Lord Highlander

Chapter 845: 834. Call of War

The businessman Malacombe has not been happy in the past two days.

When he was in Wilkes City, he received a call-up notice from the military department.

He ordered all the modified Thunder Rhinos in his hands to serve in the Wilkes Cavalry Regiment, so now he hurried to Dodan Town to prevent Suldak from continuing to transform his Thunder Rhinos.

If it is true that all the remodeled Thunder Rhinoceros will be incorporated into the local army, then he will drink the Northwest Wind in the future...

Before the supreme commander of the military department summoned him, Malakom rushed to the town of Dodan on a fast horse and stopped the reconstruction project of Thunder Rhinoceros.

Suldak didn't expect this to happen either. He thought that the military's policy towards civilians and businessmen was really simple and rude. All the modified Thunder Rhinos could be collected for public use with a single call-up order, and even if such a matter was brought to the Wilkes House of Representatives Sue can't win, the Bailin plane is in the period of beast tide, and military control is implemented in all places.

During this period of time, Wilkes City even imposed a curfew, mainly to make way for the material transport teams that were transported out of the portal.

At present, Suldak has completed the transformation of sixteen Thunder Rhinos, and the preparations for the transformation of the other seven Thunder Rhinos have all been completed. We only need to wait for the businessman Malakom to drive the Thunder Rhinos over, and we will start working on them. .

Now apparently the plan is going to be discontinued.

Suldak was a little distressed, and he agreed to use twenty thunder rhinos to make up for Samira's epic 'Sky Strike' sharp bow.

After the businessman Malakom left the small building, Suldak called Andrew, Samira, and Selina, and everyone got together to discuss how to deal with this matter.

"Then give him a magic spar as compensation..." Samira hesitated for a moment, then raised his head and said to Suldak.

She continued: "The remaining fee is converted into about 350 magic spar, and converted into gold coins is almost 2,500. If this is the case, 250,000 merits are enough to repay the remaining money. I have accumulated 200,000 merits, as long as I go out a few times, it should be enough."

"Samira, your bow... is so expensive!" Andrew asked with his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open.

Samira gave Andrew a look of "what do you think" and said nothing.

"I can still take out this magic spar..." Suerdak put down the quill in his hand, leaned on the soft leather sofa, and said to several people:

"I'm thinking... Do I want to pay him the transformation fee for these sixteen thunder rhinos? Not only that, but I also want to buy these sixteen thunder rhinos together..."

Andrew and Samira looked at each other, only then did they realize how much wealth the ghost-striped red ants hunted these days had brought to Suldak.

Each ghost-pattern soldier ant has a magic core hidden in it. On average, one magic spar can be opened out of two magic cores. Now there is no time to untie these magic cores, and they are all packed into wooden boxes and piled into the lava mine. Inside the treasure chamber.

When everyone was discussing this matter, it happened that the great swordsman Chester had finished his patrol in other border towns and returned to the military camp in Dodan Town.

After all, the return date for Hathaway and Beatrice was approaching.

After hearing a few words from Surdak and the others, they immediately understood what everyone was discussing.

The Great Swordsman Chester patted his forehead and said that I reported this matter...

Then I said where it can be operated.

In fact, this matter is... not a bad thing for the merchants. The military merchant group can buy spoils, and the supplies brought in will also be sold to various legions, and the most important thing is that they don't have to worry about the supply.

In addition, in the case of sufficient transportation capacity, private goods can also be carried, and the transportation route is also specially protected by the army.

This kind of business is simply not too comfortable.

It was only then that Suldak realized that the military merchant group could operate in this way. In the past, this kind of merchant group could only join because they had some relationship with the army commander, and they were rarely touched by outsiders.

In the Warsaw plane, it was very common to follow military business groups.

The business group designated by the military department has a wider range of transactions. The main reason is that the Thunder Rhino business group has a huge capacity there, and it has stronger competitiveness than any other business group...

The Legion of the noble lords of the Green Empire participated in various plane wars, and almost most of the legions were responsible for their own profits and losses.

The tasks issued by the military are often mixed with many benefits. If there are no benefits, who would want to do it... and war is a huge profit.

The only difference is probably the risk.

Just like the fact that the Luthor Legion went to the Bailin plane to eat meat this time, they were supposed to make a lot of money, but no one thought that an accident would happen in Prantos Town.

