Lord Highlander

Chapter 672: 661. One Night

Captain Gabriel could feel the strong breath of holy light in the tent, and saw a mercenary with a bandage on his arm coming out of the tent with his head bowed. He quickly called the mercenary named Ed over and asked a little. After looking at the knife wound on his arm and some of Baron Suldak's treatment methods, Ed was very pleased that he whispered the whole treatment process.

Only then did Captain Gabriel confirm that Baron Suldak did indeed possess the Holy Light Art.

For the sea giant mercenary group, this is really a surprise.

Since a few years ago, temple priests and battle priests have gradually withdrawn from the battle group of the Grimm Empire army. Up to now, it is difficult to find priests in the entire Grimm Empire. As a result, injuries on the battlefield have become a very dangerous thing now. Apart from simple bandages and sutures, they mainly rely on their own physical resistance. Magic potions and water magicians have gradually become luxury treatments.

Captain Gabriel never expected that after the battle, there would be a noble knight with the Holy Light to help deal with the injured mercenaries.

Suldak walked out of the tent until very late, but he didn't know where he went in the blink of an eye.

For the first sheriff of the barren land, Captain Gabriel felt that he might still underestimate his strength every time. When they met for the first time to accept employment, the mercenary group entered Wall Village and stood at the Pagolos Pass. When he saw the majestic big dam in the upper reaches of Wall Village, when he saw the rows of newly built houses in the village, when he lit up the halo of the knight when he was fighting in the sweet water oasis...

The bonfire by the sweet water pool has not been extinguished yet, even if it is located above the air vent, you can still smell the pungent burnt smell, and the corpses of more than a hundred thieves were reduced to ashes in the fire.

A group of female relatives sat silently by the bonfire. Some of them lived among robbers since they were young and were used to looting everywhere. Some were nomads in the surrounding barren mountainous areas. It is the village girls in the barren land, and some women are said to have come to Salva Province on the other side of the desert, and they migrated with the bandit group.

When food is plentiful, they are female slaves, and when there is famine, they become food for robbers. In the eyes of desert robbers, their value is not even as good as an old pack horse.

There was no one in the cavalry battalion to take care of them, but because they were counting tents and other supplies one after another, they were driven out of the tent by the veterans and gathered around the campfire. Some people's eyes are full of hatred. This is a desert, and it is in the cold winter. Without horses and supplies, it is impossible to leave the sweet water oasis.

As long as the horses and camels are guarded, there is no fear of anyone running away.

Many camels and horses were killed in this battle, so instead of marching rations, bone broth and chunks of horsemeat were served for dinner.

The ogre sat beside the bonfire, not paying attention to the whitened bones in the fire, holding up a charred horse leg, cutting a piece of the dagger from it and throwing it into its mouth from time to time. Affected by the corpses in the fire, they ate with relish, scaring the group of women beside the fire into silence for a moment.

Captain Gabriel found that this is an ogre who is willing to reason. As long as he thinks what you say is reasonable, he is willing to follow the rules.

The biggest harvest of Suldak in this battle is the horses and camels. In addition, some pasture and grain have been hoarded in Tianshui Oasis. The pasture is not too much, but there are several large piles of grain. And beans mostly.

There are only a few dozen bags of wheat flour, which is pitifully small for a bandit group of nearly 200 people.

Every bandit has a little savings, but they don't keep all the money on them, so this time they didn't collect many gold coins from these bandits, and some money bags were collected by the mercenary group's mercenaries during the battle. The soldiers put them into their pockets on the spot. Even so, more than 50 gold coins were confiscated, and the veterans of the cavalry battalion also found a bag of gems in the bandit leader's tent.

In addition to gold coins, more than forty tents were seized. This kind of tent looks dirty and old, but it is very warm, and it is very simple to set up, and there is no need for windproof ropes. The standard tent is much smaller, and the biggest advantage is that it is simple and convenient to set up.

