Lord Highlander

Chapter 758

the sun is warm,

The Invercargill Warcraft Forest was very quiet, only the sound of insects and leaves rustling.

A caterpillar crawled on the back of the leaf, devouring the plump cherry leaves vigorously. It has red and black stripes on its body, and some fluffy needles with toxins protrude out of the body. The nearest bird can't see it, which makes it Live very comfortably.

The warm sunlight shines through the leaves, making its whole body warm.

A gust of wind blew, and the leaves shook twice violently.

The caterpillar clung to the leaf tightly with its abdomen and legs, and even lay there motionless behind the leaf.

It was not too far from the Dark Worm Valley, and there was a violent tremor, as if the earth was shaking, accompanied by bursts of roaring sounds.

After a while, a red tide gushed out from the entire Dark Insect Valley, and at a close distance, it was discovered that those rolling and spreading around like a sea tide were actually countless huge ghost-striped red ants. They rushed out of the ant nest, quickly Rush to every corner of Invercargill Forest.

Each ghost-patterned red ant is almost one meter long. The hard shells on some red ants have not yet fully formed. The first order was to leave the worm valley and follow the new ant queen to open up a new red ant kingdom.

All the openings in the worm valley were filled with ghost-striped red ants frantically gushing out.

The red ants rushing out of the insect valley eat almost everything, and they swallow some fresh leaves in their stomachs. Since there are thousands of red ants, wherever the red ants pass, basically even The fresher twigs are swallowed into the stomach.

The shrubs, weeds, mushrooms and some insects hiding in the tree holes in the forest glade are almost all the food in the eyes of the red ants.

They have great appetites and will eat almost anything.

And trapped in the fraternal egg for several months, the last bit of nutrition in the fraternal egg is consumed, and their identification of food is very simple, as long as it is not the same kind and contains life, it is food in their eyes.

Over the dark worm valley, groups of newly born ant queens flew out of the ant nest, like a black cloud pressing down on the environment, completely covering the sky above the worm valley.

They are more than three meters long and have three pairs of gorgeous transparent wings. When they flap their wings and fly, the magic patterns on the wings stir up countless to subtle whirlwinds.

These queen ants circled and danced over the Worm Valley, seeming to be learning about the world quickly.

A faint sweet and sour smell emanated from them, causing the ghost-striped red ants below the worm valley to fall into a state of frenzy.

A few clear and sharp cries came from the sky in the north.

A gray cloud rushed over from the high cliffs and mountains in the due north direction.

It was a large group of roc birds with golden stripes all over their bodies. Each bird spread its wings nearly twenty meters away. They flew extremely fast. During the flight, occasionally an electric snake would pop out of the sky, and then It fell into the forest below.

A group of roc birds rushed over with lightning speed and rushed into the black cloud formed by the new queen ant above the worm valley.

The newborn queens felt the threat of the northern roc in advance.

They didn't dare to fly north at all, and flapped their wings desperately outward along the three directions of east, west, and south. It's just that their clumsy bodies have fat abdomens, and they can't fly fast at all.

The mournful cries of the birds resounded through the sky.

Peng birds chased the newborn queen ant, dug their golden claws into the queen's body, pierced the future head with their sharp beaks, swallowed the newly condensed magic core into their stomachs, and took them with them. The corpse of the queen ant spread its wings and flew up, and quickly returned to the high cliff among the northern mountains.

An air battle quickly started over the Invercargill Warcraft Forest, and the rocs took the initiative on the battlefield with an absolute advantage.

The newborn ant queen can only spit out some acid. Even with three pairs of transparent wings, she is very clumsy when flying.

One by one was captured by the rocs and brought into the eagle's nest on the high mountain cliff in the north.

Seeing the battle above the forest, the last group of monsters left in the forest felt the oppression of death, and finally made up their minds to escape, and the forest was in a mess.

Some small beasts that can hide in the ground are shivering in their burrows.

The ghost-striped red ants on the ground are like a drop of thick ink dripping into the water basin, spreading outward quickly.

The opening of the Invercargill Forest killing feast...

A large number of ghost-striped red ants continued to emerge from the dark worm valley, and they could feel that the tens of thousands of ant queens in the sky were being slaughtered by the birds.

They climbed to the top of the hills and tree canopies, trying to help the new queen against the rocs flying in the sky, but unfortunately they couldn't help at all.

The violent ghost-striped red ants are at the highest point of the mountain, piled up into a tower, and countless ghost-striped red ants form a mountain giant. A group of huge soldier ants stand on the top of the giant, trying to block the birds in the air. .

