Lord Highlander

Chapter 825 814. Young Aboriginals

Andrew and Gulitum led the cavalry to the center of the battlefield. Andrew's arms were burning with raging flames. After he was promoted to the second-rank strongman, his strength increased a lot. The gap between the second-rank strongman and the first-rank warrior was not only It's just a disparity in strength.

The control over the battle qi allows his body to receive stronger power. His body is like a huge melting pot, in which the battle qi is constantly growing, constantly absorbing the fire elements floating in the air around him, and the flames ignited in his arms are almost Covers the upper body.

Every time the ax was struck, there was a red halo. Andrew in the flames stepped on the claws of the ghost-striped male ant and jumped to the top of its head. An ax stood on the back of the ghost-striped male ant, darkly The red energy was released through the ax blade.

The light of the ax blade swept across, only cutting off a large piece of the hard thorns growing between the head and neck, but failed to kill the ghost pattern male ant.

While Andrew's combat effectiveness has been improved in an all-round way, his imagination for battle has also become unrestrained.

A row of cavalry held knight spears and stabbed at the side of a rampaging ghost-striped male ant. Although the knights' spears could not penetrate the thick armor of the ghost-striped male ant, the force of more than twenty cavalrymen almost knocked the ghost-striped male off instantly. overturned.

The huge body of the ghost-striped male ant bumped into its companion, and immediately twisted its huge tentacles to bite towards the cavalry beside him, and the sour liquid from its mouth spurted out.

Several cavalrymen near the head of the ghost-striped male ant immediately raised their shields to block, but under the great force of the ghost-striped male ant, the knight's light shield was torn apart instantly like a cardboard.

Several cavalry also fell off their horses one after another, and the cavalry who caught up behind immediately picked up the knight spears in their hands, and four or five knight spears pierced the head of the ghost pattern male ant, jacking up its huge head high.

The body of the ghost-striped male ant also lifted up, and the gap between the male ant's head and chest cavity was split, revealing the light red hard carapace inside.

Andrew clasped his hands and feet on the back of the ghost-striped male ant, taking the opportunity to swing the butcher ax in his hand, a red flame streaked across, and light brown blood splashed from the crack in the neck of the ghost-striped male ant.

A dark red egg-shaped giant hung down heavily, and its one-meter-long tentacles were firmly inserted into the soil on the ground.


And the power of the two-headed ogre Gullitum is not just that one person has become two people, and his strength has been strengthened, but his good brother Naohua is born with the spells of the ogre family, which makes him Gulitum was covered with a layer of ice armor while fighting, and his skin itself was as hard as granite, and a path of fire would burn under his feet during the battle.

The bone-crushing stick in his hand can almost crack the thick armor of the ghost-striped male ant. When wrestling with the enemy, he will occasionally throw a burst fireball, and he will also remind Gulitum of the attack from the surroundings in a critical moment. Sneak attack.

The two-headed ogre stood on the battlefield with simple violence, and the bone-crushing stick was not so destructive to the ghost-striped male ants. The big bone stick smashed on the tentacles, and wrestled with the ghost pattern male ant from the front.

The cavalry rushed up behind them, and at the moment when the ghost-striped male ant's pincers opened to reveal its mouthparts, they threw the five-meter-long knight's spear into it, often causing sour juice to flow everywhere.

With these two second-rank powerhouses in the cavalry team who were able to beat the ghost pattern male ants, hunting became much easier.


Under Selina's dark mist, the ghost-striped drones can only fight on their own.

Suldak held up the holy torch in his hand, and the halo of power under his body not only gave the cavalry some strength, but also brought them more courage to fight.

As long as the holy light gets close to the black ghost patterns on the hard armor, these ghost patterns will quickly fade away, and the ghost pattern drones also seem to be suffering from severe burning pain.

Faced with a ball of holy light in Suldak's hand, the huge body was forced to retreat continuously.

Aphrodite stood on top of a ghost-striped male ant, catching up from behind.

Samira also gave up her war horse, took the opportunity to climb onto the ghost-striped drone, and continuously shot arrows with electric arcs in all directions.

Several ghost-striped male ants guarded the dying ghost-striped queen, and one of the ghost-striped males even wanted to break through the soft soil and escape into the ground while protecting the ghost-striped queen.

Aphrodite drew dark purple magic patterns with both hands, one after another gorgeous rune lines lit up, quickly forming a magic circle, and as Aphrodi's spell fell, the ghost pattern male ant's feet unexpectedly It becomes a mottled rock.

