Lord Highlander

Chapter 865

In the vast grasslands around Wilkes City on the Bailin plane, the winter is quite short. The vegetation here is all white, and it is like spring all year round.

—Mountain of Thorns—

It is this lofty mountain rising from the sky that blocks the cold wind blowing from the north, so that the Bailin plane has such a vast grassland.

Once the Thorn Mountain Range was crossed, the temperature dropped significantly.

There are a large area of ​​hills and mountains in the eastern part of the north side of the Thorny Mountains, and a large wetland will be seen in the west of Nantu Town. The peaks of the Thorny Mountains are covered with white snow, which melts in midsummer. of wetlands.

Invercargill Warcraft Forest grows a large number of cold zone trees, and even tall firs are very common in the forest.

I heard that the hill dwarves in the dwarf kingdom don't like to live in the furnace city built near the crater. They like to open tree holes in fir trees that are hundreds of years old to build one-piece tree houses...


According to the "Four Four Three Allocation Act" by the nobles of the Green Empire, if Suldak wants to open up territory in the Invercargill Warcraft Forest, he must divide the opened territory according to the ratio of four, four, and three. Part of the land It was handed over to the Green Empire, part of the land was handed over to the Bena Province, and the remaining 40% of the land belonged to him.

The aristocrats opened up the land in the unoccupied area of ​​the plane, and they wanted to expand this land for comprehensive development.

For example, clean up the local indigenous tribes around this area, hunt the monsters in this forest, send private troops to maintain the law and order of this territory, and even open up a road to the nearest town, and develop in the center of the unoccupied area. Get out of a campsite.

This campsite is not as simple as it sounds. A more accurate description of the campsite is more like a supply station.

This newly developed occupied area, because it is very close to the unexplored area, is the favorite place for many adventure groups and mercenary groups to gather. They enter to hunt for the unexplored area, and then bring their own harvest to the campsite. Take a rest, and then make appropriate supplies, and sometimes you can sell some things that are inconvenient to carry and don't want to throw away.

If Suldak wants this copper mine, he must occupy a larger area of ​​the Invercargill Warcraft Forest and pay the land in other places to the Green Empire and the Bena Province in order to formalize the legal territory. Do it.

What Surdak didn't expect was that the ore veins here were much bigger than he imagined, and he didn't know how the open-pit iron mine was farther down...

This copper mine stretches for nearly 100 kilometers, and the mountain is covered by lush trees. If the area of ​​this mine vein is to be calculated in hectares, it must be at least a thousand hectares.

Of course, it is also possible not to occupy this piece of land.

According to the notes on the 443 Land Law: As long as you don't apply for this place as your own territory, you don't need to develop other land in unoccupied areas.

In fact, mining can also be done here.

It's just that other nobles also have the right to develop mineral deposits in this forest.

And once other noble lords determine that this land is worth investing a lot of money to develop here, they can't stand up and stop it.

The worst thing is to give up a copper mine for nothing.

As long as this place does not become their own territory, other nobles can also apply to Bena City to develop or purchase territory. Once the application is successful and the land here is converted into their territory, then they will be expelled from here.

Therefore, it is very close to an unoccupied area, and the preparatory work is very important.

Fortunately, Suldak belongs to the Luthor Legion, so it is relatively easy for the military to make these official applications.

Moreover, Suldak wanted to connect this place with the town of Dodan, and the vast forest in the middle also needed to be controlled by the imperial cavalry.

Otherwise, once the surrounding area is occupied by the monsters in the Invercargill Forest and surrounded by them, it will fall into a more passive situation.


The cavalry battalion and Thunder Rhino team moved so slowly along the way, in fact, apart from searching for the remaining high-level monsters in the forest along the way, they also opened up a forest road for Thunder Rhino to walk side by side.

The current Invercargill Warcraft Forest is like a piece of virgin land. Most of the vegetation has been eaten away by ghost-striped red ants, and the monsters have also been driven out of the forest.

You can see the big trees with only a few leaves on the tops of the trees everywhere. As long as these trees are cut down, a mountain road can be formed for horses and thunder rhinos to walk on, but vehicles cannot pass on such roads. , but for Suldak's army, such a road is enough.

