Lord Highlander

Chapter 804 793. The Battle of Plantos Town 3

At the beginning of the battle, Andrew led a team of cavalry around the large group of cavalry to clean up the ghost-striped red ants swarming over.

The closer to Prentos town, the more and more ghost-striped red ants crawled out of the town. The cavalry did not have enough space to intersperse and charge back and forth. Slowly, the two thunder rhinos rushed to the front of the team. The cavalry protected the thunder rhino flanks and rear.

Commanders Suldak, Andrew, Gallatin, Intas, and Hampton also rushed to the front. In addition to Suldak's aura of power, Commander Intas also has a halo of devotion, which can Increase the armor of the cavalry to become more solid.

Unexpectedly, Commander Hampno is actually a master of swordsmanship, and he also possesses good combat power while riding a war horse. He can always find the most labor-saving way to chop the ghost-patterned soldiers and ants in front of him to lose their combat power, but he He seldom kills the ghost-patterned red ants directly, and there will be soldiers who are responsible for making up the knife behind him.

The ant colony couldn't shake this team of cavalry, and more soldier ants gathered here.

Six ghost-striped male ants and ten giant ghost-striped soldier ants broke through the courtyard wall of the town, and rushed out of the town amidst the ruins.

There are also a large number of ordinary ghost-pattern soldier ants gathered behind them, also pouring out overwhelmingly.

These ghost-striped red ants contain a large number of soldier ants, and the attack rhythm is almost the same, obviously controlled by a ghost-striped queen.

At present, the cavalry had already reached the foot of the mountain, and they had to climb halfway up the mountain to face the ghost-striped red ants before they reached the town of Plantos.

The slope is not too steep, but if you want to go backwards, you have to bear the impact of ghost-striped red ants.

Suldak climbed up the platform on the back of Thunder Rhino along the wooden ladder, and looked towards the halfway up the mountain. Sure enough, at the gate of Prantos Town, he saw a ghost ant queen with a dark red body and three pairs of wings supporting her fat The fishhook-shaped body hangs low in the sky, surrounded by a group of ghost-striped male ants, watching the movement here.

Densely swarming ghost-striped red ants rushed out from behind it, rushing down the mountain overwhelmingly.

Many of this group of ghost-striped red ants are ghost-striped soldier ants. When they run, they make a thin, squeaky sound, which makes the entire mountain pass emit a loud 'buzzing' sound.

The two commanders, Intas and Hampton, had never led the cavalry to face the ghost-striped red ants head-on in the field. Seeing such a scene, their faces were tense, and they tried their best to appease the somewhat irritable war horse. .

Suldak knew that at this time, the cavalry must build up the belief that they will win.

He pointed at the ghost-striped drone a few hundred meters away, then turned to Samira beside him and said, "Shoot and kill all the ghost-striped drones in the ant colony as much as possible..."

Samira rolled her eyes and began to adjust the shooting angle of the bed crossbow. This elevation angle makes it easier to aim. Those ghost-striped male ants have a bulky and huge body, and the armor on their bodies is extremely thick. It is also difficult for crossbow arrows to penetrate the armor of its body. Only when it hits the head, mouthparts and compound eyes can it penetrate the weak armor.

In order to find a better shooting angle, Samira gave instructions to the driver sitting on top of Thunder Rhinoceros.

At this moment, the two thunder rhinos that were like small hills unexpectedly turned their bodies sideways slowly.

The four bed crossbows aimed at the ghost pattern red ants rushing up on the platform, and at almost the same time, four giant crossbow bolts flew out from the platform on the back of Thunder Rhinoceros.

The two ghost pattern male ants in the ant colony were shot by arrows, and a dark green sour liquid burst out of their entire heads.

The other two ghost-striped male ants were lucky. The giant crossbow arrows were inserted into the thick armor on their backs. Although the giant crossbow bolts were inserted into the ghost-striped male ants, they did not cause much damage.

Suldak saw that the ghost-patterned soldiers rushing to the front were less than a hundred meters away from his camp, so he quickly climbed down from Thunder Rhino and stood side by side with Andrew.

After that, four more giant crossbow arrows were shot out, and two more ghost pattern males fell on the way of attacking, and the last two were also stuck with giant crossbow bolts.


The front row of ghost pattern soldier ants had already rushed up, and was blocked by a group of heavy cavalry who gave up riding and held tower shields. Andrew and Suldak were also among them.

The moment the two sides collided, a phantom of a double-faced and four-armed demon god lit up behind Suldak. Almost at the same time, the phantom of the demon god became very solid. The demon god bent down and protected it with four arms. On Suldak's body, the dwarf chain shield on Suldak's arm emitted a dazzling holy light.

