Lord Highlander

Chapter 863

In June, a row of exquisite wooden houses appeared on the banks of the Duodan River, and the corresponding supporting roads were also paved with bluestone slabs.

These wooden houses are just double-storey loft-style buildings. The wooden structure of the square box house that is used to in Dodan Town has been completely abandoned in construction. The terrace on the second floor of the wooden house is facing the Dodan River, which can fully embrace the beautiful river view. into view.

The flowing Dodan River is considered abundant in June, and both sides of the river are green alfalfa grass.

Occasionally, you can see a few free-range Gubolai horses grazing by the river.

Each wooden house is an independent existence, and it is extremely luxuriously equipped with floor-to-ceiling glass windows and light sheer curtains.

Some caravans that come to Dodan often camp on the other side of the river, and their horses cannot enter the town, so the caravans from the Bailin plane like to camp outside the town. Of course, they will choose a place with lush water and grass when camping. That would make it easier to feed the horses.

On the other side of the river is a good campsite.

The merchants saw a row of wooden houses built on the north bank of the Dodan River. At first, no one paid attention to these wooden buildings. After these wooden houses took shape, people suddenly discovered that these buildings were so beautiful.

It is said that they are exquisite manors of nobles, but the area of ​​these wooden houses is not too large, but the houses are uniquely built.

Say it is the kind of small attic of the common people, and these wooden houses are much more elegant than those small attics.

Those foreign merchants do all kinds of business in Dodan Town, most of which are buying Warcraft materials and leather goods, but this is only the mainstream industry, and there are many other businesses derived from it.

Recently, a large number of mercenary groups and adventure groups have gathered in Dodan Town, and a large amount of Warcraft materials have gathered in Dodan Town, and merchants have gathered here because of this.

Everyone made some money in Dodan Town, and felt that these businesses could continue. The caravan camped outside the town, and the merchants still lived in the town. Basically, they would live in hotels in the town, and some merchants would It is more cost-effective to rent a house in a small town, even if you can only live for half a month in a month.

Now seeing a row of beautiful small single buildings built next to the river, some businessmen feel that these wooden houses are worth investing in, so they really want to buy them...

Even if you leave in the future, you can still sell it, so at least you can save the cost of renting a house.

So in the few days when the wooden houses were completed, some businessmen approached Mrs. Luna and asked her if the wooden houses were going to be sold.

Of course it will be sold! These wooden houses are considered to be the first batch of commercial buildings planned by the Duodan Town Hall, and the price of each wooden house is 15 magic crystals.

This was decided by Suldak at the town hall meeting. Originally, he wanted to set the price higher, but Mrs. Luna, Batra tax officer and others said that 15 magic spar It was already considered a high price, and the figure was finally finalized.

Now that the merchants found Mrs. Luna, Mrs. Luna directly offered the price.

Unexpectedly, in just one morning, twelve of these riverside wooden houses were sold. Mrs. Luna immediately realized that the price set here was too cheap, and it was too late to raise the price.

In just two days, the twenty wooden houses facing the river have been completely sold out. Even if the greening of the yard outside the wooden houses has not been completed, the merchants who bought the wooden houses have already moved in.

Mrs. Luna couldn't understand that in the past, Dodan Town might not be able to build twenty wooden houses in a year, but now these wooden houses are looted by merchants...

These are just the housing needs in Duodan Town. The merchants have made a little money. They do business in Duodan Town and need a place to stay. The two hotels in the town have been almost full every day recently. Also, once the merchants' goods enter Dodan Town, if they want to ship them out, they have to pay a trade tax to Dodan Town, so they will not easily take the goods out of Dodan Town.

This also made the house supply in Duodan Town very tight. Now that wooden houses can be bought, and they are still so exquisite, even if they are a little more expensive, they are still acceptable in the eyes of these businessmen...

It took only three weeks for this batch of wooden houses to be sold from the start of construction preparations to the completion of the sale.

Moreover, the financial revenue of Dodan Town has increased by 300 magic spar. Excluding the expenditure of less than 500 gold coins from the Bartra tax officer, if converted into magic spar, there are only more than 70 pieces of magic spar. The wooden house brought a net profit of two hundred and thirty magic crystals to Dodan Town.

