Lord Highlander

Chapter 820: 809. Fur Trading

On the first day of entering the hills and mountains, ten four-wheeled carriages returned to Dodan Town full of ghost pattern soldier ants that afternoon.

On the second day after the ten wagons returned with a full load, Mrs. Luna, acting as the mayor of the town, organized twenty wagons to pass through the Dodan Valley and arrived at the battlefield in the hilly area before noon.

Although the acting female mayor made the boldest prediction of her life, the twenty carriages still failed to carry all the spoils.

On the third day, a thunder rhino caravan came to the hills and mountains.

This caravan has a total of twelve Thunder Rhinos. They line up in a row among the mountains, and they look like a row of moving hills from a distance.

Thanks to the timely arrival of the Thunder Rhino caravan, all the spoils accumulated in three days can finally be transported to Dodan Town.

The Thunder Caravan originally came to modify the body of the Thunder Rhino. Suldak led the army to hunt ghost-striped red ants outside the canyon. The head of the caravan immediately decided to bring the Thunder Rhino Caravan to see Suerdak. commander.

The scene of cleaning the battlefield was very lively.

Selina personally rushed to the frontline position, and assigned personnel to count the spoils, achievements, battle damage and the need for supplementary supplies.

In this hunting, the merit points obtained by the cavalry battalion will no longer be distributed equally, but will be divided according to the cavalry squad. All ghost-striped red ants killed on the battlefield will have unique marks for each squad.

The hilly and mountainous battlefield also spans a large area. The cavalry carried out raids around the ant colonies, resulting in the corpses of ghost-striped red ants everywhere in the hills and mountains. Run around the area, and use the lasso to drag back the ghost-striped soldier ants that were missed.

But in this way, the enthusiasm of the cavalry to fight has been greatly improved at once.

This hunting did not use explosives to clean up the ghost-striped worker ants, and these ghost-striped worker ants were also included in the merit account again, making the merit statistics more cumbersome.

Selena temporarily found a few cavalrymen who knew the imperial language to make statistics together, and they were busy until night before returning to Dodan Town with the Thunder Rhino caravan.

As for the merit statistics, I have been busy until night, mainly because when Selina checked the total at the end, the merit value and the number of ghost-patterned soldiers did not match up.

In order to count the merits of each team as soon as possible, Selina temporarily invited several cavalry to do it together.

But these cavalrymen participated in this battle after all. Many cavalrymen on the battlefield are their familiar friends. Everyone has selfish intentions. Occasionally, some people will record more meritorious deeds in private. This kind of thing cannot be supervised...

This is the first time that the cavalry battalion has falsely reported their merits since the merits were counted this time.

When she returned to Dodan Town, Selena still had a straight face and didn't want to say a word.

Selina wanted to thoroughly investigate these cavalrymen who were in charge of counting merits, but was stopped by Suldak later. The amount of falsely reported merits was not too large. In order to ensure the smooth progress of hunting ghost-striped red ants, she did not continue. Pursue this matter.

It's just that the few cavalrymen who are in charge of counting their merits have been busy for half a day without any subsidies and rewards.


Lance and several of his friends have been living in Thunder Rhino's cabin for the past few days.

I have also participated in several battles in the past few days, but unfortunately I did not give full play to the advantages of the magician.

They just stood on the platform and threw a few fireballs at the ant colony, but it didn't actually have much impact on the entire battle.

The few young magicians have a certain understanding of the fighting style of the imperial cavalry, and have a clear understanding of the strength of the cavalry team of Suldak.

Lance didn't expect that Suldak's subordinates would have second-rank powerhouses such as the Nanai native warrior Andrew and the two-headed ogre. No wonder he could not only easily defend the Dodan Canyon, but also lead the cavalry to fight out of the canyon.

The two of them led a group of cavalry to fight in the ant colony, and they were almost the mainstay on the battlefield. All the cavalry followed behind them, like locusts passing through the border, plundering and harvesting ghost-striped red ants.

This is also the most intuitive feeling for Lance to fight in the hills and mountains with the cavalry battalion.

Later, Lance discovered that the half-elven archer Samira was the core of the entire team. In the final battle to kill the queen ant, she shot and killed sixteen ghost-striped drones and one ghost ants by herself. Ant Queen.

