Lord Highlander

Chapter 710 699. Barracks Station

Suldak walked into the barracks, and by the lights in the barracks, he could see a row of soldiers taking a bath standing under the water tank next to the stable.

The open-air bathroom is constructed so simply that it looks like a wall from the front.

The huge tank is placed on a wooden frame made of logs. This wooden frame was originally supposed to be an arrow tower, but after the northern city wall was built in Dodan Town, this arrow tower lost its original function. Now the platform of the arrow tower is All the awnings on the platform have been removed, and apart from some sundries, there is only such a large dark pitcher on the platform.

This water tank was originally prepared for the stables of the military camp, but it was abandoned and now it is a place for the cavalry to bathe. Below the water tank is a ten-meter-long stone wall, and a stream of clear water flows out of the water storage tank. , Along the top of the stone wall, the wooden groove is divided into 20 to 20 thin water streams. The cavalry can enjoy a comfortable shower as long as they stand under the thin water stream by the wall.

It's a pity that there is no water gathering magic rune board in the water tank, and it is impossible to collect water bit by bit from the air into the water tank.

The water in the tank was brought up by the cavalry in buckets from the only well in the camp, and then poured into this huge iron tank.

Although it is a bit troublesome to fetch water from the well and pour it into the water tank, fortunately, there are many young and strong soldiers in the barracks. Disaster.

It's just that for the ladies in the military camp, this kind of life seems inconvenient.

This inconvenience is not only reflected in the aspect of bathing, the dormitory in the barracks is also an open shop, and the toilet in the barracks is directly across a drain in the back, only a row of low shrub walls cover it, which is not enough. To say that the large facilities in the barracks are simple, it can only be said that this garrison barracks is not suitable for men and women to live together.

Fortunately, the commander's residence in the barracks was an independent small attic. It was supposed to be the residence of the commander of the Langdon Legion Cavalry Battalion. From the outside, this small wooden attic looked very delicate. The commander left in a hurry. After the town of Dodan, almost all the furniture in the house remained, and the furniture was also very elegant.

There is a set of soft leather sofas in the study room, and the furniture in the living room is almost all made of indigo wood, and these wooden furniture have fine reliefs.

Including the expensive magic-weave curtains in the room and the crystal chandelier on the ceiling, all of them show that the original owner of this room is a nobleman with a very delicate life.

The front hall downstairs is the combat conference room of the barracks. Suerdak usually works in the study room on the first floor of this small building. In addition to these two rooms, there is also a bedroom with a big bed in it. There is a small courtyard outside the glass window on the north side, and there is a kitchen, bathroom and small storage room behind the attic.

However, the upstairs attic is still a simple wooden frame structure and has not been tidied up. It is full of dust and rats.

Considering that the daily meetings in the cavalry battalion usually take place in this attic living room, and the nine squadron leaders in the cavalry battalion usually come here often, even if Selena and Signa live in this small building, It will also be very inconvenient.

Therefore, Suldak planned to rent a house in the small town, and let Samira and Nika also live in the rented house.


Andrew led two hundred cavalrymen into the barracks, and ran directly into the restaurant of the barracks for dinner. Although the restaurant was a little crude, it was well equipped with wooden tables and benches, which could accommodate six or seven hundred people eating at the same time. The cooking utensils here were also They are all existing, even the wheat flour and some mutton and vegetables from the warehouse are piled up in the warehouse of the restaurant.

The dinner for the soldiers is mutton soup cooked by Selina herself. The mutton soup is very thick. Boil a large pot of noodles and put them in a wooden bowl, then pour such a large spoonful of thick mutton soup. The soft, rotten and juicy white radish can be regarded as the most delicious meal the soldiers have eaten recently.

This kind of delicacy belongs to the typical cuisine of Wall Village. It is also a specific idea proposed by Suldak to pour the boiled noodles with thick soup. No one in Wall Village can compare with Selina. , she has been in charge of boiling a big pot of mutton soup in the village, so she has a lot of experience in making this kind of big pot of rice.

The thick soup was boiling in the hot big iron pot. The cavalry who came back from outside the town returned to the camp, handed over the horses to the herdsmen in Watts Village, and filled their stomachs in the dining room before returning to the dormitory. .

In the barracks where Suldak was standing, the herdsmen first scraped the horses off the horses, and then took them to the stables to feed some salt water, and then led them into the stables to feed the fodder. Seeing that they placed the horses in an orderly manner, I regret that I didn't hire more herdsmen when I was in Watts Village. The cavalry battalion obviously lacks such auxiliary soldiers who are proficient in raising horses.

