Lord Highlander

Chapter 738

An orderly who was temporarily transferred came out of the kitchen with a tea tray, and placed the black tea on the coffee table clumsily. He was a young man who walked out of Wall Village, and he was still serving in the cavalry battalion.

When he first came out of Wall Village, he didn't even know how to ride a horse.

Now it is possible to sit on horseback and charge at the target with a knight spear in hand.

It's just that riding still needs a lot of practice to become more proficient.

Young people like them who came out of Wall Village have a kind of blind worship for Suldak.

Suldak told him: "You go and ask Andrew to find someone to count the number of mercenaries in the prison. President Buckley needs to determine the total amount of fines."

The young cavalry quickly stood up straight and saluted Surdak, then turned and walked out of the small building.

The wrinkles on President Barkley's face were almost squeezed together, and he said to Suldak with a bitter face:

"I'm going to prepare for the fine."

Before President Barkley stood up, he hurriedly followed the young cavalryman out of the small building...


The expressions of the few people sitting on the sofa in the living room were a little unnatural.

Josh. Baron Golding sat there without saying a word, with a stern expression on his face, suppressing the anger in his heart. He felt that Suldak's failure to greet him immediately was the greatest disrespect for him.

Madam Luna on the opposite side of the sofa tried to calm herself down. She crossed her hands on her knees and looked at the toes of her shoes with lowered eyelids. Facing Baron Golding, she couldn't even find anything to talk about.

The Batra tax officer sat beside Mrs. Luna, occasionally wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

Although it wasn't very hot in the room, he just felt a little weak in his heart. He looked at the tailor shop and bakery owner in the corner, and found that they were not as good as him, so he calmed down a little.

Batra tax officer heard that the resident cavalry had sealed up the trading house at noon today, so he knew that something was wrong. He wanted to hide away, but he was invited by Commander Suldak.

Whether it was Baron Suldak or Baron Golding, he couldn't afford to mess with them.

He very much hoped that there would be a bottle of invisibility potion for him to drink now, so that he could disappear for a while in this tense living room.

The eyes of the tailor shop owner and bakery owner were chasing Surdak.

The tailor shop owner found out that Commander Surdak was really the tenant that day, so he regretted not renting the small building directly to that lady for free. Let the Commander be satisfied.

The bakery owner also noticed that the Commander in front of him was the one who went to his bakery last night to inquire about the price of wheat cakes.

He seriously thought about whether he had said something wrong last night, and found that the commander had only paid attention to the prices of wheat cakes and bread, and said nothing behind him.

He couldn't figure out what the Commander asked him to do: 'Could it be that he is responsible for cooking the wheat cakes that the cavalry eat every day? '


Suldak sat in front of the sofa, still not looking at Baron Golding.

He picked up the teacup and took a sip of hot tea before saying to Mrs. Luna:

"Mrs. Luna, how much is the military equipment owed by the city defense brigade?"

Madam Luna raised her head and looked at Suldak in surprise. After hesitating for a few seconds, she glanced at Baron Golding secretly, forced a stiff smile on her face, and said:

"If all the payments for several purchases are accumulated together, it will be nearly 1,150 gold coins."

Suldak was secretly taken aback. He didn't expect Mayor Marko to owe more than a thousand gold coins.

"It seems that the financial hole Mayor Marko left for us is quite big, so how about this, this part of the fine goes into the treasury of the town hall." Suldak said to Mrs. Luna: "In addition, I want to use this money to repay part of the military supplies owed by the city defense brigade to the trading firm, Mrs. Luna, is there any difficulty on the town hall?"

Madam Luna immediately said: "Commander Suldak, there is no problem."

She didn't think about the fine, and since Commander Suldak wanted to fill the big hole with the fine, she had no reason to stop it.

Suldak nodded and said:

"It just so happens that Baron Josh Golding, the owner of the trading firm, is also here. I will ask the trading firm to issue a receipt later. I really hope that this kind of thing will happen a few more times. It can pay off the military equipment owed by the city defense brigade."

After speaking, Suldak set his sights on Baron Golding.

Josh. Baron Golding's nose was almost crooked.