The giant pliers of the ghost-striped male ants were inserted into the rocky ground, and immediately cut the huge rock to pieces, but they couldn't dig out the soil below.

How could the cavalry let the ghost-striped male ant dig a hole with peace of mind, and there were at least twenty knight spears stabbing at it.

An arrow with an arc and the force of the wind pierced its eyeball.

From behind, Aphrodite controlled the ghost-striped male ant and also slammed into it...

The battle came to an end when the corpse of the queen was snatched by Suldak and his team, and all the ghost-striped drones were killed by the cavalry under the dark mist.

Without the restraint of the queen, and without the courage to fight again, the remaining ghost pattern soldiers scattered and fled in all directions.

Selena standing on Thunder Rhino's back was burning with complex black magic patterns all over her body at this moment, and the dark aura constantly pouring into her body stopped abruptly. As her aura became weaker, that wisp of divine thought seemed to It also came to the end, and disappeared little by little in her body, and Selena fell straight on the platform at this moment, unconscious.

With the previous combat experience, Suldak knew that this was Selina's coma caused by overdrawing her mental power under the "Goddess Descending".

As long as you rest more, you can recover, and there are two crossbowmen on the platform to carry Selina into the wooden house.

At this moment, of course, Suldak began to quickly check the abdomen magwenes of these ghost-striped males. Only those ghost-striped males with complete life magic patterns on their abdomens would be marked by Suldak, and the other ghost-striped males The ants must be quickly dismembered. The hard armor of these male ants is at least one level higher than that of the soldier ants, and it is also a very good magic material, so take away as much as possible.


A dazzling white line lit up in the sky.

The ant colony is still wandering around in the hills and mountains at the foot of the northern side of the Thorn Mountains, constantly looking for a way to go south.

The Thorny Mountains stretching for hundreds of kilometers is not too long. There are five passages that can pass through the canyons and passes of the Thorny Mountains. They are currently in the garrison area of ​​the Luthor Legion, and many ghost-striped red ants are also trying to bypass this road. Thorn Mountains, if you go further east, you will meet a big river named 'Erui', which cuts off the Invercargill Forest in the east of the Thorn Mountains.

There have been several adventure groups sailing northward on the Erui River, but unfortunately these adventurers have not been heard from for decades.

Blocking to the west of the Thorny Mountains is the territory of the Crypt Demon Spider. Since the mountains in that area will be full of various hidden caves, the Marquis Brewster of the Province of Bena is currently attacking this unknown area. As the red ants go west along the thorny mountain range, they may encounter the Crypt Demon Spider, or they may meet the army of Marquis Brost.

No matter who they meet, it will be an arduous battle for these ghost-striped red ants.

Therefore, many ant colonies are wandering in this hilly and mountainous area, waiting for opportunities to move.

The cavalry began to eat breakfast after cleaning the battlefield, and a large group of ghost-striped red ants gathered not far away.

The ant colony found the cavalry camp and slowly approached here. A large part of them were part of the ant colony last night. After being dispersed by Suldak's cavalry, they broke through the dark fog and Flee to other ant colonies.

This ant colony seemed to be quite large in number, and Suldak didn't want to fight this ant colony, so he quickly left here with the cavalry battalion.

A few giant ghost pattern soldier ants emerged from the ant colony, and their tall bodies were very conspicuous in the ant colony.

If you want to find the queen in the overwhelming army of red ants, you definitely need a little luck.

As the cavalry withdrew from the battlefield one after another, those giant ghost-striped soldier ants jumped out of the ant colony, biting the two thunder rhinos and one enslaved ghost-striped male ant behind the cavalry camp. .

The soldier ants rushed up and continued to make tentative attacks on the cavalry battalion.

The cavalry experienced two battles in a row, and even with the 'Divine Blessing Body', they were extremely exhausted both physically and mentally. They successfully avenged those dead comrades, and now they need to rest well.

In addition, Selena was still in a coma, and Suldak was even more unwilling to fight the ghost-striped red ants behind him.

But these ghost-patterned soldier ants had a very strong desire to fight. Samira stood on the platform behind Thunder Rhinoceros and shot and killed more than ten ghost-patterned soldier ants in a row, but failed to dispel their attacking momentum.

In the end, the two-headed ogre used the 'Fire Path' to isolate a large group of ghost-striped red ants.

