Lord Highlander

Chapter 899

Wilkes City was dimly lit at night.

Under the moonlight, the surface of the river outside the city was sparkling, and the city was noisy, but the moat outside the city was very quiet.

Sia swam out of the city along the inland river, and swam a few times in the moat, thinking that the knight would wait for her hidden somewhere on the bank, and took the precious dagger he dropped by the way, and took the opportunity to ask her for it. A little bit of good.

She had even thought of a reason for rejecting him.

If he dares to act recklessly, she will show him some color.

Along the way, she suffered a lot while being packed in a glass jar.

Hateful humans, stupid humans, greedy humans, cunning humans, she cursed secretly in her heart...

She is the daughter of the sea, and she has never thought of living on land, especially in a big fish tank that cannot be turned over. This is simply an insult to the sea people.

When she learned to pray to the Sea God, the High Priest of the Sea Clan warned her to accept the favors of others, remember to be grateful, and remember to reciprocate if she has the ability.

She hid in the water plants at the bottom of the river. The water plants in this moat were not so luxuriant, so she could only stick to the gravel on the river bed, wondering if she would give him something after returning the dagger,

She waited in the moat for a full night, and it was almost dawn when she realized that he had no intention of seeing each other again.

What a proud and cold person!

But what should I do, I don't know where this river can lead?

Siya didn't go upstream, finding the source of the river didn't help her, she wanted to swim into the sea.

But before that, we still have to get rid of breakfast.

The fish in the river was a bit bland, and the fishy smell that couldn't be concealed really made her feel hard to swallow.

Xi Ya went downstream along the river. She didn't know that she swam for several days and nights, thinking that she could finally follow the river into the vast and boundless sea like before.

At that time, maybe we can meet other sea people, so we can find out the direction of the Seven Realms Sea.

But when she swam to a crack in the abyss, she realized that this might be the end of all rivers.

There is no sea in front of it, but a bottomless big crack, and waterfalls hang on the raised rocks.

Fortunately, she swam more carefully, otherwise she would be brought into the ground by the river.

She didn't want to live in the dark underground valley, where not only was it cold and frightening, it was also prone to nightmares.

She was so frightened that she continued to swim back. There are many canyons here, and all the rivers seem to have opened up cracks in the earth, and the rivers here also have countless confluence points, like a piece of broken mesh with dense meshes laid flat on the earth. fishing net.

In this treacherous canyon, she did not know how many torrents and eddies she avoided, and she was a little desperate to find that she was lost in these rivers.

She can only go upstream along the river, so that she may be able to find the source of a certain river.

But the journey was not so smooth, she always met some natives standing by the river holding a harpoon to catch fish, and when they saw a big fish, they would howl and rush into the river, throwing the harpoon in their hand. Far and accurate.

She also met a giant catfish hiding its body in the sand. Its huge mouth has infinite suction. If it weren't for a one-horned bison that came to drink water first from the shore, it might have been swallowed into the stomach of that catfish. That would be her.

Xi Ya was so frightened that she ran away in panic in the river.

She decided to go upstream, across the canyon, to find a safe place for herself.

When she went upstream, she realized that there was actually a large plain in front of her. Although the river here was wide, the water was very shallow and the current was not so fast.

A shadow flitted across the river, and she raised her head from the water... What are those flying in the sky?

A giant bird jumped into the river, and the splash was like a water bomb exploding on the surface of the river, and its two sharp claws almost caught her.

Xi Ya flicked the three-colored fish tail, and hid in the soft sand and stones of the river bank in the next second, but the giant bird was always wandering in the sky, refusing to leave.

She dared not come out to swim during the day, it seemed safer at night.

Just going upstream, she found that the river was getting thinner... This made her a little anxious.

She originally wanted to find a spacious lake to live temporarily, but who would have thought that after swimming for so long, she couldn't find a livable place.

She even thought that after the river dried up, she would lie on the beach and be dried up in the sun, her scales would be curled and peeled off, and her beautiful, wet, seaweed-like hair would turn into black dried seaweed...

God of the Sea, I don't even dare to think about it! .

Until she saw the towering snow-capped mountains in the distance, even the river became cold. The trout in this river were delicious and sweet. There were no bloated giant catfish in the river, and those circling giant catfish could not be seen in the sky. Bird, she decided to find a place to hide here.