President Barkley said that the mercenary union should be responsible for paying the fine, but the employment contract signed by the trading firm and the mercenary union clearly stated that all expenses incurred by the mercenaries during the fighting for the trading firm would be fully borne by the trading firm. , so in the end it was the trading firm who paid for it.

Now this fine is to be used to supplement the armament funds of the City Defense Brigade.

The money went around a lot, but in the end the money still fell back into his own pocket. After such a toss, Baron Golding felt very unhappy no matter what.

He is not a good-tempered person either. Seeing what Suldak said, he immediately said with a cold face:

"The total amount owed by the city defense brigade to the trading firm is actually 1,153 gold coins."

He touched the cane beside him, stared at him sharply and said, "Commander Suldak, you haven't been in touch with financial work at ordinary times, and you probably don't know that fifty gold coins are only enough to pay the interest on the material payment. It’s not going to add up cumulatively.”

After finishing speaking, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Of course, I don't care too much about interest, but I hope that the town hall can collect all the debts and pay them off in one go."

"Baron Golding, if you think so, then I have another plan..." Suldak turned the sheepskin book in his hand to the second page.

Both the tailor shop owner and the bakery owner thought they couldn't get in the way, and wished they could sit in a more private position.

Surdak looked up at the bakery owner and asked him, "If the whole town's bread and oatmeal are supplied by the bakery, how much wheat flour do you think you can consume every day?"

"Does that group of aborigines count?" the bakery owner asked cautiously.

"Of course, I mean everyone," Suldak said.

"Probably sixty bags of wheat flour will be consumed... But Commander, you must know that the aborigines will not buy my baked wheat cakes, and not all of the rest of the immigrants eat wheat cakes every day. In fact, every day the bakery It can only consume about six bags of wheat flour, of course sometimes more." The bakery owner said quickly.

Obviously these figures are firmly in the heart of the bakery owner.

Suldak asked the bakery owner again: "If the town hall buys wheat flour and sells it to the bakery at a price of one copper coin per pound, can you make baked wheat cakes cheap enough? I mean you The biggest one in the store, the price should not exceed two copper plates?"

"Commander, of course!" The bakery owner replied without thinking.

He also asked the tailor shop owner how much the ordinary cotton coats that can allow the residents of the town to spend the winter cost. After the tailor shop owner told the data, Suldak nodded slightly.

Baron Golding was no longer interested in listening. He had come to unseal the trading firm, and brought Manager Anthony and the firm's waiter back by the way.

Who knew that Suldak didn't pay much attention to him all night, and the only few conversations between the two were sarcasm, which made it very unpleasant.

He clenched his fists and coughed twice, ready to speak about it.

But I heard Suldak look up and say to everyone:

"I've been thinking about overhauling the tax issues in Dodan Town recently. Since you happen to be here, I'll let you know in advance that all shops in the town need to pay taxes in full."

Tailor and bakery owners, who pay their taxes every month, don't see a problem with the news.

But Baron Golding stopped when Suldak said this, his face froze slightly.

Unexpectedly, Suldak just looked at him at this time, with a smile in his eyes and a friendly nod.

Suldak turned to tax officer Batra and asked:

"Take Wilkes Trading Company as an example. By the way, Bartra tax officer, what is the annual transaction volume of Wilkes Trading Company? How much tax should it pay?"

The Batra tax officer glanced at Baron Golding, and said bluntly: "The annual transaction amount of the trading company in Dodan Town is about 1,000 magic crystals, and the tax is paid at a rate of 5%. If it is converted into gold coins, it is three hundred and fifty gold coins."

Baron Golding did not expect that Bartra usually looked submissive, and he estimated the trading volume of the trading house very accurately every year. This figure happened to be the trading volume of the trading house last year. Because most of them are magic materials, the added value is very high. Last year, the price of magic materials continued to rise, and his net profit was almost half of the transaction volume.

