Lord Highlander

Chapter 707

The pass between the two mountains on the north side of Duodan Town has a city wall more than 40 meters high. The stone cracks on the outer wall are filled with white ash, and the entire outer wall is not smooth, nearly 350 meters. There are sixty-nine guide grooves built on the defensive wall, which are specially prepared guide grooves for rolling stones.

There are nearly twenty bed crossbows installed on this section of the city wall.

On a span of 350 meters wide, there are fifteen watchtowers alone.

It's hard to imagine how much the Bailin natives in the north will pay if they want to attack the town of Dodan.

Using this section of the city wall as a standard to evaluate the walls of other cities, Suldak felt that even the city wall of the main city of Bena would not be stronger than the section of the city wall north of Dodan Town.

Suldak saw that the mountain body plunged into the clouds, and the shortest stone clusters rising into the sky were at least nearly 100 meters high.

The situation in Dodan Town is not as optimistic as the official report, because the report did not mention that a small-scale beast swarm would break out in the Bailin Demonic Beast Forest every ten years or so. According to Mei Baron Nader said that the largest beast swarm in the history of Dodan Town was about 120 years ago. At that time, violent and ferocious monsters rushed out of the northern monster forest and bloodbathed the northern part of Wilkes City almost overnight. More than 30 small towns including Dodan Town.

At that time, the Bena Legion relied on the city defense of Wilkes City to barely stop the beast tide.

After the beast tide subsided, the then Duke Newman spent huge sums of money to build an impenetrable city wall here in Dodan Town, and the new Dodan Town was also rebuilt on the original site of the old town. In the following years, although the Warcraft Forest There is no such a big beast tide anymore, but every ten years or so, small beast tides still break out.

The worst piece of news left by Baron Maynard is that Eleven years have passed since the last outbreak of the beast tide in Dodan Town. So far, although there have been some changes in the monsters in the Monster Forest, they have not been found. Signs of mass buildup.

Such a big event was not clearly pointed out in the report submitted by the Langdon Legion to the province of Bena. Obviously, some dignitaries of the Langdon family made some small moves in it, worrying that the family's private army would fall into the northern part of the Bailin plane. It is difficult to get out of the beast tide in the Warcraft Forest. This time, the House of Representatives of the Bena Province sent the Luthor Legion, probably because they wanted to use the elite troops of the Bena Legion to resist the beast tide.

However, according to the data of Dodan Town's resistance to the beast tide over the past hundred years, the city wall blocking the northernmost part of the occupied area of ​​the Bailin Plane is still trustworthy.

It was on the eve of the war that Suldak needed to prepare as much as possible.

Standing on the city wall, Suldak could see the edge of the Warcraft Forest in the north of the plane through the narrow gap between the pass and the mountain. He turned around and looked at the guards on the city wall. These city wall guards currently belong to the city defense of Dodan Town Brigade, this is an armed force directly controlled by the Town Hall of Duodan Town, and the city defense brigade is usually responsible for city defense affairs.

These guards were wearing armor and weapons, all of which were standard weapons issued by the military.

The captain of the city defense brigade, Hans, and several squadron leaders accompanied Suldak, and introduced the defensive power of the city wall to Suldak. After opening the material warehouse behind the city wall, they saw that it was filled with bundles of supplies. The giant crossbow arrows wrapped in oilcloth, boxes of kerosene, fire scale bombs, and rows of two stone balls with extremely smooth diameters on the wooden frame under the city wall, Suldak knew that in order to be able to defend the north of Dodan Town For this wall, the high-level officials, including Wilkes City, put a lot of effort into it.

When Suldak stood at the top of the wall and asked Hans how he managed to survive the previous beast hordes, Captain Hans, who had already participated in two battles against the beast hordes, immediately led Suldak to the wall Next to him, he pointed to the dark ditches on the plane of the city wall, like drains, and said:

"When we were defending the city in the past, when those monsters attacked, we only needed to pour oil from the city wall down the groove, and ignite the oil before the beast horde arrived, forming a wall of fire to block most of the monsters from the wall. Outside, as long as enough fire oil is prepared to keep it burning for two to three weeks, the beast horde will recede on its own."

Unexpectedly, the city defenders in Dodan Town still set up a firewall outside the city wall. Hearing what Captain Hans said, this firewall seems to be quite practical.

Suldak nodded and walked down the steps of the city wall.

Standing on the steps inside the city wall, you can clearly see the entire town of Dodan. There are only two most conspicuous buildings in the town, and the other buildings are ordinary.

Looking at Suldak to a two-story building in the center of the town, Captain Hans quickly introduced: "Master Baron Suldak, that is the town hall of Dodan Town, and the garden and courtyard behind it are small buildings. The residence of Baron Marko, the town's consul."

Then he pointed to a three-story building in the middle of the busiest block in the town, and said, "That is the largest trading firm in our town. If you need anything, you can go there to buy it. The merchandise in the firm is very complete."

A large clock was built on the top of the three-story building, and the street outside the trading house was full of magic caravans, making the trading house look extraordinarily lively.

"Lord Baron, the outside of the town is not very safe recently. It is close to the beast tide. Some bandit groups can't get along in the monster forest, so they go outside Dodan Town to rob the merchant groups and weak adventure groups here. However, they usually hide in In the mountains to the north of the city wall, as long as you don’t cross the city wall, there will be no danger. When your cavalry team patrols the north of the city, you must be careful of those bandits.” Hans followed Suldak and walked down the road. The city wall and said.

Suldak asked in surprise: "At this time, there are still bandits who dare to loot the adventure group north of the city wall? Are they not worried that they will be swallowed up by the beast tide in an instant?"

