Lord Highlander

Chapter 806 795. Chester Great Swordsman

In a mountain depression in the south of Prantos Town, the Great Swordsman Chester led more than 2,000 cavalry to surround and wipe out a group of ghost-striped red ants.

Taking advantage of the flexibility of the cavalry on the grass, Chester Great Swordsman has already cleared away a large number of ghost-striped worker ants on the periphery of the ant colony. Now nearly ten thousand ghost-striped soldier ants gather together to form a huge circle. In the center of the soldier ants, there are more than 30 ghost pattern male ants, and they are surrounded by a ghost pattern queen with a pair of huge dark green compound eyes.

This Ghost Queen Ant Queen was floating in mid-air, with magnificent runes shining on her body, three pairs of insect wings vibrated alternately, translucent, emitting a low buzzing sound.

The ghost-striped males below formed a circle, with the tails of all the males facing the center of the circle and their heads facing the outside, so that they could resist enemies rushing from all directions.

The Great Swordsman Chester saw that the ghost-pattern soldier ants were crowded together very densely to resist the charge of the cavalry, and immediately let the cavalry swim around in the outermost circle, and stopped attacking the ghost-pattern soldier ants.

The corpses of ghost pattern worker ants with decapitated bodies were everywhere on the grass, and some war horses were covered in sour liquid and fell on the ground. They were still tied with saddle covers that were too late to be removed, and there were some bite marks all over their bodies.

The battle has been going on for several hours. Tens of thousands of ghost-striped red ants have been strangled by the knights. Now there are only nearly 10,000 soldier ants left. There are no ghost-striped red ants swarming up from the mountain pass in Prentos Town. This ant colony has already entered In the tortoise state, the queen ant in the central area bound them together.

The cavalry couldn't tear apart the defensive formation, so they couldn't continue to charge inside.

Two thousand cavalry surrounded nearly 10,000 ghost-striped ants in the center. According to Chester's knowledge of ghost-striped red ants, these ghost-striped red ants were obviously waiting for the night to come.

So Chester Great Swordsman immediately decided to lead 300 swordsmen to attack from the front.

The ant queen floating in mid-air has a rippling aura that spreads outward continuously, releasing spiritual power continuously.

The ghost pattern soldier ants are arranged very closely under the control of the queen.

The 300 swordsmen brought by Chester Great Swordsman are all first-rank swordsmen. Although they are not equipped with a complete set of magic patterns, all of them are equipped with excellent weapons and equipment.

This group of swordsmen graduated from the Advanced Swordsman Academy of Bena City, and participated in the training of the Luthor Corps Constructed Swordsman Regiment reserve. They usually train hard in the training camp. As long as these swordsmen wear magic pattern If you don't install it, you can form a group of swordsmen who construct it.

If this group of swordsmen fight one-on-one with the ghost-pattern soldier ants, they can basically have some advantages. They have mastered some team fighting skills, so they are much stronger than these ghost-pattern soldier ants.

Every six swordsmen formed a squad, and these squads almost all advanced and retreated together during the battle.

The ten squadrons are led by a squadron leader, and these squadron leaders are all outstanding swordsmen in reserve, and their strength is quite outstanding.

Occasionally, a giant ghost-patterned soldier ant appeared on the opposite side. Basically, the captains of the swordsmen gathered together to besiege and kill them.

Holding a double-edged sword in his hand, the great swordsman Chester led three hundred swordsmen directly into the ant colony, like a wedge being driven into a crevice in a tree.

The ghost pattern soldier ants controlled by the queen rushed out like crazy, and rushed out to fight against these swordsmen.

The sharp long swords almost kept the same swing. Wearing ordinary light armor, all the swordsmen were very flexible, and their bodies flashed and jumped on the battlefield lightly.

Soon the ant colony was torn apart, and the great swordsman Chester was surrounded by a light blue grudge, standing at the front of the team, and the giant sword in his hand threw out a three-foot-long light blue sword aura, When the blade touches the body of the ghost pattern soldier ant, it will smash the hard armor immediately.

The great swordsman Chester rushed forward for dozens of meters in one breath, and did not stop until four ghost-striped male ants came up to him.

Behind him appeared the phantom of an angel holding a huge sword. Chester Great Swordsman held the sword in both hands and raised it above his head. Raising the huge sword several meters long in both hands above the head, the pure white wings of the angel phantom fully spread, with a sacred aura, the five-meter long sword phantom slashed towards the four ghost pattern male ants.

At the same time, the ghost-striped males greeted them with giant dark red pincers, and circles of magic-stripes emerged from their abdomens, continuously lighting up.

