Lord Highlander

Chapter 822: 811. Camp Battle 2

Suldak was holding the dwarven chain shield, a shield-shaped light appeared on the shield, and stunned a soldier ant in front of him.

The two thunder rhinos surrounded by the cavalry let out a low cry at this moment...

The archer beside Thunder Rhino shot out arrows. These arrows still have a certain lethality to ghost pattern worker ants, but for this group of ghost pattern soldier ants, they cannot penetrate the hard armor on their bodies.

Only when the fine steel arrow hits the weak joints and a pair of eyes, can it penetrate the weak carapace and nail the ghost-pattern soldier ant.

The bed crossbows on the four platforms continued to shoot out giant bolts, and every giant bolt that flew out could almost take away the life of a ghost-patterned soldier ant.

The giant crossbow bolts nailed the ghost pattern soldier ants one by one into the soil, and the huge inertia could almost nail half of their bodies into the soil.

The bed crossbow's rate of fire is very slow, and it cannot suppress the soldier ants at all.

The cavalry in heavy armor leaned against Thunder Rhinoceros, forming a solid shield wall on the slope to block the impact of the soldiers and ants in the ant colony.

These soldier ants are all extremely powerful. They use their pincers to press against the shields of the cavalry, constantly compressing the movement space of the cavalry. The shields of all the cavalry are stained with this thick and sour venom, and occasionally they can see The water bombs that fell on Thunder Rhino's back exploded in the crowd. These water bombs could wash away some of the sour liquid on the cavalry.

Almost all of the cavalry had wounds caused by acid corrosion on their bodies. Seeing Suldak rushing in, more than 600 cavalry burst into cheers.

Fireballs exploded continuously in the ant colony. This magical flame stuck to the ghost pattern soldier ants and could continue to burn for a while.

These ghost-patterned soldier ants are somewhat afraid of fire, once their bodies burn, these ghost-patterned soldier ants will scurry up and down in the ant colony, disrupting the attacking rhythm of the soldier ants.

The most conspicuous person on the battlefield is always a pretty figure in tight red leather armor.

The fierce battle caused the hood on her head to fall quietly, but Samira didn't notice it. A black veil was covering her face, which couldn't completely cover her pretty face, especially her red hair and red star eyes made her A cold breath exudes from his body.

Samira's arrows carry wind and electric arcs, and the epic-level sharp bow is very strong. Even if the arrow is shot on the hardest forehead of a soldier ant, it can penetrate that layer of hard armor and nail it deeply. On hard armor.

Her arrows seem to have eyes, and every time she shoots her bow, she can kill a soldier ant.

Not far away, two giant ghost pattern soldier ants were still dying on the hillside. Their abdomens were pierced by several giant crossbow bolts, and they were almost in the same part.

The giant crossbow bolts kept them in place, and no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't break free.

Light brown blood and light green sour liquid flowed out from the wound, which seemed to be Samira's masterpiece.

Fortunately, she shot and killed the giant soldier ants in the ant colony, otherwise the cavalry would not be able to stop the two giant soldier ants rushing to the front of the formation.

The halo of power under Suldak's feet continued to spread, and the cavalry around him felt the power surging up from their feet.

He immediately replaced the blood red crescent in his hand with the holy light torch.

In this kind of battle, the sharp-edged blood red crescent is not as easy to use as the heavy holy light torch.

In particular, the sacred flame ignited on the torch splashed on the ghost-striped red ant, instantly making the hard armor as crisp as a biscuit.

Suldak relied on the rune word 'eternity' cast by the blood red crescent, only temporarily blinding the surrounding ghost-striped red ants. But the holy light torch can cast the 'holy thunder', and the sparked arc instantly forms an electric snake, scurrying back and forth in the ant colony.

The situation was reversed at this moment, and the cavalry, led by Suldak, launched an attack on the ghost pattern soldiers.

Although there are still ghost-pattern soldier ants emerging from behind, Suldak led the heavy cavalry and rushed out of a hole, and a group of cavalry rushed out from the encirclement of the ghost-pattern soldier ants. The infantry and cavalry on Erdak's side charged towards the ghost pattern.

The ghost-patterned soldiers formed a siege and were gradually torn apart by Suldak.

Although one cavalryman cannot stand alone against one ghost-pattern soldier ant, ten cavalry can charge against ten ghost-pattern soldier ants, and they can surely defeat the ghost-pattern soldier ants.