Seeing these soldiers in the cavalry battalion, the young mages also began to think about how to gain more merit and how to fight with those cavalry in coordination.

The five of them gathered in the cabin and began to think about the role of magicians in a war.

They can't charge like a knight, nor can they shoot arrows as frequently as an archer. Although the power of the fireball is not bad, if this thing is used dozens of times frequently, the mental power will be exhausted.

Everyone discussed for a long time, and finally found out sadly that a good entry point was not found.

Among the five magicians, Ge Lianna was the first to take this step in the end.

The reason is that Ge Lianna is a water magician, and she can perform simple treatment after learning the "water therapy", and then she is honored to be Suldak's assistant, usually responsible for some treatment of injured knights.

Several magicians also saw the quick money-making ability of the Suldak Cavalry Battalion.

The cavalry have been slaughtering the ghost-striped red ants wantonly these days, and actually harvested a lot of magic materials.

They couldn't figure it out, if it was what they saw, why didn't other legions grab this piece of fat?

The Bailin plane is not prominent among the several planes controlled by Duke Newman of the Bena Province. The resources of this plane are very common, and there is no air supremacy. Even the channel for magic airships cannot be opened here.

It is not as developed as the Maca plane, nor is it as rich in resources as the Ganbu plane.

"How could such a beast tide not be noticed by other noble lords?"

Colina leaned against the window, looking at the hilly and mountainous battlefield at dusk, a team of Thunder Rhinos loaded with various goods was slowly walking towards the Dodan Canyon, and couldn't help sighing.

The sweet-faced female magician snuggled up beside her, and she also had some doubts: "Yes! When did the noble lords of Bena province become so polite? Didn't they come to share a piece of the pie?"

"I think it probably has something to do with Commander Suldak's personal ability." The monocle male magician gave an answer.

Lance smiled and said nothing.

The other magicians asked curiously: "What ability?"

The monocle male magician took it for granted and said, "Of course it's the Holy Light! Do you see how much the sour venom of these ghost-striped red ants has affected his cavalry?"

He pointed to the cavalry who were resting and eating on the hillside and said:

"Normal cavalry are exposed to these sour and rotten poisons. I am afraid that even if they do not reduce their numbers, they will lose their combat power!"

"But what about them? You have also seen that, by the way, rinse the red, swollen and festered skin with clean water, and the skin will be able to regenerate new skin the next morning. This is simply the two-in-one effect of a healing potion and an antidote potion. "

"...So, magic pharmacy is really a subject worthy of a lot of energy. If we carry a whole box of magic potions with us, we can probably create such a cavalry."


The young wizards ignored the Potions-obsessed lunatic.

Lance also discovered that Suldak had an unusual interest in ghost drones.

He felt that the main target of the cavalry battalion's hunting this time was not the ghost-striped queens in the ant colony, but the ghost-striped males who had received extra care.

In order to be able to hunt and kill all the ghost-striped drones, the cavalry disperse and isolate these huge ghost-striped drones after killing the ghost-striped drones. The team took care of them, and the cavalry were obviously capable of killing them one by one, but they had to give these ghost-striped male ants a row of numbers.

Suldak participated in the killing of almost every ghost-striped drone...

This is also what Lance can't understand the most. Whoever kills is not killed!

Suldak doesn't need merit, so why is he obsessed with killing every ghost-striped drone?

Of course, when mentioning Suldak, Lance felt that he was not a competent commander, because he seldom commanded battles.

Andrew is often responsible for the task of cavalry raiding the ant colony, and Samira is usually responsible for the task of commanding and stopping the ant colony. Occasionally, Suldak will ask him to come forward to command the cavalry brigade to transfer tasks. He is a magician and has never Learned to command an army.

But as a holy knight, Suldak is undoubtedly the most competent, he will take the initiative to treat the injured cavalry.

This topic seems to be going a little far.

In terms of strength, the ghost male ant can be regarded as an early third-level monster. Its biggest feature is that its armor is so thick that it can't be pierced by a bed crossbow. The second is that it has extraordinary power and can spit acid. putrefaction.

In addition, the ghost pattern male ant is not qualified as a third-level monster at any point.