It can be said that when the mercenary agreement was signed, in order to maximize the benefits, Captain Gabriel raised the price of beheading the robber to a piece of hardware. For this reason, he gave up many additional rights to Suldak, including war horses, horses in the camp, etc. Those supplies, the money on the robbers, even weapons and leather armor.

Most of the weapons used by the bandits are scimitars and spears, and short bows that are easy to use on horseback. These spears and short bows of the bandits are very ordinary, far inferior to the standard weapons of the guard camp. Knight's spear and alloy bow, This kind of second-hand weapons can't be sold for a price in the second-hand market, but those machetes with exaggerated curvature are very popular among nobles in the market.

A large pile of tattered leather armor was seized. After cleaning the battlefield, the veterans sat in twos and threes beside the bonfire, took out knives and twine to repair the rough leather armor, and sewed up the cuts made by the swords again. I couldn't wait to wear it on my body, and it made the campfire very lively for a while.

At that time, Captain Gabriel considered that it was impossible to wipe out all the robbers in the desert oasis, so he could only use wolf pack tactics in the desert to hunt and kill robbers in exchange for rewards. Hunting heads in exchange for rewards was more in line with the interests of the mercenary group.

Looking at it now, Captain Gabriel made a bit of a miscalculation. The benefits of a battle are far more than a few hundred gold coins.

Baron Suldak is the big winner of this sweet water oasis battle.

Among the mercenaries who were supposed to be on duty at night tonight, several of those who suffered some minor injuries were arranged to rest by Captain Gabriel. In the desert, they must maintain their most basic physical fitness at all times. Once the overdraft is too severe, this difficult environment It was difficult to recover, so Captain Gabriel did not let other mercenaries replace the injured mercenaries on duty overnight.

He stood in the cold night wind.

There is a poplar forest in the north of Tianshui Oasis, which is indistinct under the cold light of a crescent moon.

At this moment, he has an indescribable feeling, the whole night is like a pair of invisible big hands, hugging the sweet water oasis tightly...


For Viru, his body is at a certain critical point at this moment, and as long as he takes that step, he can enter the ranks of the second-rank powerhouse, but last time he gave up his best to investigate the details of Suldak. Timing, now you can only wait for the opportunity to break into that level again.

The cold wind blows through the treetops, and the dead branches covered with rime tremble slightly. Countless hexahedral condensed ice crystals and snowflakes fly down from the forest, like a wisp of residual snow floating down from the sky.

The female slaves were weeping softly by the bonfire, the charcoal was crackling in the fire, and the horses in the herd were snorting impatiently...

These subtle voices broke into Viru's ears, and he tried to discern from these voices whether there was any danger lurking.

In the desert oasis, only a few veterans of the cavalry battalion were guarding the horse herd.

After roasting a whole horse leg, the big ogre sat next to the horses to feast on the steaming leg. His rude behavior scared some of the nearby horses from even eating the trough. The forage in the grass, but you can't hide and can't dodge, you can only plan the sand uneasily aside, pointing your ass towards the ogre, as long as he dares to get close, he will definitely kick him hard.

The simple and honest smile on the ogre's face is full of joy to his friends, but it is like a nightmare to the enemies who fear him.

It is not known where Suldak found such a partner.

Suldak and the taciturn woman were sitting on a haystack, seemingly admiring the crescent moon in the night sky.

Such a cold night, it's quite emotional.

The only bad thing is that it is a bit cold on the haystack.

Viru felt that Suldak had a very different personality compared to before. He was too calm before, so he didn't have this sentiment.

In today's battle, Viru is also carefully observing Suldak. Although he chose to take the knight's path after one turn, his basic tactics are shield warriors holding shields and swinging swords. It seems that if he has the opportunity to become a second-rank strongman in the future, he will also become a great knight, and he will be farther and farther away from his road of defense.