Relying on their huge size, several giant ghost-patterned soldier ants actually passed through the 'Fire Path'.

A giant crossbow arrow flew over with the sound of 'woo hoo' piercing through the air, and precisely inserted into the body of the giant ghost-patterned soldier ant.

The two-headed ogre and Andrew rushed up together, chopped off the head and six legs of the giant ghost-patterned soldier ant, and took away together with the giant three-meter-long crossbow bolt.

There are many ghost-pattern soldier ants chasing after them.

The two-headed ogre threw a fireball at the few soldier ants rushing to the front, and while the fireball exploded on the soldier ants, the two took the opportunity to get away quickly.

Afterwards, Suldak asked two veterans to ignite the explosives behind him, and he managed to get rid of the ghost-striped red ants before entering the Thorn Mountain Range.

Following the direction given by Andrew, the team headed towards a stone formation at the foot of the mountain.

According to Andrew, it was there that they met several indigenous fighters yesterday.


On a large piece of grass near the foot of the Thorn Mountain Range, you can often see huge figures surrounded by some several-meter-high boulders. The patterns made by these boulders can only be seen in a high-altitude view.

Otherwise, it looks like some closely spaced boundary markers from a distance.

It's just that these boulders are too heavy, and judging from the mottled marks on the surface of the boulders, they should have been standing here for a long time.

Many people said that the adventurers of the adventure group said that these huge stones were the footprints left by the Titans, and later the aborigines who worshiped the Titans used some huge stones to circle the footprints here.

In the eyes of magicians, these giant stone matrices should be the coordinate points left by the legendary mages who traveled in the star field. As long as they have the coordinates of these star field planes, they can continuously open up new worlds.

Some archaeologists also said that these huge stones represent the ancient civilization owned by the aborigines in the northern part of the Bailin plane.

What exactly are these Stonehenge, no university scholar has yet come forward to explain it.

Seven young indigenous warriors carried hardwood bows on their backs and tattered iron knives on their waists. They only wore some animal skins and tree vines around their bodies, and they jumped back and forth across the rocky areas of this mountain. Their steps were vigorous, The body is extremely flexible, even though he is stepping on the gravel with bare feet, he still walks like flying.

The young native at the front was very familiar with this area. He walked along Stonehenge for a long time, and finally stopped behind a boulder.

He didn't even dare to speak loudly, but just pointed to the other side of the boulder with his hand.

The seven aborigines climbed up the boulder silently, stretched out their heads, and glanced at the other side. They saw three ghost-striped worker ants on the grass, struggling to dig a cave. The little beasts screamed in horror.

These three ghost pattern worker ants are about the size of an adult Timberwolf. The pincers on top of their heads are the sharpest digging tools, which can easily turn the soil.

The seven young natives retracted their heads at the same time, hid behind the boulder, and muttered for a while.

After discussing with each other, several people quickly reached an agreement, and finally decided to try to hunt and kill the three ghost pattern worker ants.

After all, they are just three ghost pattern worker ants...

A hardwood arrow 'clicked' and hit the ghost-striped worker ant on the far left. Unfortunately, this ghost-striped worker ant was covered with a layer of hard armor. The hardwood arrow did not shoot through its body, but scared it With a jump, a crimson head emerged from the soil.

At the same time, other hardwood arrows also landed on the other two ghost pattern worker ants.

Except for one hardwood arrow that happened to hit the joint of the ghost pattern worker ant, the rest of the hardwood arrows were all ejected.

It was only then that the ghost pattern worker ants realized that they were being attacked. They fumbled in the direction of the arrow. When a ghost pattern worker ant came to the back of the boulder, what was waiting for it was a broken iron knife.

'Crack' sound...

The iron knife slashed at the joint of the ghost-pattern worker ant, and suddenly a leg fell off. The ghost-pattern worker ant also showed its sharp pliers, and bit down hard on the young native. The native rolled to avoid it, neatly With a knife, he cut off the other leg of the ghost pattern worker ant.

These young natives were very skilled, and quickly killed all three ghost pattern worker ants.

Just when they were happily trying to fight back the loot, seven or eight ghost-patterned soldier ants, which were as big as a calf, emerged from the 30-meter-long grass, and the ghost-patterned soldier ants looked at the seven with cold eyes. The young aborigine made a 'cracking' sound of bones rubbing in his mouth...

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