But those roc birds seemed not interested in the ordinary ghost-striped red ants at all, they just flew around chasing and killing the queen ants in the sky.

After the queen ants dispersed, they quickly lowered their flight altitude, and they planned to join the ghost-striped red ants on the ground to jointly defend against the roc birds in the sky.

It's just that there are not many new ant queens who have successfully escaped the predation of the roc bird at this time. Even if they fly at low altitude, they cannot escape the roc bird's hunting.


The Invercargill Forest is like being cursed by the Lich King's 'blight'.

An invisible line appeared in the forest. Wherever the ghostly patterned red ants passed by, the entire forest was rapidly withering. The forest after the red ants passed by quickly entered winter, and the dry branches were full of signs of gnawing.

Dead trees with their leaves gnawed off, some white bones with sour liquid scattered around the territory, and even pupae and snake lizards hidden in the shallow soil were dug out and eaten.

And those ghost-striped red ants that devoured a large number of plants and animals are also growing rapidly.

The carapace patterns on their bodies gradually deepened, some sharp bony spurs began to evolve at the joints of their bodies, and some dark lines grew on the mouthparts and pincers on their heads, which became sharper.

The ghost-striped red ants on the ground followed the new queen who had successfully escaped from the dark worm valley, forming an army of red ants. The new queen flew close to the forest, keeping an eye out for the birds in the sky.

And those ghost-striped red ants closely followed the new queen. Wherever they appeared, they quickly became a dead area.

The ghostly red ants quickly spread to the entire Invercargill Forest, and soon the vanguard of the ghostly red ants crossed the rolling hills and came to the foot of the Thorny Mountain.

The new ant queens dare not fly high into the sky and climb over the thorny mountains.

When the ghostly patterned red ants climbed to the middle of the mountain, they finally encountered obstacles for the first time. They encountered groups of stone thorns that were crowded together. These stone thorns grew upward, and the length of each stone was almost several meters to several It varies from ten meters, but these stone thorns are densely packed together.

The ghost-striped red ants tried to climb up the stone thorns, but some of the stone thorns couldn't bear the weight of the ghost-striped red ants, so the ghost-striped red ants fell down from the mountainside one after another.

Some ghost-striped red ants were squeezed between the stone thorns, so they couldn't move at all.

When the stone thorn forest in the middle of the mountain was covered with corpses of red ants, and the stone thorns were covered with the acid sprayed by red ants, these red ants finally gave up on climbing the thorn mountain, and a large number of red ants Going around along the Thorny Mountains, some ghost-striped red ants also found the canyon in the Thorny Mountains, frantically rushing in...

At this point, the beast tide in the Invercargill Warcraft Forest in the northern part of the Bailin Plane broke out in an all-round way.


On the roof of a wooden house in the slums of Dodan Township, an indigenous boy stood on the highest ridge of the roof. He stepped on the beam with dog pee moss on it with his bare feet, held the chimney with one hand, and stretched his neck toward the Looking north.

Looking beyond the northern city wall, pointing to the farther north along the Duodan Canyon, he asked Aung San in the courtyard:

"Dad, what are those?"

Aung San in the yard was chopping a piece of wood. He was about to pile up the woodshed to the full. When he heard his son calling him, he put down the ax in his hand.

He straightened his waist and raised his eyes to look far away, only to see a flock of big birds appearing in the north.

Because it was too far away, those big birds were like mosquitoes flying in the sky, but Aung San, who often collected magic herbs in Invercargill Forest, knew that those were not mosquitoes, but Peng, the overlord of the northern Warcraft in the Warcraft Forest. bird.

Aung San's gaze became extremely solemn. He climbed up the wooden ladder to the roof, stood with his son, and said slowly:

"Beast tide, the real beast tide is coming!"

At this time, there was a burst of commotion on the street. Obviously, vigilant people had discovered the change in the north.

There were people rushing home, people knocking on doors, people shouting in the street, 'Ring the bell, ring the bell, they're coming! '


The city guards guarding the north city wall saw that the herd of animals in the canyon began to riot on a large scale.

The high-level monsters began to attack the low-level monsters around them, and the high-level monsters hidden in the herd showed their whereabouts one after another. They desperately urged the herd to attack the north city wall. When the herd entered the city wall, it was covered by a large rain of arrows.

Slices of sharp arrows shot down, and a large number of low-level monsters fell on the grass.

The group of monsters became even more terrified. They found that the north city wall in front of them was an insurmountable moat. No matter how much their king urged them, they were unwilling to take a step forward.

