Lord Highlander

Chapter 897

The three magic patterns on the table are: the giant ghost pattern soldier ant'strength and tenacity' life magic pattern, the ghost pattern queen's 'spiritual stimulation' life magic pattern, and the agate beast's hidden camouflage' life magic pattern.

In terms of the practicability of these three life magic patterns, the first choice is the "strength and tenacity" life magic pattern. This magic pattern can enhance the basic physique of the fighter and make its combat power have an obvious strengthening increase, but the disadvantage is this The magic pattern is almost popular in the cavalry battalion of Suldak.

Compared with the "strength and tenacity" life magic pattern, the latter two life magic patterns are much rarer, and they are all high-end products.

The 'spiritually stimulating' life magic pattern peeled off from the head of the fourth-level monster ghost pattern ant queen, this is a life magic pattern that can strengthen the spiritual power, but this kind of magic pattern has no effect on the improvement of the strength of the fighter. Not too big.

In addition, the last "hidden camouflage" life magic pattern was obtained from the belly of the agate beast.

This kind of magic pattern does not increase any attributes of the body, but it has a very good camouflage effect. This is not stealth, but to integrate itself with the surrounding environment.

Suldak originally wanted to recommend the first type of magic pattern to Karl, but when Karl knew that even the ancient horses in the cavalry battalion had this kind of magic pattern on their legs, he immediately lost interest. He hesitated between the magic pattern and the third magic pattern.

Just when Suldak thought that he would choose the "spiritual stimulation" of the Ghost Ant Queen, after all, the Ghost Queen Ant is a fourth-level monster, which is far higher than the Onyx Beast.

"Then I'll choose the third one..." Karl's eyes fell on the piece of leather full of radiance.

Suldak didn't expect that Karl would choose this life sigil, and asked with some surprise: "Um, do you want to be a ranger scout in the future? Why did you choose this?"

Carl smiled "hehe", waved his hands quickly and said:

"No no... I have served in the military, how could I become a scout, I just think that having this ability may save my life in a certain crisis."

The reason was stated very straightforwardly by Karl.

Instead, Suldak didn't know how to persuade him, so he just said: "You can think about it again, in my opinion, 'strength and toughness' are the most practical, and can help you win the battle..."

Seeing Karl's disgusted look, Suldak wanted to punch him.

Resisting the urge, Suldak continued:

"In fact, the mental stimulation is also very strong. If an enemy suddenly appears in front of you, his knife is already on your neck, and you are panicked, too late to react, and you dare not act rashly, then you can attack him. A 'spiritual stimulation' made him collapse in this instant, and then... won the battle in one fell swoop!"

Carl shrugged, indicating that he didn't like it.

Suldak pointed to the third life magic pattern and said:

"This 'hidden camouflage' is more suitable for scouts who often spy on intelligence, and I'm afraid it won't be of much use to you."

"I think this is okay..." Carl insisted on his previous choice.

Suldak hesitated for a moment before saying, "Okay, then choose this one!"

Then he implanted the life magic pattern of the onyx beast for Karl in the hotel. The process was quite simple. Suldak had done hundreds of times in the town of Dodan for implanting the magic pattern breeding equipment. The method is very skilled.

Karl was lying on the bed with his upper body bare, and Suldak implanted this 'hidden camouflage' life pattern into his back.

This time, the implantation of the implant was easily completed almost while chatting.

After Suldak patted Karl on the shoulder so that he could stand up and try the magicweave outfit, Karl asked with a look of surprise:

"Is that all right? What should I do?"

While tidying up the discarded magic-weave skin grafts, Suldak instructed, "This magic-weave has become a part of your body. You should be able to feel it carefully. Use your spirit to connect with it, and then it will Like your hands and feet, governed by your brain..."

Carl was standing in the room with his upper body bare and wearing a pair of bloomers. He raised his hands and watched the magnificent color of his skin change. His hands were placed on the bedside pillar, and the skin of his arms immediately turned into a bronze color. Has some wood texture.