Expanding it into a road that can allow carriages to pass is a matter for the future.

At night, piles of bonfires were lit in the unbuilt camp, and nearly 1,500 soldiers gathered on the hillside, which also looked very spectacular.

Andrew and Samira have checked the surrounding area, and there is no large-scale ant colony nearby, and the scattered ghost-striped red ants are not to be feared at all.

Many wooden frames have been built in the camp. As long as felt and leather are covered around these wooden frames, the temporary shelter will be built successfully.

In June, the Invercargill World of Warcraft Forest has just passed the rainy season. As long as the roots of the trees in the forest are not dug out of the soil, it is impossible for them to die. All kinds of wild animals and monsters in the forest are eaten by ghost-striped red ants , the mosquitoes here do not have the natural enemies of those small animals, so they are overrun in this forest.

In the evening, the mosquitoes came out overwhelmingly.

They danced back and forth by the bonfire, and from time to time there was a bang in the bonfire, that is, a mosquito was caught in the fire.

The cavalry built temporary wooden houses and covered them with felts, just to resist the overwhelming mosquitoes here.

When the Thunder Rhinoceros team returned, they had some new harvests besides carrying some ghost-striped red ants. Samira used 'Sky Strike' to hunt down an agate beast in the forest.

This feline monster is a bit like a black panther, but it is twice the size of a black panther, and it is an evolutionary form of a glazed beast, and its whole body is full of streamers like agate.

The most important thing is that the fur of this agate beast is very well preserved. This kind of monster can survive the beast horde mainly because of its natural abilities of 'hidden' and 'swift'. Once it hides, it is regarded as possessing Beastmaster hunters in 'Beast Tracking' have a hard time finding them, too.

Taking a step back, even if they are found, as long as the agate beasts want to escape in this complex jungle and mountains, few people will be able to catch up with them.

The arrow pierced through the back of the agate beast, and there were almost no other scars.

It's a pity that the life magic pattern on this agate beast is not complete, and the agile life magic pattern cannot be stripped out.

However, this kind of leather is very sought after by the upper-class nobles of the Green Empire, and the price in the market is already ten times its true value...

The agate beast belongs to the agility-oriented third-level early-stage monsters. This kind of monster leather is superior to all second-level monster leathers. As long as a professional inscriber draws a 'stealth' magic circle on it, the leather armor made will have a concealment effect.

Many senior thieves and assassins in the thieves' guild hope to have a set of tight leather armor made of agate hide.

The top-level second-level Warcraft leather, such as salamander skin, thorn-tailed crystal lion skin, white rock rhino skin, petrified lizard skin, double-headed snake skin, etc., the market price of these leathers is probably calculated according to the quality and integrity , the most gorgeous thorn tail crystal lion skin, a piece of leather is probably worth about 20-30 magic spar.

I met a master leathermaker who is good at streamlining and saving, and I can barely make the upper and lower underwear of the tight leather armor.

But the price of this kind of agate beast leather in the market is at least fifty magic crystals, and if it is a complete leather of the ghost-print ant queen, it will cost at least one hundred magic crystals.

At the beginning, Lance and his magician friends took only half of the ant queen leather from Suldak, and it was divided into two halves after Suldak stripped off the life magic pattern on his head. In order to exchange for this half piece of ant queen leather, Lance and his friends each accumulated a full 30,000 merits in the garrison camp. If converted into magic crystals, they can be exchanged for about forty-five pieces.

"When I bring this leather back to Hailansa, I will find someone to make you a set of light leather armor there. When Lance returns to Hailansa city, he will introduce me to Hailansa's inscriber. Let him make a set of agility-type magicweave builds, I heard that the best agility-level magicweave build is 'Magic Serpent's Fang'." Suldak sat in front of the campfire, holding a An iron vat with boiling hot tea in it.

"Hmm!" Samira became even less talkative after being promoted to the second rank.

Under the firelight, her light red eyes became brighter, holding a blue fruit in her hand, she said to Suldak:

"The Onyx Beast also has four animal teeth, which can be made into armor-piercing arrows. I keep them."

Suldak nodded.

