Lord Highlander

Chapter 769 758. The Battle of the City Wall

Seemingly sensing the dangerous aura on the top of the city, the giant ghost-patterned soldiers suddenly stopped in their tracks. They raised their heads almost at the same time, and demonstrated their sharp giant pincers towards the top of the city, hissing like metal friction from their mouths. Voice.

Almost at the same time, the ghost-patterned soldier ants crowded around the giant ghost-patterned soldier ants, who were almost stacked on top of each other, rushed towards the city like a wild horse running wild.

They crawled very fast, and they climbed over the middle of the city wall in a blink of an eye.

The exterior wall of the north city wall is designed very uniquely. The designer set the front of the city wall with a gentle slope with an inclination angle of 80 degrees. The top of the north city wall is nearly eight meters wide, but the thickness of the bottom of the city wall is six to seven times that of the top. , the length of the city gate hole below is almost more than 50 meters, which is also the main reason why the huge fire wall with a width of 5 meters and a length of 300 meters was burned under the city wall, and the top of the city was not completely reduced to a barbecue grill.

This kind of city wall is completely piled up with huge stone bases, which looks more like a solid big dam.

Although the angle of the bed crossbow's pitch frame cannot support the vertical angle of the bed crossbow, during the war, the city guards naturally wanted to use the big killer of the city head to the extreme in order to be able to resist the beast tide.

So the Dark City Defense Army made a request, and the craftsmen used their brains. They fixed the bed crossbow on the huge door panel, installed a huge door shaft on the side near the wall, and installed a gantry structure at the end of the bed crossbow. The rope can directly lift the tail of the bed crossbow, so that the pitch angle of the bed crossbow fixed on the huge door panel directly increases by forty-five degrees.

In addition, the bed crossbow itself also has a pitch frame that can be adjusted forty-five degrees. In this way, although it still cannot shoot vertically, there is no problem in adjusting the angle of view of eighty degrees.

The giant ghost-striped soldier ants also sensed the danger, so the ghost-striped worker ants rushed to the front as cannon fodder. Their bodies were a little clumsy. When their huge bodies climbed the city wall, every step they took with their six legs was deep Wedged deep into the crevices of the rock, so as to stabilize the bulky body.

Luckily, the base of this north city wall is very strong, otherwise, a deep furrow would be plowed out by the abdomen of the giant ghost pattern soldier ant with sharp bony spurs.

Andrew raised the butcher's tomahawk in his hand and shouted: "All Rolling Stones are ready..."

The guards standing next to the huge stone ball immediately put down the crossbows in their hands, and seven or eight people gathered behind the rolling stone, chanting and pushing the one-person-high rolling stone along the guide groove to the edge of the city wall.

These rolling stones are almost seven feet in diameter, and there are coconut-sized iron rings inlaid in the side depressions, and there are two sides. The iron rings are as thick as a thumb, as if they grew out of the rolling stones, and they are very strong. .

When the guards pushed the rolling stones to the edge of the city wall, other guards actually carried bundles of hemp ropes as thick as arms from behind the city wall. The length of each hemp rope was almost fixed, and there were hooks at both ends. The two rolling stones connected on the city wall can be connected together. In order to prevent the rope from hanging on the wall, after the connection is completed, the guards will throw the part of the rope outside the city wall.

In this way, on the 350-meter north city wall, there was a pearl necklace that could only be used by a Titan.

"Five, four, three, two, one... Let it go!"

Seeing that the ghost pattern soldier ants were about to charge up, Andrew quickly issued an order.

The city defense guards moved the gear, and the bayonet at the end of the guide slot sank at the same time. With the help of the city defense guards behind, more than fifty rolling stones rolled down the city wall.

Since the arm-thick hemp ropes are connected to each other, the falling trajectory is very limited, almost showing a linear crushing trend.

A huge roar came from above the heads of the ghost pattern worker ants.

Some of the boulders went off track but were forcibly corrected by the hemp rope, so they made a crunching and cracking sound.

They raised the giant tongs on their heads, but they didn't see what was going on, they just saw dozens of rolling stones falling, and the ghost pattern worker ants on the front of the rolling stones were directly crushed into meatloaf by the rolling stones, and the rest of the ghost pattern worker ants were He was about to rush up along the gap between the rolling stones, but was pushed by a huge thrust and instantly fell off the city wall.

A large number of ghost-striped worker ants were entangled and tumbled down to the bottom of the city wall. The rope between them stirred a large number of worker ants together, and some ghost-striped worker ants also became fragmented during the tumbling.