A complete face of a berserker appeared behind Andrew, and that was Andrew's 'soul of a berserker'.

A pair of blood-red eyes were burning with anger, and his whole body was burning with a layer of flame.

At the same time, all the first-rank veterans standing with Andrew all had phantoms of 'Position' appearing behind them.

The wave of ghost-striped red ants rushed up, almost smashing the tower shield in the cavalry's hand.

The first wave of red ants' attack was barely blocked by the veterans of the cavalry battalion who had released their 'momentum'.

The cavalry behind raised their knight spears and stabbed at the ghost-striped soldier ants one after another. Unfortunately, they didn't have the power to charge. Just relying on the knight's spears to hit the red ants rushing up, the impact force was almost reduced by half, and the spears could barely pierce them. The hard armor of the ghost pattern soldier ant.

Andrew's body was burning with flames, jumping up from the crowd like a god of death.

The butcher's ax in his hand was raised high, and then he slashed down heavily, bringing up a scarlet red horse. The head of a ghost-pattern soldier ant charging up was split open by Andrew, and his whole body was also lifted from the giant claws of the ghost-pattern soldier ant. He stepped over in a hurry, stepped on the head that looked like a rotten watermelon, and the butcher's ax in his hand spun and chopped off the soldier ants beside him.

Andrew was brave at the front of the line.

At this time, Suldak followed Andrew with a dwarf chain shield and a holy light torch in his hand, fending off the ghost-striped soldiers ants rushing up from both sides. The shield in his hand burst out with holy light frequently, and the holy light torch When it hit the top of the ghost-pattern soldier ants, the magic-weave magic circle that frequently appeared in front of them exploded with great power, and the light from the torch could almost smash the ghost-pattern soldier ants' heads to burst like rotten watermelons.

In this situation, there was no way to use the Blood Red Crescent. He didn't want to slash the long sword so much.

The halo of power under his feet radiated out a large area, and lightning flashed frequently on Suldak's body, and beams of lightning passed through the ant colony, causing extensive damage to the ant colony.

Intas and Hampton hurriedly followed. They finally knew what was special about this cavalry battalion, and the commander took the lead in charging.

A group of one-turn veterans followed behind desperately.

Relying on their solid armor and sharp swords, this group of veterans forced a bloody path inside. All the cavalry rushed forward stepping on the corpse of the ghost-striped red ant.

And the four bed crossbows on the two Thunder Rhinoceros almost suppressed all the ghost-striped male ants and giant ghost-striped soldier ants who dared to charge up. The ghost-patterned red ants had their limbs shattered, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Intas and Hampton followed the team until they were exhausted, and only the cavalry in the team made up for it. Everyone took turns killing the ghost-striped red ants at the outermost edge of the team.

But they were surprised to find that Commander Suldak and the Nanai warrior were almost never replaced, and they were always at the forefront of the team.

Fighting from noon to dusk, Suldak's cavalry battalion finally rushed into the town of Plantos forcefully.


Two Thunder Rhinoceros stood in front, and the wounded cavalry were surrounded. Amidst a loud rumbling noise, Thunder Rhino smashed through a wall in the south of the town. After the bricks and stones collapsed, thick dust filled the ruins. A group of The cavalry rushed into an unknown manor following Lei Tingxi's footsteps.

The ant queen who was guarding outside the town saw the ghost pattern male ants being shot and killed one by one by the bed crossbow. She still dared to stay outside the town, and she had already brought a group of them into the town of Plantos.

At present, the main attack target of the ghost-patterned soldiers and ants has become the Thunder Rhinoceros.

Probably driven by the queen ants, they rushed up desperately, just wanting to climb onto Lei Tingxi's body and bite.

The buildings here are built against the mountains, and the cavalry were forced to dismount and fight.

Entering the town of Plantos, the first thing that catches the eye is some dilapidated and messy streets, with blood and battle marks everywhere, but no corpses can be seen. Occasionally, in some places, there are traces of ghost-striped male ants passing by. The body crushed the buildings and walls facing the street, and even these ordinary weapons were scattered on the street.

On the street corners and in the courtyard, some black viscous, disgusting paste was spread, and some corroded and tattered armor was mixed in it. It is estimated that the soldiers who died in battle and the residents of the town would have been there long ago.

Some ghost-striped red ants climbed over the wall and were not affected by the topography of the town, so they were hard to guard against.

On the contrary, the cavalry would be subject to a lot of restrictions when traveling through the town. They could only walk along the street. Some ghost-striped red ants swarmed up from all directions, and the battle became extremely difficult.