The most important point is that the hard armor on its body is too thick, and it is impossible to use it to make magic pattern structures. The skull has only one magic core, which is still valuable. Lance thinks its value is not even as good as the ghost pattern soldier ant, but Facing such ghost-striped drones, Suldak was particularly concerned.

And Suldak is very obsessed with dismembering these ghost-striped drones.

Lance knew that Suldak's skinning skills were not bad, but he was the supreme commander of the cavalry battalion, how could he waste precious time on skinning, the skinning divisions in the barracks could at least form a small team.

Facing the heavy and hard armor of the ghost pattern male ant, he doesn't need other people's help...

Suldak has a very luxurious tent, which can cover a whole ghost-striped drone in it. Every time these ghost-striped drones are dismembered, Suldak will get into the tent and make a mess. Mysterious.

Not all the ghost-striped drones he will do it himself. Before doing it, he will select the ghost-striped drones in advance, and he will hand over the ghost-striped drones to other skinners if he doesn't like it, and then continue hunting for the next one. , Make sure that every ghost-striped male ant has just died when it comes to him.

Of the nearly thirty ghost-striped drones, only five were picked out by him...


After the hunt was completed, Suldak left Andrew, Gulitum, and Samirariu on the battlefield on the hilly side, but he returned to Dodan Town alone to meet the Malakom merchant.

There is a backlog of nearly 10,000 soldier ant hard armor skins in Dodan Town that need to be traded with Malakom merchants. This kind of large transaction must be negotiated by Suldak himself.

The businessman Malakom didn't expect that Suldak would lead his troops outside the Dodan Canyon to hunt ghost-striped ants so soon.

I heard that those ghost-striped red ants are almost all powerful existences close to the second-level monsters. It is of course no problem to kill one or two at ordinary times. You can find one or two adventure groups or mercenary groups. It is probably not a problem to have dozens of them, but These are tens of thousands of ghost-striped red ants...

I heard that these garrisons are relying on the town's city defense system to resist these ghost-striped red ants. How come Duodan Town can take the initiative to attack?

If he hadn't known that the Constructed Swordsmen of the Luthor Legion were still fighting against the rebellion in Tarapa, he would have thought that the main Constructed Swordsmen of the Luther Legion had secretly entered the Bailin plane...

This time, businessman Malakom brought a total of three caravans. It was originally planned that only one caravan would transport materials such as hard armor and leather back to Wilkes City, and the other two caravans would stay for transformation.

But judging from the current situation, only one and a half caravans of Lei Tingxi can be left for the time being.

A group of aborigines were packing up dried hard armors on the grass. These hard armors were packed in bundles of 30 pieces. A Thunder Rhino could only carry less than 20 bundles, that is, 600 pieces of soldier ant hard armors. It took sixteen Thunder Rhinos to transport all the furs that Suldak had hoarded in the barracks.

Suldak's ability to hunt ghost-striped red ants was beyond everyone's expectation.

With so many hard armor leathers rushing into the leather market of Bena City at once, it is estimated that the price of this kind of hard armor leather will drop to the bottom in an instant, so how to sell these hard armor leathers to the noble lords of the Bena Province is also a matter of Ma. Something Lacombe needs to think about.

In fact, horse armor made of this kind of hard armor leather is still quite popular in the market, and many lords with cavalry are interested in this light and hard armor.


Seeing those aborigines put a large bundle of hard armor on the Thunder Rhino, the hearts of the merchants in Dodan Town became empty for a while.

Such a large pile of fur goods, no matter who falls on the head, is a lot of wealth. Even if it is just resold and sold, a layer of oil and water will be scraped off.

It's a pity that I was blinded by greed and failed to seize this business opportunity. As a result, the business was directly handed over to a businessman in the southern part of Wilkes City.

Baron Golding stood at the door of the trading house in the small town, watching Lei Tingxi pass by with a blank expression.

Turning around and walking into the firm, he locked himself in the room...


A team of Thunder Rhinos loaded with leather goods slowly left Dodan Town, and the whole town could feel a strong shock.

The businessman Malakom stood on the back of the thunder rhinoceros in front, waving goodbye to Suldak from a distance...

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