Andrew ate two bowls of mutton soup noodles, walked out of the restaurant, and squatted on the edge of the military camp playground with Suldak, looking at the dark night outside the military camp, Suldak asked Andrew: "This is Dodan How was your first day in town?"

Andrew sat down on the soft grass.

He leaned his body back, supported his upper body with his right elbow, stretched his left leg flat and curled his right leg slightly, and half-lyed on the grass to stretch comfortably.

Said to Suldak: "The barracks facilities in the barracks are better than expected, restaurants, dormitories, stables, and a playground where you can run horses. These can fully meet the daily training of a cavalry battalion. The daily patrols we are responsible for It's on the border of the occupied area outside the northern city wall, so it might be a bit dangerous, but when I handed over the defense with Langdon's Legion in the morning, I found that the road condition of the patrol route was not bad, and it took more than an hour to run around on horseback. Litham personally went to investigate the situation on the border, maybe we will go to the Demonic Beast Forest to check the specific situation."

"Is it because Gulitum heard that the beast swarm is approaching and wants to go hunting in the Demonic Beast Forest?" Suldak asked with a smile.

Andrew chuckled and said, "He said that the recent food is not very good, and he wants to see what can be eaten in the World of Warcraft Forest."

"I don't care what you do, in short, you must bring back the people who were taken out safely." Suldak said.

Andrew pulled out the butcher's ax from behind, took out a whetstone from his waist pocket, and sharpened the edge carefully, while saying, "I heard that Hans, the captain of the city defense brigade, talked about the beast tide this morning, but it seems The life of the residents in the town has not been affected much, as far as I can see! Most likely, the north city wall is strong enough, and the previous animal hordes have been stopped by the garrison, so there should be nothing to worry about."

He looked up at Suldak, saw him looking up at the starry night sky, and said:

"It seems that the town hall is a bit troublesome. Mayor Marko is stronger than expected."

This is indeed the most troublesome place for Suldak. There is an extremely powerful magistrate, and some collisions will inevitably occur in the future.

Seeing that the cavalry battalion of Langdon's Legion can't wait to leave the town of Dodan, it is estimated that getting along with the local governor should not be considered too pleasant.

"Yeah, judging by his attitude of doing things today, he can't be regarded as easy to get along with. If you want to use Dodan Town as a camp to expand outwards, even if you can't get the right to speak in Dodan Town, you still need Mayor Marko Only with your cooperation." Suldak tapped his forehead helplessly and said to Andrew.


After chatting with Andrew for a while, he walked towards the small building.

When I walked to the steps of the small building, I saw Signa sitting on the wooden steps of the small building, drawing random patterns on the sand with a small wooden stick. Suldak sat next to Signa and looked at the pattern in front of her. The pattern on it is a hexagram, and there are some inexplicable lines around the hexagram. It seems to be irregular, but it happens to exist just right, forming a very wonderful composition. Suldak can't recognize what kind of pattern it is. , and asked Signa curiously: "What is this you drew?"

Signa stared at her big black eyes, and innocently said to Suldak: "I saw it in a dream... Sometimes when I close my eyes, these patterns will appear in front of my eyes. The circles around these six-pointed stars are My eyes are constantly spinning, and I am a little dazzled, sometimes, I can't help but want to draw them."

Suldak couldn't understand the pattern on the ring of the hexagram, but thinking that Selena is the apostle of the Dark Goddess in the Grimm Empire, responsible for spreading some teachings of the Dark Goddess, it is normal to have some influence on Signa, Guessing that these rings might have something to do with Shadow Words, but he was not sure, so he told Signa:

"When there are outsiders around, don't draw these patterns casually for them to see. Our Signa is very talented in drawing. This hexagram's light wheel looks really good!"

"I know, my mother told me that too." Signa nodded obediently, and then asked Surdak, "Dark, can you lend me that notebook again?"

Looking at the expectation on Signa's face, Suldak felt that there was nothing wrong with it, so he took out the Cyrus Hickok's magic notebook from his magic pocket and handed it to Signa.

"Of course!" Suldak said.


Nika was still cleaning the floor in the small building earnestly.

She ate a little too much tonight, her stomach is still a little full, she doesn't even dare to drink water, and kneeling on the floor is more difficult than usual. Selena cooks mutton soup noodles by herself tonight, so it's enough for her She ordered a large bowl, and carefully told her that if she couldn't finish eating, she could bring back the leftover food.