The Thirteenth Cavalry Regiment and the Nineteenth Heavy Armored Infantry Regiment were completely annihilated, even if they were gone. It is estimated that the family of the noble lord behind them would have to pay a large amount of compensation.

But Dodan Town and other frontier towns have been defended. Although the garrisons in other towns do not have as much income as Suldak, they are still very good.

If the merchant group of the Luthor Legion is in the Bailin plane, all the hunted monster materials can be handed over to the merchant group for sale. Of course, the profits in it will be huge. I really don’t know why the merchant Malakom would do this. And distressed...


After Hathaway established the town's tax office, she began to formulate the town's tax system, and was busy until late every day.

Suldak, Hathaway, and Beatrice often only have time to have dinner together. Although they are engaged, they have never broken through the last layer of relationship. Allowed, a housekeeper was sent over to take care of Miss Hathaway's daily life almost exclusively.

It is estimated that they should know about Selena's existence, but they never asked.

After all, Dodan Town is only this big, and Selena has to come to the barracks every day to check everyone's achievements.

For this, Suldak still felt a little guilty in his heart, so he spent as much time with the two of them as possible while they were in Dodan Town.


At the same time, Suldak finally encountered a problem when he was learning the rune language.

Even with the magic crystal image of the red dragon Johannes, he still couldn't learn the rune language, which had troubled him for more than a week.

He can feel the powerful power contained in the runes, and he can also clearly feel the mysterious arrangement of these runes together, resonating with each other to stimulate stronger power, and that kind of power is the existence he needs to look up to.

He can draw every rune, but combining them together is a big problem for him.

No matter how hard I try, it doesn't work...

He saw Lord Johannes' detailed explanation, every little detail was explained in great detail, but it was a pity that he couldn't draw it no matter what.

And the pattern of the language of runes is also very complicated.


It is no problem to draw each rune individually, but when he connects the five runes together, he completely controls the direction of the layout of the magic lines, and the entire magic line is seriously distorted, as if some of the lines Drawn in the same dimension, it is possible that some of the magic lines pass through the sub-dimensional space and connect back from a certain node.

According to Lord Johannes' explanation of the rune language, this set of runes has the power to travel through time and space.

Suldak had been drawing for more than a week, and he couldn't even fully grasp the magic line composition of the latest book.

Moreover, his current mental strength cannot complete such a magic pattern in one go.

The red dragon Iser was very interested in this rune language.

Suldak was sitting on the platform of the treasure chamber, facing the huge dragon head of the red dragon Iser, and the two of them stared at each other with big eyes.

"What should I do? I can't draw at all..." Suldak said to Iser with some frustration.

"It may also be that the level of power you master is too weak. I have known you for so long... I have learned so much about the rune language... Why do you feel that you have no breakthrough? Is it really so difficult to advance to the second rank?" Red Dragon Iser Er beat Suldak mercilessly in Imperial language.

"It's as simple as drinking water and eating for your dragon clan. You rely on the power of your blood, and we!" Suldak patted his chest, retorting to Iser: "We... rely on redoubled efforts and luck .”

The relationship between Suldak and Iser is already very familiar, so familiar that they can slander each other with words without getting angry.

"So... when will you be able to advance?" Iser asked Suldak.

Suldak made some calculations, and could only bite the bullet and say, "Give me a little more time, and it should be all right. There's no need to rush this kind of thing..."

Iser raised his head and shook it vigorously to the sides, causing a wave of air.

This can make the scales on its head and neck smoother. It tentatively asked: "Otherwise, I will go find some monsters and come back. Every time I upgrade to a level, I especially want to eat something."

"Forget it... I didn't have time to deal with the dragon eagle last time. Besides, hunting in the plane of Istandur doesn't seem to be so safe." Suldak walked to Iser's neck, Said.

Each of Iser's scales is bigger than a palm, and they are distributed around the neck, appearing very fine and dense.

"Okay, I'm leaving...see you tomorrow."

Suldak stayed in the treasure chamber for a while, then bid farewell to the red dragon Iser.

He had to discuss the Thunder Rhino with the businessman Malacom as soon as possible. Suldak was going to buy 16 Thunder Rhinos at full cost, but Malacom didn't agree.

Malacolm is still considering whether to seize this opportunity...

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