Lord Highlander

Chapter 792: 781. War Horse 2

Recently, the Mercenary Union has two elite mercenary regiments actively participating in the defense of the northern city wall.

These two mercenary regiments were not well-known in the mercenary union in Dodan Town, but these two mercenary captains had some connections with the local aborigines. In the early stages of the beast tide, they offered to Suldak to The local garrison provides some support.

For example, you can participate in the defense of the city wall.

At the very beginning, he was ridiculed by other colleagues for being a dog licker... If he doesn't make it right, he can easily lose his life.

However, as the beast horde really appeared, the benefits that followed were enough to shut up all the mercenary groups in Dodan Town. The daily defense work was indeed very hard, but the rewards also made everyone envious. Bring back a batch of magic cores from the city wall, and the probability of these magic cores producing magic crystals is almost 50-50. Even if no magic crystals are formed, the worst is magic crystal fragments.

Not only that, the mercenary group participated in the defense of the north city wall, and also deepened the connection with the barracks.

During this period, some excellent mercenaries gradually left the original mercenary groups and joined them, making these two mercenary groups nearly triple in strength within 20 days, becoming the strongest mercenary union in Dodan Town in one fell swoop. The two mercenary regiments.


Although the foreign business group organization in Duodan Town made a small move when the beast tide started, the business group lost the qualification to trade hard armor.

But then the business group immediately changed its approach. The hunting team spontaneously organized by the business group has also done some things in Dodan Town recently. At least in the eyes of the residents in the town, the foreign business group is quite good.

Although the north city wall runs across the southern section of the Duodan Canyon, it almost blocks all the red ants.

But in fact, it still couldn't stop some ghost-striped red ants from infiltrating.

Recently, some ghostly red ants often appear around the town. They usually appear in the surrounding mountains and dense forests, lumberyards, and quarries. They will also crawl into the farm at night, making the town crazy. Panic.

Although Mrs. Luna repeatedly submitted applications to the garrison, Suldak didn't have much energy to deal with these matters during the period when the ant colony was attacking the city.

During this period of time, the hunting team of the merchant group took up the matter, running around the town to investigate the traces of the ghost-striped red ants, and actively dealt with the matter.

Although the harvest was not much, it won the favor of the residents of Dodan Town.

Suldak didn't say anything, but these things were passed on to his desk by written information from the town hall.

‘Since you have done something for the town of Dodan, you should be rewarded. '

Suldak thought so.

This time when the gate of the north city wall was opened, the mercenary union and the hunting team of the merchant group had obtained permits from the Dodan Canyon, and they could use this time to enter the Dodan Canyon to hunt ghost-striped soldiers.

There are still a lot of ant colonies in the Dodan Canyon, but these red ants seem to have forgotten the original purpose of entering the canyon. Without the queen ant to control them, they began to wander freely in the canyon.

Only some red ants are still approaching the north city wall.

It's a pity that the merchant hunting team and mercenary group in the town have been idle for too long recently. They rushed out from the passage of the north city wall like hungry wolves. Even if they encountered some ghost pattern worker ants along the way, they would not let them go.

In the fourth week after the beast swarm broke out in Duodan Town, an action broke out where the whole town residents wanted to participate in hunting red ants.

However, as the military and political officer of the garrison camp, Suldak was quite sensible, and did not let go of the permits issued by the northern city wall. Only some capable teams would be allowed to enter the Dodan Canyon.

Despite this, some people still went out happily in the past two days, but when they came back, they were lying on a stretcher.

Sorrow and joy, sometimes just in a thought...

A heaven, a hell.


Since Mrs. Luna became the acting mayor, Dodan Town has not had any major disputes, and it has been very peaceful for more than a month.

The imperial immigrants and Bailin aborigines have been divided into two living circles in the small town recently.

Everyone deliberately avoids disputes.

The main reason is that the beast horde is coming. If anyone makes some small moves at this time, the first thing they will face is the wrath of the local garrison.

And this Suldak commander obviously favored the imperial civilians and Bailin aboriginals.

As the noble lord of the Green Empire, he didn't take the interests of the nobles into consideration first, which made the nobles in Dodan very dissatisfied, but there was nothing they could do.

The army has an absolute right to speak in such a border town.

Batra’s tax collector’s taxation has also been on the right track recently. Many business groups have come to the town, and they need to pay a tax for each transaction. Recently, there has been a little tax in the free market in the town. From a idle job to a fat job.

The trading houses in the small town are also much more honest. Baron Josie Golding has finally learned to be a man with his tail between his legs. At least he must be more honest during Suldak's tenure.

Without the support of his Uncle Wilkes City Councilor, Josh Golding realized that he couldn't change anything...


Suldak didn't mind the mercenary group trading what they got in the canyon with the merchant group.

In fact, as long as this kind of transaction is more formal, it can actually promote the development of Dodan Town. He is not a stubborn old man, and he will not take all the benefits into his own pocket.

Suldak intends to try to implant life magic lines on the horses to strengthen the strength and endurance of the ancient horses.

He set up a wooden house next to the stables, and let the two-headed ogre guard the door.

Then he took a closer look at the horse legs of Gu Bolai's war horse, only to find that the front legs of the war horse were about the same size as the outriggers of the giant ghost pattern soldier ant, so that when he extracted these life magic patterns from the monster leather, he didn't have to do anything. So fine, in order to reduce the coverage of the magic pattern of life.

Then Suldak built a sacrificial altar in the wooden house, and decisively tried to implant the 'strength and tenacity' magic pattern on the front legs of an ancient Bolai horse.

The Gu Bolai horse didn't die on the spot due to insufficient carrying capacity, but his eyes were bloodshot, and he seemed very excited.

The effect of injecting magic patterns is also very obvious. A unique cloud pattern appeared on one leg of the ancient Bolai horse that was pulled out. This ancient Bolai horse became extremely strong and violent. Suldak asked Andrew to wear a full set 'Earth Shield' magic pattern structure, riding a horse around the town of Dodan.

Andrew equipped almost all the armor weapons that could be equipped on the horses, and then galloped around the town of Dodan for five full laps.

During this period, more than a dozen charges were carried out in a row, and when it returned to the barracks, the Gu Bolai horse, with a trace of heat steaming from its body, snorting relaxedly, walked into the stable in high spirits, and was very coquettish. Baodi used his steaming horse's head to push the other mares in the stable...

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