Lord Highlander

Chapter 887: 874. Boundary Monument

The town of Dodan is located between the canyons in the middle of the Thorn Mountains. The glacier on the top of the Thorn Mountains melts, and there is a constant flow of clear river water. The source of the Dodan River is west of Nantu Town. Passing through the town of Dodan, it will run eastward and flow into the Three Rivers After the canyon, it flows into the Torrens River.

The weather in early August is not very hot, the Dodan River is quiet and magnificent at night, and the sound of the river flowing is like the most beautiful music in nature.

A faint mist evaporated on the river surface to form a fog wall, completely separating the north and south banks.

Suldak sat on the platform of the wooden house by the river extending into the river, cross-legged silently feeling the sacred breath in his body, all the nodes of his upper body were lit by the sacred breath, that feeling was like countless stars dotted in the night sky , and each node extends outwards countless thin lines, connecting with other nodes.

...like a star map.

A steady stream of sacred aura emerged from these nodes, nourishing his body.

And his lower body is another scene. When the perception is extended, he will enter an endless void, where there is nothing, and this huge dark star is born in the void, and this dark star has endless space. The suction seems to be able to swallow everything that breaks into this space.

Feeling that his perception and spiritual power were being stripped away by the dark star, Suldak decisively cut off the investigation.

How to get rid of this dark star, Suldak has been thinking about this issue recently, and Celia Cooper has never seen such a situation, so he can't give any suggestions.

Nika and Signa were also sitting on the wooden platform.

Signa sat on the edge of the wooden platform, sticking a pair of white lotus-like feet into the river.

Nika was sitting opposite Suldak, and took the opportunity to ask Suldak how to guide and use the power of the Holy Light. Recently, except for taking care of wounded soldiers in the barracks with a medical team, she devoted herself to research almost every day. strength in the body.

The power she possesses is completely different from Suldak's. Suldak's power of holy light naturally has the effect of healing and recovery, but the power of light contained in the magic pool in Nika's body does not have any healing effect. It can form the purest beam of light from the light elements in the body and shoot it out, just like a lighthouse beacon in the dark night.

Knowing that the light she shoots has no healing powers frustrates Nika for days.

Suldak came back from Wilkes City, took her to the platform and made various attempts, and she could already condense the light.

This time, under the guidance of Suldak, the flame in the palm of his hand was turned into a beam of light. This beam of light could actually penetrate the fog on the Dodan River and obliquely penetrate into the night sky.

The river surged for a while, Selena flipped the water like a silver carp, and emerged from the river. The clear river flowed down the top of her head, and her soft long hair was tightly attached to her body. , she supported Surdak's thighs with her arms, raised her chin slightly, and said to everyone: "The river is still warm, aren't you going to come down for a swim?"

Suldak stretched out his hands, held Selena's wet face, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and said:

"The water temperature of this river will drop in a while, be careful of catching a cold, come up quickly..."

Selena pushed her hands on the wooden platform, leaned her body up like a sea otter, and kept splashing the water with her hands, swimming away again.

Suldak didn't expect her to be so good at swimming. Seeing her swimming in the river, he couldn't help but think of the Janna Mermaid he met in the river in Wilkes City. She probably escaped from Wilkes.

When Selena swam back again, she stretched out her arms to Suldak.

Suldak pulled her up and put a towel over her body. After not seeing her for nearly a month, Suldak felt that a fire was almost ignited in his heart.

Selena took the opportunity to sit between Nika and Signa, reaching out to twist her wet long hair.

"I didn't even know your water skills were so good!" Suldak said.

Selena's plump body was wrapped in a towel, and the lantern hanging on the wooden pole gave off a soft and warm light, and the water droplets on her fair face and chest were extraordinarily crystal clear.

"As long as I have the blessing of the goddess at night, I am not only good at water..." Selena said ambiguously.

"Selena, can you cast a dark magic on Nika that won't hurt her? I want to verify my guess." Suldak said.

Selena glanced at Nika before saying, "Okay!"

Now she is very proficient in performing elementary dark magic, such as 'pain'.