But Selina obviously underestimated the appetite of the aboriginal girl. Although she usually eats mutton, she has never eaten such a delicious and smooth noodle soup. A large bowl of noodle soup slipped into the girl's belly.

Her only regret is that she couldn't bring her mother here. If she had known that the food here was so good, she would have dragged her on the road even if she was crying.

After eating, you have to work. This is what Nika learned when she was a maid in the Goss Manor. The task assigned by the housekeeper must be done well. If there is no task assigned by the housekeeper, cleaning the floor is the last thing to go wrong.

She felt that Lord Baron Suldak must have seen herself pitiful and angered the young masters of the Baron Goss family, so he brought herself to Dodan Town to avoid the anger of the young masters of the Goss family. , I am very grateful to Baron Suldak.

The housework she is doing now is also within her usual capabilities.

She rolled up her sleeves, washed the rag in the sink carefully, then lifted up her sarong and vigorously wiped the floor of the room.

When Suldak pushed open the door of the small building, he was also slightly taken aback. The floor in the entire living room was wiped as spotless as if it had been waxed. He stepped on it hesitantly, and suddenly a shallow footprint left on the floor.

Suldak hesitated for a moment, thinking that walking in with his boots on like this was really wasting the fruits of other people's hard work.

He lowered his head and glanced at Signa beside him. Signa also spread her hands helplessly, her big eyes seemed to be able to speak, and her eyes clearly said: "Otherwise, why do you think I am at the door?" sitting? '

Suldak coughed lightly, walked into the living room bravely, and hung his saber on the shelf in the corner.

Nick who was cleaning the floor in the living room quickly stood up and saluted Surdak.

Suldak glanced at Nika. After these few days of cultivation, Nika's body has obviously recovered, but the thin body caused by malnutrition since childhood cannot be quickly recovered, but the complexion on his face But it is much better than before, and the skin color is not the deep amber color of other aborigines, but like light-colored beeswax, with a delicate luster.

I haven't had time to take care of this indigenous girl recently. I didn't expect her to be quite adaptable. Suldak said to the girl:

"Nica, it's so late, you don't need to do housework so hard, you can rest for a while..."

Nika stood in the living room a little at a loss, nodding like a chicken pecking at rice, looking cute and pitiful.

Suldak thought it was better to arrange something for her, maybe she would not be so nervous.

"Uh, will there be a fire...to boil water?" Suldak asked.

Nika nodded quickly.

Suldak breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly waved his hand: "Then let me boil a pot of water... Let me see if there is a kettle in the kitchen."

As he said that, he walked into the kitchen himself with some uneasiness, checked to see if there was a kettle on the stove, and saw some small servant rooms next to the storage room, and patted his forehead. Pointing to this servant room, he said:

"By the way! Nika, you will live in this hut tonight. The barracks has limited conditions. When I find a house in the small town, you, Selena, Samira, and Signa will all move out and live outside. , the conditions will be better than here.”

Signa asked in surprise, "Are we moving too?"

Suldak touched Signa's head and said gently: "Of course, it's not very convenient in the barracks after all, not only you, I think those soldiers don't want to be seen by you when they are standing by the wall and taking a bath."

Signa lowered her head, obviously reluctant, she pursed her lips and muttered softly:

"Okay! Dak, the house you're looking for doesn't need to be too comfortable. It's better to be closer to the barracks."

Suldak knew that Signa was timid, and usually liked to hide in Selena's skirt. Thinking of her living in a strange town, he would probably be even more timid, so he hugged her up and said, "Got it, I will definitely consider Signa's suggestion seriously."

(Okay, I have to complain here. I am still trying to repay the rewards owed to me by the bosses. Didn’t I send a small reminder two days ago that adding more rewards should not be so frequent recently? The code word speed is slow, and I can’t write well. Come out! I found that some bosses directly changed the way of rewarding in order to reward without urging changes. Good guy, the 10,000 starting point currency is added to the reward, and the willful choice is directly disassembled. 100 starting point coins make a 100 Lian, what is this doing? Is it a new strategy to avoid being mistaken for Cui Gengshang by wanting to reward?... At first, I thought the system was wrong, and it was the first time I saw the reward on the day and I had to turn over the chapter... Uh huh, I know that many bosses have been giving rewards. Usually I am lazy and don’t give thanks in time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the bosses and thank you for your love, XIE XIE DA JIA DA SHANG!)

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