However, the ghost-striped drones are also restricted here, and the ghost-striped drones haven't appeared since the cavalry rushed into the town of Plantos.

Suldak divided the cavalry battalion into seven teams and rushed forward along the long streets in the town.

Andrew fought all afternoon, and his body was covered with the blood of the ghost-striped male ants. Not to mention, the 'earth shield' on the magic-stripe structure has been activated almost three times, and such a top-level magic-stripe structure has appeared Very badly damaged.

His whole body was immersed in a state of killing.

Andrew led fifty first-rank veterans to rush forward along the central street of Prantos Town, passing through the entire town. The long street was full of corpses of ghost-striped red ants. When they rushed to the front of the pass, they found There were more than a dozen ghost-striped male ants blocking the pass in the open space in front of the pass. These ghost-striped male ants firmly blocked the pass, and the ghost-striped queen hid on the high wall of the pass.

A large number of ghost-striped red ants had just crossed the pass and poured into the town when they collided with a group of cavalry.

At this moment, Andrew's panting sound was like a bellows, and the sound of "wheezing, wheezing, wheezing" was very heavy.

Sweat was pouring down his body, and the butcher's ax in his hand dropped several times, but his fighting spirit was always burning.

He walked forward on the long street step by step on the stone pavement, and saw thirteen ghost-striped male ants lined up in front of him, and a dozen or so ghost-striped male ants surrounded by the ghost-striped queen on the top of the wall.

Andrew's footsteps never stopped, the fighting spirit in his heart was so strong that it almost turned into flames, the cyclones on his body continuously gathered from all around, some ghost pattern soldiers rushed forward recklessly, and they would be strangled to death by the butcher's ax immediately.

At this time, Suldak also noticed the strangeness of Andrew. He was almost collapsed, but he still rushed to the front.


The moment Suldak yelled, a giant ghost pattern soldier ant broke out from the ground, and the giant pincers cut Andrew's abdomen in the middle.

The magic-pattern armor on Andrew's body exploded again with three 'earth shields', which blocked the killing blow of the giant ghost-pattern soldier ant for Andrew.

The 'Earth Shield' shattered, and a few ghost pattern soldier ants rushed up and bit the ankle of Andrew's steel boots, trying to tear the enemy in front of him...

The phantom reappeared behind Andrew, and a funnel-shaped cyclone appeared around the face of the berserk warrior. Countless energy surrounded Andrew's 'potential', quickly repairing that face into a human phantom.

At the same time, a huge spiral cyclone erupted from Andrew's body, and the human-shaped phantom instantly merged with Andrew.

Andrew's aura seemed to have broken through some kind of shackles, and a destructive aura erupted from him.

The giant claws of the giant ghost-striped soldier ant failed to pinch Andrew's waist, but was shattered by the cyclone gushing out from his body...

Suldak, who was following behind, subconsciously stopped, watching countless cyclones pouring into Andrew's body upside down, the butcher battle ax in Andrew's hand lit up like an incandescent flame, and he swung the ax in his hand, viciously It ruthlessly penetrated into the body of the giant ghost pattern soldier ant. At this moment, a bolt of lightning flashed out of the white flame.

The entire body of the giant ghost pattern soldier ant was burned through by lightning.

The ghost-striped soldier ants rushing up from around were also affected. The ax that Andrew swept out brought a white stream of light. The moment the stream of light touched the ghost-striped soldier ants, the legs of the ghost-striped soldier ants broke in two...

The aura on Andrew's body soared crazily, stepping on the corpses of ghost pattern soldier ants to kill wildly at the intersection.


Both Intas and Hampton looked straight.

They didn't expect this brave native warrior to directly break through the shackles of level 20 on the battlefield, and successfully promoted to become a second-rank strongman.

The powerful coercion emanating from his whole body directly suppressed the giant ghost-patterned soldier ant opposite him.

In the Grimm Empire, it was as difficult for a rank-1 fighter to become a rank-2 powerhouse as it was for ordinary people to awaken their magic pool and become a magic apprentice.

A second-rank strongman appeared in Suldak's cavalry battalion, and he advanced directly on the battlefield. The morale of the cavalry soared. The ants beat back the ants rushing up from all directions.

At the same time, the two Thunder Rhinos also rushed to the open field at the northern end of the town. The gleaming bed crossbow on the Thunder Rhino's back brought inexplicable pressure to the ghost pattern male ants in the square.

Seven cavalry teams gathered in front of the pass in the north of Prentos Town, and the ghost-striped red ants that were forced to retreat by the cavalry collided with the ghost-striped red ants that came out of the pass. Hiss' sound.

The ghost ant queen was floating on the city wall, looking at everything below the city coldly...


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