Lord Highlander

Chapter 799

Selena lay sideways on the bed, not even daring to open her eyes, she was worried that Suldak would peek into the secrets in her pupils.

Goddess Celine seems to be full of curiosity about everything here. As long as she wants to understand this world, she will use "Goddess Descending" to send a trace of divine thought into her body, and she will not fight for control of her body. Like a second personality sharing the same body.

But in this way, Selena would occasionally feel ashamed that someone was watching her.

Selena has dedicated her life to the goddess Celine, so naturally she will not have any resistance to the goddess.

Suldak hugged him gently from behind, his breathing was smooth and even, he should be fast asleep.

Sometimes Selina even secretly uses the power of the dark goddess to enter Suldak's dreams, but basically she only dares to touch those dreams with her shadow, which can help him recover some spiritual power, but this time She did not enter his dream.

Selena opened her eyes, and the curtains blocked the moonlight from the window...

For Selena, the frequent presence of divine thoughts is that her affinity for dark elements has improved a lot in the past half month, and her body has almost reached the state of a dark body.

Suldak turned over in his sleep, the blanket slid aside, his naked upper body was covered with scars, just looking at it would feel a little shocking.

The Goddess still had a trace of divine thoughts attached to her body, so she didn't feel sleepy at all. Wrapped in a blanket, she sat up from the bed, walked barefoot to the window, and looked up at the blood-red crescent moon in the night sky.

The gentle night wind caressed her long, smooth chestnut hair, making her back itchy.

In fact, Selena knows that when the goddess comes, it is best for the divine sense to fall on Signa, because Signa's body and mind are relatively pure, and can be better integrated with the divine sense, and Signa's physique is also relatively strong. Special, there is no loss when accepting divine thoughts.

But recently, Celine seems to like to descend directly on her, and even used up some divine power to lay a beacon on her chest.

Stretching out his white and greasy arms like lotus roots, he opened the curtain a little bit, feeling his body was a little sweaty.

Walking into the independent washroom of the master bedroom, there is still half a tank of water in the bathtub.

The hard life in Wall Village made her accustomed to using cold water in the bath, and the tattoo on her chest was a little hot, and she felt that divine sense began to slowly withdraw from her body when she sat in the bathtub.

Floating overhead like an invisible mist.

Then an extremely pure dark light beam penetrated the rubble on the ridge, the beams, and the wooden ceiling, and shone into the room.

That divine sense quickly rose into the sky along with this beam of dark light.

Under this pure black light beam, her body seemed to be in a state of nourishment. She felt that her skin was full of vitality, and every tiny sweat pore was breathing. Under the darkness, her body skin was as white as a straw. The smooth ivory, the faint eye belt and nasolabial folds that appeared a few days ago are all being eliminated.

There is a feeling of going upstream in time.

While her body was absorbing this dark element, the phantoms of the courtyard and the goddess emerged again behind her.

She just leaned quietly in the bathtub, and the countless dark breaths around her formed a vortex and poured into her body.

When it was almost dawn, Selena lay back on the bed again, leaning on that intoxicating strong arm, closing her eyes against his chest, quietly listening to the strong heartbeat.

In the morning, I have to go to the market to inspect the transaction prices. Those hard leather armors of ghost-patterned soldiers who have not been counted will continue to be counted, checked and packed into storage. In recent days, the merits of the cavalry in the cavalry battalion have increased a little. Hurry up, some soldiers have already tried to exchange some gold coins.

Every day, many people gather around the merit redemption list, hoping that a new round of rewards will be updated soon.

She also hoped that the magical weapons and single-piece magic pattern structures ordered by Suldak would arrive soon, so that everyone's merit points would be lowered.

Only in the afternoon can the dark teachings be preached to those aborigines. These aborigines can be said to be blind and disorderly about their current lives.

She felt that she needed to use the hand of the goddess to make them have a more positive attitude towards life.

Most of the aborigines in the town do not have any assets, and live in the slums where the aborigines gather in the town. Everyone lives a leisurely and simple life.

Most of the local aborigines live in poverty and hardship. Of course, there are many reasons for this. Of course, it is not just the oppression and exploitation of the imperial merchants, but also the laziness of the aborigines themselves. They like to pass by and always eat this meal. Will consider raising money for the next meal.