The angel's giant sword contained the full blow of Chester's great swordsman. A white horse fell down with the giant sword, changing from a vertical split to a sweep in mid-air. The angel phantom cut off three of them in an instant, and the last one was also shattered in half.

A large amount of light brown liquid gushed out from the wound in front of the ghost-striped male ant's head. With the hissing sound of the ghost-striped male ants, the phantom of the pure white archangel dissipated above the head of Chester Great Swordsman...

Streams of sour liquid sprayed out from the mouths of these ghost-striped males, but the great swordsman Chester jumped forward, stepped on the back of one of the ghost-striped males, and continued to charge towards the center of the group. .

At this time, the three hundred swordsmen, led by the captains, separated to the two sides, forced the ghost pattern soldiers and ants in front of them back a few steps, and forcibly opened a passage tens of meters long.

The four commanders led their elite cavalry from the outermost periphery of the ant colony to the ghost-striped male ants in the center...

At this moment, the Great Swordsman Chester had already seen the ghostly ant queen in mid-air.

The Ghost Queen Ant realized that she might be in danger, and quickly flapped her wings to fly upwards.

At this time, how could Chester Great Swordsman let the ghost ant queen escape? He stepped on the back of the male ant and leaped into the air, pulled out a dagger from his leg and threw it out, with an afterimage on the dagger, The short sword made a crisp sound as if it had hit a piece of glass.

One of the ghost queen ant's wings was broken with a big hole. It couldn't maintain its balance in the air, and it wobbled and slowly descended from the midair.

A few ghost-striped drones wanted to turn around to protect the queen, and at the same time rushed towards Chester Great Swordsman.

A group of knights also rushed up from behind the great swordsman Chester, and their spears were heavily inserted into the joints of the ghost-striped male ant.

The ghost-striped queen landed on the back of a ghost-striped male ant, a faint magic pattern flashed across its body, and its dark green eyes slightly radiated magic light.

'Spirit Shock'

Chester Great Swordsman only felt that the fighting spirit around his body was dissipated by an invisible momentum, and then he had a splitting headache, as if countless steel needles had been inserted into his head.

At this moment, he lost control of his body and almost fell down.

He was a little in a trance, relying on his own balance to avoid the claws of the ghost-striped male ant next to him, forcibly circulated the grudge in his body, stepped on the ground with both feet, and quickly retreated with an afterimage.

A black ray shot out from the eyes of the Ghost Empress Ant again...

The great swordsman Chester's eyes went dark, and he instantly lost all five senses of his body.

A huge circular mountain appeared in front of him, and his body recovered as before. He lay down at the foot of the mountain, watching countless ghost-striped red ants rushing out of the cave under the mountain and rushing into the ground. In the Vulkagil Warcraft Forest.

He looked at his light and fluffy body, and realized that this was the innate ability of the Ghost Empress Ant Queen: Illusion.

Chester Great Swordsman has also heard about the innate ability of these Ghost Empress Ant Queens, and he has also made preparations before that.

It's just that I didn't expect that I was wearing a sobriety pendant on my body, and was actually pulled into the environment by the Ghost Ant Queen.

In the battlefield, how could he dare to hesitate, enduring the pain in his heart, he hammered hard on his chest, and activated a rune stone embedded in the magic pattern structure...'

All the phantoms in front of the swordsman Chester disappeared, only to see the pincers of the two ghost-striped male ants are close at hand.

Chester Great Swordsman's body turned into a phantom, and appeared on top of the ghost-striped male ant in the next second. The double-edged sword in his hand brought a white sword energy and slashed heavily on the ghost-striped male ant's head. A huge wound was left on the hard armor.

If it was any other monster, Chester Great Swordsman could kill it with this sword.

But the hard armor of this ghost-striped male ant is too thick, such a sword only cut a two-foot gap, the great swordsman Chester had no time to make up his sword, and jumped up quickly to avoid the attacks of other ghost-striped males To attack, a sword slashed at the ghost ant queen not far away.

A ghost-striped male ant stood in front of the queen, and the figure of the great swordsman Chester who rushed towards the ghost-striped queen faded until he disappeared.

The next moment, the Great Swordsman Chester held his sword high in both hands, and his body soared into the air.

Then it was like a falling meteor, hitting the body of the ghost pattern ant queen...

A moment later, the Great Swordsman Chester held the head of the ghost-striped ant queen and stood on the back of a ghost-striped male ant.

The battle situation of the ant colony also changed accordingly, and the cavalry and swordsmen gradually took the initiative.

Under the leadership of the great swordsman Chester, a group of ghost pattern male ants were gradually strangled by the swordsmen.

Just as the great swordsman Chester led his men to clean up the mess on the battlefield, three green magic flares flew out of the pass of Prantos Town not far away.