Gullitum, who had been waiting aside for a long time, was impatient, and finally couldn't bear it anymore. He stretched out his finger and poked Samira's shoulder, and asked:

"What about the agate beast? I heard that the meat of this kind of monster is sour..."

Samira gave Gulitmu a blank look, and said to the two indigenous archers next to him, "Bring that skinned agate beast over here! Just give it to him..."

With Samira's order, the two archers brought over a skinned agate beast and threw it to Gulitum.

The ogre brothers immediately began to discuss cooking methods. Since the birth of Brainflower, this ogre mage with a high IQ made his good brother Gullitum realize that a natural foodie is absolutely inseparable from excellent cooking skills.

And when it comes to stewing meat, Selina masters the most traditional cooking method of Hailanza, and Suldak can make sweet and salty stew, which are the tastes that ogres like.

The Invercargill Warcraft Forest gradually fell silent in the night. Andrew looked up at the rolling mountains and forests, and asked Suldak:

"How do we occupy such a large forest?"

Suldak put down the hot tea mug in his hand and said:

"First, clean up the potential dangers in the forest. The monsters and red ants must be cleaned up."

In fact, these ghost-striped red ants just failed to cross the Thorn Mountain Range. During these two months, a large number of red ants, led by the queen, marched along the north slope of the Thorny Mountain Range towards the east and west sides. Some ghost-striped red ants Ants have entered the unexplored territories of the plane.

As for the Invercargill Warcraft Forest, all the leaves on the trees and small animals in the forest were swallowed up by the ant colony.

Therefore, there are not many red ants staying here.

Suldak added:

"Because the vegetation here has not fully recovered, we need to open up a wide enough forest road around the mine."

Suldak felt that only by repairing the road would it be easier for the cavalry to patrol the territory.

"In addition, we also need to visit the indigenous tribes living in this area. Although they are present, if we can coexist peacefully with them, it will be of great benefit to us to manage this forest."

Andrew was holding a stick with half a scone on the other end, and he stretched the stick out to the fire.

The scorching heat browns the scones in no time.

"Whether those monsters in the forest are driven away or hunted, even if they are driven away or killed, there will still be new high-level monsters appearing," Andrew said.

Suldak waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about this, I have prepared a good thing that can effectively scare these monsters, but I guess it needs to be dried a little more..."

Andrew took a bite of the crispy baked wheat cake, and asked Suldak:

"Boss, the mine here, do you still want to buy some kobold slaves to mine? Or are you going to transport the kobold slaves from the barren land here?"

Suldak thought for a while before saying, "I don't have such a plan yet. In the early stage, I plan to hire some aboriginal people in the town, and maybe I can recruit some people from the surrounding aboriginal tribes."

Not far away, Thunder Rhinoceros let out low-pitched roars, imbuing the mountain with a barbaric flavor.

Probably because of the light and roar here, the ghost-striped red ants scattered around instinctively gathered towards the camp.

The people currently on duty at night are from the Archer Battalion. Most of them are natives and natives. After joining the Archer Battalion, they discovered that they could buy a lot of things with their accumulated achievements.

These young natives are probably used to being poor. They are probably the most hardworking people in the camp, and all young natives have endless energy.

Like being on night duty, I think it is a sought-after job in the Archer Camp.

When they were in the tribe, they used hardwood bows, and the arrowheads on the hardwood shafts were also of inferior quality. Of course, it would not be easy to shoot through the hard armor of the ghost pattern soldier ants.

But now these native archers have all replaced with powerful alloy bows, which are very lethal to ordinary ghost pattern soldiers.

Outside the camp, the sound of arrows piercing the air could be heard from time to time.

This kind of tender meat of ghost pattern soldier ants is almost the staple food of these indigenous people.

Red ant meat belongs to the ingredients of monsters. Eating it regularly has the effect of strengthening the body, and every young native has a strong stomach like an ogre. After eating and drinking these days, the body is getting stronger and stronger, as if going through The second development...

The young native archers guarded the Armed Thunder Rhinoceros, shooting and killing the ghost-patterned soldiers and ants pouring out of the darkness.

Even if two fish slipping through the net occasionally rushed up, these young natives rushed forward very bravely.

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