The sturdy knight's long spear pierced the weakest neck of the soldier ant, relying on the power of the charge, it could tear the hard armor on the neck to a wound that could not heal.

Little by little, the balance of war tilted towards the cavalry again.

In the end, more than a hundred ghost-striped soldier ants finally lost their last bit of courage to fight. It may also be that the queen who controlled them from a distance cut off the connection with them. After these ghost-striped soldier ants were abandoned by the queen, Flee quickly through a battlefield full of corpses.

The moment the ghost pattern soldiers retreated, almost all the cavalry collapsed on the battlefield exhausted.

This battle was very tragic, almost more than 300 horses fell on the battlefield, many cavalrymen were seriously injured, and almost all the cavalrymen had minor injuries caused by acid rot.

Only Suldak was standing on the grassy slope holding the holy light torch. At this moment, his figure was extraordinarily burly.

Suldak dropped the heavy dwarven chain shield in his hand, held the torch of holy light, lifted the visor on the helmet, walked past these cavalrymen with a straight face, kicked these cavalrymen continuously, and shouted: "Get up quickly, wash off the sour venom on your body with clean water, and find out those who were seriously injured and survived for me, hurry up..."

Suldak strode into the dilapidated and half-collapsed camp. Some cavalrymen struggled to get up from the ground, and began to search for the more seriously injured companions on the battlefield, and carried them into the camp where Suldak was. in the tent.

At this time, Lance and four other magicians also climbed down from the back of Thunder Rhino and rescued the cavalry. Among the five of them, only Colina was a water magician, but everyone had a few cards in hand. The 'Spa' magic scroll, taken out at this time, can also heal some seriously injured cavalry.

Although Suldak came back in time, more than 60 cavalrymen were killed in this battle, more than 200 cavalrymen were seriously injured, and the remaining 300-meter cavalrymen were all slightly injured to varying degrees.

In addition to the wounded soldiers, the horses also suffered heavy casualties. This time at least 200 horses were killed by the ghost pattern soldier ants, and the rest of the horses were also heavily scarred.

Almost all the heads of ghost pattern soldier ants obtained in the battle were sacrificed by Suldak to the double-faced demon god, and even some wounded war horses had the blessing of the god of the "divine blessing body".

Seeing the devastated battlefield, several magicians in Lance realized that this was not just a simple hunt, but a war between the imperials and the ghost-striped red ants. Ants devour it.

When Suldak began to treat the lightly injured cavalry, Samira got into his tent.

Suldak did not use the holy light technique, but took the head of a ghost pattern soldier ant as a sacrifice.

At the same time that the ghost pattern soldier ant's head turned into a dark red blood light and disappeared in the tent, a beam of light also fell on the wounded soldier.

Suldak lowered his head and inspected several wounds of the wounded soldier, and told him to clean and bandage the wound first after he left.

"What's going on here, where are Andrew and Gulitum?" Suldak asked the half-elf archer, his face was very ugly.

The cavalry battalion caused such a large number of casualties, which he could not accept anyway.

Samira sat on the box in the tent with a tired face, the broken hair on her head was wet with sweat, and it was wet on her forehead.

Magic lines appeared on the arm, which became thick and swollen.

It seems that in the case of physical exhaustion again, he forcibly used the power of the blood, causing the old injury to recur.

She took out a bundle of bandages, wrapped them around her swollen right arm, and said, "The two of them ran off to chase the colony of ghost-striped male ants..."

A wounded horseman limped in from outside.

Suldak took out the head of a soldier ant from the wooden box, and asked with a cold face, "How did you get ambushed by the ant colony?"

The wounded soldier felt the anger on his body and stood by the curtain of the tent, not daring to come in for a while.

Suldak beckoned to the cavalry and let him walk in a little bit.

Samira pointed to the opposite hillside and explained to Suldak: "They suddenly came out of a hole in the ground, and a lot of them came out at once. The place where they came out happened to be the resting area of ​​the horse herd. They were all tied to ground stakes, and there was no time to untie the reins, and all the cavalry were eating breakfast, so there was no time for everyone to deal with so many soldier ants popping up all at once."