She developed into some believers of the dark goddess in Dodan Town, and the most direct benefit is that she has mastered more dark magic. She closed her eyes, chanted a jerky spell silently, and stretched out her pale index finger to draw on the wooden board. A black magic pattern, the moment the magic pattern was successfully drawn, traces of dark power continued to gather on top of Selena's head, and a football-sized eyeball appeared out of thin air.


The moment the eyeballs opened their eyelids, a black line was shot towards Nika. Nika hardly reacted at all. His body was frozen in the previous second, his eyes slowly closed, his body lost the strength to support him, and fell on the platform. Fell into a deep slumber.

Selena didn't stop her fingers, and drew another magic pattern on the wooden board of the platform.


A stream of dark and empty smoke was like a running beast, rushing towards Nika's body.

But a beam of light fell from Nika who was in a coma, and the little beast made of black smoke dissipated immediately under the light of the beam.

Selena raised her head in surprise and glanced at Nika.

And Nika also woke up from the dream at this time, looking around in panic.

Now it's a test, the light in Nika's body actually has a natural restraint against dark magic.

Suldak patted his forehead in embarrassment. Although he knew that light and darkness restrain each other, he never thought that he would be so targeted. But now Nika is still living with Selena and Signa...

"This light beam has the effect of dispelling and purifying, and somewhat restrains dark magic."

Selena made a comment, glanced at Suldak lightly, and said nothing more.

Nika, who was lying on the wooden platform, had already woken up. She opened her eyes in a daze and looked around vigilantly.

"Did you just have a nightmare?"

Suldak lowered his head and asked her.

Nika nodded with some palpitations, and whispered, "I dreamed that I was floating in the icy river, unable to move or breathe... Then I prayed silently in my heart, and a beam of light fell from the top of my head, and then I woke up."

Hearing the 'prayer', Suldak moved slightly and asked her: "What happened recently that is different from before?"

Nika thought for a while and said seriously: "Recently, I always have the same dream every night. A beautiful sister comes to me every night. She says she is the Goddess of Dawn and wants me to be her apostle..."

It was only then that Suldak realized... It seemed that this matter had gotten bigger.

He looked at Selena on the side, and asked with a wry smile:

"Selena, do you think it's because of the temple we built that attracted this goddess?"

Selena frowned slightly, and said, "I can try to communicate with Goddess Celine to see what kind of god she is."

Suldak nodded, then asked Nika, "Nika, what are your plans?"

"Master, I want to promise her, I want to be like Signa... to become the saint in the Temple of Dawn, is that okay?" Nika asked Suldak with wide eyes and anticipation

What else can Suldak say?

At night, the water of the Dodan River had not yet cooled, so Suldak dipped his hands into the water and wiped his face...


There is only one quarry on the outskirts of Duodan Town. Recently, row buildings have been continuously built in the town, and the main streets in the town have been refurbished. A large number of stone slabs and strip cornerstones have been purchased here to make the quarry owner earn a lot of money. made a fortune.

This time Suldak came to the quarry in person, mainly to order a boundary marker for the Invercargill Forest of Warcraft, which is what a noble lord must do after opening up the territory.

Only the boundary marker indicates that this is the territory of the Grimm Empire.

After everything was settled, the owner of the quarry personally sent Surdak out of the gate.

Then he stood at the gate of the quarry for a long time, until the figure of Surdak riding a horse disappeared on the mountain road, he turned and returned to the quarry.


Suldak won the right to develop the Invercargill World of Warcraft Forest.

In fact, from the day when the ant swarm collapsed, there was nothing to develop in this monster forest.

The returning monsters in the forest couldn't stop Andrew and his cavalry battalion. Many monsters were hunted and killed by Andrew and Samira in turn, and some of them were forced to flee the Invercargill Forest.

A peace treaty signed between Surdak and the thirty-seven indigenous tribes here.

Currently, he already owns Invercargill Forest of Warcraft.

The indigenous tribes who signed the contract are actually considered the subjects of the Viscount's territory.