The eleven giant ghost pattern soldier ants in the middle of the city wall wedged their six outriggers deeply into the city wall almost at the same time, and kept their bodies just attached to the city wall. They even leaned against the city wall with their huge tentacles. .

Some rolling stones roared past the giant ghost-striped soldier ants, and those ghost-striped worker ants that were entangled by the hemp rope slammed into the giant soldier ant, and instantly became fragmented. The sharp spikes on the giant soldier ant's back Cutting off the thick hemp rope directly on the arm, losing the restraint of the rope, the rolling stone immediately rolled down in twos and threes, and its power suddenly became much weaker.

Some rolling stones rolled over the ghost pattern soldier ants, but were resisted by the strong armor of the giant soldier ants. After hitting the giant soldier ants, the rolling stones bounced instantly.

The hard carapace of the giant soldier ant's body also cracked and cracked at the same time, but it didn't knock the giant soldier ant off the city wall, it just suffered some damage from the crushing.

A round of rolling stones rushed down, and half of the city wall was as clean as it had been washed.

The ghost-patterned soldier ants that got into a mess were entangled with the ropes, and the soldier ants with broken legs began to struggle in vain.

And those giant soldier ants have already pulled out the outriggers inserted into the cracks in the stone, and climbed up towards the top of the city wall again, and the ghost-pattern worker ants behind them surged up again.

Andrew on the top of the wall shouted again: "The bed crossbow is ready..."

This time there was the sound of the bow string being tensed, and the last sound of the winch stopped abruptly, and all the bed crossbows were ready.

Andrew stood on the wall, looked at the ants colony that continued to press up, and shouted: "Three, two, one... Let it go!"

Eleven bed crossbows with magical shimmer shot out with the sound of breaking wind.

When the danger was approaching, the giant soldier ants raised their tentacles more than half a meter long at the same time. Before they could make a hissing sound, they saw eleven ants emitting a string of magical lights from their tails. The giant crossbow bolt penetrated the body of the giant soldier ant.

When the blade of the crossbow arrow cut through the hard exoskeleton of the giant soldier ant, it penetrated almost without hindrance.

After these giant soldier ants fell on the city wall, their bodies became stiff, and juice gushed out of their bodies non-stop. When they fell below the city wall, there was a burst of thunderous cheers from the top of the city wall.

Only two giant soldier ants were lucky. A giant crossbow bolt cut off one of its tentacles and flew out close to its head, leaving only a long wound on its head. The other bed crossbow simply missed, and the giant crossbow flew past the body of the giant soldier ant...

These two giant soldier ants led a group of ghost pattern red ants, and continued to climb up towards the top of the city.

The city guards standing on the city wall quickly withdrew their crossbows and threw hooks down the city. Just before the corpses of the giant soldier ants were submerged by the ants, they hooked their bodies and hung the ropes on the gantry. On the pulley, everyone worked together to forcibly pull up these giant soldier ants that were almost submerged in the ant colony.

Some nimble ghost pattern worker ants wanted to continue to climb up with the rope, but they were shot down by the arrows shot from the top of the city.

As the archers brigade fired a large number of arrows, the charge of the ghost pattern worker ants under the city was suppressed again.

Looking at the giant soldier ants falling up with the hook, Andrew sighed on the city wall: "These magic crossbow bolts are really useful!"

Suldak saw that the hook was stuck at the top of the city, and several city guards pulled the giant soldier ants in from outside the city with long hooks, and then he said with admiration: "Such a giant crossbow bolt needs forty-five pieces." Silver coins, if you can kill a giant soldier ant every time you shoot it, it’s still worth it. If you can get it back, it’s even more worthwhile.”

Andrew also grinned and said, "Two crossbow bolts are worth one gold coin, which is really expensive."

Another round of arrows rained from the top of the city.

Two giant soldier ants finally climbed up to the top of the city under the rain of arrows. As soon as the heads of the giant soldier ants were exposed from the city wall, they spewed a large amount of acid into the city wall.

A group of heavy armored infantry hurriedly retreated to both sides of the city wall holding their shields. Half of the giant soldier ant's body popped out. Desperately grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back.

The ferocious sharp teeth cut against his helmet, and the pincers cut a hole in his slightly bulging shoulder pads.

Seeing several corpses of the same kind lying flat on the top of the wall, the giant soldier ants tried their best to climb over the wall. The bed crossbow on the top of the wall had to resist the ants colony below the wall, so they couldn't immediately turn around to deal with this big guy. It launched a second round of attacks, a huge ax wrapped in flames, just soaring down into the sky, the ax smashed into the most fragile gap between its skull and breastbone.

