Lord Highlander

Chapter 891

When the carpenter workshop in Wall Village was first established, it was just to be able to make some four-wheeled carriages.

At that time, the wheels and main shaft of the carriage were bought by Suldak from Hailansa City. Later, the carpenter workshop could make more things. During the construction of the cistern, a large number of box boards were provided for the cistern project. Two waterwheels connected to the mill have been built at the fourth-level sluice of the reservoir, and the village no longer needs to go to the windmill next to the canyon to grind rice.

When the small townhouses were built in the village, the carpenter's workshop was responsible for the doors, windows and roof frames of all the small buildings in the village.

Especially this year, the carpenter workshop in Wall Village has absorbed many carpenters from other villages, and there are already more than 30 carpenters in the workshop.

The small townhouses built in the slums of Duodan Town on the plane of Bailin, because the carpenters in the town were hired by the lumber mill owner, the small townhouses are now half built, and the project is stuck in the installation of doors and windows, and it is impossible to move forward. sequence turn.

When Suldak returned to Wall Village this time, the first thing he thought of was to come to the carpenter's workshop. He discussed with Village Chief Brett and wanted to make a batch of wooden windows and doors in the next few days.

Suldak and the old village chief walked into the carpenter's workshop.

The yard of the workshop has been equipped with a rain-proof roof. The yard is full of all kinds of firewood, many of which are labeled at one end and piled up randomly.

The Badlands is adjacent to Oak Ridge, so the most abundant wood in the carpenter's workshop is oak, and there are also small amounts of hard oak, red pine, and yellow pine.

The old village head doesn't care much about the carpenter's workshop. He gives an order to the carpenter's workshop every once in a while to ensure that the carpenters here have something to do every day. The village of Wall has been expanding, so The carpenter's workshop usually does a good job.

The person in charge of this carpentry workshop is Uncle Karp in the village, who has good carpentry skills.

When the old village chief Bright found him, he was instructing two young men to cut a section of red pine into boards with a saw.

Uncle Karp wiped his hands on his apron, gave Suldak a big hug, and asked Suldak with a smile: "Dak, why are you back? Didn't you say that you took the cavalry battalion to garrison the Bailin position?" Have you met? Is the Bailin plane far away, I heard that even the woods over there are white?"

"This time I just came back to take a look." Surdak replied casually.

A group of people walked into the working area of ​​the carpenter's workshop.

When the young people in the village saw Suerdak walking in from the outside, they put down what they were doing and ran over to say hello.

The workshop is full of various wooden boards, and the space seems very small.

Everyone sat down in the rest area of ​​the workshop. There were two girls in charge of hospitality and odd jobs in the carpenter workshop. Under the instruction of Uncle Karp, they brought a plate of fruit.

Surdak sat on a chair surrounded by many people.

He simply said: "The forest over there is actually no different from the forest here, except that unlike ours, Oak Ridge is full of oak trees, while there are mostly red pine and fir trees, and there are also many hard oak trees. There are stretches of white reeds growing beside the river, and some pasture leaves have white edges, and the large grassland over there looks like a scene of frost in late autumn."

The young people looked yearning and said, "So that's how it is! Haha, it's really good."

Everyone asked Surdak many things again and again.

The old village chief Brett coughed and said:

"Karp, Dak came here this time to ask you to help make some doors and windows."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the wooden door and window that had just been brought in,

Karp immediately leaned over to take a closer look, and said with a relaxed face: "Do these...it should be no problem!"

Then he looked at it seriously again, and offered:

"If it's colder over there in winter, I suggest that the windows can be changed to a double-layer composite structure. The handle and hinges on this wooden door are also outdated. We have already replaced them with this stronger and more durable hinge... ..."

After speaking, he waved to the young man next to him, and the young man walked out quickly after he understood.

Culp continued: "The doors and windows are all made of red pine, we prefer to use oak..."

After a while, the young man who just walked out brought the polished copper door handle and heavy hinges to Suldak.

"The size of the doors and windows must meet my requirements. For the others, we use the most commonly used ones on our side. The materials must be strong enough, and it is best to install even the window glass." Suldak said.


Suldak chatted for a while in the carpenter's workshop in the village, and then went to check the reservoir upstream of the village.

It is the hottest time of summer, and the children in the village are soaking in the five-level shallow pool, lining up to climb up the high diving platform, and then jumping into the pool without interruption. The scene is very lively.