"Hey... I seem to feel it. This feeling seems a little special." Carl retracted his hand while talking.

Leaving that pillar, his hand returned to its original shape, like a child who wanted to explore a sugar box, his eyes were full of surprise, and he said excitedly to Suldak: "Is this the camouflage effect?"

In fact, Suldak only had a half-knowledge about this, and could only nod dully.

"Dark, it seems that my choice is pretty good." Carl cheered, he walked onto the terrace barefoot, sat on the deck chair on the terrace, took a sip of half a glass of juice on the table.

"Dark, do you know how Marquis Bernard was injured?" He asked Surdak in a low voice.

Suldak brought out a plate of nuts from the room, put it on the small table, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Carl said in a low voice: "He led the Constructed Knights to participate in the battle of Tanan. I heard that he was shot in the chest by an arrow during the battle. If it wasn't for his magic pattern structure, he might have died on the spot. When he returned to Hailansa City, he had only one breath left, and he was soaked in the nutrient solution to maintain it. Later, he insisted on sending Daqian to the position of the consul of Hailansa City, and then decided to perform this transplant operation."

"So I...Through this incident, I have a new perspective on my future life." He stretched and continued. "No matter how big the big man is, how many troops and guards he has around him, as long as he is on the battlefield, his life is considered to be in the hands of the goddess of luck."

Karl's eyes brightened a lot, and he said to Suldak: "So... I think it's good to stay in the guard camp all the time, and I can avoid receiving a call-up order. I don't want to go to the battlefield..."

"So that's it, I hope he gets better soon!"

Standing at the door of the terrace, he happened to be looking at Aphrodite in the next room through the glass window.

The succubus puffed up her cheeks, glared at him fiercely, turned and left from the window.

She looked a little annoyed...


At noon, Karl was going to pick up Mrs. Mariana from the trading house.

He invited Suldak out to lunch, but Suldak declined.

Suldak planned to take a walk on the street with Aphrodite, after all, the succubus came to Hailansa City and hadn't left the hotel so far.

So Karl left the Plaza Garden Hotel alone.

Suldak and Aphrodite went shopping together, which made the succubus' face change from cloudy to sunny, and a little gentle smile appeared on his face.

But just when the two were about to go out, there was a knock on the door. Suldak went to open the door and found that the proprietress Mrs. Cohen was standing at the door, and behind her was a young magician—— Victor, the assistant of Scholar Dinand, with a modest smile on his face, took off the magic hat on his head, and nodded very politely to Suldak.

"Baron Suldak, good afternoon!" Victor greeted with a smile.

Surdak was a little surprised, and said, "Victor, why is it you? How do you know that I live here?"

"Lance said you should sit here, because the proprietress of this hotel is very beautiful..." the magician Victor joked.

After hearing what he said, Mrs. Cohen left with a smile on her face.

Suldak invited Victor into the room, and the young magician was not polite. He stood next to the sofa, placed heavy linen bags in the room, and said, "Here are you..."

Seeing five heavy cloth bags in the room, Suldak asked curiously, "Victor, what are these?"

Victor patted the linen pocket with his hands, and said: "These are active agents. The pool for soaking copper ore must be metal. You pour the ore powder into it, then fill in half of the water, and pour the active agent into it while stirring. , and then let it stand for a long time..."

He told the details to Suldak, and then took out a piece of parchment from his arms, and unfolded it on the table. The drawing on it turned out to be the process of copper ore refining.

Victor sat opposite Suldak and explained to him: "As long as the construction is carried out according to the drawings I drew, the initial ore refining and purification can be solved, but if you want to smelt copper ingots, you need a furnace. .”

Then he added: "It takes about three months to complete the refining and refining furnace."

Surdak didn't expect this young magic assistant to finish the craft drawings overnight, and quickly expressed his thanks: "Thank you, Victor."


Before returning to Wall Village, Suldak went shopping in the magic market according to the list made by Victor. On the third morning, he rode a horse and left Hailansa with Aphrodite city.