Surdak boarded the pass and found the blood-stained city wall. The city was in a mess, with broken armor and scattered weapons everywhere, and some wooden frames carrying rolling stones also collapsed.

Dense ghost-striped red ants slowly climbed up from the city wall. Andrew stood on the city wall, wielding the butcher's ax in his hand, and split the heads of some ghost-striped red ants that had just poked their heads out of the city wall. His There was already a thick layer of corpses of ghost-striped red ants piled up under their feet.

The veterans next to them also lined up, standing behind the wall, holding the knight's long spear, stabbing the ghost-striped red ants that climbed up to death.

The veterans cooperated with each other tacitly, and even if some ghost-patterned soldiers ants avoided being assassinated by the spear occasionally, they would be beheaded by the knight's long sword afterwards.

Dozens of bed crossbows on the top of the city were damaged to varying degrees, and Samira was leading a group of archers to rush to repair the bed crossbows on the top of the city.

Suldak walked near the oil tank on the city wall, and saw that all the oil barrels here were empty, and there were still thick burn marks under the city wall. It is estimated that all the kerosene here had been used up.

Fortunately, this time when Suldak came to Prantos Town this time, he packed a few barrels of kerosene on Lei Tingxi's body, and now he lifted it to the top of the city, and poured it in through the oil filling port on the top of the city without hesitation.

It's a pity that they only brought six barrels of kerosene. This amount of kerosene was far from covering the entire city wall, but only six bonfires were lit below the city.

As the fire broke out below the city, the ghost pattern red ants that were climbing the city wall were quickly forced back, and the defense pressure on the city wall was instantly relieved a lot.

The veterans kept throwing the corpses of the ghost-striped red ants on the fire pile. With the raging flames, these ghost-striped red ants were covered with grease, and the fire became big.

Fortunately, the bed crossbow on the city wall was not too seriously damaged.

After dismantling and repairing, thirty-six bed crossbows barely recovered, and the wooden frame storing the giant crossbow bolts on the top of the city was not damaged, and those giant crossbow bolts can still be used.

As the bed crossbows recovered one by one, the range of the bed crossbows covered the mountain walls on both sides, and the defense of the city head was basically stabilized.

The two commanders, Intas and Hampton, led their cavalry in the square below the pass, blocking the counterattack of the ghost-striped red ants in Prantos Town.

Seeing that the situation at the top of the city had basically stabilized, Suldak ordered Andrew and Samira to guard the city wall, and led Gallatin to the square below the pass. Resisting the attack of the ghost-striped red ants.

Obviously, the number of ghost-striped red ants in the town is obviously insufficient, and it can no longer form a scale in the square.

Suldak ordered all the cavalry to take turns to camp and rest in the square under the pass. The main reason was that after fighting for more than half a day, these horses were exhausted and needed water and food, and rested to recover their strength.

Almost all the cavalry were injured, and everyone urgently needed to wash off all the sour liquid that got on their bodies.

Beneath the walls of the pass, veterans of the cavalry battalion found locked warehouses.

The cavalry kicked open a locked warehouse door, and there were stacks of giant crossbow bolts, boxes of fine steel arrow clusters, rows of brand new alloy bows and continuous shooter crossbows, etc. inside.

Seeing that the place was fairly clean, Suerdak asked the veteran to put three camp beds in the warehouse, and hung a few horse lanterns in the warehouse, and the room was instantly brightened.

Afterwards, without Suldak's instructions, the veterans moved all the heads of ghost pattern soldier ants collected on the battlefield to the warehouse.

The cavalry of the other two cavalry battalions also imitated the practice of this group of veterans, and moved all the heads of these ghost-striped soldier ants and ghost-striped male ants.

"Okay, let's follow the old rules and treat the seriously wounded first. This time, the seriously wounded from the three cavalry battalions are lined up together..." Suldak's opponent ordered.

The three cavalry battalions had a total of 1,800 cavalrymen, and more than half of the cavalrymen were injured to varying degrees. Suldak wanted to rely on the 'Holy Light Art' for treatment, even if all the sacred aura in his body was consumed. Dry, it is definitely not enough.

So this time Suldak directly changed his strategy. All the wounded will receive the blessing of God from the "Divine Blessed Body". Light therapy and more.

This time, they attacked Prantos Town and harvested enough sacrifices.

You don't know how many fierce battles will be fought next, so you can't be stingy at this time.

The two commanders, Intas and Hampton, came out of the temporary treatment room and realized that the reason why the cavalry under Commander Suldak were so brave was because this cavalry battalion was not afraid of injury at all.

As long as the wounded remain alive on the battlefield... they will survive.

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