Along the way, she saw many small towns built along the river.

At first I was very scared, worried that when I swam through the river, I would be discovered by the people in the town.

Later, she found that these people living in the town were not alert at all, and gradually got used to swimming past the town silently...

Xi Ya discovered that human beings cannot do without water!

She found a pond next to a small town with obvious signs of construction. Knowing that it might be discovered by humans, she still lurked nearby because it was a little more spacious than other places.

She occasionally swims into the pond at night, and once in a while has a wild race swim...  

The beautiful colorful fins are not only beautiful, when she swims with all her strength, she can even catch up with those silly and cute dolphins in the sea.

She was sitting on a wooden platform by the shore, combing her seaweed-like hair, and admiring the moonlight in this strange world, when suddenly a little girl's voice came from her ear: "Nica, look, there is something over there." A mermaid..."

The sound startled Xi Ya, and her first reaction was to jump into the river.

"Signa, it's so dark, can you see it? Your eyesight is really good..." the little aboriginal girl said enviously.

"I am the Blessed One of the Night, the Saintess of the Temple of the Night, is it strange to have night vision?" Signa accepted the compliment very frankly.

"Should we go over and say hello to her? Will it scare her?" Nika asked in a low voice.

The two little girls don't know how sensitive Janna's ears are, and they usually use their ears to track whales in the sea...

"She's so big, we should be the ones who should be afraid... Haven't you heard that these mermaids like to sing to confuse sailors, and then they will drag those bewitched sailors to the underwater world and treat them to a seafood meal first, Cook them and eat them!" Signa whispered to Nika.

"What you said is really scary, I don't want to go, let's tell the people in the town!" Nika was terrified at this moment, she had never even heard of it before, and she really wanted to tell her about her new discovery. to the people of the town.

This time it was Xi Ya's turn to be scared.

If people in the town find out, should I run upstream or downstream?

"Don't...wait a moment, I won't harm you!" Xi Ya turned around and said to the two little girls hiding behind the stone steps.

The way she speaks is a bit special, as if she is singing, and she speaks very pure Imperial language.

"Can you hear us talking?" Signa jumped up from behind the stone steps in fright, and she was startled by the words that the merman turned around to say.

There are some crystal drops of water hanging on the delicate face of Janna's mermaid, but at night, only Signa can see these details clearly.

Xi Ya said: "I know a little bit of Imperial language, as long as I don't use dialect slang when speaking, I can basically understand it."

Then the Janna mermaid added: "My name is Xiya, and I come from the Sea of ​​Seven Realms."

Two girls stood up from behind the stone steps. Although they were a little wary, they still took a few steps closer.

At this moment, Nika could see clearly the Janna mermaid sitting on the pier by the river. Her delicate skin has faint scales, and her face looks a bit like Miss Samira. They are all very delicate, but her hair is a bit messy. , Wet sticking to the face will greatly affect the value of the face.

"Have you ever heard of the Seven Seas?" Xi Ya tried to ask.

She didn't leave the river bank. In case of danger, she could jump into the river immediately.

"No, I only know the Endless Sea, but that's in Roland Continent." Signa said.

Recently, she often communicates with Celia Cooper, so her horizons are far wider than other children.

Nika stood beside Signa, staring at the Janna mermaid in the dark very vigilantly. She even blocked Signa with her shoulders, and only said: "This is the plane of Bailin, I have never heard of this plane. name."

Reflecting the faint light on the sparkling river, the Janna mermaid covered her face with her hands, her fish tail resting in the river, crying and frustrated in her voice: "Bai Lin plane... so I actually went to another place. noodle."

Nika asked curiously: "You don't even know where this is, so how did you come here?"

"I was captured by a group of slave traders. I was locked in a jug before, and I escaped recently." Siya wanted to cry, but she felt that doing so would prove her cowardice and helplessness. Besides, it didn't help, so she held back.

The little Aboriginal girl didn't even know the meaning of the word 'slave trader'.

"Is there anything we can do for you?" Signa hesitated before asking.

Xi Ya looked at her round arm, and asked in a low voice: "Can you get salt, I'm a little swollen from soaking in fresh water..."

"Of course, I'll bring it to you tomorrow night. By the way, do you want to try the wheat cake?" Signa decided to help the Janna mermaid, and it didn't seem to do her any harm anyway.