They have both hands and feet, but they are lazy. The money they earn will be spent immediately, and they don't like saving money.

Many aborigines don't even have the concept of family. Two people like each other want to live together, but they don't want to face the future together.

They need someone to guide them in order to get in touch with a more colorful life.

People, believe in the glory of darkness and become followers of darkness!

Selena closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep...


In the morning, as soon as Suldak returned to the military camp, he heard Andrew's report that there were some scattered ghost-striped red ants near the forest farm in the town. ant.

He inspected the barracks, looked at the expansion progress of the barracks, and asked the craftsmen to tear down several unreasonable places and rebuild them.

Before he had time to sit down and drink a glass of water, he heard the messenger from the town rush over and report to him that some ghost-striped red ants were also found in a pasture in the south of the town.

Obviously, the ghost-striped red ants in the Dodan Canyon have been driven to the northernmost section by the cavalry battalion, but now the ghost-striped red ants appear frequently in the outskirts of Dodan Town, which makes Suldak have a bad feeling.

Originally in the morning, Andrew was going to lead the cavalry battalion to go to the northern section of the canyon to clean up the ant colony there again, but this time the action to clear up the red ants was canceled by Suldak.

He asked all the cavalry in the cavalry battalion to rest in the camp for two days to adjust their current state.

The tailor-made wooden house for the two thunder rhinos has been completely completed, and the bed crossbow will be installed on the platform in the morning.

Samira took several city guards who were familiar with the structure of the bed crossbow to the top of the city wall early on, removed the four bed crossbows, and used the hanging tower to hoist the bulky bed crossbows together with the pitching frame to the platform, and then Connect the bed crossbow to the pedestal in the center of the platform, and the two thunder rhinos have the appearance of war giants.

There were originally some simple shelves on both sides of the wooden platform that Thunder Rhinoceros carried. In order to be able to carry more goods, these shelves were made very simple.

Now Suldak has also made some modifications to these cargo racks. Archers have been added to the racks. In addition to the two bed crossbows at the front and rear of the entire Thunder Rhino, six archers can be placed on the racks on both sides of the body.

When Suldak checked the two Thunder Rhinos in the afternoon, his premonition was finally fulfilled...

The request for help from Plantos Town was sent to Suldak. There was almost no redundant text on it, but it was just scribbled: All soldiers of the 13th Cavalry Regiment and 19th Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment of the Luthor Legion were killed. The Independent Cavalry Battalion of Telingdodan Town Garrison immediately rushed to Plantos Town, and must arrive at the mouth of the canyon on the night of April 23 to prevent the ant colony from entering the northern occupied area.

Apart from this sentence, only the scarlet seal of the military department is stamped on it.

Suldak did not expect that the situation in Prantos town would be so serious.

When he first arrived in the Luthor Legion, he was not familiar with the other troops in the Legion. He basically didn't communicate with the surrounding garrison commanders in private, and he didn't even know the situation of the garrisons in the surrounding towns.

Suldak did not see the autograph of Chester Great Swordsman on it, so it seems that this transfer order was not issued by Chester Great Swordsman.

This kind of call-up order lacked the signature of the Great Swordsman Chester, which only showed that the matter was so urgent that there was no time for this call-up order to be passed on step by step.

In this case, Suldak has a lot more options.

He can completely stand still and wait for the autographed call-up order from Luthor's deputy commander, the highest commander of the Luthor's Legion in the Bailin plane. At that time, the military department will not be able to hold him accountable.

You can also send troops immediately and enter Prantos Town with this call-up order, and you will not be accused of leaving your post without authorization and leave the station at will.

A large number of ghost-striped red ants invaded Plantos Town, and the situation on the Dodan Canyon was relatively stable. Suldak immediately decided to send troops to Plantos Town, but the north wall of the Dodan Canyon also needs troops to be stationed. The Great Swordsman brought over 500 heavy armored infantrymen and 200 archers from Dodan Town to reinforce the city defense brigade, and they will stay in Dodan Town to guard the north city wall.

Adams and the ogre stayed in the town of Dodan, and Suldak led the three captains Andrew, Samira, and Gallatin together with 800 cavalry to set off before dusk.

