Lord Highlander

Chapter 883: 870. Gray Dwarves

The nobles crowded beside the fence on the second floor all looked at Suldak at this moment, curious about this young man who directly called out the cap price.

Zazaks pointed to another Nanai slave behind him and said: "This Nanai aborigine who is also from the Maca plane, he understands a little Imperial language, is in good health, is seven feet two inches tall, and weighs 195 pounds. , also do not understand basic combat skills, the starting price is 16 gold coins, and the maximum price is 32 gold coins."

A maid immediately went up to the second floor and found Suldak from the crowd. Suldak was looking down with his hands on the railing. I bought twelve gold coins..."

Then he took out sixty-two gold coins from the money bag, put them into the tray in the hand of the young maid, and stuffed a silver coin into the hand of the maid.

The maid skillfully folded sixty-two gold coins into ten gold pillars, put the other two gold coins aside, bowed to Suldak, and then left with the wooden tray in her hand.

He snatched two slaves at the maximum price in a row, which made other nobles at the private auction look sideways.

Everyone also began to inquire about the origin of this tall young man in front of him, and ran out dozens of gold coins casually, as if he didn't even blink his eyes.

It is said that there is such a rich man in Wilkes City, everyone must know him!

Must be an outsider...

What I hate the most is this kind of outsider who doesn't follow any rules, even doing things like bidding so rudely.

But then, information about Suldak quickly spread from the mouths of the two magicians who participated in the auction. He was actually the commander of the Luthor Legion, and he had just acquired the Invercargill Forest. There is a very good copper mine in this forest, and it is really a tyrannical mine owner.


Even Zazaks, who was standing under the patio on the first floor, smiled kindly at Suldak.

When he saw the businessman Malakom standing beside Suldak, his eyes suddenly showed a look of surprise, and he nodded to Malakom from a distance.

He adjusted his dress a little bit, stood on the central booth on the first floor, waved his hand towards the iron gate on one side, and a row of aboriginal slaves came out from the iron gate, but these slaves were not Nanai aborigines , the subtle features and skin tone of the face vary.

"These native slaves come from the plane of Koze, which is rich in resources. They are all good hunters, they also have experience in plant cultivation, and they all understand the Imperial language, but they are a little thinner. Just let them eat a few more meals. Meal, you will become stronger in no time!" Zazaks finished, licking his lips.

The maid standing aside quickly brought a glass of wine.

Zazaks picked up the glass and drank it down, then vigorously shook the remaining wine in the glass before putting the glass back on the tray.

He continued: "These slaves are in good health, and they are all young male slaves. The starting price for each slave is 14 gold, and the maximum price is 28 gold."

After speaking, he couldn't help but look up at Surdak on the second-floor terrace again.

The nobles standing by the fence on the second floor also looked at Suldak one after another, but what happened next was that Suldak didn't even lift his eyelids to these native slaves, no matter they were strong or thin. Standing indifferently behind the patio fence, I became a complete onlooker.

Zazaks auctioned more than 30 indigenous slaves one after another, and Suldak didn't participate in a single auction.

This brought the bidding scene back to its original rhythm, and no one raised the price in the first place to try to scare off other competitors.

These male slaves often cost twenty or thirty gold coins, and if they want to create corresponding value, if they are just working, they will have to be squeezed for at least five years to get back the cost.

The businessman Malakom stood behind Suldak. He was very familiar with the temperament of these native slaves. From time to time, he made some comments on these slaves and introduced several native tribes he was optimistic about to Suldak.

A group of protruding female half-orc slaves came out from behind the fence, with two canine teeth slightly exposed on their thick lips. The protruding canines immediately remind people of whether they will scratch their tongues when kissing.

Their skin is dark, and they look stronger than the indigenous men, with the wildness of beasts in their pupils.

Suldak just looked at it curiously, and was not interested in looking again.

"This is a group of female half-orcs with three-quarters of orc blood. Their physique is stronger than those of the native men. Whether they are slaves or put to work on the farm, these female half-orcs are the first choice! "The slave owner Zazaks patted his stomach with his hands and said loudly.