However, there is one thing that makes Vilu puzzled. With the personal strength shown by Suldak, he should be at least a rank one high-level knight. With his current economic strength, it is impossible for this level to be constructed without magic patterns. , even his follower has a top-level magic pattern structure, he is actually wearing a salamander leather armor without any magic pattern, which is really low-key...

The radiance of the cold moon sprinkled on the vast white desert, Weilu closed his eyes, and broke into the dreamland where countless black mist gushed out...


The Nanai warrior Andrew was surrounded by a group of veterans of the cavalry battalion, sitting in front of the bonfire and talking about how to deal with the battle. For Andrew, who had awakened the soul of a berserker, the best defense was to attack. These views are being instilled in these veterans now.

Of course, the veterans will not blindly listen to Andrew's words.

Andrew's point of view is this. On the battlefield, how can the attacker launch the most powerful blow, that is, to ignore defense when attacking. In teamwork, offense can ensure the safety of the companions around him. The veterans of the cavalry battalion hold different views. .

Although everyone has different opinions, the group of veterans are all impressed by the bravery of the Nanai warrior Andrew.

In particular, he is still a constructed warrior. The heavy armor made of black iron makes it impossible for opponents to attack. Veterans believe that there are two main reasons why Andrew is so brave:

The first is the powerful defense ability of this top-level magic pattern structure on his body.

Second, his boss, Baron Suldak, has a powerful healing power, which allows him to have no worries at all when fighting.

For the views of the veterans, Andrew said that he did not agree...


The night has completely shrouded Tianshui Oasis.

Selena sat up from the haystack, and said to Suldak, who was facing a mountain of hay, who was a little worried: "You can ask your contract partner to open the gate of summoning, this area has been covered by us. The 'night barrier' is covered, and no one on the oasis should see you activate the magic circle."

Selena's whole body exuded a thick dark aura, and she seemed to have become another person at this time, with extremely strong confidence in her eyes, and her eyes were full of aggression when she looked at Suldak.

"You also think I should remove all the hay?" Suldak seemed not to notice the change in Selina, bending over to look at the haystack.

Selena pursed her lips and smiled.

She stood aside, surrounded by a layer of black mist, and said to Suldak: "Of course, you now have so many horses and camels, and you consume a lot of forage every day. Of course, you have to stockpile the forage. You Now that there are no carriages and logistics teams, there is no way to bring all these fodder, and it is impossible to stay here, of course, those that cannot be taken away must be transported away first."

Suldak was a little worried, and muttered to himself: "There are so many, I may have to carry them all night."

Selena smiled lightly and said: "That's your business, can I help you, by the way, I can't stay here with you, I'm going to talk to those women, maybe they really want to find you at this time rely on."

Suldak rubbed his forehead lightly, and said, "You have developed those kobold slaves, isn't it enough?"

Selina nodded very seriously and said, "Of course, the more and more devout followers of the goddess, the better..."

As he spoke, he walked towards the fire next to the sweet water pool not far away. There was light shining from the fire, but after walking a few steps, Selina's body disappeared from Suldak's sight.

He was thinking about how to appease Aphrodite.

It is not a small burden for the succubus to frequently activate the summoning magic circle like this.

But the most important thing right now is to take away all the things that cannot be taken away. This time, some war horses and camels were seized. They can also carry part of the forage. After two days of rest in the sweet water oasis, some will be consumed. The rest It was time to move to the sulfur camp.

It seems that there is no way to visit Iser tonight, probably until tomorrow night.

As the summoning circle under Suldak's feet began to spread continuously, one after another magic runes continued to light up, and a void gate appeared in Suldak.

Suldak smiled wryly. He had hundreds of men, but it was still unavoidable to do this kind of coolie.

While thinking this way, he carried a bundle of grass on his shoulders, lowered his head slightly and rushed into the gate of void...


When the dark night was gradually lifted by the dawn, the veterans of the cavalry battalion stationed in Tianshui Oasis suddenly discovered that the most inconvenient to carry a large amount of food and grass and tents piled up like hills in the camp had all disappeared.

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