This time, it happened to be able to bring the two newly armed Thunder Rhinoceros.

When the cavalry team was gathered, it was discovered that more than half of the 300 cavalry who came to Dodan Town as a reinforcement team took advantage of the opportunity of the rotation to run out of the north city wall without permission, and went to the Dodan Canyon to hunt ghost-striped red ants to earn merits. .

Adams was a little dumbfounded after receiving the order to assemble the cavalry, and immediately sent his cronies to recall the cavalry in the Dodan Canyon.

The ridge on the west side covered all the sunlight in the valley. Surdak raised the holy torch in his hand, and the burning flame

Although there were only less than 700 cavalry, Suldak still decided to set off according to the scheduled time.

In the passageway of the north city wall separated by a town, some cavalry squads ran desperately towards the gathering point in the south of the town, but the horn to set off at the southern exit of the town had already sounded.

Residents of the town gathered from all over with puzzled faces, watching the cavalry leave in a daze.

All the cavalry entered a state of rapid march, leaving the two thunder rhinos behind as soon as they set off.

These two thunder rhinos not only carried four bed crossbows, but also twenty-four of the best archers, as well as a full load of supplies such as arrow rations.

In just half a day, more ghost-striped red ants appeared around Duodan Town. After hearing the news, some mercenary groups and merchant hunting teams withdrew from the canyon one after another and joined the army to clean up the ghost-striped red ants around the town. middle.

The 700 cavalrymen ignored the ghost-striped red ants they met along the way, and rushed eastward to the town of Plantos under the leadership of Suerdak.

Suldak's headache was that he didn't even know how many queen ants had broken in.

It seems that the number of queen ants should be insufficient, otherwise there should not be so many scattered red ants. These queens need to restrain all the subjects in their kingdom and continue to search south for suitable land where they can establish a red ant empire. .

Just after the early morning hours, the ghost-striped red ants that appeared around had made it impossible for the cavalry to continue their haste. Some ghost-striped red ants appeared in groups, and they had a very strong attack consciousness. come together,

Even without the need for a guide brought from Duodan Town, Suldak already knew that this should be entering the territory of Plantos Town.

Unable to shake off the oncoming ghost-striped red ants, the cavalry could only form a sharp arrow formation, facing small groups of ghost-striped red ants and killing them inside.

The horses implanted with the life magic pattern rushed to the front. This group of horses was full of energy, and half of the knights had reached the level of veterans.

After killing until dawn, the two Thunder Rhinoceros behind had already followed.

The mountain ridge the cavalry were looking for was covered with broad-leaved forest. Suerdak blocked the foot of the mountain with two Thunder Rhinoceros, and 700 cavalry set up camp on the mountainside.

Since the cavalry marched in a hurry all night, although a group of magic-striped horses opened the way ahead, all the horses were basically exhausted after marching all night.

Before the camp had time to settle down, the horses were given water and beans first. In the cavalry camp, the horses were always ranked first when resting in the field. After all the horses were fed, the cavalry took out the small iron pot, A little sticky marching rations were beaten next to the big iron pot that was burning in the open space.

The taste of this kind of marching ration is very simple, and it is not bad if you eat it once in a while, but if you eat it several times in a row, you have to mix some wild vegetables into it.

The rising sun shines on the land in front of me, the morning fog clears, and a large grassland under the mountains appears in the field of vision.

Ghostly red ants appeared on the grass in waves one after another. Looking in the direction of these red ants, there was a huge gap between the mountains in the distance, but this gap was very different from the Dodan Canyon. , this is not a canyon fissure, but a pass between two high mountains.

The town of Plantos was built on this pass halfway up the mountain.

But looking at the past now, there are still bursts of gunpowder smoke floating in this pass and the small town, and from a distance, there are dark red dots that are constantly moving.

Surdak could not even see any fleeing townspeople in the grassland below the mountain.

The number of ghost-striped red ants is really too large, and the town of Plantos was breached the day before yesterday. For such a long time, unless the residents of the town can find some shelters, it is difficult to survive the impact of the ant swarm. .

Andrew stood beside Suldak, looking solemnly at the ruins of the dilapidated town on the distant mountain range, and spat fiercely at the tree stump beside him...

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