behind him, and then took out five third-order magic scrolls from his arms, which were almost all the high-level magic scrolls he brought this time. Gritting his teeth, he unfolded these magic scrolls and chanted With a short incantation, a fireball flew out and exploded in the sky to form a fire cloud.

Immediately, Lance ordered a small group of magicians: "All members of a small group, evacuate with me!"

After speaking, he quickly evacuated the mountain with a small team of magicians.

Suldak said to the ogre Gulitum: "Gulitum, retreat quickly..."

As he said that, he jumped into the dense forest from the boulder first, and the ogre and half-elf archer followed quickly. Suldak planned to run out of the mountain under the cover of the dense forest.

MacLeish led a group of magicians through the fire cloud and chased after the magicians of the law enforcement team.

The Flanagan magician rushed over from behind, just in time to see Suldak and the ogre jumping from the boulder into the jungle, he landed on the boulder immediately, and kept drawing a magic painting After the formation, as he recited the magic spell, a demon gate with a green face and fangs appeared from the center of the formation.

A three-headed hellhound broke through the flesh membrane of the demon's gate, covered in mucus and purple blood, and struggled to get out of it.

Immediately afterwards, another three-headed hellhound came out, and then the demon gate burst like a rotten pustule with a 'pop'.

The hellhounds that had just landed on Roland's continent were repelled by the power of the world's laws, and their black armor quickly melted and rotted. They roared in pain, and walked back and forth restlessly, leaving behind every step. A bloody footprint.

The Flanagan magician cast spells on the three hellhounds to help them recover from their injuries and gave them orders.

The two three-headed hellhounds gradually got used to it. The heads of the six evil dogs looked around. Among them, the heads of the dark-attributed dogs sniffed at the boulder. With one jump, he jumped into the dense forest.

Lava fire dripped from its body, and the lava fire fell on the branches and leaves of the dense forest, immediately burning.

Magician Flanagan followed behind the three hellhounds, with a faint grin on his face.

The sea witch of Pompeii rushed up the mountain with a group of Pompeii warriors. The great magician McLeish and the magician of the Dark Moon Gate had already flown away, and the magician Flanagan entered the dense forest with the three hellhounds.

After a battle just now, the dense forest on the northern slope of the valley is full of thick smoke, and some trees have already burned.

A group of Pompeii sea warriors retreated one after another. The Pompeii witch did not want to waste her mana, so she cast the water magic "Sea Tide" to extinguish the mountain fire in front of her, and then led the Pompeii sea warriors back to the valley.


The cave in the ruins, less than 100 meters deep into the cave, is a very large large cave. This large cave is five times the size of the Hailansa Opera House. At the entrance of the cave, seven magicians from the Priory Order surrounded a magic cave. After a while, one hellhound came out from the center of the magic circle and rushed into the cave one after another.

These magicians have already explored all the areas within a radius of ten kilometers of this cave, but unfortunately they still haven't been able to find the red dragon treasure.

The crater shown on the treasure map is clearly here...

The Duke of Angus Bradbury spent his whole life in war, and in his later years, his red dragon companion was entrenched in the Pagros Mountains.

At the beginning, Emperor Green assigned the Pagloss Mountains to the red dragon and became its territory. This is also the reason why Paglos Mountains have been unoccupied for hundreds of years. Warcraft, but the owner of this mountain was once a red dragon.

Not only that, but also hereditary inheritance...

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