The bones here are the most fragile, and the blade of the ax is extremely sharp, a hole was split in an instant, and a large amount of light brown blood spewed out from the neck of the giant soldier ant's back.

It didn't even see a figure, it felt a person stepping on its back, it wanted to overturn that person to the ground, but it was not ready yet, it felt that it could not control its body, it saw that the whole world was constantly Spinning, and even next to it, a huge blood-spitting body slowly fell down.

That body is very much like his own, it really wants to lower its head to confirm, but it can only let itself spin and roll...

Andrew jumped off the body of the giant soldier ant, and used an ax to chop off the huge outriggers that Suldak needed.

At the same time, Suldak also personally beheaded the giant soldier ant with its pincers broken.

In the city, a large number of worker ants were shot and killed by the arrow rain at all times.

More worker ants pounced on the city wall, and ordinary ghost pattern soldier ants rushed up one after another, and soon the archers on the top of the city tended to be unable to suppress the ant colony.

Without the protection of the firewall, the heavy armored infantry hoped that the archers would put in more ghost pattern soldiers, so that they could make more achievements on the battlefield.

The archers are still willing to help with such a request, but it is a pity that everyone actually underestimated the fighting power of the ghost pattern soldier ants, so that the number of soldier ants rushing to the top of the city this time exceeded the soldiers' capacity.

In addition to the archers and giant crossbow shooters guarding the arrow tower and the city wall at the head of the city, they still used row shooting to suppress the red ants below the city wall.

Soon, the city fell into a melee.

Although the scene was a bit chaotic, both Suldak and Andrew were on the city wall, and almost all the veterans in the cavalry battalion who had reached the first turn were with Andrew. , immediately relied on the bed crossbow, and began to clean up these ordinary ghost pattern soldier ants.

The city wall was already covered with acid and rot, and from time to time, a veteran would jump out with an ice rhinoceros horn knife in his hand, and several cavalrymen followed him to fight the ghost-striped red ants.

In the cavalry battalion, this kind of improvised combat team is very common, and it is also handy to deal with ghost pattern soldiers.

These ghost-patterned soldiers are indeed extremely powerful, but because of their huge bodies, their movements are also very clumsy.

As long as there are two cavalrymen to attract the attention of the ghost-striped soldier ants, the others will take the opportunity to restrain the ghost-striped soldier ants, and the veteran who has been promoted to the first rank will hold a single-edged axe and jump directly on its back to kill the ghost-striped soldier ants. The ant's head was chopped off.

It's just that there are too many ghost-pattern soldiers released this time, and the entire city wall is almost caught in a melee. Although the mercenaries who signed the temporary assistance agreement are all fighters with a rank of one or more, they can only stay at the top of the city at this moment. Their defenses can't be killed at all.

Andrew ran left and right on the city wall to fight the fire.

Even if there was such a crisis on the city wall, Suldak still didn't send out reinforcements from the barracks.

The archers and crossbowmen on the top of the city were almost all struggling to suppress the ghost pattern worker ants climbing up from the bottom of the city. The thirty-five bed crossbows did not turn the dial, and they were fighting hard for the heavy infantry on the top of the city. The cavalry and mercenaries eased the pressure, and they were still constantly looking for the ghost pattern soldier ants hidden in the ant colony, preventing them from having a chance to climb to the top of the city.

Following Andrew's order, the city guards once again pushed the prepared rolling stones along the guide groove from the back of the city wall to the front, preparing to connect them with tough and thick hemp ropes, and plow through the ant colony that was climbing up the city wall in one fell swoop.

A halo of power shone under Suldak's feet, holding a blood-red crescent and a dwarven chain shield.

Every time he swung the blood red crescent, the power of holy light on his chest would light up along a certain pattern, and this power would instantly inject into the blood red crescent, and the sharp edge of the blood red crescent touched Ghost pattern soldier ants, like a red-hot iron bar touching a candle, the hard carapace will completely melt away in an instant.

The power of the holy light itself is very restrained by the ghost-striped red ants, plus Suldak's new interpretation of the "Knight's Holy Seal" in dragon language, every sword will easily cut through the hard carapace of the ghost-striped soldier ants .

Probably seeing a large number of ghost pattern soldier ants rushing up the north city wall, and the new ant queen swimming in the low altitude of the canyon in the distance felt that the ant colony had a chance to attack the north city wall.

So it made a series of piercing screams from behind, and hearing that sound would give people a headache.

It urged the ant colony in the canyon to attack aggressively, and the ghost-striped red ants in the entire canyon were commotioning, forming a charging formation like a wave, and flocking to the north city wall wave after wave.

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