In the Dodan River in May, there was still sewage flowing everywhere. Apart from the aboriginal shacks, there were only two dilapidated workshops that required a lot of water.

Now that the aborigines have received compensation, they have built new shacks in the slums...

Those two workshops have disappeared from everyone's sight.


The second thing Suldak implemented after taking office was to install street lights on the two main streets of Dodan Town.

These street lights are actually very simple, that is, some wooden pillars are erected along the street. These wooden pillars are only about three meters high, and there are iron hooks on the top of the pillars. Horse lanterns burning kerosene were hung up.

Wait until dawn before taking back all these lanterns...

As for the renovation of the streets of the town, it has started from the main street and has gradually extended to some alleys in the town.

Now the town is flooded with a large number of foreigners, so the security team has also added night duty officers.

The construction period of the Temple of the Two Goddesses will take about three months, and this does not involve the detailed decoration of the interior, so the square over there has always been closed.

Due to the smooth sale of the wooden house by the river, the extra money in the town was taken out by Suerdak, and he began to demolish and renovate the shantytowns of the aborigines in the town. The shantytowns in the town were originally a There are scattered shacks, some of which don't even have wooden doors and windows, they are just shelters built with broken planks and animal skins.

Suldak now asked Mrs. Luna to rebuild some row wooden lofts on the original site according to the street plan of Dodan Town, so that the architectural pattern of the slums could be planned more reasonably.

The saved land will also be built into townhouses, which are leased and sold.

Suldak asked Mrs. Luna to set up the Dodan Town Property Management Bureau in the town, and all the properties belonged to the property management bureau. At the same time, the idle land around Dodan Town was also included in the property management bureau.

When Selena was spreading the teachings of the Goddess of Darkness in Dodan Town, she preached to these aborigines that when the night comes, believers who believe in Goddess Selene will receive the blessings of the goddess, which can not only drive away nightmares in the night, but also enrich sleep People are in good health, and the goddess Celine can also guide the believers to a better life... and so on

For these aborigines in Dodan Town, their lives have indeed been greatly improved.

During the period of the beast tide, the aborigines established a labor group under the organization of Aung San. Because of Suldak's relationship, they easily obtained the projects commissioned by the garrison camp, such as the post-war maintenance of the north city wall, the garrison Expansion of the camp, clearing of the battlefield outside the north city wall, etc.

Now Aung San led the aborigines to start rebuilding their own shantytowns, allowing the aborigines to build those wooden row buildings by themselves, not only providing them with new houses for free, but also paying them wages if they are willing to participate in labor.

As a result, Aung San's labor group quickly grew to more than 500 people.

The demolition of the aboriginal slums has not encountered any obstacles at all, because everyone knows that these old houses can be demolished and they can live in new houses immediately...

During this period of time, the town of Dodan was constantly changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

More aborigines are willing to join the ranks of believing in the dark goddess.

Due to the influx of outsiders into Dodan Town, the population of the town nearly doubled in just over two months, and the original farms around the town could no longer satisfy the town's vegetable supply, although Selena was still controlling the price of vegetables , but this cheap vegetable will be sold out in an instant in the market, which makes Selena have to raise the price of vegetables for half a month.

Selena bought some vegetable seeds from the businessman, and got approval from the Dodan Town Hall, allowing the aborigines to open up some fields in the Dodan Canyon outside the northern city wall, plant some cabbages, Vegetables like kale, onions, tomatoes.

The villagers of Wall Village are naturally good at growing vegetables. Some veterans in the cavalry battalion came out of Wall Village.

Selena approached them and asked them to guide these aborigines to plant in the canyon outside the northern city wall...

Although Selina was called an ominous woman by the villagers in Wall Village before, and no one dared to approach her, but now she is the woman who sleeps with Viscount Suldak every night, and she also controls the army in the garrison camp. No one in the garrison camp dared to offend her for her performance statistics and material allocation.

Isn't it just to let them teach these aborigines how to grow vegetables? What's the difficulty?

At this time, Suldak had also led the Thunder Rhino Corps into the Invercargill Forest, looking for mineral veins according to the map of Marquis Luther.

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