After speaking, in order to prove that these female half-orcs are in good health, they stretched out their hands and removed half of the linen sheets that the female half-orcs surrounded their bodies, revealing their dark shoulders, and the muscles on their arms were clearly outlined.

Some female half-orcs also have a dark tattoo on the neck and between the collarbones, which looks like vines wrapped around their bodies.

"The starting price is 5 gold, and the ceiling price is 10 gold..." Zazaks quoted the price.

Suldak exclaimed in surprise: "These half-beast girls seem to be very cheap!"

Merchant Malakom leaned into Suldak's ear and whispered: "All slave markets have about the same price. These female half-orcs have nothing to say about their physical fitness. They are more able to endure hardships and have good adaptability. The only one The disadvantage is that they have a bad temper, some female orcs have a strong smell, and they are easy to get together with the hired gardeners in the manor, so they are not very popular in the slave market."

Seeing Suldak's surprised expression, Malacom smiled and said:

"Isn't there such a saying...'Orcs will never be slaves'... No matter who is selling orc slaves, they will suffer the retribution of orcs."

"So, in the slave market, there are only half-orc slaves, but no orc slaves. Everyone is talking about the purity of blood. In fact, there are many sayings in it."

"Once you accidentally buy an orc slave, maybe an orc land walker will come to the door that night. This kind of killing of the whole family is actually not uncommon in the empire, so if you want to buy a half-orc slave, you have to keep your eyes open. Maybe there will be orc walkers coming to the door at that time..."

Hearing what Malakom said, Suldak couldn't help sighing:

"Are you saying that these slave traders are not afraid of the orc's revenge?"

Merchant Malacolm chuckled:

"Of course they are also afraid, that's why they hired so many men. As long as there are more guards, these landwalkers who walk alone can't do anything good with these slave owners. That being said, those who die at the hands of orc landwalkers every year There are also many slave traders..."

The two stood by the fence, talking and laughing about the topic of orcs, as if they didn't care about the auction at all.

When the slave owner Zazaks replaced the failed female half-orc slave, a group of short but very strong dwarves staggered out of the iron fence, and Suldak stopped talking. Looking at this group of dwarves with big beards and bald heads, there was a lot of interest on their faces.

"These are the dwarves?"

Suldak looked at these dwarves in tattered clothes, with gray faces and bloodshot eyes, and said in a low voice.

The merchant Malakom secretly grabbed Suldak's arm, and shook his head slightly at him,

Suldak was slightly taken aback, leaned over to Malakom's side and asked, "What's wrong?"

"They are not dwarf craftsmen. You can see their skin color, look at their eyes, and just look at their violent appearance, you can know that these are a group of gray dwarves. They are a group of lawless robbers, alcoholics, Thugs and liars are not only hard to discipline, but also very world-weary, which will make you have endless troubles to deal with every day." Malakom whispered to Suldak in a very low voice.

"The gray dwarf..."

Suldak had read some descriptions of the murderous gray dwarves in some ranger biographies. Some people lined up the gray dwarves with piranhas and vampire trees. He did not expect to see these gray dwarves with his own eyes at this private auction. dwarf.

Putting down the prepared sign again, Surdak looked around again.

Sure enough, the nobles upstairs fell silent. Everyone is not an ignorant fool, and there is no one to bid for these gray dwarves.

The slave owner Zazaks did not explain much, and quickly replaced some lizardmen with light-colored scale marks on their bodies.

Then he took a vise and asked a lizard slave to open his mouth and pull out the slender tongue inside, showing the nobles the pure blood of these lizardmen.

However, the starting price of these male lizard slaves is 30 gold, and the ceiling price is as high as 50 gold, which can be said to be a bit ridiculously expensive.

Suldak originally wanted to buy back two lizard slaves for the Archer Camp. He heard that these lizard slaves were born with good archery skills.

Suldak planned to let the lizard slaves teach the archers archery, but he only thought about it for a while, and all seven lizard slaves were bought by a noble lord of Wilkes City at a capped price.

