Lord Highlander

Chapter 781

The ghost pattern soldier ants climbed up the city wall like a tide, and the sudden wave caught the garrison guarding the city wall by surprise.

The fire wall under the city wall has not been extinguished, the flames surging out of the oil gathering tank burned the ghost pattern drones 'squeaking', and the thirty ghost pattern drones are like the most devout believers, enduring the burning of the flames. The hard armor skins on their outriggers and abdomen have even ignited flames, but they still lie motionless on the fire wall. The giant star claws on their heads are deeply inserted into the city wall, and countless ghost pattern soldiers ants come from them stepped on his back.

Andrew yelled: "Get ready to roll the stone... put!"

Almost at the same time, a large number of ghost-striped soldier ants had rushed up the city wall, and some rolling stones rolled down the city wall together with the ghost-striped soldier ants. Before a few rolling stones could be triggered, the ghost-striped soldier ants rushed up , Throwing down the city guard next to the Rolling Stone, the screams were accompanied by blood splashing everywhere.

Without forming a chain of rolling stones, the damage to the ghost-patterned soldiers and ants on the city wall is very limited.

A group of ghost pattern soldiers and ants rushed to the top of the north city wall. The main combat forces on the north city wall were separated on both sides of the city wall. Even the angle of the bed crossbow was placed towards the east and west mountain walls.

Samira on the watchtower stepped on the wall of the watchtower with one leg, and the wind circle almost completely wrapped her lower body. Behind her, a phantom of a silver moon elf with a phantom bow appeared. I heard that it was an elf The windrunner of the family, but also the best archer of the elves.

Phantom and Samira took the same pose, pointed their longbow at the ghost-striped soldier ant that was biting a guard on the north wall, and the arrow wrapped in a white spiral wind belt flew out and shot through the ghost-striped ant. In the soldier ant's skull, the arrows could still come out through the body, and penetrated into the body of a ghost pattern soldier ant behind in the dark night.

It's just that a ghost-patterned soldier ant was shot and killed here, and before Samira could catch his breath, five ghost-patterned soldier ants popped out from under the city wall.

Samira could only take a deep breath, and continued to draw the hunting bow in her hand...


Gulitum swung the bone-crushing stick in his hand, rushed to the front to open the way, and smashed the ghost-patterned soldiers and ants on the city wall to the ground.

Andrew followed behind him, holding a butcher's ax in his hand, his arms were burning with flames, and chopped off the heads of these ghost-striped soldier ants one after another, but they just killed the ghost-striped soldier ants that rushed to the top of the wall, and then they climbed up again. More soldier ants come up.

In fact, they didn't rush far. A giant ghost pattern soldier ant poked its head out from under the city wall, and sprayed a mouthful of sour liquid on the north city wall, immediately blocking Andrew, preventing him from rushing to the middle for help.

Gulitum jumped over violently. Relying on his rough skin and thick flesh, he was not afraid of sour liquid at all. He picked up a bone-crushing stick and smashed it on the claws of the ghost-striped soldier ant. Ant shook back two steps.

Andrew's flaming ax then struck the giant ghost-patterned soldier ant's head. The originally extremely sharp ax failed to split the soldier ant's skull directly this time.

However, this Nanai warrior had expected it. He turned his wrist with one hand at the same position as the ghost pattern soldier ant, and slashed again.

Still not cutting down the giant ghost-striped soldier ant, Andrew's whole body was picked up by the giant ghost-striped soldier ant's giant pincers. He quickly adjusted his posture in mid-air, and supported himself on the giant ghost-striped soldier with one hand. On the hard armored skin with countless spikes, the whole person stepped on the back of the giant ghost-striped soldier ant, squatted halfway on the back neck of the giant ghost-striped soldier ant, and the butcher's ax ruthlessly cut into the bone of the giant ghost-striped soldier ant's back neck. in the cracks.

Adams and Gallatin, who were on the west side of the city wall, also led people to rush towards the middle of the city wall...


