Lord Highlander

Chapter 623: 612. Crystallization

The last time I came to this street was in summer, when there were many street girls in cool clothes.

But now it is cold and bleak winter, those street girls who can show their figure on the street choose to hide in the dark door openings, some street girls light a pot of fire in the door openings, and huddle in a place sheltered from the wind to warm up, only those who look They come out of the doorway only when very leisurely rich people pass by on the street.

The street girls wore thick fur cloaks. They boldly walked in front of pedestrians and opened their coats in the cold wind...

Those who like it will stay, and those who are disappointed will go away, and some of them choose prostitutes.

Surdak wanted to turn up his collar and walk quickly through the street, but someone always wanted to try it in front of him.

Facing the wind and snow, he came to the door of the Shire tavern, opened the thick cotton curtain, and strode to the bar. As usual, he asked the bartender for a glass of ale, and then took out a gold coin and placed it on the bar. Go up, and say to the bartender: "Do you want to sell information about the Gophero family?"

The bartender rolled his eyes and asked Surdak, "Of course!"

He lifted the top of the bar, turned sideways to make way for the passage behind him, and let Suldak walk into the corridor behind him.

In the room behind the bartender is still the plain-looking female thief Sophia. She is wearing a tight leather armor today. Due to regular exercise, she is in good shape. There is only a table and two chairs in the room. .

Sophia sat on the opposite chair, looking at Suldak calmly.

This constructed knight impressed her deeply. He spent the least amount of money among all the people who inquired about the Bradbury family's red dragon treasure. Only he turned his head and left after hearing ordinary news worth one gold coin. Sophia The first time I saw Suldak, I recognized him immediately.

"You want to know about the Gophero family?" Sophia asked while flipping a gold coin in her hand.

"That's right." Suldak said sitting opposite her.

Sophia said to Suldak: "We only have some basic information about the Gophero family. Aristocrats like Gophero must rank at least outside the two hundred noble families in Bena City. We have no doubts about the Gophero family." The information that the family has is limited, at most it is the business dealings with a few noble families, and the information is very scattered, and it will take some time to integrate."

After saying this, she folded her hands on the table and said to Suldak: "If we need to investigate, you can pay some deposits to make an appointment, or you can tell us which directions you want to focus on, including all family members. All within the scope of acceptable investigation."

Suldak didn't expect that the information could still be reserved, and asked: "News... can I still make an appointment?"

Sophia nodded, and replied: "Of course, the main business of the Thieves Guild is to make appointments, not always the big business like the Bradbury family."

"Then I want to investigate the news about Earl Gophero, both general news and secrets." Suldak immediately announced the task.

Sophia did not know where to find a notebook, quickly wrote it down, and said, "Oh, Earl Gophero? You need to pay ten gold coins and come here in three days."

Suldak took out ten gold coins from his pocket, stacked them neatly, pushed them to Sophia, and readily agreed, "Okay."


The magic free market is almost one of the most lively places in Bena City in winter.

Every day is filled with a large number of magicians, demon hunters, members of the adventure group and members of the mercenary group. The types of magic products here are very complete, and the prices are not too expensive. The only disadvantage is that the quality of these magic products is uneven, and you must know the goods to get a cheap one.

The prosperous trading market and a large number of customers have made the small businesses around the magic market flourish.

There are some magic antelope legs on a meat table in the magic meat area, and a row of Mora fish is hung on the crossbar in front of the meat table. The thigh bone of the devil antelope leg was removed, and the lamb leg meat was spread out on the meat table, the bright red lean meat was exposed, and the thick subcutaneous fat was hidden on the back.

A magician wearing a magic robe came to the butcher shop, looked around, but couldn't find what he wanted, so he asked the butcher shop owner:

"Boss, I heard you have salamander meat here?"

The butcher shop owner immediately put down the sharp knife in his hand, and said respectfully to the magician:

"It's been sold out a long time ago, so I don't have to worry about selling as much as I have."

The magician nodded depressedly, then turned around and asked:

"That's right, when will the next batch of salamander meat come again?"

The butcher's face was wrinkled, and he said with a smile: "It's not necessarily true, this thing is not on time, my lord magician, if you want to buy salamander meat, you can leave an address and wait for it to arrive." When the goods arrive next time, I will ask someone to send you a message?"

The magician thought about it, and felt that this was a good idea. He casually took out a sheepskin book from his body, took out a magic engraving pen, quickly wrote a line of words on it, tore it off the book and handed it to the butcher shop owner. , and then said very seriously: "Ah, next time the salamander meat arrives, you must leave me a piece of shoulder and neck no matter what!"

The butcher quickly echoed, "The neck meat of this lizard is of course good, but the leg meat is not bad either..."

The magician didn't listen to the nagging of the butcher shop owner, turned around and left the stall.

Just as the butcher shop owner was about to lower his head to shave his meat, he saw a tall figure appearing in front of him. He quickly raised his head, smiled and asked casually, "My guest, what do you need... You are here!"

The butcher shop owner stared at Suerdak with wide eyes. He blinked vigorously to confirm that he was not mistaken. After looking at it, he turned around and asked excitedly, "Did you also bring fresh salamander meat this time?"

Suldak nodded, and said casually, "How did the salamander meat sell last time?"

The butcher shop owner chuckled and said, "It's very popular, and it was looted as soon as it was brought out. Speaking of which, the price last time was a bit conservative!"

He looked at Surdak expectantly.

Suldak released the magic-sealing box from the magic pocket, lifted the lid of the magic-sealing box, and said to the butcher shop owner: "This time the salamander meat is a bit special, and it may be difficult to sell, and this I want a gold coin for every pound of salamander meat!"

The face of the butcher shop owner, who was still full of smiles a moment ago, turned into petrification on the spot at this time, and he said with a big mouth: "This time the price has been doubled by ten times? How could anyone buy it!"

"This is not fresh meat from an ordinary salamander..." Suldak took out a piece of fresh meat from a crystallized salamander and placed it on the table, and gently scratched the fresh meat with a dagger. The crystal grains splashed everywhere, and those fire element crystals quickly vaporized and disappeared in the air. The scene looked very strange...

Originally, Suldak wanted to carefully explain to the butcher shop owner why there were so many grains mixed in these muscle fibers.

Unexpectedly, the owner of the butcher shop saw the scene in front of him, and fell down on the floor of the house, staring up at Suldak with eyes as big as copper bells, and asked tremblingly, "Is this crystallized meat?"

"...That's right, these are indeed fresh meat from a crystallized salamander!" Suldak choked back his explanation, and only said this sentence.

Inoculation and breeding during the day, my arms are a little numb, that's all for today, less words, more care (6/15)

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