When the maid carrying the wooden tray came up, the noble lord directly poured the magic spar from the purse into the tray, and fifty magic spar danced wildly in the tray, unexpectedly none of them could jump out. Tray to go.

After counting the number of magic spar, the maid took a gold coin as a tip and went downstairs happily.

After all the lizard slaves were sold, some people couldn't wait to shout: "Zazaks, can you still display the beautiful item you mentioned, or if I don't, I'm leaving! "

The slave owner Zazaks was in the middle of the first-floor patio with a smile on his face. A group of attendants brought in some rocks and shells to decorate the first-floor patio like the bottom of the sea. Several beams of light blue light shot down from the roof, and immediately With the charm of the sea.

Zazaks stood on the platform in the center and said proudly:

"The following item is the Jana Sea Clan that I bought at a high price in the underground slave market of Haiyinsi City. That's right, it is the mermaid that everyone is looking forward to."

"It is said that this mermaid was caught from the Seven Realms Sea, and it is also a very rare three-color mermaid..."

While talking, I saw eight strong waiters walking in through the fence carrying large cylindrical glass jars more than two meters high.

Suldak saw a splash of water flipping in the jar, and the light blue scales were actually turning dark red and orange. He saw a huge and flat fish tail, and the tail fin was also three colors of green, red and orange.

When the attendants moved the water jar to the center of the patio, everyone looked down from above, and saw a large glass jar filled with more than half of the water, and a three-meter-long Naga mermaid curled up in the water. She was a little panicked Frustrated, he kept swimming.

It was the first time for Suldak to see this kind of Jana Sea tribe with a fishtail body. Her skin was not ivory white, but cold white with a light blue color. She had a good figure and a very graceful appearance. Two shells, not very clear, maybe a little flat.

However, when flipping and swimming in the water, its posture is very elegant.

When the mermaid appeared, all the noble lords around the fence on the second floor were boiling, and many people's eyes seemed to pop out. Suldak felt that the entire terrace might collapse at any time.

The sea-blue eyes looked timidly at the world outside the glass jar, looking so innocent and pitiful.

There is no price cap for this auction.

The starting price of 100 gold coins was pushed to 500 gold coins in an instant, and after that, it was obvious that there were four noble lords and a magician noble among the five people.

Suldak felt that neither the Badlands nor the Invercargill Forest could support this kind of sea tribe, and he was not noble enough to spend huge sums of money to buy them and then release them, so he resolutely decided not to participate.

This private auction came to an end just after bidding for the Janna Mermaid.

And this Janna mermaid was also photographed by a noble lord of Wilkes City at a high price of 2,700 gold coins. That noble lord didn't smile after taking pictures of the mermaid, obviously the price was too high , I couldn't swallow this breath, and spent this huge sum of money as soon as my head got hot.

The friends around couldn't help teasing, saying: "Viscount Gibbon, you are really generous. With so much money...buying a manor...you can marry a noble lady in Wilkes City."

"What do you know, the next time Gibbon goes to the beach on the Vashki plane, he doesn't need to buy a boat ticket..."

There was a playful laughter from all around.

The noble lord's face was ashen, and he stared at the angry young man on the other side of the fence. Both of them were very angry, as if a battle was about to break out, but their friends seemed to be used to it, and they didn't even bother to persuade...


This kind of private auction will be held basically every two months in Wilkes City. After the private auction, there will be a reception.

Slave owner Zazaks walked among the crowd with a wine glass, greeting people everywhere.

When he came to the merchant Malacombe, he put one hand on Malacombe's shoulder, and asked him with a smile, "Malacombe, didn't you say you wanted to buy some dwarf slaves? Why didn't you bid for it?" ah!"

Malakom smiled slightly, and explained to Zazaks: "Viscount Suldak intends to open a mine, so he needs to buy a few dwarf slaves, and his army lacks cannon fodder, so buy those hot-tempered slaves. What use can a gray dwarf be?"

Zazaks laughed and said, "Actually, the gray dwarves are good at mining, but you have to put chains on their hands and feet so that they can become more honest."

Judging by his expression, he wasn't ashamed at all.

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