Some monsters had already given up their last struggle, knowing that there was a dead end ahead, they would slam into the north city wall without hesitation.

The city is full of monster corpses.

Some monsters continued to attack the north city wall. They had sharp claws and were good at climbing over rock walls and rushing up the steep walls. But he was pierced into a hedgehog by the crossbow arrows of the continuous shooter.

There were also some demonic beasts who gave up on attacking the city wall. They were ready to find another way, so they rushed into the dense forest on both sides of the canyon and fled to the mountains.

The city guards were excitedly counting the corpses of monsters under the city. They squatted behind the wall and added arrows to the repeater crossbow while discussing the harvest.

Andrew and Gullitum looked at the north in astonishment. Standing on the city wall, the two big men saw blurred figures flying all over the sky. They looked at each other, and Gullitum said, "Is that the beast tide?"

Andrew nodded, and then said solemnly: "I never thought those ghost-striped red ants could fly, so why build this city wall?"

"That's the queen, and only their king can fly."

Suldak's voice came from behind.

Suldak added: "Although the ghost-striped red ants can't fly, they are good at climbing walls. Hurry up and let the logistics team prepare more rolling stones."

Gulitum also stood beside Suldak and muttered to himself:

"There is an ant queen, I don't know how it tastes..."

Holding the butcher's battle ax, Andrew chopped to death a monster that had climbed up to the top of the city through the rain of arrows and rolling stones.

Suldak told him:

"Knock them down and we'll prepare the cavalry. This may be the last crop of wheat..."


Traces of red ants have already appeared in the Dodan Canyon, and some red ants began to hunt and kill the monsters in the canyon.

It's just that these magical beasts were unwilling to be slaughtered by the ghost pattern red ants, and the two sides fought in the canyon.

Even a first-level monster is much stronger than the ghost pattern worker ants. Under their counterattack, the ghost pattern worker ants were blocked at the entrance of the canyon, but soon a large number of ghost pattern worker ants gathered at the entrance of the valley. At the entrance of the canyon, the putrid liquid and giant pincers suppressed the monsters at the entrance of the canyon with a numerical advantage.

There are also some more advanced ghost-striped soldier ants in the ant colony. These ghost-striped soldier ants are more than two meters long, and the patterns on their bodies are much more complicated than ghost-striped worker ants. They have harder armor and are infinitely stronger.

On the battlefield, it is simply the nemesis of those first-level monsters.

Soon, the monsters guarding Taniguchi couldn't stop the attack of the ant colony. A large number of ants ignored the monsters at Taniguchi at all, and stepped on their bodies to rush into the Dodan Canyon while their companions were fighting.

The ghost-striped red ants poured into the Dodan Canyon like a tide, and immediately started ruthlessly killing the monsters in the canyon.

In the melee, the ant colony with a huge numerical advantage quickly established a combat advantage, and they stepped on the corpses of their companions and monsters and continued to rush forward.


As a large number of monster corpses were transported into the town of Dodan, the merchants in the town were boiling again.

Samira stood on the city wall and looked towards the north with a solemn expression. In the middle of the canyon a few kilometers away from the north city wall, traces of ghost-striped red ants have been seen. They are engaged in a killing battle with the monsters in the canyon.

At first, the monsters could persist, but the ghost-striped red ants sprayed out a large amount of acid, and those monsters couldn't resist the corrosion of the body by the acid.

The subsequent battle situation turned into a one-sided trend, and endless ghost-striped red ants rushed towards the north wall of the canyon.

Samira finally knew what the warehouse was full of kerosene for. The city wall alone could not stop the ghost-striped red ants. Only by building a wall of kerosene could the town of Dodan be defended.

A signal to retreat has been issued on the city wall, so that the corps that cleaned up the corpses of the monsters under the city will quickly return to Dodan Town.

When Suldak took Andrew back to the top of the city, a large number of ghost-striped red ants had already invaded the middle of the canyon. Some of the vanguard of the red ants rushed to the bottom of the city and were torn to pieces by the monsters below the city.

I saw the monsters in the canyon being driven by the ants, swarming towards the north wall.

Some mighty monsters are trying their best to unleash their magic.

The ghost-striped red ants advanced against the wind blades of ice arrows and fireballs all over the sky, and there were also pieces of ghost-striped red ants falling down in the Duodan Canyon.

It's just that as a few huge ghost-patterned red ants appeared, they rushed into the group of second-level monsters, and the monsters gathered under the north wall finally couldn't stop them.


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