Lord Highlander

Chapter 847: 836. Promoted to Viscount

After Hathaway and Beatrice left Dodan Town, Lily Cecil also returned to Wilkes City full of regrets.

The trajectory of Suldak's life has returned to normal.

Selena continued to appear at the free market in Dodan Township in the morning, pricing products such as seasonal vegetables in the market.

Duodan Town is a small border town. The nobles living in the town own large pastures. The agriculture in the town is not developed. There are only a few farms around, and there are only a few kinds of main vegetables.

So many people flooded the town of Dodan at once, almost all the hotels were full, and there were also a lot of renters in the town.

The influx of these outsiders into Dodan Town has indeed made the various consumer industries in the town very popular, and at the same time subtly raised the prices in Dodan Town.

The prices of "basic clothing, housing and transportation" have all increased.

First of all, let's talk about the tailor shop of 'clothes'. The business of the tailor shop in the small town has become very good, but the price has not fluctuated much.

Besides, there are free markets and restaurants about 'food'. Vegetables are almost always sold out in the morning when they are shipped to the market, so small vendors seem to have a lot of freedom when setting prices, and sometimes they will not sell according to the price set by Selina. .

However, this is also an isolated phenomenon. Most of the time, these small traders and farmers will only do it secretly, and they are also worried that the grand occasion in Dodan Town will not last long.

Restaurants are relatively standardized in this regard, mainly because they are already very expensive, and there is nothing to increase the price.

With regard to "living", the hotel room rate and the rent of the rented house have increased, but this aspect has been strictly restricted by Suldak. In order to fully promote the economy of Dodan Town, the hotel room rate and the rent of the rented house cannot Increase too much, otherwise the business groups and adventure groups attracted will become prohibitive.

He ordered Mrs. Luna to pay attention to this matter all the time, and took out the wood left over from the expansion of the barracks at the general camp, hired some craftsmen to plan some homesteads in the south of the town, and began to build that kind of quick-form wooden house.

At the same time, let Mrs. Luna receive all the land use rights in Dodan Town and the surrounding areas to the town hall.

This will not only bring a considerable amount of income to Duodan Town, but also allow for a unified design of the houses, making these wooden houses look very neat.

As for the carriage shop, business has also improved a lot.

Due to the increase in the number of goods carried in a single trip, as long as the transportation industry has a certain scale, the cost can be reduced, so the freight charges of the horse-drawn carriage company have been reduced instead.


Nika set up a medical team with sixteen maids to change the dressings of the wounded soldiers in the barracks.

Andrew, Gullitum, Samira, Adams, and Gallatin no longer guarded Dodan Town, and they went further and further on the road of hunting ghost-striped red ants.

Since Suldak possessed 18 modified thick armored thunder rhinos, Samira's archer battalion expanded rapidly, from the original 300 archers to 600 archers at once, almost a third of the total. Both are young warriors from indigenous tribes.

They are all excellent hunters in the tribe, as long as you give them an alloy bow and tell them some discipline in the military camp, they will immediately become excellent archers.

It's a pity that not all indigenous tribes can be so friendly, otherwise Samira would even plan to expand the archer group to a thousand people.

Eighteen thunder rhinos went out to the hills and mountains together with the cavalry battalion, not only to hunt the ant colony, but also to transport a large number of hard armored red ants back to Dodan Town.

When camping in the wild at night, eighteen thunder rhinos can form a huge circle, and all the cavalry and horses hide in the circle, and the ghost-striped red ants can't rush in even if they want to.

Ever since she took the Sky Strike Bow, no one can cover up the light on Samira's body.

Several times to encircle and suppress the ant colony, Samira always left Lei Tingxi's bed crossbow platform, sneaked close to the edge of the ant colony, and shot through the ghost pattern ant queen with a sky strike bow. Even if she didn't die, she would be seriously injured. For male ants, there are thirty-six bed crossbows installed on eighteen thunder rhinos, and a single flat shot can knock down a large area of ​​ghost pattern male ants from the male ant pro-guard group.

Then rely on the cavalry to rush up, pry off the shield-shaped hard armor on the back of the crippled ghost-striped male ant, and stab the knight's sword into the brain very simply...

The cavalry had crossed the mountain pass north of Plantos Town and continued eastward to clean up the ghost-striped red ants.

The garrisons in the northern border towns also gradually knew that the independent cavalry battalion in Dodan Town was about to penetrate the hills and mountains.

These cavalry battalions tried to hunt red ants in the hills and mountains.

However, these cavalry are not even as good at fighting as the mercenary regiment in Dodan Town...

After being besieged by ant colonies several times, I realized that not all cavalry battalions in border towns could do this kind of team hunting.

Therefore, the commanders of these border towns began to study Suldak's fighting methods, and gradually became familiar with Suldak.

I found out that those captains were indeed brave and good at fighting...


During this period of time, Suldak successively selected 500 Gubolai warhorses from the barracks, and transformed them into more powerful magic-weave warhorses.

These magic-weave warhorses have been distributed to the cavalry, and there are only some old and wounded horses left in the stables. Even if the wounded are healed, they can only be used for transportation in the future.

Suldak didn't expect that the giant soldier ants would have so many "strength and tenacity" life magic lines.

The horses of the entire cavalry battalion have been modified and can easily carry a heavy cavalry.

During this period, Baron Merlin Goss also sent over 300 ancient Bolai horses.

Of course, these 300 ancient Bolai war horses also need to be paid by Suldak.

In fact, the animal husbandry industry in Duodan Town is also very developed, and some nobles also raised some war horses on their pastures. It's just that Suldak has been in Dodan Town for so long, and he has never come into contact with these nobles at all.

The nobles in Dodan Town chose to stand aside when Suldak first arrived, to see who would win in the battle between him and Mayor Marko, and then Baron Josh Golding Being involved, these nobles were even more reluctant to approach Suldak.

So much so that when Suldak rose strongly in Dodan Town, these nobles did not have any intersection with Suldak at all...

The relationship between Suldak and the nobles of Dodan Town probably cooled down like this.

Moreover, Selena has developed many local aborigines in Dodan Town to believe in the Goddess of Darkness. As a benefit of believing in the Goddess of Darkness, Selena needs some welfare benefits in the town to be properly tilted towards the local aborigines...

On the last day of May, a letter of appointment regarding Suldak's appointment as the mayor of Dodan Town and a notice of promotion to the third-class viscount due to his outstanding contributions in the beast tide were placed on the On Surdak's desk.

However, the promotion notice only said that the corresponding title was promoted. Now everyone can call him Viscount Suldak, but the corresponding territory needs to be developed by himself...

Suldak's appointment of the mayor of Dodan Town means that he will be responsible for taking over the military and political power of the entire Dodan Town.

What is in front of him is a border town whose economy is recovering in full swing. Whether or not Dodan can take advantage of this opportunity is crucial to Suldak's next step in developing the Invercargill Forest. significance.

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