Lord Highlander

Chapter 788: 777. Hi Brother

A group of ghost pattern red ants followed Andrew, and the veterans retreated while fighting.

The ghost-striped worker ants died all the way, only some stronger ghost-striped soldier ants survived tenaciously. These soldier ants gathered more and more, biting tightly behind Andrew's group. The hard armor on the soldier ants was relatively strong. To pierce the hard armor of the ghost pattern soldier ants, these veterans must use all their strength.

Fighting like this, it is easy to be surrounded by ghost-striped soldiers and ants. Andrew can only be at the back of the team, frequently swinging the butcher's axe.

Only the butcher's battle ax with the bleeding attribute in his hand can cut through the hard armor of the ghost pattern soldier ant with one axe.

Samira stood on a high place, with faint red magic patterns emerging from her arms. She quickly opened her bow and fired arrows, frequently knocking the charging ghost pattern soldiers to the ground.

The battle started again. Seeing the ghost-striped red ants pouring out from the bottom of the canyon, even Suldak felt his scalp tingling. He ignored the changes in the ogre's body and looked around to find a new terrain suitable for landslides. .


"Hi, brother!" The ogre with a layer of dead skin off his face has a face full of joy. Although he is also bald on the top of his head, his face is a bit round, his nose is also round, and the sides of his mouth are hanging. With two reverse canine teeth, a pair of eyes full of curiosity about the new world.

Two minimalist magic symbols clearly appeared on his bald head.

The first time Gulitham saw him, he felt an indescribable kindness towards him. The mood was a bit complicated, but more of it was joy.

Now that the greeting was preempted by the other party, Gullitum decided to say a few more words, because he is an ogre who likes to reason with people: "Hi, brother! My name is Gullitum, I think you should probably have a new name ..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the other party.

An exaggerated smile appeared on the ogre mage's face, and he said to Gullitum:

"Maybe we can split the name, your name is Gurley, I'm Tem, because people used to call you: 'Gulli Tem...', now they call us, they still say: 'Gurley... ...Tum...', haha, do you think it's funny?"

Gullitum touched his head and said naively: "You are indeed smarter than me, Tem."

The ogre magician covered his face with one hand, his face was full of helplessness, and complained: "Uh, I really convinced you, you actually took it seriously, your name is unique, of course mine is too, I There must be a name that is closer to my identity, what do you think of Binghuoyan, maybe I can think of something better, such as using the name of this food, what do you think of Naohuaer? Is it very commemorative?"

At this time, Gulitum saw ghost-striped red ants coming up from the bottom of the canyon.

The ogre mage looked at the hillside in astonishment, and murmured:

"Brother, I think you are still a bit too gentle with these crawling insects. We can be more aggressive and violent. We must let them know that they are just an appetizer on the ogre family's recipe!"

Gullitum grinned and said loudly, "Good idea!"

The ogre mage yelled, "Then let our battle begin!"

"Ice armor!"

He uttered a spell, and a light blue magic pattern circle appeared under the ogre's feet, and a layer of cold blue ice armor appeared on the ogre's body. The ice armor carried countless icicles, It looks like a snowman who came out of the ice and snow world.

"Path of Fire!"

Immediately after he uttered another spell, a light red magic circle appeared under the ogre's feet again.

Gulitum saw a layer of flames burning under his feet, but he couldn't feel any heat, which felt very novel.

The ogre mage was about to recite the spell again, but at the critical moment, the little fireball suddenly went out, and he said with some embarrassment: "Fireball... I'm a little dizzy, let me take a breather."

Gulitum didn't notice the fireball at this time. He just looked at the ghost-striped red ants rushing up from the bottom of the hillside, his eyes were already bloodshot, and his skin was covered with black tattoo totems, and he roared fiercely. voice:


With this battle cry, all the veterans of the cavalry battalion felt an inexplicable courage.

Then I saw the ogre wielding a big stick, and when he ran forward, a road of flames appeared behind his buttocks, and the bone-crushing stick in his hand felt a size smaller.

The ogre mage was stimulated by the feeling of rushing like lightning, screaming loudly.

Facing those ghost-patterned soldier ants, it was like a giant elephant plunging into a pack of wolves. The bone-crushing stick in his hand swung up and smashed the heads of the ghost-patterned soldier ants in front of him to pieces. The flames made those ghost-striped red ants dare not chase after the ogre at all...

The battle situation changed at this moment, and Andrew and the seventeen veterans suddenly had a feeling that this battle of disparity in strength seemed to be winnable.

Then why run?

Not even noticing the signal to retreat from Suldak's side, he turned around and rushed towards the ant colony.

The power of the ogre with the second head has almost undergone a qualitative change. He rampages in the ant colony, and almost none of the ghost-striped red ants can stop him. In the end, it is a giant that came out from behind the ant colony. The ghost pattern soldier ants stopped Gulitum.

But when Samira shot an arrow through the compound eyes of this giant ghost-striped soldier ant, the giant ghost-striped soldier ant couldn't stop Gulitum.

It wasn't until the ghost-striped male ants behind the ant colony entered the battlefield one after another that Suldak greeted the group of crazy warriors and retreated south along the edge of the thorny stone pillar halfway up the mountain.

The ghost pattern red ants naturally refused to let Suldak and his party leave so easily, and the ants rushed up one after another.

This kind of steep mountain greatly limits the crawling speed of the ghost-striped male ants, and they can only follow behind to eat ashes for a while.

The mountain wall was a bit steep, and the group of Surdak walked very carefully.

Suldak walked at the front of the team with Selena on his back, while Andrew and Gulitum were in charge of breaking the rear.

The team walked out of the mountain for about one kilometer, before more than 20 ghost-striped male ants crawled forward in a neat row, sticking to the thorny stone pillars on the mountainside, and the queen was mixed among them...

At this time, Suldak looked back at Andrew.

Andrew immediately understood, pulled off the fuze like hemp rope in his hand, put the end connected to the explosive, and said to the ogre mage, "Hey, borrow a fire..."

The ogre mage immediately kneaded a fireball, casually ignited the fuse in Andrew's hand, and threw the fireball backwards, causing the two ghost-patterned soldiers to roll down the hillside.

The fuze has been burning rapidly...

Until the last moment, a series of loud noises sounded again from the mountain wall.

The mountain collapsed again, and the momentum was like ten thousand horses galloping. The thorny stone pillars shattered from the mountainside with countless earth and rocks, burying the ghost pattern male ant and the queen ant.

The whole mountain was shaking violently, and the entire group of Suldak's team could only rely on holding on to those thorny stone pillars so as not to roll down the hillside under the huge earthquake...

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