Lord Highlander

Chapter 603. 592. Crystallized Salamander

When he left the magic market, Surdak had 170 gold coins in his pocket.

Unexpectedly, besides the most valuable leather, a piece of magic crystal in the skull, and the valuable fresh meat of the salamander, even the salamander heart and poison sac are very valuable. Calculated in this way, if the most popular salamander leather on the market is also included, a salamander can be worth at least twenty-five magic crystals. As long as a salamander is hunted, an adventure group can Earn a lot of money.

Thinking about the fact that there was actually a group of salamanders in the caves in his territory, Suerdak suddenly felt that hunting salamanders seemed to make more money by digging sulfur mines.

Walking into an uninhabited alley, Suldak saw the six-pointed star of the summoning magic circle floating under his feet, and a void door appeared on the mottled wall. Suldak stepped in, and his sight changed again. Dak returned to the treasure chamber.

Facing the sudden appearance of Suldak, the red dragon who put its head into the treasure chamber was taken aback. It widened its eyes and stared at the summoning circle in a serious manner. A raging fire ignited in its throat, waiting for it to see It was Suldak who came out of the void gate, his eyes changed instantly, and the flame in his throat was swallowed again.

The red dragon put its head close to Suldak's side, blinking its eyes that were bigger than coconuts, and its scaly lips squirmed slightly.

Suldak reached out and patted its lips, and immediately took out some red crystals from the magic pocket and stuffed them into its mouth. The red dragon immediately narrowed its eyes, and while chewing the red crystals, it showed an expression of enjoyment. , it's a pity that I can't see it wagging its tail.

This time Suldak didn't stuff all the red crystals into the mouth of the red dragon. He just fed half of the red crystals he carried to the red dragon first, and then started his own dragon training plan. He taught the red dragon the pronunciation of these rune words according to the tutorial in the magic crystal.

He stood in front of the red dragon and motioned for the red dragon to practice pronunciation with him. Suldak, who had the keel necklace, could barely speak the scales of the six runes according to the pronunciation of the dragon, so this time he was also a Holding the red crystal in his hand, he drew a rune in front of the red dragon with one hand, and then chanted according to the dragon's pronunciation:


Suldak thought it would take a long time for this clumsy-looking guy to learn, but the red dragon blinked, and then set its eyes on the red crystal in Suldak's hand. Beside Ke, he opened his mouth wide and let out a deep roar...

Suldak felt a hot hurricane blowing towards his face, and his face was once again covered with red crystal residue.

The red dragon's pronunciation is not in the throat, but in the deep cavity of the neck. The frequency of the vibration is also very low. The sound is like the rolling thunder that exploded in the sky, but the sound it makes is also very recognizable. , and the pitch is pretty good.


Su Erdak was a little dumbfounded standing on the stone platform to teach successfully at one time. He didn't expect this red dragon to have such a strong learning ability.

As the red dragon yelled this syllable, something in the treasure chamber seemed to be broken, and some faint power of contract poured into Suldak's body, making him feel as if he had been purified by some magical power , followed by an unbearable itching on his arm, he quickly rolled up his sleeves, only to see a mature scale on his arm fell off, leaving only a shallow line of scales on his arm.

The red dragon leaned next to Suldak, looking at him expectantly.

Suldak quickly took out a dried salamander meat and threw it into the red dragon's mouth...

The second rune, the red dragon, still learned it smoothly. This time, Suldak found that the red crystals and salamander jerky he carried with him were actually not enough. It seemed that he could only support the red dragon to learn one more rune. Erdak has only learned six runes so far. Red Dragon has learned so fast, as long as he teaches it again, he has nothing to teach himself.

For the current plan, the red dragon can only consolidate what he has learned through practice, and he hastened to learn the following runes at a faster speed.

And looking at it now, teaching the red dragon to learn runes can actually alleviate the dragon's blood curse on his body. It seems that Lord Johannes is not lying.


When he saw the ogre Gulitum again, Suldak found that the ogre had injured himself all over his body, and he was lying at the mouth of the lava cave silently recovering from his wounds.

After Suldak went over to ask the reason, Suldak realized that he and the ogre had underestimated the crystallized salamander from beginning to end. As a result, after the ogre failed in the battle with the crystallized salamander, the ogre successfully got rid of the crystallized salamander's pursuit by relying on the traps placed in the rock crevices.

"Anyway, it's like that. It seems to have suddenly opened up. Not only can it spray out the flame wall, but it can also cooperate with the magma pool to drill in and out. This battle is almost all carried out in the flames." Ogre Gullit said Tom dejectedly.

Suldak had no idea that not only did Gulitam fail to catch the crystallized salamander, but he almost caught himself in it.

"Since this crystallized salamander has been promoted to a third-level monster, it is likely to have awakened elementary wisdom. Besides, this crystallized salamander has experienced the recent battles and is constantly growing..." Suldak While healing the ogre, he analyzed it.

Except for a few scratches on the ogre, most of them were burns. Gullitum has eaten a lot of salamander meat in the past six months, and his body has resistance to flames. Although it looks miserable, the pain he received Most of them were skin traumas, and under Surdak's healing, the injuries recovered very quickly.

"I'll help you avenge..." Suldak said to Gulitum.

The ogre thought about it seriously, it really wanted to reject Suldak's proposal, hesitated for a while, and finally agreed to Suldak's proposal.

"The two of us may be able to do it, but I'm worried that it will turn around and run away when it sees the two of us, and I will go to the sulfur mine camp to find a helper..." Suldak said.

Without waiting for Gulitum to refuse, Suldak brought Selena into the lava cave from the sulfur mine camp.

Selina, who came here for the first time, was stunned when she saw that there was a hole in the sky behind the magma waterfall.

Gulitum didn't expect Suldak to bring Selena when he asked for help. He had known Selena for so long, but he still didn't know what abilities Selena possessed. The ogre looked at Selena, Selena in a long black dress with a black veil, looks a lot like a priest.

"Selina's dark word technique can help us..." Suldak said to Gulitum.

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