Lord Highlander

Chapter 590

Under the twilight, Guta Village looks desolate and dilapidated. Now it has just been ransacked by desert bandits, and the whole village is immersed in grief and despair.

Winter is coming, those robbers took away all the food they could find in the village, and killed more than 20 villagers who resisted them. Many villagers were injured under the pressure of the robbers, except for some Apart from food, there is almost nothing left in Guta Village.

From a distance, he saw wisps of cooking smoke rising from Guta Village. Suldak rode his horse to the entrance of Guta Village, and stopped Gu Bolai's horse.

On the hill not far from the west side of the village entrance, a group of people gathered there.

Suldak and Andrew rode over and saw a group of despondent villagers digging hard on the rocky ground with picks in their hands.

There are about a dozen tombs that have been excavated, all of which should have been buried. On the top of the tombs, a semicircular stone pestle was built with crushed stones.

Seeing Suldak rushing over, the group of villagers with numb eyes got away from the main road and walked around the cemetery. There are still six villagers whose corpses have not been buried here, so the villagers are still digging new ones. At the tomb, some villagers stared at Surdak with some hostility, as if complaining that he came so late.

The surrounding atmosphere was a bit oppressive, and there were faint mournful cries. Some women and children were picking up some stones in front of the tombstones that had been laid, and around the tomb that had not been dug here. Their footsteps were vain. Shock and sadness were clearly printed on his face.

When Suldak returned to the entrance of the village, the village head of Guta Village was already waiting there.

He was looking at the camels in horror, and when he saw Suldak come back on horseback, he immediately recognized the baron of the security station, with a look of sadness in his eyes, walked up to Suldak, and said deeply to him. After bowing deeply, he raised his head and said to Suldak: "Lord Baron Suldak, I am the village chief of Guta Village, do you remember me?".

Surdak jumped off his horse and said to the village chief: "Of course, I just came here with the militia battalion a few days ago! Village Chief Huggins, I received a report from the villagers that this place has been looted by desert robbers. The current situation How about it?"

"Twenty-one villagers died, most of whom were young and strong in the village. Among them were three militia battalion militiamen, and more villagers were injured, about 30." The village head Huggins stood there with a dejected expression on his face. , said after looking after Suldak.

"Did all three of my militiamen die in battle?" Suldak asked again.

"They and other villagers tried to keep those robbers out of the village, but they were hacked to death by those robbers riding camels." As he said, the village chief Huggins couldn't help but glanced at the security forces behind Suldak Members and camel teams.

Suldak knew what kind of doubts Village Chief Huggins had in his heart, and he said: "The desert bandits on our street ransacked the village first, and they rushed to the edge of the desert to intercept them. I guess you can see it too. , this camel caravan belongs to them.”

"Take me to see those injured villagers, maybe I can help them with their injuries!" Saying that, Suldak walked into the village.

Huggins quickly followed up from behind. He led the way and led Suldak into the dilapidated Guta Village. Perhaps it was because some villagers were still at the cemetery. The village seemed very quiet. When Huggins Village When the chief came to the village square, Suldak found a group of villagers waiting on the village square.

Villagers in some villages gathered around seeing the head of Huggins returning with a group of Surdak.

Suldak walked up to a dromedary, patted their loads vigorously, and told Village Chief Huggins: "Village Chief Huggins, take the grain and mountain goods that belong to you Unloaded from the hunchback, the first thing I do when I come to Guta Village this time is to return the supplies stolen by the robbers to everyone."

The villagers on the square exploded with a 'boom'. They were completely desperate for life, but when they heard that Suldak had retrieved all the lost supplies, hope of living was rekindled in their eyes. Some even Excited to issue a 'woo hoo' cry in the crowd.

No matter how strong people are, they are all moved by the scene in front of them. Suerdak's figure suddenly grew taller. Suerdak raised his voice, and said again to the villagers in the square: "In addition, please help to tell those injured When the villagers come here, I can help them deal with their injuries, especially those villagers who are seriously injured, even if I lift them, I have to carry them here."

The village chief Huggins immediately arranged for it. First, he called a group of villagers who were fairly nimble, and unloaded the supplies from the camels one by one.

Bags of grain were piled up again on the square in the village, and then a group of injured villagers were helped to the square in the village.

Suldak is in the square in the village. He treats these villagers on the spot, and he will casually ask about the process of the injury. When he meets brave villagers, he will compensate them for a little property confiscated from the robbers. He is the brave and the cowardly Although all villagers can be treated, the brave will get an extra property.

Suldak is already very proficient in the use of the Holy Light technique, so the healing process this time is very fast.