Luke and ten wagons returned to Wall Village long after the Ironwood deal was completed.

When Suldak and Aphrodite passed by the south gate of the city, they saw Dacie Christie wearing a magic-pattern leather armor from a distance, climbing up the city wall surrounded by a group of guards. Although they were a little far apart, they still saw Dacie Christie The tiredness on Akane's face was hard to hide.

However, the atmosphere is quite sufficient.

Suldak withdrew his gaze, and rode away with one hand holding the rein.


Suldak originally wanted to transport the kobold slaves in the territory to the Bailin plane. These kobold slaves are the best quality miners.

But now with the support of Ferdinand Scholar, an alchemist from the Magic Union, it is not so important whether these kobold slaves go to the Bailin plane. Just come out.

For the aborigines living in the Invercargill Forest, it should not be difficult to dig stones.

Today's Wall Village has become the largest village in the barren land, or it is not an exaggeration to call it a town, because it has reached the standard of a town in terms of size and population.

This time, Suldak came to the Paglos Pass and looked at Wall Village in the valley from a distance. Those newly built row houses surrounded the village entrance with layers of trees, and the market was very lively.

Suldak rode into the village very low-key.

Some members of the adventure group sat under the dead tree at the entrance of the village, chatting happily.

Far away at the foot of the mountain, you can see the villa built by the fifth-level reservoir, which is the home of Surdak.

Seeing the familiar door, the exhaustion in my heart was swept away.

Walking into the yard, little Peter was still practicing swordsmanship against the wall. His head was sweating profusely from exhaustion, his soft hair was wet on his forehead, and his face was flushed red by the vicious sun.

Old Sheila was lying on the wicker chair in the yard basking in the sun, she just slightly opened her eyelids and glanced casually.

Suldak stood at the gate of the courtyard, greeted old Sheila respectfully, and then stood beside little Peter, correcting him for the correct posture of chopping movements.

Seeing Suldak, little Peter was very excited, and showed Suldak the results of his recent practice one by one, and several basic movements all looked good.

These basic movements are not just a matter of proficiency, but require combatants to have a certain amount of memory in their subconscious minds. Even Suldak will find time to practice every morning, but he is not as diligent as before.

Little Peter stood in front of the wooden figure again, and Suldak led the horse into the stable again, and then walked to the door of the house.

Just when Suldak was about to enter the house, he heard old Sheila shouting behind him: "Dak..."

Suldak stopped, turned his head and asked respectfully:

"Do you have anything to do?"

Old Sheila got up from the rattan chair, opened her eyelids, but her eyes were a little cold, and she said slowly to Suldak:

"It's about Rita. She's old enough to marry, and now there's a nice young man in the village who's courting her."

"Oh!" Suldak just remembered that according to the legal system of the Green Empire, young people can get married as long as they have attended the coming-of-age ceremony at the age of sixteen.

In this way, Rita is a big girl.

Suldak thought for a while and said, "If two people like each other, I will prepare the dowry."

Hearing what Suldak said, the expression on Old Sheila's face softened slightly, and then said: "Well, he is the captain of the security squadron, Danila Knight."

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the captain of the Badlands Security Squadron, and Suldak had some impressions of him.

"Do you need me to meet with him, or get to know him from the side?" Suldak asked old Sheila.

Old Sheila shook her head, paused, and said, "I know that you are performing garrison missions on other planes, and it is not easy to return to Wall Village, but for Rita's wedding, if you can come back, you should try to come back once. "

It turned out that he wanted to attend Rita's wedding. Surdak nodded and said:

"Of course, as long as you set a date, you can write to me, and I will come back as scheduled..."

Old Sheila lay down on the wicker chair again, looked at the sky with some emptiness in her eyes, but said in her mouth, "Thank you, Duck!"

Suldak smiled at old Sheila.

But when he turned around, he sighed softly.

It can be seen and felt that she was missing her son at that moment...

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