They lived in this territory, and according to the laws of the Green Empire, they had to pay taxes to Suldak.

However, the contract signed by Suldak not only does not require these indigenous tribes to pay taxes, but also requires him to set aside thirty-seven territories from the part of the territory he has allocated for these indigenous tribes to operate.

According to the content of the signed contract, these indigenous tribes are completely autonomous, and they just send young people from the tribe to serve in Lord Suldak's private army every year.

And Suldak also made a written promise: "Each tribal young man only needs to serve for four years before he can obtain imperial citizenship, and his achievements in the army will be a very considerable wealth." '

This time Suldak will not only build a copper mine in the Invercargill Warcraft Forest, but also plant many boundary markers on the border of the Invercargill Warcraft Forest.

This belt-shaped forest called 'Invercargill' stretches for more than 600 kilometers, starting from the Three Rivers Rift Valley in the east and ending in the Anya Swamp in the west. Although it is slightly narrower in depth from north to south, it is still more than 300 kilometers long.

To include this area, Suldak needs to bury a boundary marker every 500 meters on the border line.

Based on this calculation, at least more than 2,600 boundary markers are needed to straddle the nearly 1,300-kilometer forest border.

It would probably take at least half a year to lay these boundary markers with Suldak's own cavalry battalion alone.

Of course, this is also the largest order of engraved stone tablets received by the quarry in Duodan Town in the past few years, and each stone tablet has an independent number.

Eighteen Thunder Rhinoceros set off from Dodan Town with 2,600 boundary markers on their backs, passing through Dodan Canyon, hilly highlands, and entering the Invercargill Warcraft Forest where new leaves grow. The aboriginal tribes currently living in the hills and mountains There are twenty-three tribes, and the remaining fourteen indigenous tribes are distributed among the dense forests in the middle of the Invercargill Warcraft Forest.

This time, Suldak used Thunder Rhino to send these steles to the border of the Invercargill Warcraft Forest. The task of laying these boundary monuments was going to be handed over to the fourteen indigenous tribes.

Of course, this is not asking these indigenous tribes to do gratuitous services.

Suldak had already prepared a large amount of wheat flour, and every time a boundary marker was buried, the natives would receive a bag of whole wheat flour.

This time Suldak brought eighteen thunder rhinos into the Invercargill Forest. In addition to sending the boundary markers to the indigenous tribes, the chiefs of each indigenous tribe had to determine the land they needed to manage.

He wanted to extend the fertile lands of the Invercargill Forest and cull the poor lands into public domain.

It's just that such a fragmented territorial division has brought considerable trouble to Suldak's territorial division in the Invercargill Forest.

Excluding the territories occupied by the thirty-seven indigenous tribes, there are not too many territories that Suldak can choose by himself. Except for the two most important copper and iron mining areas and the dense forest with buried iron trees, the remaining The territory of the country is basically to join the land occupied by these thirty-seven indigenous tribes together and splice it into a large piece as much as possible.

Suldak has been busy in the Invercargill Forest for more than a month just to delineate the territory and set up boundary markers.

The hills and mountains are almost completely expanded into the territory, while the Invercargill forest is fragmented, and the territories distributed on the map are a bit like the patterns on the black and white cows.

He ate and slept in the forest, lost weight twice, and his skin color turned into a wheat color, but he looked more energetic.

During this period, he took time to live in the copper mine for a few days. The copper mine has not officially started mining. It is just that a large work shed has been built in the south of the mining area. It is only a few tribal natives who have dug some tentatively. The ore was piled up scatteredly in the open space in front of the shed.

Suldak intends to return to Bena Province to hire a manager who is proficient in mining to help him manage the mining area here.

As for the iron ore veins, Suldak just circled that piece of land, and had to wait until the copper ore mines were in normal operation before further developing the iron ore mines.

As for the precious iron wood buried in the edge of the Dark Worm Valley, Suldak happened to pass by there when he transported the boundary marker this time.

Suldak reluctantly selected a section of the broken ironwood tree crown, sawed it open, and transported it back to Dodan Town by 18 thunder rhinos.

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