At best, be careful, but this is Dodan, and she's not going to meet during the day...

"Thank you so much, I almost vomited from eating freshwater fish these days..."

The Janna mermaid said in a low voice.


After three nights of exchanges, from wheat cakes to pickles, the girls' friendship seems to be so simple.

Soon Signa and Nika had a new friend. This friend usually hides in the river, and only appears at night by the pool in the back garden of the Temple of the Twin Goddesses. The place is cleaner.

After communicating, Sia discovered that Signa and Nika didn't know as much about the rivers here as they did, and they didn't know whether there was a sea in this plane.

The mermaid found that he could not find his way to the sea, so he decided to go upstream to find the source of the river.

Suldak saw a big splash in the river. It happened that Sia returned from the upper reaches of the Dodan River and was telling Signa and Nika about her experience of going upstream. She told the two new friends that she almost Freezing to death upstream...

Regarding the existence of Siya, Signa and Nika also abided by their oath, and did not reveal the slightest to Selena and Suldak.


Of course, Suldak didn't jump into the river at night to fish because of a big splash in the river.

He came back from Wall Village this time and brought back some small gifts for Signa and Nika, such as chestnut candy, a unique sweet in Hailansa City.

Selina didn't ask about the details of Suldak's return to Wall Village. She always deliberately avoided this sensitive topic, just like she always deliberately avoided Natasha in Wall Village. She felt that she Occupying some things that should belong to the other party, but I don't want to let go of these things...

After returning to the lakeside cabin, Selena went into the kitchen to prepare dinner, and Nika would offer to help at this time.

Signa likes to sit on the platform of the wooden house protruding into the river, holding the magic notebook, and chatting with Celia Cooper by the dim light of a lantern.

Recently, when Goddess Celine's divine sense descends, she usually chooses to possess Selina, as if she feels something novel...

During dinner, Selena found that there was only half a jar of sour water left in the jar of pickles in the kitchen, so she seriously thought about whether she had neglected her daughter and Nika's three meals a day recently.

Selena brought a plate of fried meat to the table and distributed food to everyone at the table.

Suldak, who was sitting on the main seat, took a piece of white bread, drank some light ale, and said to Nika:

"Nica, if you have a chance to go to Hailansa City with me, I am very familiar with the magicians of the Magic Union there. I think you still need to register as a magician."

Nika hugged the soup pot, followed Selena and nodded weakly.

She cherishes life now.

Suldak felt that if it hadn't happened to him, Nika might have been sitting in the classroom of the magic academy, listening to the magic teachers talk about the ancient elf language, and now he could only stay in the town of Dodan. Celia Cooper's guidance, the most preliminary meditation.

According to Celia Cooper, this is the only place where the Black Mage can guide her.

However, the Goddess of Dawn can still communicate with Nika occasionally, and the communication between them will always be on a sunny afternoon, and Nika has to fall asleep to get a little inspiration from that goddess.

Occasionally when I wake up, I will find that I have forgotten all the things I dreamed about...

"Have you practiced the power of light according to that person's instructions recently?" Suldak felt that since he was sitting at the dining table, he should care about everyone.

"Yes." Nika stood up straight and replied respectfully.

This was a habit she developed when she was a maid in Baron Goss's house.

"Is there any new harvest?" Suldak was actually curious about the difference between the light that Nika grasped and his own holy light.

"The proficiency is a bit better, but unfortunately this kind of light beam has no healing power..." Nika said in a low voice.

This is also where Nika is most distressed.

She is reluctant to cast light magic, mainly because it will distance her relationship with Signa.

But since Viscount Suldak asked, she will always demonstrate it. She doesn't even need to recite spells, nor does she need to draw magic lines. She just needs to close her eyes, put her hands together on her chest, and just sit there silently. Standing for a few seconds, a beam of light descended from the roof, making her stand like a spotlight.

Only then will she slowly open her eyes, and those eyes are actually covered with dazzling light. The light balls poured out from her chest, and then as she opened her hands, the light balls turned into a beam of light, along the The windows shoot out.

This beam of light pierced through the pitch-black night, and when it passed over the river, it actually hit a stretched snow-white arm in the river, scaring Nika to quickly stop.

Suddenly, the room returned to its original state...

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