The half-elf archer was a little depressed. It seemed that only holding an epic bow could give her the courage to speak. She continued:

"I asked everyone to give up their war horses and retreat to the two Thunder Rhinos, but this also made the cavalry lose their mobility, and the fighting power of the Ghost Pattern Soldiers is much stronger than I thought. We can't break out, we can only rely on Thunder Rhinos and They fight to the death."

"Then tell me, when did Andrew discover the queen ant?" Suldak said with a sigh.

The blessing of the 'Divine Blessed Body' fell on the wounded cavalryman, and he waved to the wounded soldier.

The wounded cavalry quickly got out of the tent.

Samira whispered and said: "Andrew and Gulitum found a group of ghost-striped male ants passing by the camp at dawn. At first, everyone didn't advocate chasing them, but seeing that it would be daytime soon, they felt that the ghost-striped red ants He probably wouldn’t choose to attack us during the day, so he led the elite cavalry and Gulitum to chase after us.”

"It wasn't until after dawn that these soldier ants came out of their burrows..."

Suldak rubbed his swollen forehead, and said, "It seems that we have met a smart ant queen. Maybe this ant queen has a very good IQ and underestimates the enemy."

In the evening, Andrew and Gulitum led a team of cavalry back from the hills and mountains.

When they saw the dilapidated appearance of the camp, they were shocked.

On the hillside, a group of wounded cavalrymen were digging a pit. It was impossible for the dead horses to just be abandoned in the wilderness.

As a cavalry, they would not eat these horse meat when there was enough food. All dead horses had to be buried on the spot, and those wounded that could not be healed were also killed on the spot.

It is impossible to transport all the dead cavalry back to Dodan Town, so they can only be burned on the spot, and the ashes are put into jars and brought back.

There are many bushes in the hills and mountains, and there is no shortage of firewood. After piles of firewood are piled up, they are all lit by Suldak himself. Now there are only a few embers left in these fire piles.

Under the evening wind, some sparks flew out continuously.

In front of each fire is a scroll of parchment, which will record the cavalry's achievements and glory in battle, and also record the scene of death in battle. In the future, this parchment and his property and pension in the cavalry battalion will be recorded. Send them back to the barren land of Hailansa together, and hand them over to his family.

Andrew led the horse strode to the front of the big tent, threw the reins in his hand to the cavalry beside him, got into the tent and asked:

"Has it been attacked by red ants?"

Suldak sat in the tent, lowered his head to treat Samira's arm injury.

Samira replied with a depressed face: "Well, not long after you left, a group of soldier ants came out of the hole in the ground."

She and Andrew were from Wojmara City, and both had experienced the siege of the hellhounds, and saw many of their companions die in battle.

Therefore, their emotions are less affected by such small losses.

Andrew blushed and shouted: "I'm so stupid! I just thought why these ghost-striped male ants have been leading us around in circles in the mountains. I thought they were going to take the opportunity to surround and kill us when their fighting power was exhausted. Thinking of suddenly attacking the camp... Really... the hills and mountains are full of mud, unlike the canyons where there are rocks everywhere, it is easy to dig holes here, this group of bloody red ants."

Gulitum, who was outside the tent, poked a big head with a steel helmet in, glanced at it and immediately shrank back.

He simply sat outside the tent, his huge body reflected a big shadow, and the good brother named Naohuaer chattered endlessly: "I told you to be careful, there is nothing wrong with being careful! You see What is in your head? A brain full of rot! You will be dumbfounded..."

"Shut up your stinky mouth, how did I know this would happen!" Gulitum immediately countered.

His good brother Naohua'er seemed to be covered by someone's mouth, and he couldn't speak at all.

"Do you know what is the most lethal way of death for an ogre mage?" Gulitham said viciously.

"Woo... what is it?"

"Die from talking too much!" Gullitum was in a bad mood, and even growled a little when he spoke.

Suldak paused and asked Andrew, "What did you gain today?"

"These ghost-striped drones slipped away very quickly and led us around in circles in the field. We chased them all day and killed eight ghost-striped drones." Andrew said, "By the way, boss, this time we In the valley of the Thorn Mountain Range, a hiding place of a local indigenous tribe was discovered, and it seems that a group of ghost-striped red ants also found it..."

"Oh?" Suldak knew that when he entered the hills and mountains, he would definitely meet the indigenous tribes, but he didn't expect it to be in such a situation.

After thinking about it, he said, "After this side is cleaned up, let's try to get in touch with them."

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