Suldak went on to say to Batra tax collector:

"Since the city defense brigade has owed the trading company's armaments and supplies in the past few years, then you can calculate the taxes owed by the trading company in the past three years. How much tax the trading company owed in the past was in the old town of Dodan I will not pursue the mayor's matter too much, but I need the trading company to pay back the full amount of taxes for the past three years. I will not add interest to Baron Golding, as long as the supplies owed by the city defense brigade Just make up the money.”

He paused for a moment, and added: "In addition, the tax for this year's trading firm must be paid before the end of the year."

"Besides, since the Wilkes Trading Company wants to do business in Dodan, it must follow my rules."

"From next year, the tax of the trading firm will be paid quarterly, and every large business must be reported to the Batra tax officer."

"Twenty percent of the quarterly tax is converted into whole wheat flour, and the price of these wheat flour is calculated according to the average price of wheat flour in Wilkes City in that month. Ten percent of the quarterly tax is converted into cotton cloth. The price is also calculated based on the average price of fabrics in Wilkes City for the month."

After Suldak finished speaking, he fixed his eyes on Baron Golding.

Baron Golding's eyes were about to pop out, he stood up angrily, and said angrily to Suldak:

"How is this possible? The Wilkes Trading Company is not a charity. How could it be possible to provide food and cloth at an average price to the town of Dodan? Are we not making money? In addition, as a nobleman of the Green Empire, my property has the right not to Pay the taxes, and I don't want to take out a copper coin for these taxes!"

The tailor shop owner and the bakery owner were also stunned. They didn't expect Suldak to have such an idea.

Suldak said without hesitation:

"Baron Golding, your business is the magical beast materials in the Invercargill Demonic Beast Forest, not food and cloth. I will do this matter whether you want it or not. If you don't agree, the seal will always be stuck At the gate of the trading house."

Baron Golding turned pale with anger, his hands were shaking, he stood up angrily and pointed at Suldak and said:

"I hope that after half a month, you will still speak so stubbornly!"

After speaking, without even saying goodbye, he walked out the door angrily.


The president of the mercenary union Buckley happened to be outside the small building, and he jumped off the horse with great agility.

Seeing Baron Golding coming out angrily, he wasn't too surprised, but leaned close to Baron Golding, and asked him in a low voice, "Why are you leaving in such a hurry!"

Seeing Baron Golding's face turned pale with anger, he couldn't help being a little surprised, and he said with a smile on his lips:

"What...? Did you have a quarrel with the guy inside?"

Seeing that Baron Golding ignored him, he took ten entourages and hurried to the gate of the garrison camp.

His magic caravan was parked just outside the camp.

"I'll go back to you..."

President Barkley saw that Baron Golding was in such a bad mood that he didn't even have the mood to say hello, so he knew that something wonderful must have happened when he was away just now.

He was carrying a money bag, and before entering the door, he restrained the smile on his face, and then walked in.

Suldak was discussing the price of scone cotton coats with the bakery owner and tailor shop owner. President Buckley was not very interested in these, so he didn't listen carefully.

On the contrary, Mrs. Luna and Bartra tax collector were lost in thought, with mixed expressions of joy and sorrow on their faces, which made people think a bit.

When Suldak saw President Barkley walk in, he also felt that he couldn't say too much today, and that these things still need to be digested by everyone.

So he stood up, clapped his hands and said:

"Okay, I also have such an idea at the beginning of this matter. To implement it, the finances of Duodan Town need to be able to support it. No matter what, it still needs to establish a complete tax system before it can be implemented."

"So let's talk about this today..."

Mrs. Luna, Bartra the tax collector, the tailor shop owner and the bakery owner all stood up, took their leave and left.

"Lady Luna, please wait a moment."

Suldak called Madam Luna to stop.

Madam Luna had a questioning look on her face.

Suldak set his sights on Chairman Barkley.

President Barkley didn't hesitate, he opened the money bag directly, stacked the gold coins inside neatly on the coffee table, and put out a total of fifty gold coins.

Suldak put the gold coins back into the bag, tightened the mouth of the bag, handed it to Madam Luna and said:

"This part of the fine still has to be handed over to the town. It's too late today. Tomorrow, ask the clerk to issue a receipt to President Barkley."

Then he said to Chairman Buckley: "President Buckley, come with me!"

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