By the time the last injured villager was treated, a bonfire had been lit in the square in the village, and those villagers who buried their relatives in the cemetery had returned to Guta Village one after another. They had already learned that Baron Suldak had sent him back. All the news of the food being robbed left only the grief of losing their loved ones in their hearts.

For the families of the victims, Suldak also gave some extra compensation, especially the militiamen of the three militia battalions. A pension of five gold coins for each family member of the battalion militiamen.

With such a high pension, even those soldiers who died in the front line did not have such treatment. The families of the three militiamen were holding five golden gold coins, and they were even a little at a loss. It is rare for them to buy silver coins at ordinary times. See, what's more, these are heavy golden gold coins. The head of the first monarch of the Grimm Empire is printed on the front of the gold coins, and the vast territory of the Grimm Empire is printed on the back.

The village chief Huggins also seemed very excited standing on the village square. He thought that many villagers might not be able to survive this winter, and he was planning to marry some female relatives to other villages. Many villagers were getting married for a while, and he even planned to send the girls in the village to Wall Village. He and Village Chief Bright knew Wall Village well.

Before he finished dealing with the affairs of the village, Baron Surdak sent back the food that the desert robbers had robbed.

Seeing the camel caravan and hearing Baron Suldak's decision, Village Chief Huggins' legs became weak and he almost knelt down for Suldak on the spot...

After dealing with these matters, Suldak did not continue to stay in Guta Village. He told Village Chief Huggins to take care of the follow-up matters, and also left the qualifications for the selection of the three militia battalion militiamen, and asked him to select three brave men on his behalf. The villagers who are good at fighting will go to Wall Village to report next month when they receive subsidized rations.

Then Suldak drove the camel caravan back to Wall Village overnight.


When passing the entrance of the underground river, the sound of rushing water could still be heard in the dark. Suldak stayed at the entrance of the underground river for a while. He planned to stay in the underground river cave during the dry season. A circular dam is built at the entrance. When the water level is lower than the dam, the lake water here will no longer flow into the underground cave, so that a lake can be artificially built here.

After those kobold slaves have repaired a few cement roads in the barren land, and when the dry season enters next spring, let the kobold slaves come here to encircle the lake.

The reason for the lack of water in the barren land is not only because of the long drought period, but also because there are cracked limestone layers everywhere, and the entire land cannot hold the rainwater.

Andrew was leading the camel in the front, Samira was riding in the middle of the team, Gulitham was carrying a bone-crushing stick, and followed at the end of the camel team. , back to Wall Village.

Several large iron pots in front of the rowhouses at the entrance of the village have already boiled multigrain porridge, and several village women who got up early are adding water to the large iron pots.

Now because the reservoir in the village is storing water, the river in the village has dried up, and the kobold slaves have to go to the bottom of the artificial canal on the river bay to fetch water when they wash up early in the morning. The kobold slave came back from the artificial canal with a bucket on his back.

Suldak found that the leading kobold slave actually had a string of dark moon necklaces hanging around his neck. He was wearing linen clothes and seemed to be covered with a simple leather armor. Kobold slaves are superior...

A long caravan of camels passed through the dead trees at the entrance of the village and walked slowly into Wall Village, which immediately attracted the attention of the villagers.

In the barren land, it is rare to see so many camels. Even the noble lords in Hailansa City rarely raise camels. These precious camels are basically controlled by the robbers in the desert.

After hearing the news, the head of Brett immediately rushed over. When he saw the camels, several large bags of blood-stained leather armor, and more than forty scimitars, he immediately knew that it was Suldak who killed a desert army. Robbers will have such a harvest.

The head of Bright, limping and leaning on a cane, asked Surdak with concern: "Have you stopped those nasty sand thieves?"

"Well! We arrived at the edge of the desert, just half a day earlier than them..."

Suldak stopped and briefly told the story.

The old village chief patted his forehead and said to Surdak:

"Dak, Luke came back from the sulfur mine yesterday. It seems that he has news to tell you. This kid ran off to the mine just after he got married. He probably hasn't woken up yet!"

Suldak asked Andrew to hand over the reins of the camels to the old village chief, and then said to him, "Help me set these camels up. These camels are more convenient than horses to walk in the barren land. It's our first camel caravan."

Then he waved to the old village chief and said, "I'll go home first, and when Luke wakes up, you ask him to find me at the security station."

After finishing speaking, Suldak rode on Gu Bolai's horse, asked Andrew and others to go back to the security station, and walked alone along the concrete road in the village towards his home in the upper reaches of the valley.

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