Such a big change happened just after Suldak climbed the city wall.

He stood in the crowd of city defense guards, and the halo of power under his feet instantly lit up. He was caught off guard, and two city defense guards in the crowd had already been bitten into two pieces by the claws of ghost pattern soldier ants.

Suldak is holding the dwarf chain shield. Since he has blessed himself with the two blessings of the gods, the 'Shield of Blessing' and the 'Holy Shield', Suldak's shield is like a magic shield coated with a layer of mithril. conspicuous.

A magic circle appeared out of thin air in front of the blood red crescent in his hand:


The four magic pattern circles are stacked together in an orderly manner...

The moment it fell, an incandescent thunderbolt erupted from the blood-red crescent. This was not those curved arcs of electric light, but a real burst of lightning.

The three ghost pattern soldier ants in front of Suldak's body were instantly pierced by a beam of lightning. Their bodies froze in place, and their bodies were filled with countless electric arcs.

The city guards standing with Suldak stabbed out their spears, and they knocked the three ghost-patterned soldiers to the ground at the same time.

A giant ghost-patterned soldier ant climbed to the top of the city, spouting a thick sour liquid.

With the shield in his hand, Suldak took the initiative to meet him.

At the same time, more than a dozen ghost-patterned soldier ants emerged from behind the giant ghost-patterned soldier ant. They climbed up to the top of the city, crossed the wall and rushed into the crowd of city guards.

Seeing a large number of city guards being thrown down by ghost pattern soldiers, the chewing sound almost made the guards on the city wall collapse several times.

Suldak resisted the giant ghost-patterned soldier ants alone, and was instantly surrounded, huddled together with the remaining city guards.


The situation on the northern city wall is precarious, and there are a large number of city defense troops distributed in the middle of the city wall.

The moment the ghost-patterned soldiers and ants rushed up, a group of city guards fell down in an instant, killing and mourning spread all over the middle of the north city wall.

None of the cavalry in the cavalry battalion planned to give up the north wall, and almost all of them followed Andrew and rushed towards the middle of the wall tenaciously.

The mercenaries who originally saw the situation was bad and wanted to get out as soon as possible saw that the garrisons were fighting to the death, so they all stopped and stood on the east and west sides of the city wall to prevent the ghost pattern soldiers and ants on the mountain wall from rushing up the city wall.

The eight magicians from the mercenary group quickly climbed up the watchtowers on the east and west sides. They held a wand in one hand and a ball of fire in the other, and kept throwing scorching fireballs towards the middle of the city wall. The top of his head exploded, but a large number of ghost pattern soldier ants continued to charge up the city wall.

The giant ghost-striped soldier ant in front of him almost completely suppressed Suldak, and a large group of ordinary ghost-striped soldier ants rushed to the top of the city and killed the city guards around him one by one.

Even with the halo of power and the seal of the knight, Suldak felt powerless to turn the tide of the battle.

At this moment, the catapult in the city threw a string of gunpowder again, and the black bomb flew over Suldak's head, and then continuous explosions came from outside the city.

The huge earthquake outside the city caused the entire city wall to shake violently.

A dark tide kept coming from behind the city wall, and what was conveyed was a strong perception. Suldak felt that all the ghost-patterned soldiers in front of him stopped for a moment, and when they moved again, they suddenly lost their senses. Offensive tempo, they no longer fight together.

Many ghost-patterned soldiers and ants only tore up the city defense guards in front of them, and squatted on the top of the city to guard the flesh and blood. They didn't have the slightest desire to fight before, as if all their perceptions were blocked.

Suldak looked back and saw Selena and Aphrodite in black dresses walking up the city wall side by side.

Behind Selina, a phantom of a dungeon courtyard appeared. Under the veil of phantom light, there was a faint figure standing in the center of the courtyard, stretching out its hand to the sky...

Even if it was a phantom, Suldak could still feel the powerful aura emanating from that phantom.

She is the dark goddess...

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