In addition to the children here, there are many women from the village squatting beside another pool not far away. They squat under the awning to wash clothes.

Sure enough, as Luka said, half of the rainy season has passed, and the fourth-level overflow pool is half full of water.

The rainy season in the barren land will last until the beginning of September. Standing on the embankment, Suerdak said to the old village chief: "No matter what, there can be no more water in the fourth-level reservoir. The reservoir has become a sharp sword hanging over the heads of all the villagers, which may fall at any time..."

"We are in a mountain depression. Every time it rains, the rainwater from the surrounding mountain walls will gather together and wash down. A light rain can also raise the water level of the reservoir by one step."

Seeing that Suerdak paid so much attention to the storage of water in the reservoir, the old village chief agreed: "This year's rain is heavy, and there may not be many rains in the future. If it continues to rain, I will consider using the excess rainwater. Put them all in the artificial canal..."


The security station of Wall Village has already been promoted to the Badlands Security Squadron, but the villagers of Wall still like to call it the security station.

Just like Suerdak has long been a nobleman, many people in the village still call him 'Dark' affectionately.

When he rushed to the Bailin plane with the cavalry battalion, the affairs of the Wall Village Sheriff's Office were completely handed over to a group of graduates who had just graduated from the Knight Academy.

For these young reserve knights who graduated from the knight academy, it was a completely new challenge.

Some reserve knights failed to hold on.

They lived here for a while, and found that Suldak was actually stationed on another plane, and he might have to leave for four years.

They found that their four years of precious time might be wasted in this barren land, and the initial enthusiasm of some reserve knights was completely extinguished. After some consideration, they chose to leave the barren land.

Of course, there are still some reserve knights who choose to stay, and there are still forty-two guard battalion knights left in the security station.

From a distance, I saw a group of knights conducting riding training at the gate of the security station. They rode horses, holding knight spears in their hands, and charged at the wooden figures beside the mountain wall in turn.

'Charge' is the most proficient skill cavalry needs to master.

The young knights of the public security station placed the wooden figure close to the mountain wall. When they charged, they had to take into account the problem of the horses rushing to the front of the wooden figure and stopping suddenly.

If you stop early, the spear may not be able to stab the wooden man, and even if it is stabbed, it will be weak.

It is even more dangerous to stop late, and people and horses may crash into the mountain wall together.

However, these young knights seemed to be very familiar with this kind of practice. Almost every step taken by the horse was accurately calculated.

Suldak and his party came to the gate of the security station, and the captain of the security battalion quickly summoned all the knights in the security station to accept Suldak's inspection.

These regular knights who graduated from the knight academy stood neatly in the yard of the security station, leading their horses.

"How's life here? Are you still used to it?" Suldak asked gently, standing in front of these reserve knights.

The young knights looked at me and I looked at you, with a somewhat reserved expression, and didn't know how to answer this question for a while.

"You patrol this barren land every day, have you seen those sand robbers?" Suldak asked again.

Captain Danila immediately stood up from the team, and said with a serious expression: "Report to the squadron leader, on the third day of this month, at the exit of the north shore on the west side of the Great Rift Valley, we encountered a sand army sneaking into the barren land." The bandits, when they saw us, they didn't choose to fight us, but rode away quickly."

Suldak walked over, patted Daniela on the shoulder, and said to him, "Next time you see these sand bandits, as long as they don't threaten the safety of the village in the Badlands, you can let them go."

Then he added: "Remember that your mission is only to patrol and maintain law and order in the Badlands."

Suldak saw that the shrub walls of the police station were trimmed neatly, and the yard was also cleaned very cleanly. Two rows of row dormitories were built on the open space behind the police station. These should be the handwriting of the old village chief Bright. .

Looking at the security office with bright and clean windows, Suerdak lowered his head and thought for a while before saying:

"I will only stay here for a few days when I come back this time. If anyone wants to leave the Badlands Security Squadron, you can tell me at any time. Of course, if you are embarrassed, you can also come to me in private. Of course It’s best during the day, I’m not in the mood to talk about your future at night.”

"You are all excellent graduates of the High Lansa City Knight Academy. I believe you should have considered your future life during the six months in the barren land."

Suldak smiled faintly, then changed his voice and said:

"Of course, the achievements you have made during your tenure in the Badlands Security Squadron are worthy of recognition. You have patrolled the Badlands every day and maintained the law and order of several villages. These things have been done very well."

"If you choose to stay here, these things will be your daily life in the future."