Hans explained with a wry smile: "Those bandit groups are said to be bandit groups, not some local aborigines in the mountains, and some adventure groups who are familiar with this place. They usually hunt monsters in the forest of monsters, but when they see other The adventure group will also transform into a powerful bandit group, and when the beast tide breaks out, they will enter the town of Dodan with a big swagger."

As long as this kind of adventurous group that doesn't taboo on meat and vegetables can't get solid evidence, no one can do anything to them.

This type of adventure group is also more dangerous than those pure robber groups, because their identity as members of the adventure group can provide them with more information about other adventure groups. This type of adventure group is also the target that the adventure union has been focusing on.

Vilu, who had been silently following behind a group of people and almost became an invisible person, came out from behind and said to Suldak: "I'll go out and check. Naturally, they can't be allowed to mess around at this time. Let them be honest, since we are here, we must always send a signal to the people of Dodan Town..."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the city wall without waiting for Suldak to express his opinion.

"Viru!" Suldak shouted from behind.

Viru, who was covered in bandages, stopped and turned to look at Suldak.

Suldak waved to him and said, "Be careful."

Just when Hans was wondering how the bandaged and longbowed archer said he wanted to go out of the city, but instead climbed onto the city wall, Viru jumped from the 40-meter-high city wall, and Hans was dumbfounded. In the eyes of the ground, the body disappeared instantly.


Suldak was going to visit Baron Marko, the consul of Dodan Town in the afternoon. Instead of returning to the barracks, the group directly chose a restaurant in the town for lunch. This restaurant was just an ordinary barbecue restaurant.

The waiter at the door saw Suldak coming in, opened the door eagerly, and arranged the group of people on a row of long tables in the corner of the hall.

Signa hid behind Selena, looking curiously at this restaurant filled with the smell of barbecue and ale, looking at the decoration in the restaurant, she felt a little dazzled, those waiters holding silver-plated trays in the lobby Shuttle in, it is very ornamental.

The cheap oil paintings on the walls and the flowerpots in front of the hallway attracted her attention. If Selina hadn't been holding her little hand, she would have almost stopped in her tracks.

In fact, Nika's performance is not as good as that of Signa. When she stood at the door of the restaurant, she was a little hesitant to follow in or wait outside. Samira saw Nika standing at the door hesitating, so she He waved to him at the door, gesturing for her to come in.

Nika looked down at the slippers with exposed toes, and was afraid to step into the restaurant.

There is a similar restaurant in Kieran Town, and she once peeped in from the street outside the restaurant, but was chased away by the waiter in the restaurant with a stick.

"Come in, it doesn't matter, your current status is Lord Baron Suldak's retinue, they dare not stop you." Samira put one hand on Nika's shoulder, hugged him into her arms, and said into the restaurant.

The waiter at the entrance of the restaurant even took the initiative to open the door for them. Nika didn't know what to do with that humble look. Her heart was beating non-stop, and she walked into the restaurant without doing anything.

Suldak didn't notice these small episodes. He has been discussing with Andrew the next training plan of the cavalry battalion. Since the beast tide is approaching in Dodan Town, the training plan for the cavalry battalion has to be made Some changes, at least the training intensity should be increased. High-intensity training means huge physical energy consumption, which requires the cavalry to increase their food.

And recently, when the patrol team patrols near the border in the north of the city, it must be led by Andrew, Samira, or Gulitum.

Suldak plans to go to the border in the north of the city to inspect it tomorrow.

The dishes in the restaurant here are very single, except for barbecue, there are only some seasonal vegetables and fruits.

On the street of Dodan Town, several aboriginal children stood on the street. Through the window, they saw Nika sitting on a chair at the opposite end of the restaurant, struggling to cut a piece of bloody beef. Such a large piece of beef was a bit of a struggle, and the piece of meat bulged her cheeks.

Those aboriginal children bravely lay down by the window, seeing Nika stuffing a large piece of beef into their mouths, the corners of their mouths drooled out of frustration.

The restaurant waiter saw a group of children surrounded the window facing the street, worried that it would affect the guests' dining, so he hurriedly ran out of the restaurant with a bundle of bamboo sticks, scaring the aboriginal children away.

Nika lowered her eyes, concentrating on cutting the delicious barbecue on the plate, but her mood was extremely complicated.

Only then did she realize that the people in the small town outside hadn't changed, and the people in this small town also looked down on the aborigines. The only thing that changed... was herself.

Samira lifted the hood, revealing a beautiful elf-like face, but those pale red eyes carried a murderous aura that couldn't be concealed. When the eyes fell on the waiters, they would feel a pain in their chests, as if they had been shot in an instant. one arrow...

She recently received Vilu's guidance, and her strength improved a bit quickly, and the side effect that followed was that she couldn't restrain her aura.

I usually wear a hood to cover my face and I don't feel anything wrong, but when I eat, I need to lift the hood, and the light red eyes full of murderous aura are a little too sharp.

She ate half the smoked fish and put the hood over her face again.

Probably because the chief of the garrison of Dodan Town who came to eat, the restaurant owner rushed over, not only brought a bottle of golden cider and a dessert, but also planned to waive the meal fee for Suldak and his party. After lunch, the restaurant owner stood at the door with a big smile on his face and sent everyone away.

The town of Dodan is not big, and the restaurant is only six to seven hundred meters away from the town hall. Suldak led a group of people to the gate of the town hall.

Selena put her arms around Signa, pointed to the small square opposite the town to Suldak, and said, "I'll take them there to wait for you..."

Suldak nodded, and he and Andrew walked into the town hall.

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