All the reserve knights were silent, no one took the initiative to stand up and proposed to leave in public.

Suldak's impression of these college students suddenly changed a lot.

At this time, Cavalier Captain Danila stood up again and reported to Suldak:

"Captain Suldak, we feel that life here is also very good. In fact, we probably do this every day in the city of Hailansa, but here, the things to be done every day will be more pure. I hope to continue Stay here, and that's what most of us think."

"Well, since everyone thinks so, let's stay."

Suldak rubbed his hands, said nothing else, and left the security station with the old village chief Brett, Luke, Aphrodite and his party.

There was something to be done by the old village chief at the townhouse, so Luke followed village chief Brett to the construction site of the townhouse in front of the village.

Aphrodite followed Suldak home.


Old Sheila was sitting on a rattan chair in the yard basking in the sun. The sun shone on her skinny cheeks, making her a little drowsy.

It has been raining for the past few days, and her bones and joints are aching all over her body. Only by basking in the sun can the pain be relieved.

She has been aging very fast recently. In the past, when the days were hard, she also went to the family's wheat fields to pull weeds and plant some beans on the ridges of the fields. At that time, her whole body hurt, but she was not as weak as she is now.

She knew she was getting old, but she didn't expect to get old so fast.

I thought I would watch little Peter grow up slowly... Time flies so slowly!

Old Sheila has always had some indelible worries in her eyes recently.

Little Peter was squatting under a tree at the door, holding a wooden sword in his hand and slashing at the wooden figure by the wall. This was the homework that Teacher Andrew assigned to complete every day before he left. Stabs and sweeps are performed 5,000 times a day.

According to Andrew, there is no shortcut to the path of a warrior. Only through continuous practice can one become stronger.

In such hot weather, other children in the village ran to swim in the reservoir, and the children's play could be heard through the wall.

But little Peter couldn't go out to play, and he had to grit his teeth to endure the sore arm. He wanted to become a knight as powerful as his father Suldak.

Rita came out of the house with a basin of water, put it beside Old Sheila, soaked Old Sheila's towel in the basin, then wrung it dry, and wiped her face.

Old Sheila is getting old, and many body functions are a little out of balance, and she won't sweat even on a hot day.

But she likes to bask in the sun very much, and at the same time, she is prone to heatstroke in the sun.

Rita wiped and said to old Sheila: "It's such a hot day, you should let little Peter go out to play. Aren't the children in the village playing by the pool? Look at his palm, it's a seven-year-old child Didn't you say that when he is old enough, he will be sent to the Knight Academy to study?"

Hearing that Aunt Rita was arguing with grandma again about this matter, little Peter didn't turn his head, and said quickly:

"Auntie, I'm not tired, I want to be a strong knight like Dad."

This is a sentence that old Sheila loves to hear most.

When Rita heard what Little Peter said, she could only sigh slightly, and sat down at Old Sheila's feet.

Old Sheila raised her heavy eyelids and glanced at her plump and round daughter. Her body was definitely not fat, she was a sensual girl.

"Rita, I heard that a very nice young man is pursuing you recently?" Old Sheila asked directly.

"No way..." Rita blushed slightly.

Seeing Rita's shyness, old Sheila felt a little relieved, and Rita's marriage was one of her few concerns.

"It's time for me to prepare a dowry for you. I heard that Daniela is a knight?" Old Sheila said again.

"He's just a reserve knight." Rita said with some disapproval.

There was finally a slight fluctuation in old Sheila's voice, and she said: "The reserve knight is also very good. If it was before, I would be thankful that you can marry me. I will ask Village Chief Bright later to see how he is. !"

With a blushing face, Rita ran up to the terrace on the second floor to help Natasha dry the laundry.

Old Sheila opened her eyes, dazzled by the sun, she put her hands on her browbones, and said to Natasha on the terrace, "Natasha, you and Duck should have another child..."

Natasha was slightly taken aback, stopped what she was doing, gathered her messy hair with her wet hands, and looked at old Sheila in the yard from the roof.

"He is engaged to the noble lady of Luther's family, and it is estimated that he will marry him in a short time. Even if his heart for you remains the same, you will get less and less favor. After a few years, maybe only children It's the bond between you..."

Old Sheila's tone was very slow, but every sentence was like a hammer, hitting Natasha's heart.

Natasha looked at little Peter under the shade of the tree, and then at her flat belly, but she didn't know what to say.

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